public override bool Execute() { var packageArtifacts = Artifacts.Select(ArtifactInfo.Parse) .OfType <ArtifactInfo.Package>() .Where(p => !p.IsSymbolsArtifact) .ToDictionary(p => p.PackageInfo.Id, p => p, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var factory = new SolutionInfoFactory(Log, BuildEngine5); var props = MSBuildListSplitter.GetNamedProperties(Properties); if (!props.TryGetValue("Configuration", out var defaultConfig)) { defaultConfig = "Debug"; } var solutions = factory.Create(Solutions, props, defaultConfig, _cts.Token).OrderBy(f => f.Directory).ToList(); Log.LogMessage($"Found {solutions.Count} and {solutions.Sum(p => p.Projects.Count)} projects"); if (_cts.IsCancellationRequested) { return(false); } var repoGraph = new AdjacencyMatrix(solutions.Count); var packageToProjectMap = new Dictionary <PackageIdentity, ProjectInfo>(); for (var i = 0; i < solutions.Count; i++) { var sln = repoGraph[i] = solutions[i]; foreach (var proj in sln.Projects) { if (!proj.IsPackable || proj.FullPath.Contains("samples") || proj.FullPath.Contains("tools/Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design")) { continue; } var id = new PackageIdentity(proj.PackageId, new NuGetVersion(proj.PackageVersion)); if (packageToProjectMap.TryGetValue(id, out var otherProj)) { Log.LogError($"Both {proj.FullPath} and {otherProj.FullPath} produce {id}"); continue; } packageToProjectMap.Add(id, proj); } var sharedSrc = Path.Combine(sln.Directory, "shared"); if (Directory.Exists(sharedSrc)) { foreach (var dir in Directory.GetDirectories(sharedSrc, "*.Sources")) { var id = GetDirectoryName(dir); var artifactInfo = packageArtifacts[id]; var sharedSrcProj = new ProjectInfo(dir, Array.Empty <ProjectFrameworkInfo>(), Array.Empty <DotNetCliReferenceInfo>(), true, artifactInfo.PackageInfo.Id, artifactInfo.PackageInfo.Version.ToNormalizedString()); sharedSrcProj.SolutionInfo = sln; var identity = new PackageIdentity(artifactInfo.PackageInfo.Id, artifactInfo.PackageInfo.Version); packageToProjectMap.Add(identity, sharedSrcProj); } } } if (Log.HasLoggedErrors) { return(false); } for (var i = 0; i < solutions.Count; i++) { var src = repoGraph[i]; foreach (var proj in src.Projects) { if (!proj.IsPackable || proj.FullPath.Contains("samples")) { continue; } foreach (var dep in proj.Frameworks.SelectMany(f => f.Dependencies.Values)) { if (packageToProjectMap.TryGetValue(new PackageIdentity(dep.Id, new NuGetVersion(dep.Version)), out var target)) { var j = repoGraph.FindIndex(target.SolutionInfo); repoGraph.SetLink(i, j); } } foreach (var toolDep in proj.Tools) { if (packageToProjectMap.TryGetValue(new PackageIdentity(toolDep.Id, new NuGetVersion(toolDep.Version)), out var target)) { var j = repoGraph.FindIndex(target.SolutionInfo); repoGraph.SetLink(i, j); } } } } var repos = Repositories.ToDictionary(i => i.ItemSpec, i => i, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); for (var i = 0; i < repoGraph.Count; i++) { var src = repoGraph[i]; var repoName = GetDirectoryName(src.Directory); var repo = repos[repoName]; var policy = Enum.Parse <PatchPolicy>(repo.GetMetadata("PatchPolicy")); if ((policy & PatchPolicy.AlwaysUpdate) != 0 && !src.IsPatching) { Log.LogError($"{repoName} is not currently set to patch, but it should because the policy is set to always include this in servicing updates. Update the configuration in submodule.props."); continue; } var srcShouldCascade = (policy & PatchPolicy.CascadeVersions) != 0; for (var j = 0; j < repoGraph.Count; j++) { if (j == i) { continue; } if (repoGraph.HasLink(i, j)) { var target = repoGraph[j]; var targetRepoName = GetDirectoryName(target.Directory); var targetRepo = repos[targetRepoName]; if (srcShouldCascade && !src.IsPatching && target.IsPatching) { Log.LogError($"{repoName} should be patching because it depend on {targetRepoName} and its patch policy is to cascade version changes. Update the configuration in submodule.props."); } } } } return(!Log.HasLoggedErrors); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (Class != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Class.GetHashCode(); } if (Artifacts != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Artifacts.GetHashCode(); } if (DurationInMillis != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + DurationInMillis.GetHashCode(); } if (EstimatedDurationInMillis != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + EstimatedDurationInMillis.GetHashCode(); } if (EnQueueTime != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + EnQueueTime.GetHashCode(); } if (EndTime != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + EndTime.GetHashCode(); } if (Id != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Id.GetHashCode(); } if (Organization != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Organization.GetHashCode(); } if (Pipeline != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Pipeline.GetHashCode(); } if (Result != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Result.GetHashCode(); } if (RunSummary != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + RunSummary.GetHashCode(); } if (StartTime != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + StartTime.GetHashCode(); } if (State != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + State.GetHashCode(); } if (Type != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Type.GetHashCode(); } if (CommitId != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + CommitId.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
public GetAppInstallFilesBlobDialogViewModel() { // Show/Hide Blob ShowHideBlobSectionCommand.Subscribe(_ => { ShowHideBlobSectionButtonLabel.Value = ShowBlobSectionVisibility.Value == Visibility.Collapsed ? ExpandButtonLabel : CollapseButtonLabel; ShowBlobSectionVisibility.Value = ShowBlobSectionVisibility.Value == Visibility.Collapsed ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; }) .AddTo(disposable); // Storage Credential Input StorageConnectionInput = new ReactiveProperty <string>(blobConnectionUseCase.Read <string>("blob_connection_string")); StorageConnectionInput.Subscribe(x => blobConnectionUseCase.Save("blob_connection_string", x)).AddTo(disposable); StorageContainerInput = new ReactiveProperty <string>(blobConnectionUseCase.Read <string>("container")); StorageContainerInput.Subscribe(x => blobConnectionUseCase.Save("container", x)).AddTo(disposable); // Copy Button CopyButtonContent = new ReactiveProperty <string>("Copy SasUrl"); CopyButtonEnabled = ArtifactUrl.Select(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToReactiveProperty(); OnClickCopyCommand = CopyButtonEnabled.ToReactiveCommand(); OnClickCopyCommand .Do(_ => blobSasUrlUseCase.CopySasUrl(ArtifactUrl.Value, StorageConnectionInput.Value, StorageContainerInput.Value, SelectedArtifact.Value.Name)) .SelectMany(x => TemporaryDisableCopyButtonAsObservable(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), "Copy SasUrl")) .Subscribe() .AddTo(disposable); // Download Button blobArtifactUsecase.DownloadStatus.Subscribe(x => DownloadStatus.Value = x).AddTo(disposable); OnClickDownloadCommand = CopyButtonEnabled.ToAsyncReactiveCommand(); OnClickDownloadCommand .Subscribe(async _ => await blobArtifactUsecase.DownloadHoloLensPackagesAsync(StorageConnectionInput.Value, StorageContainerInput.Value, SelectedArtifact.Value.Name, SelectedArtifact.Value.Size, SelectedArtifact.Value.FileName)) .AddTo(disposable); // OpenFolder Button OnClickOpenDownloadFolderCommand.Subscribe(_ => blobArtifactUsecase.OpenFolderAsync()).AddTo(disposable); OnClickOpenDownloadBlobFolderCommand.Subscribe(_ => blobArtifactUsecase.OpenDownloadFolderAsync()).AddTo(disposable); // Initialize by obtain artifact informations blobArtifactUsecase.Artifacts .Where(x => x != null) .Do(x => { Projects.Add(x); BlobResult.Value = $"Found {Projects.Count} projects."; }) .Subscribe() .AddTo(disposable); blobArtifactUsecase.RequestFailedMessage .Do(x => BlobResult.Value = x) .Subscribe() .AddTo(disposable); // Blob Download ComboBoxEnabled = Projects.CollectionChangedAsObservable().Any().ToReactiveProperty(); IsEnableCheckBlobButton = StorageConnectionInput .CombineLatest(StorageContainerInput, (r, l) => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(l)) .ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty(); OnClickCheckBlobCommand = IsEnableCheckBlobButton.ToAsyncReactiveCommand(); OnClickCheckBlobCommand.Subscribe(async _ => { var task = blobArtifactUsecase.RequestHoloLensPackagesAsync(StorageConnectionInput.Value, StorageContainerInput.Value); IsBlobChecking.Value = true; Projects.Clear(); Branches?.Clear(); Artifacts?.Clear(); BlobResult.Value = "Trying obtain project infomations."; await task; IsBlobChecking.Value = false; }) .AddTo(disposable); OnClickCancelBlobCommand = IsBlobChecking.Select(x => x).ToReactiveCommand(); OnClickCancelBlobCommand .Do(_ => Projects.Clear()) .Subscribe(_ => blobArtifactUsecase.CancelRequest()) .AddTo(disposable); // Update Collection with Clear existing collection when selected. Branches = SelectedProject.Where(x => x != null) .Do(_ => Branches?.Clear()) .Do(_ => Artifacts?.Clear()) .SelectMany(x => blobArtifactUsecase.GetArtifactCache(x.Project)) .ToReactiveCollection(); Artifacts = SelectedBranch.Where(x => x != null) .Do(x => Artifacts?.Clear()) .SelectMany(x => blobArtifactUsecase.GetArtifactCache(SelectedProject.Value?.Project, x.Branch)) .ToReactiveCollection(); SelectedArtifact .Where(x => x != null) .Do(x => { ArtifactName.Value = x.Name; ArtifactCaption.Value = $"(Size: {x.Size}, MD5: {x.MD5}, LeaseState: {x.LeaseState})"; ArtifactUrl.Value = x.Uri.AbsoluteUri; }) .ToReactiveProperty(); }
protected void AddVersionInformation(TextWriter writer, AbstractWrapper wrapper) { AddSectionHeader(writer, "Version Information"); var docs35 = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("net35"), wrapper); var docs45 = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("net45"), wrapper); var docsCore13 = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("netstandard1.3"), wrapper); var docsCore20 = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("netstandard2.0"), wrapper); var docsNetCoreApp31 = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("netcoreapp3.1"), wrapper); // If there is no documentation then assume it is available for all platforms. var boolNoDocs = docs35 == null && docs45 == null && docsCore13 == null && docsCore20 == null && docsNetCoreApp31 == null; // .NET Core App var netCoreAppVersions = new List <string>(); if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docsNetCoreApp31 != null)) { netCoreAppVersions.Add("3.1"); } if (netCoreAppVersions.Count > 0) { writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>.NET Core App: </strong><br/>Supported in: {0}<br/>", string.Join(", ", netCoreAppVersions)); } // .NET Standard var netstandardVersions = new List <string>(); if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docsCore20 != null)) { netstandardVersions.Add("2.0"); } if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docsCore13 != null)) { netstandardVersions.Add("1.3"); } if (netstandardVersions.Count > 0) { writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>.NET Standard: </strong><br/>Supported in: {0}<br/>", string.Join(", ", netstandardVersions)); } // .NET Framework var netframeworkVersions = new List <string>(); if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docs45 != null)) { netframeworkVersions.Add("4.5"); } if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docs35 != null)) { netframeworkVersions.Add("4.0"); netframeworkVersions.Add("3.5"); } if (netframeworkVersions.Count > 0) { writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>.NET Framework: </strong><br/>Supported in: {0}<br/>", string.Join(", ", netframeworkVersions)); } AddSectionClosing(writer); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if PipelineRun instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of PipelineRun to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(PipelineRun other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Class == other.Class || Class != null && Class.Equals(other.Class) ) && ( Artifacts == other.Artifacts || Artifacts != null && Artifacts.SequenceEqual(other.Artifacts) ) && ( DurationInMillis == other.DurationInMillis || DurationInMillis != null && DurationInMillis.Equals(other.DurationInMillis) ) && ( EstimatedDurationInMillis == other.EstimatedDurationInMillis || EstimatedDurationInMillis != null && EstimatedDurationInMillis.Equals(other.EstimatedDurationInMillis) ) && ( EnQueueTime == other.EnQueueTime || EnQueueTime != null && EnQueueTime.Equals(other.EnQueueTime) ) && ( EndTime == other.EndTime || EndTime != null && EndTime.Equals(other.EndTime) ) && ( Id == other.Id || Id != null && Id.Equals(other.Id) ) && ( Organization == other.Organization || Organization != null && Organization.Equals(other.Organization) ) && ( Pipeline == other.Pipeline || Pipeline != null && Pipeline.Equals(other.Pipeline) ) && ( Result == other.Result || Result != null && Result.Equals(other.Result) ) && ( RunSummary == other.RunSummary || RunSummary != null && RunSummary.Equals(other.RunSummary) ) && ( StartTime == other.StartTime || StartTime != null && StartTime.Equals(other.StartTime) ) && ( State == other.State || State != null && State.Equals(other.State) ) && ( Type == other.Type || Type != null && Type.Equals(other.Type) ) && ( CommitId == other.CommitId || CommitId != null && CommitId.Equals(other.CommitId) )); }
public void Load(RefreshType refreshType, HashSet <Severity> severities) { DataService dataService = DataService.Instance; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedKey"); try { String solutionDir = GetSolutionDir(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(solutionDir)) { return; } XrayVersion xrayVersion = HttpUtils.GetVersion(); if (!XrayUtil.IsXrayVersionCompatible(xrayVersion.xray_version)) { String errorMessage = "ERROR: Unsupported Xray version: " + xrayVersion.xray_version + ", version " + XrayUtil.MIN_XRAY_VERSION + " or above required."; OutputLog.ShowMessage(errorMessage); return; } // Steps to run: // Trigger CLI to collect json info to a file // Read the info // Send dependencies to Xray // Get response and build the dependencies tree // Running CLI - this is the returned output. String returnedText = Util.GetCLIOutput(solutionDir); // Load projects from output Projects projects = Util.LosdNugetProjects(returnedText); if (projects.projects == null || projects.projects.Length == 0) { OutputLog.ShowMessage("No projects were found."); return; } List <Components> components = new List <Components>(); Artifacts artifacts = null; switch (refreshType) { case RefreshType.Hard: { // Get information for all dependencies. Ignore the cache artifacts = dataService.RefreshArtifacts(true, projects); break; } case RefreshType.Soft: { // Get information only for the delta. Means only new dependencies will be added. artifacts = dataService.RefreshArtifacts(false, projects); break; } } dataService.Severities = severities; dataService.populateRootElements(projects); this.Artifacts = new ObservableCollection <ArtifactViewModel>(); foreach (string key in dataService.RootElements) { Artifacts.Add(new ArtifactViewModel(key)); } } catch (IOException ioe) { dataService.ClearAllComponents(); OutputLog.ShowMessage(ioe.Message); OutputLog.ShowMessage(ioe.StackTrace); } catch (HttpRequestException he) { dataService.ClearAllComponents(); OutputLog.ShowMessage(he.Message); OutputLog.ShowMessage(he.StackTrace); } }
public MethodWriter(GenerationManifest artifacts, FrameworkVersion version, MethodInfoWrapper methodInfo) : base(artifacts, version, methodInfo) { this._methodInfo = methodInfo; // true when this is an Async method and the unity version is present this._unityVersionOfAsyncExists = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentationUnityAsync(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("unity"), methodInfo) != null; // refer to asynchronous versions if the synchronous version doesn't exist but the async version does this._referAsyncAlternativeUnity = (NDocUtilities.FindDocumentationUnityAsyncAlternative(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("unity"), methodInfo) != null) && (Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("unity") != null) && (NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("unity"), methodInfo) == null); this._referAsyncAlternativePCL = (NDocUtilities.FindDocumentationPCLAsyncAlternative(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("pcl"), methodInfo) != null) && (Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("pcl") != null) && (NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("pcl"), methodInfo) == null); }
public override void Write(CustomFileWriter writer) { using (writer.WriteBlock("image:")) { Images.ForEach(x => writer.WriteLine($"- {x.GetValue()}")); writer.WriteLine(); } if (Services.Length > 0) { using (writer.WriteBlock("services:")) { Services.ForEach(x => writer.WriteLine($"- {x.GetValue().ToLowerInvariant()}")); writer.WriteLine(); } } if (Branches != null) { using (writer.WriteBlock("branches:")) { Branches.Write(writer); writer.WriteLine(); } } if (SkipTags || SkipBranchesWithPullRequest || OnlyCommitsMessage != null || OnlyCommitsAuthor != null || SkipCommitsMessage != null || SkipCommitsAuthor != null) { if (SkipTags) { writer.WriteLine("skip_tags: true"); } if (SkipBranchesWithPullRequest) { writer.WriteLine("skip_branch_with_pr: true"); } if (OnlyCommitsMessage != null || OnlyCommitsAuthor != null) { using (writer.WriteBlock("only_commits:")) { if (OnlyCommitsMessage != null) { writer.WriteLine($"message: {OnlyCommitsMessage}"); } if (OnlyCommitsAuthor != null) { writer.WriteLine($"author: {OnlyCommitsAuthor}"); } } } if (SkipCommitsMessage != null || SkipCommitsAuthor != null) { using (writer.WriteBlock("skip_commits:")) { if (SkipCommitsMessage != null) { writer.WriteLine($"message: {SkipCommitsMessage}"); } if (SkipCommitsAuthor != null) { writer.WriteLine($"author: {SkipCommitsAuthor}"); } } } writer.WriteLine(); } if (Init.Length > 0) { using (writer.WriteBlock("init:")) { Init.ForEach(x => writer.WriteLine($"- {x}")); writer.WriteLine(); } } using (writer.WriteBlock("build_script:")) { writer.WriteLine($@"- cmd: .\{BuildCmdPath} {InvokedTargets.JoinSpace()}"); writer.WriteLine($@"- sh: ./{BuildCmdPath} {InvokedTargets.JoinSpace()}"); writer.WriteLine(); } if (Cache.Length > 0) { using (writer.WriteBlock("cache:")) { Cache.ForEach(x => writer.WriteLine($"- {x}")); } } if (Artifacts.Length > 0) { using (writer.WriteBlock("artifacts:")) { Artifacts.ForEach(x => writer.WriteLine($"- path: {x}")); } } }
public static IEnumerable <object[]> GetTestArgumentProcessingTestCases() { // Current method return 'test case' information that contains two arguments for TestArgumentProcessing method: // literal to parse and factory method that will return an argument. // This factory can't return Argument instance because to create an instance FrontEndContextCore is required. // But front end context is test-specific and belong to the current instance. // // Scalar + primitive value test cases // yield return(TestCase( @"export const x = {name: ""foo"", value: 42};", (context) => Cmd.Option("foo", 42))); yield return(TestCase( @"export const x = {name: ""foo"", value: ""42""};", (context) => Cmd.Option("foo", "42"))); yield return(TestCase( @"export const x = {name: undefined, value: ""42""};", (context) => Cmd.Option(null, "42"))); yield return(TestCase( @"export const x = {value: ""42""};", (context) => Cmd.Argument("42"))); // // Scalar + FileArtifact test cases // yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArtifactKind(String.Format(@"export const x = {{name: ""scalar1"", value: {{kind: ArtifactKind.output, path: p`{0}foo.cs`}}}};", m_testAbsolutePath)), (context) => Cmd.Option("scalar1", Artifacts.Output(CreateAbsolutePath(context, String.Format("{0}foo.cs", m_testAbsolutePath)))))); yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArtifactKind(String.Format(@"export const x = {{name: ""scalar2"", value: {{kind: ArtifactKind.input, path: p`{0}foo`}}}};", m_testAbsolutePath)), (context) => Cmd.Option("scalar2", Artifacts.Input(CreateAbsolutePath(context, String.Format("{0}foo", m_testAbsolutePath)))))); // // PrimitiveArgument test cases // yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArgumentKind(@"export const x = {name: ""prim1"", value: {kind: ArgumentKind.rawText, value: ""text""}};"), (context) => Cmd.RawText("prim1", "text"))); yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArgumentKind(@"export const x = {name: ""prim2"", value: {kind: ArgumentKind.regular, value: 42}};"), (context) => Cmd.RegularOption("prim2", 42))); yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArgumentKind(@"export const x = {name: undefined, value: {kind: ArgumentKind.startUsingResponseFile, value: undefined}};"), (context) => Cmd.StartUsingResponseFile())); yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArgumentKind(@"export const x = {name: ""@"", value: {kind: ArgumentKind.startUsingResponseFile, value: ""true""}};"), (context) => Cmd.StartUsingResponseFile("@", true))); yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArgumentKind(@"export const x = {name: ""prim4"", value: {kind: ArgumentKind.flag, value: undefined}};"), (context) => Cmd.Flag("prim4"))); // // ScalarArgument[] test cases // yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArgumentKind(@"export const x = {name: ""array1"", value: [42, ""42"", {kind: ArgumentKind.regular, value: 42}]};"), (context) => Cmd.Options( "array1", ArgumentValue.FromNumber(42), ArgumentValue.FromString("42"), ArgumentValue.FromPrimitive(ArgumentKind.Regular, new PrimitiveValue(42))))); yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArtifactKind(String.Format(@"export const x = {{name: ""array2"", value: [{{kind: ArtifactKind.output, path: p`{0}foo.cs`}}]}};", m_testAbsolutePath)), (context) => Cmd.Options( "array2", Artifacts.Output(CreateAbsolutePath(context, String.Format("{0}foo.cs", m_testAbsolutePath)))))); // // ListArgument test cases // yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArgumentKind(@"export const x = {name: ""list2"", value: {separator: "","", values: []}};"), (context) => Cmd.Option("list2", Cmd.Join(",", new ArgumentValue[0])))); yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArgumentKind(@"export const x = {name: ""list3"", value: {separator: "","", values: [1, 2, ""42""]}};"), (context) => Cmd.Option( "list3", Cmd.Join( ",", new[] { ArgumentValue.FromNumber(1), ArgumentValue.FromNumber(2), ArgumentValue.FromString("42") })))); yield return(TestCase( WrapWithArtifactKindAndArgumentKind( String.Format(@"export const x = {{name: ""list4"", value: {{separator: "","", values: [1, {{kind: ArtifactKind.output, path: p`{0}foo.cs`}}]}}}};", m_testAbsolutePath)), (context) => Cmd.Option( "list4", Cmd.Join( ",", new[] { ArgumentValue.FromNumber(1), ArgumentValue.FromAbsolutePath(ArtifactKind.Output, CreateAbsolutePath(context, String.Format("{0}foo.cs", m_testAbsolutePath))) })))); }
public override void Compute() { Workspace.Store("Artifacts", Artifacts.ImportDirectory(_config.Directory.Absolute, _config.Filter)); }
public static IEnumerable <object[]> GetTestApiArgumentTestCases() { // // Cmd.flag + Cmd.sign // yield return(TestCase( @"export const x = Cmd.flag(""/nologo"", true);", (context) => Cmd.Flag("/nologo"))); yield return(TestCase( @"export const x = Cmd.option(""/timeout"", 42);", (context) => Cmd.Option("/timeout", 42))); yield return(TestCase( @"export const x = Cmd.sign(""/unsafe"", true);", (context) => Cmd.Option("/unsafe", "+"))); yield return(TestCase( @"export const x = Cmd.sign(""/unsafe"", false);", (context) => Cmd.Option("/unsafe", "-"))); yield return(TestCase( @"export const x = Cmd.sign(""/unsafe"", undefined);", (context) => Cmd.Undefined())); yield return(TestCase( @"export const x = Cmd.sign(""/enableNoPlus"", true, true);", (context) => Cmd.Flag("/enableNoPlus"))); yield return(TestCase( @"export const x = Cmd.sign(""/enableNoPlus"", false, true);", (context) => Cmd.Option("/enableNoPlus", "-"))); // // Cmd.option with files // yield return(TestCase( String.Format(@"export const x = Cmd.option(""/out"", Artifact.output(p`{0}foo.txt`));", m_testAbsolutePath), (context) => Cmd.Option("/out", Artifacts.Output(CreateAbsolutePath(context, String.Format("{0}foo.txt", m_testAbsolutePath)))))); yield return(TestCase( String.Format(@"export const x = Cmd.option(""/input"", Artifact.input(p`{0}foo.txt`));", m_testAbsolutePath), (context) => Cmd.Option("/input", Artifacts.Input(CreateAbsolutePath(context, String.Format("{0}foo.txt", m_testAbsolutePath)))))); yield return(TestCase( String.Format(@"export const x = Cmd.option(""/outFolder"", Artifact.output(p`{0}foo`));", m_testAbsolutePath), (context) => Cmd.Option("/outFolder", Artifacts.Output(CreateAbsolutePath(context, String.Format("{0}foo", m_testAbsolutePath)))))); yield return(TestCase( String.Format(@"export const x = Cmd.option(""/rewrite"", Artifact.rewritten(f`{0}foo.txt`, p`{0}boo.txt`));", m_testAbsolutePath), (context) => Cmd.Option("/rewrite", Artifacts.Rewritten( CreateFile(context, String.Format("{0}foo.txt", m_testAbsolutePath)), CreateAbsolutePath(context, String.Format("{0}boo.txt", m_testAbsolutePath)))))); yield return(TestCase( String.Format(@"export const x = Cmd.option(""/rewrite"", Artifact.rewritten(f`{0}foo.txt`));", m_testAbsolutePath), (context) => Cmd.Option("/rewrite", Artifacts.InPlaceRewritten(CreateFile(context, String.Format("{0}foo.txt", m_testAbsolutePath)))))); // // Cmd.options // yield return(TestCase( String.Format(@"export const x = Cmd.options(""/crazy"", [Artifact.output(p`{0}foo.txt`), Artifact.input(p`{0}boo.txt`)]);", m_testAbsolutePath), (context) => Cmd.Options("/crazy", Artifacts.Output(CreateAbsolutePath(context, String.Format("{0}foo.txt", m_testAbsolutePath))), Artifacts.Input(CreateAbsolutePath(context, String.Format("{0}boo.txt", m_testAbsolutePath)))))); }
public XElement ToXml() => new XElement( "Build", Identity.ToXmlAttributes(), Artifacts.ToXml(), SigningInformation?.ToXml());
public static void Fill(LockableContainer cont, int level) { cont.Movable = false; cont.Locked = true; int numberItems; if (level == 0) { cont.LockLevel = 0; // Can't be unlocked cont.DropItem(new Gold(Utility.RandomMinMax(50, 100))); if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.75) { cont.DropItem(new TreasureMap(0, Map.Trammel)); } } else { cont.TrapType = TrapType.ExplosionTrap; cont.TrapPower = level * 25; cont.TrapLevel = level; cont.RequiredSkill = level switch { 1 => 36, 2 => 76, 3 => 84, 4 => 92, 5 => 100, 6 => 100, _ => cont.RequiredSkill }; cont.LockLevel = cont.RequiredSkill - 10; cont.MaxLockLevel = cont.RequiredSkill + 40; // Publish 67 gold change // if (Core.SA) // cont.DropItem( new Gold( level * 5000 ) ); // else cont.DropItem(new Gold(level * 1000)); for (var i = 0; i < level * 5; ++i) { cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(0, 63, SpellbookType.Regular)); } if (Core.SE) { numberItems = level switch { 1 => 5, 2 => 10, 3 => 15, 4 => 38, 5 => 50, 6 => 60, _ => 0 }; } else { numberItems = level * 6; } for (var i = 0; i < numberItems; ++i) { Item item; if (Core.AOS) { item = Loot.RandomArmorOrShieldOrWeaponOrJewelry(); } else { item = Loot.RandomArmorOrShieldOrWeapon(); } if (item is BaseWeapon weapon) { if (Core.AOS) { GetRandomAOSStats(out var attributeCount, out var min, out var max); BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(weapon, attributeCount, min, max); } else { weapon.DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)Utility.Random(6); weapon.AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)Utility.Random(6); weapon.DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)Utility.Random(6); } cont.DropItem(weapon); } else if (item is BaseArmor armor) { if (Core.AOS) { GetRandomAOSStats(out var attributeCount, out var min, out var max); BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(armor, attributeCount, min, max); } else { armor.ProtectionLevel = (ArmorProtectionLevel)Utility.Random(6); armor.Durability = (ArmorDurabilityLevel)Utility.Random(6); } cont.DropItem(armor); } else if (item is BaseHat hat) { if (Core.AOS) { GetRandomAOSStats(out var attributeCount, out var min, out var max); BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(hat, attributeCount, min, max); } cont.DropItem(hat); } else if (item is BaseJewel jewel) { GetRandomAOSStats(out var attributeCount, out var min, out var max); BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(jewel, attributeCount, min, max); cont.DropItem(jewel); } } } int reagents; if (level == 0) { reagents = 12; } else { reagents = level * 3; } for (var i = 0; i < reagents; i++) { var item = Loot.RandomPossibleReagent(); item.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(40, 60); cont.DropItem(item); } int gems; if (level == 0) { gems = 2; } else { gems = level * 3; } for (var i = 0; i < gems; i++) { var item = Loot.RandomGem(); cont.DropItem(item); } if (level == 6 && Core.AOS) { cont.DropItem(Artifacts.RandomElement().CreateInstance <Item>()); } }
public void RandomParty() { Party.Clear(); Artifacts.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { switch (Dice.Roll(1, 6)) { case 1: Party.Add(SlayerRecruit.Wizard()); break; case 2: Party.Add(SlayerRecruit.Warrior()); break; case 3: Party.Add(SlayerRecruit.Archer()); break; case 4: Party.Add(SlayerRecruit.MenAtArms()); Party.Add(SlayerRecruit.MenAtArms()); break; case 5: Artifacts.Add(SlayerArtifact.RandomArtifact()); break; case 6: if (!Party.Any(_ => _.Type == ERecruitType.MenAtArms)) { Party.Add(SlayerRecruit.MenAtArms()); Party.Add(SlayerRecruit.MenAtArms()); } else if (!Party.Any(_ => _.Type == ERecruitType.Warrior)) { Party.Add(SlayerRecruit.Warrior()); } else { switch (Dice.Roll(1, 3)) { case 1: Party.Add(SlayerRecruit.Wizard()); break; case 2: Party.Add(SlayerRecruit.Archer()); break; default: Artifacts.Add(SlayerArtifact.RandomArtifact()); break; } } break; } } }
public IActionResult HiPaySuccess(string code) { try { HttpResponseMessage resultHttp; using (var http = new HttpClient()) { var formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("site_id", "338486"), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("product_id", "1486845"), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("code[]", code) }); resultHttp = http.PostAsync(@"", formContent).Result; } // Read XML ExtendedXmlSerializer serializer = new ExtendedXmlSerializer(); HIPAYRETURN dataAPI = serializer.Deserialize <HIPAYRETURN>(resultHttp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); if (dataAPI.status == "0" && dataAPI.status_description == "success") { using (var context = new SiteDbContext()) { double doublePrice = -1.0; double.TryParse(dataAPI.price, out doublePrice); if (doublePrice == -1.0) { doublePrice = 0.0; } // Add Deal Deals_statistics stats = new Deals_statistics() { UserId = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier), Code = code + "(" + dataAPI.transaction_id + ")", Date = DateTime.Now, Price = doublePrice, Nb_Artifacts = 16, PaymentType = "HiPay Mobile" }; context.Deals_statistics.Add(stats); //Add Artifact Artifacts artifact = context.Artifacts .Where(r => r.UserId == User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)) .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault(); artifact.Number += (int)16; context.Update(artifact); context.SaveChanges(); } TempData["success"] = "Your payment has been successfully completed! You have received your artefacts."; } else { TempData["error"] = "Code can already be used or invalid. If the problem contact the support."; } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ShopController.Finished), "Shop")); } catch { TempData["error"] = "Error during payment, code can already be used. If the problem contact the support."; return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ShopController.Finished), "Shop")); } }
protected void AddVersionInformation(TextWriter writer, AbstractWrapper wrapper) { AddSectionHeader(writer, "Version Information"); var docs35 = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("net35"), wrapper); var docs45 = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("net45"), wrapper); var docsCore13 = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("netstandard1.3"), wrapper); var docsCore20 = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("netstandard2.0"), wrapper); var docsPCL = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("pcl"), wrapper); var docsUnity = NDocUtilities.FindDocumentation(Artifacts.NDocForPlatform("unity"), wrapper); // If there is no documentation then assume it is available for all platforms, excluding Unity. var boolNoDocs = docs35 == null && docs45 == null && docsCore13 == null && docsCore20 == null && docsPCL == null && docsUnity == null; // .NET core Framework StringBuilder sbNETStandard = new StringBuilder(); if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docsCore20 != null)) { sbNETStandard.Append("2.0"); } if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docsCore13 != null)) { if (sbNETStandard.Length > 0) { sbNETStandard.Append(", "); } sbNETStandard.Append("1.3"); } if (sbNETStandard.Length > 0) { writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>.NET Standard: </strong><br/>Supported in: {0}<br/>", sbNETStandard.ToString()); } // .NET Framework StringBuilder sbFramework = new StringBuilder(); if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docs45 != null)) { sbFramework.Append("4.5"); } if (boolNoDocs || (wrapper != null && docs35 != null)) { if (sbFramework.Length > 0) { sbFramework.Append(", "); } sbFramework.Append("4.0, 3.5"); } if (sbFramework.Length > 0) { writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>.NET Framework: </strong><br/>Supported in: {0}<br/>", sbFramework.ToString()); } if (boolNoDocs || docsPCL != null || _referAsyncAlternativePCL) { writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>Portable Class Library: </strong><br/>"); writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Windows Store Apps<br/>"); writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Xamarin Android<br/>"); writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Xamarin iOS (Unified)<br/>"); writer.WriteLine("Supported in: Xamarin.Forms<br/>"); } if (docsUnity != null || _unityVersionOfAsyncExists || _referAsyncAlternativeUnity) { writer.WriteLine("<p><strong>Unity: </strong><br/>"); writer.WriteLine("Supported Versions: 4.6 and above<br/>"); writer.WriteLine("Supported Platforms: Android, iOS, Standalone<br/>"); } AddSectionClosing(writer); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PaidWithCard(StripeChargeForm model) { try { var userId = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); ApplicationUser user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId); // Get Price ArtifactsPrices price; using (var context = new SiteDbContext()) { price = context.ArtifactsPrices .Where(r => r.Id == model.DealsId) .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault(); } if (price == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Price error"); } // Create or Get Customers string stripeId = user.StripeId; if (stripeId == null) { var newCustomer = new StripeCustomerCreateOptions(); newCustomer.Email = user.Email; newCustomer.Description = $"{model.Name} ({user.UserName})"; newCustomer.SourceToken = model.Token; var customerService = new StripeCustomerService(); StripeCustomer stripeCustomer = customerService.Create(newCustomer); stripeId = stripeCustomer.Id; // Update User user.StripeId = stripeId; await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user); } // Charge var myCharge = new StripeChargeCreateOptions(); myCharge.Amount = (int)(price.Price * 100); myCharge.Currency = "eur"; myCharge.Description = "Le mythe des montagnes - Shop(Id: " + price.Id + ")"; myCharge.CustomerId = stripeId; var chargeService = new StripeChargeService(); StripeCharge stripeCharge = chargeService.Create(myCharge); // Verify if (stripeCharge.Status == "succeeded") { using (var context = new SiteDbContext()) { // Add Deal Deals_statistics stats = new Deals_statistics() { UserId = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier), Date = DateTime.Now, Price = (double)price.Price, Nb_Artifacts = price.Artifacts, PaymentType = "Stripe", }; context.Deals_statistics.Add(stats); //Add Artifact Artifacts artifact = context.Artifacts .Where(r => r.UserId == User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)) .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault(); artifact.Number += (int)price.Artifacts; context.Update(artifact); context.SaveChanges(); } // Set message TempData["success"] = "Your payment has been successfully completed! You have received your artefacts."; } else { TempData["error"] = "Error during payment, check your card code. If the problem persists contact the support."; } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ShopController.Finished), "Shop")); } catch { TempData["error"] = "Error during payment, check your card code. If the problem persists contact the support."; return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ShopController.Finished), "Shop")); } }
void Start() { displayItem = GetComponent <DisplayItem>(); artifacts = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip").GetComponent <Artifacts>(); playerScript = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip").GetComponent <PlayerScript>(); }
// POST: AjaxRedeemGift public IActionResult AjaxRedeemGift(string id) { try { string jsonString = "["; using (var context = new SiteDbContext()) { var now = DateTime.Now; Gifts gift = context.Gifts .Where(r => r.Code.Replace("-", "") == id && r.Active == true) .Select(r => r).SingleOrDefault(); if (gift == null) { throw new InvalidCastException("Your code is incorrect or has already been used."); } if (!(now >= gift.Start && now <= gift.End)) { throw new InvalidCastException("Your code has expired or is not active yet."); } if (!gift.SinglePerAccount) { gift.Active = false; } // SinglePerAccount if (gift.SinglePerAccount) { var AccountAlreadyUseIt = context.Deals_statistics .Where(r => r.UserId == User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier) && r.Code.Replace("-", "") == id) .Count(); if (AccountAlreadyUseIt > 0) { throw new InvalidCastException("The code already used by your account."); } } Deals_statistics stats = new Deals_statistics() { UserId = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier), Date = DateTime.Now, Code = gift.Code, Price = 0, Nb_Artifacts = (int)gift.Artifacts, PaymentType = "Gift Code", }; context.Deals_statistics.Add(stats); if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "fr") { jsonString += "{ \"Success\" : \"true\",\"Title\" : \"Bravo\",\"Msg\" : \"Vous venez de valider votre code cadeau, les bonus ont été ajoutés à votre compte !\" }"; } else { jsonString += "{ \"Success\" : \"true\",\"Title\" : \"Bravo\",\"Msg\" : \"You just validate your gift code, the bonuses have been added to your account !\" }"; } // Artifacts if (gift.Artifacts != null) { if (gift.Artifacts > 0) { Artifacts artifact = context.Artifacts .Where(r => r.UserId == User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)) .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault(); artifact.Number += (int)gift.Artifacts; context.Update(artifact); if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "fr") { jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"Artefacts\", \"Text\":\"Vous obtenez " + gift.Artifacts + " artefats.\", \"Img\":\"/images/Game/artifact.svg\"}"; } else { jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"Artifacts\", \"Text\":\"You obtain " + gift.Artifacts + " artifacts.\", \"Img\":\"/images/Game/artifact.svg\"}"; } } } // Xp if (gift.Experiences != null) { if (gift.Experiences > 0) { Characters player = context.Characters .Where(r => r.UserId == User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)) .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault(); player.Xp += (int)gift.Experiences; context.Update(player); if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "fr") { jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"Expérience\", \"Text\":\"Vous obtenez " + gift.Experiences + " d'expériences\", \"Img\":\"/images/Game/gold.svg\"}"; } else { jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"Experience\", \"Text\":\"You obtain " + gift.Experiences + " experiences.\", \"Img\":\"/images/Game/gold.svg\"}"; } } } // Items if (gift.Items != null) { IList <string> items = gift.Items.Split(',').ToList(); foreach (string item in items) { var itemExist = context.Items .Where(r => r.Id == Int32.Parse(item)) .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault(); if (itemExist != null) { Inventory inventory = new Inventory() { UserId = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier), ItemId = Int32.Parse(item) }; if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "fr") { jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"" + itemExist.TitleFr + "\", \"Text\":\"Vous trouverez l'objet dans votre inventaire.\", \"Img\":\"/uploads/game/cards/items/" + itemExist.Id + ".fr.svg\"}"; } else { jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"" + itemExist.TitleEn + "\", \"Text\":\"You will find the item in your inventory.\", \"Img\":\"/uploads/game/cards/items/" + itemExist.Id + ".en.svg\"}"; } context.Add(inventory); } } } context.Update(gift); context.SaveChanges(); } jsonString += "]"; return(Json(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonString))); } catch (InvalidCastException e) { string jsonString = "[{ \"Success\" : \"false\",\"Title\" : \"Error\",\"Msg\" : \"" + e.Message + "\" }]"; if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "fr") { if (e.Message == "Your code has expired or is not active yet.") { jsonString = "[{ \"Success\" : \"false\",\"Title\" : \"Erreur\",\"Msg\" : \"Votre code a expiré ou n'est pas encore actif.\" }]"; } else if (e.Message == "Your code is incorrect or has already been used.") { jsonString = "[{ \"Success\" : \"false\",\"Title\" : \"Erreur\",\"Msg\" : \"Votre code est incorrect ou a déjà été utilisé.\" }]"; } else if (e.Message == "The code already used by your account.") { jsonString = "[{ \"Success\" : \"false\",\"Title\" : \"Erreur\",\"Msg\" : \"Le code à déjà utilisé par votre compte.\" }]"; } } return(Json(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonString))); } }
private void AssertFileDownloadedToCorrectPath(List<string> downloadedFiles, string destinationFolder, Artifacts artifacts) { downloadedFiles.Count.Should().Be(artifacts.Files.Count, "unexpected number of files downloadeded"); downloadedFiles[0].Should().Be(Path.Combine(destinationFolder, _artifactFileName)); }
/// <summary>Concatenates the results.</summary> /// <returns>The result.</returns> public string Concatenate() { return(ConversionUtilities.TrimWhiteSpaces(string.Join("\n\n", Artifacts.Select(p => p.Code)))); }