        SoftBody CreateFromIndexedMesh(Vector3Array vertexArray, IntArray triangleVertexIndexArray, bool createBendLinks)
            SoftBody softBody           = new SoftBody(SoftWorld.WorldInfo, vertexArray, null);
            Material structuralMaterial = softBody.AppendMaterial();
            Material bendMaterial;

            if (createBendLinks)
                bendMaterial     = softBody.AppendMaterial();
                bendMaterial.Lst = 0.7f;
                bendMaterial = null;
            structuralMaterial.Lst = 1.0f;

            int numVertices  = vertexArray.Count;
            int numTriangles = triangleVertexIndexArray.Count / 3;

            // List of values for each link saying which triangle is associated with that link
            // -1 to start. Once a value is entered we know the "other" triangle
            // and can add a link across the link
            AlignedIntArray triangleForLinks = new AlignedIntArray();

            triangleForLinks.Resize(numVertices * numVertices, -1);

            for (int triangle = 0; triangle < numTriangles; ++triangle)
                int[] index = new int[] { triangleVertexIndexArray[triangle * 3], triangleVertexIndexArray[triangle * 3 + 1], triangleVertexIndexArray[triangle * 3 + 2] };
                softBody.AppendFace(index[0], index[1], index[2]);

                // Generate the structural links directly from the triangles
                TestAndAddLink(triangleForLinks, softBody, triangle, triangleVertexIndexArray, numVertices, index[0], index[1], index[2], structuralMaterial, createBendLinks, bendMaterial);
                TestAndAddLink(triangleForLinks, softBody, triangle, triangleVertexIndexArray, numVertices, index[1], index[2], index[0], structuralMaterial, createBendLinks, bendMaterial);
                TestAndAddLink(triangleForLinks, softBody, triangle, triangleVertexIndexArray, numVertices, index[2], index[0], index[1], structuralMaterial, createBendLinks, bendMaterial);

        // Helper to test and add links correctly.
        // Records links that have already been generated
        static bool TestAndAddLink(AlignedIntArray trianglesForLinks, SoftBody softBody, int triangle, IntArray triangleVertexIndexArray, int numVertices, int vertex0, int vertex1, int nonLinkVertex, Material structuralMaterial, bool createBendLinks, Material bendMaterial)
            if (trianglesForLinks[numVertices * vertex0 + vertex1] >= 0 && createBendLinks)
                // Already have link so find other triangle and generate cross link

                int   otherTriangle = trianglesForLinks[numVertices * vertex0 + vertex1];
                int[] otherIndices  = new int[] { triangleVertexIndexArray[otherTriangle * 3], triangleVertexIndexArray[otherTriangle * 3 + 1], triangleVertexIndexArray[otherTriangle * 3 + 2] };

                int nodeA = 0;
                // Test all links of the other triangle against this link. The one that's not part of it is what we want.
                if (otherIndices[0] != vertex0 && otherIndices[0] != vertex1)
                    nodeA = otherIndices[0];
                if (otherIndices[1] != vertex0 && otherIndices[1] != vertex1)
                    nodeA = otherIndices[1];
                if (otherIndices[2] != vertex0 && otherIndices[2] != vertex1)
                    nodeA = otherIndices[2];

                softBody.AppendLink(nodeA, nonLinkVertex, bendMaterial);
                // Don't yet have link so create it
                softBody.AppendLink(vertex0, vertex1, structuralMaterial);

                // If we added a new link, set the triangle array
                trianglesForLinks[numVertices * vertex0 + vertex1] = triangle;
                trianglesForLinks[numVertices * vertex1 + vertex0] = triangle;

        SoftBody CreateFromIndexedMesh(Vector3Array vertexArray, IntArray triangleVertexIndexArray, bool createBendLinks)
            SoftBody softBody = new SoftBody(SoftWorld.WorldInfo, vertexArray, null);
            Material structuralMaterial = softBody.AppendMaterial();
            Material bendMaterial;
            if (createBendLinks)
                bendMaterial = softBody.AppendMaterial();
                bendMaterial.Lst = 0.7f;
                bendMaterial = null;
            structuralMaterial.Lst = 1.0f;

            int numVertices = vertexArray.Count;
            int numTriangles = triangleVertexIndexArray.Count / 3;

            // List of values for each link saying which triangle is associated with that link
            // -1 to start. Once a value is entered we know the "other" triangle
            // and can add a link across the link
            AlignedIntArray triangleForLinks = new AlignedIntArray();
            triangleForLinks.Resize(numVertices * numVertices, -1);

            for (int triangle = 0; triangle < numTriangles; ++triangle)
                int[] index = new int[] { triangleVertexIndexArray[triangle * 3], triangleVertexIndexArray[triangle * 3 + 1], triangleVertexIndexArray[triangle * 3 + 2] };
                softBody.AppendFace(index[0], index[1], index[2]);

                // Generate the structural links directly from the triangles
                TestAndAddLink(triangleForLinks, softBody, triangle, triangleVertexIndexArray, numVertices, index[0], index[1], index[2], structuralMaterial, createBendLinks, bendMaterial);
                TestAndAddLink(triangleForLinks, softBody, triangle, triangleVertexIndexArray, numVertices, index[1], index[2], index[0], structuralMaterial, createBendLinks, bendMaterial);
                TestAndAddLink(triangleForLinks, softBody, triangle, triangleVertexIndexArray, numVertices, index[2], index[0], index[1], structuralMaterial, createBendLinks, bendMaterial);

            return softBody;
        // Helper to test and add links correctly.
        // Records links that have already been generated
        static bool TestAndAddLink(AlignedIntArray trianglesForLinks, SoftBody softBody, int triangle, IntArray triangleVertexIndexArray, int numVertices, int vertex0, int vertex1, int nonLinkVertex, Material structuralMaterial, bool createBendLinks, Material bendMaterial)
            if (trianglesForLinks[numVertices * vertex0 + vertex1] >= 0 && createBendLinks)
                // Already have link so find other triangle and generate cross link

                int otherTriangle = trianglesForLinks[numVertices * vertex0 + vertex1];
                int[] otherIndices = new int[] { triangleVertexIndexArray[otherTriangle * 3], triangleVertexIndexArray[otherTriangle * 3 + 1], triangleVertexIndexArray[otherTriangle * 3 + 2] };

                int nodeA = 0;
                // Test all links of the other triangle against this link. The one that's not part of it is what we want.
                if (otherIndices[0] != vertex0 && otherIndices[0] != vertex1)
                    nodeA = otherIndices[0];
                if (otherIndices[1] != vertex0 && otherIndices[1] != vertex1)
                    nodeA = otherIndices[1];
                if (otherIndices[2] != vertex0 && otherIndices[2] != vertex1)
                    nodeA = otherIndices[2];

                softBody.AppendLink(nodeA, nonLinkVertex, bendMaterial);
                // Don't yet have link so create it
                softBody.AppendLink(vertex0, vertex1, structuralMaterial);

                // If we added a new link, set the triangle array
                trianglesForLinks[numVertices * vertex0 + vertex1] = triangle;
                trianglesForLinks[numVertices * vertex1 + vertex0] = triangle;


            return true;