        public void TestDirectionality2()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);

            model.AddAdjacency(new Tile(1), new Tile(2), 1, 0, 0);

            var topology = new GridTopology(2, 1, false);

            var left  = Direction.XMinus;
            var right = Direction.XPlus;

#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
            var edgedPathConstraint = new EdgedPathConstraint(
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
                new Dictionary <Tile, ISet <Direction> >()
                { new Tile(1), new[] { left, right }.ToHashSet() },
                { new Tile(2), new[] { left, right }.ToHashSet() },

            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology, constraints: new[] { edgedPathConstraint });

        public void TestSetFrequencyWithRotations()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);

            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);

            var builder = new TileRotationBuilder(4, true);

            builder.AddSymmetry(tile1, TileSymmetry.T);
            builder.SetTreatment(tile1, TileRotationTreatment.Generated);
            builder.SetTreatment(tile2, TileRotationTreatment.Generated);

            var rotations = builder.Build();

            model.SetFrequency(tile1, 1.0, rotations);
            model.SetFrequency(tile2, 1.0, rotations);

            var tileModelMapping = model.GetTileModelMapping(new GridTopology(10, 10, false));
            var patternModel     = tileModelMapping.PatternModel;

            double GetFrequency(Tile tile)

            Assert.AreEqual(0.25, GetFrequency(tile1));
            Assert.AreEqual(0.25, GetFrequency(new Tile(new RotatedTile {
                Tile = tile1, Rotation = new Rotation(90)
            Assert.AreEqual(0.125, GetFrequency(tile2));
 internal override ITileConstraint GetTileConstraint(AdjacentModel model)
     if (hasPathColors)
         var colorSet     = new HashSet <int>(pathColors);
         var pathTilesSet = new HashSet <TesseraTile>(pathTiles);
         var generator    = GetComponent <TesseraGenerator>();
         TesseraGeneratorHelper.SetupModelFromTiles(generator.tiles, out var allTiles, out var internalAdjacencies, out var tilesByFaceDir);
         // All internal connections are valid exits
         var internalDirs = internalAdjacencies
                            .Concat(internalAdjacencies.Select(t => (t.Item2, t.Item1, DirectionSet.Cartesian3d.Inverse(t.Item3))))
                            .Where(x => !hasPathTiles || pathTilesSet.Contains(((ModelTile)x.Item1.Value).Tile))
                            .ToLookup(x => x.Item1, x => x.Item3);
         // Extneral connections are valid exits only if the color in the center of the face matches
         var externalDirs = tilesByFaceDir
                            .SelectMany(kv => kv.Value.Select(t => new { FaceDir = kv.Key, FaceDetails = t.Item1, Tile = t.Item2 }))
                            .Where(x => !hasPathTiles || pathTilesSet.Contains(((ModelTile)x.Tile.Value).Tile))
                            .Where(x => colorSet.Contains(x.FaceDetails.center))
                            .ToLookup(x => x.Tile, x => x.FaceDir.ToDirection());
         var exits = internalDirs.Select(x => x.Key).Union(externalDirs.Select(x => x.Key))
                     .ToDictionary(x => x, x => (ISet <Direction>) new HashSet <Direction>(internalDirs[x].Concat(externalDirs[x])));
         return(new DeBroglie.Constraints.EdgedPathConstraint(exits));
     else if (hasPathTiles)
         var actualPathTiles = new HashSet <Tile>(GetModelTiles(pathTiles).Select(x => new Tile(x)));
         return(new DeBroglie.Constraints.PathConstraint(actualPathTiles));
         throw new Exception("One of hasColors or hasPathTiles must be set for PathConstraints");
        public void TestRotationalAddAdjacencies()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);
            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);

            model.SetFrequency(tile1, 1);
            model.SetFrequency(tile2, 5);

            model.AddAdjacency(new[] { tile1 }, new[] { tile2 }, 1, 0, 0, new TileRotation(4, false));

            var patternModel = model.GetTileModelMapping(new GridTopology(10, 10, false)).PatternModel;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, patternModel.Frequencies[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, patternModel.Frequencies[1]);

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 1 }, patternModel.Propagator[0][0]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 1 }, patternModel.Propagator[0][1]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 1 }, patternModel.Propagator[0][2]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 1 }, patternModel.Propagator[0][3]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 0 }, patternModel.Propagator[1][0]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 0 }, patternModel.Propagator[1][1]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 0 }, patternModel.Propagator[1][2]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 0 }, patternModel.Propagator[1][3]);
        public void CountSetup()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);
            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);
            var tiles = new[] { tile1, tile2 };

            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.YPlus);

            var topology = new GridTopology(100, 100, false);

            var count = 30;

            var options = new TilePropagatorOptions
                Constraints = new[]
                    new CountConstraint
                        Tiles = new[] { tile1 }.ToHashSet(),
                Count      = count,
                Comparison = CountComparison.AtMost,
                Eager      = false,

            propagator6 = new TilePropagator(model, topology, options);
        public TileModel GetModel(DirectionSet directions, ITopoArray <Tile>[] samples, TileRotation tileRotation)
            var       modelConfig = Config.Model ?? new Adjacent();
            TileModel tileModel;

            if (modelConfig is Overlapping overlapping)
                var model = new OverlappingModel(overlapping.NX, overlapping.NY, overlapping.NZ);
                foreach (var sample in samples)
                    model.AddSample(sample, tileRotation);
                tileModel = model;
            else if (modelConfig is Adjacent adjacent)
                var model = new AdjacentModel(directions);
                foreach (var sample in samples)
                    model.AddSample(sample, tileRotation);
                tileModel = model;
                throw new ConfigurationException($"Unrecognized model type {modelConfig.GetType()}");

            SetupAdjacencies(tileModel, tileRotation);
            SetupTiles(tileModel, tileRotation);

        public void TestSimpleAddAdjacencies()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(Directions.Cartesian2d);
            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);

            model.SetFrequency(tile1, 1);
            model.SetFrequency(tile2, 5);
            model.AddAdjacency(tile1, tile2, 1, 0, 0);
            model.AddAdjacency(tile1, tile2, 0, 1, 0);
            model.AddAdjacency(tile2, tile1, 1, 0, 0);
            model.AddAdjacency(tile2, tile1, 0, 1, 0);

            var patternModel = model.GetPatternModel();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, patternModel.Frequencies[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, patternModel.Frequencies[1]);

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 1 }, patternModel.Propagator[0][0]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 1 }, patternModel.Propagator[0][1]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 1 }, patternModel.Propagator[0][2]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 1 }, patternModel.Propagator[0][3]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 0 }, patternModel.Propagator[1][0]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 0 }, patternModel.Propagator[1][1]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 0 }, patternModel.Propagator[1][2]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 0 }, patternModel.Propagator[1][3]);
        public void TestRotationalAddAdjacenciesAdvanced()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(Directions.Cartesian2d);
            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);
            var tile3 = new Tile(3);
            var tile4 = new Tile(4);

            var rotationBuilder = new TileRotationBuilder(TileRotationTreatment.Missing);

            rotationBuilder.Add(tile1, 1, false, tile3);
            rotationBuilder.Add(tile2, 1, false, tile4);
            var rotations = rotationBuilder.Build();

            model.AddAdjacency(new[] { tile1 }, new[] { tile2 }, 1, 0, 0, 4, false, rotations);

            var patternModel = model.GetPatternModel();

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] { 1 }, patternModel.Propagator[0][0]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[0][1]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[0][2]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[0][3]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[1][0]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] { 0 }, patternModel.Propagator[1][1]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[1][2]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[1][3]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[2][0]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[2][1]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] { 3 }, patternModel.Propagator[2][2]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[2][3]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[3][0]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[3][1]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] {   }, patternModel.Propagator[3][2]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new int[] { 2 }, patternModel.Propagator[3][3]);
        public void TestDirectionality()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);

            model.AddAdjacency(new Tile(1), new Tile(2), 1, 0, 0);

            var topology = new Topology(2, 1, false);

            var up   = Direction.YPlus;
            var down = Direction.YMinus;

            var edgedPathConstraint = new EdgedPathConstraint(
                new Dictionary <Tile, ISet <Direction> >()
                { new Tile(1), new[] { up, down }.ToHashSet() },
                { new Tile(2), new[] { up, down }.ToHashSet() },

            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology, constraints: new[] { edgedPathConstraint });


            Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Contradiction, propagator.Status);
        public void Path2Setup()
            var tileCount = 10;
            var topology  = new GridTopology(20, 20, false);

            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);

            var tiles = Enumerable.Range(0, tileCount).Select(x => new Tile(x)).ToList();;

            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.YPlus);

            var pathConstraint = new ConnectedConstraint {
                PathSpec = new PathSpec {
                    Tiles = tiles.Skip(1).ToHashSet()

            propagatorPath2 = new TilePropagator(model, topology, new TilePropagatorOptions
                BackTrackDepth = -1,
                Constraints    = new[] { pathConstraint },
        public void TestDirectionality2()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);

            model.AddAdjacency(new Tile(1), new Tile(2), 1, 0, 0);

            var topology = new GridTopology(2, 1, false);

            var left  = Direction.XMinus;
            var right = Direction.XPlus;

            var constraint = new ConnectedConstraint
                PathSpec = new EdgedPathSpec
                    Exits = new Dictionary <Tile, ISet <Direction> >()
                        { new Tile(1), new[] { left, right }.ToHashSet() },
                        { new Tile(2), new[] { left, right }.ToHashSet() },

            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology, constraints: new[] { constraint });

        public void TestMask()
            var a = new int[, ] {
                { 1, 0 },
                { 0, 1 },
            var model = new AdjacentModel();

            model.AddSample(TopoArray.Create(a, true).ToTiles());

            var mask = new bool[5 * 5];

            for (var x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < 5; y++)
                    if (x == 2 || y == 2)
                        mask[x + y * 5] = false;
                        mask[x + y * 5] = true;
            var topology = new GridTopology(5, 5, true).WithMask(mask);

            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology);


            Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, propagator.Status);
        public void QuickStartTest()
            ITopoArray <char> sample = TopoArray.Create(new[, ]
                { '_', '_', '_' },
                { '_', '*', '_' },
                { '_', '_', '_' },
            }, periodic: false);
            // Specify the model used for generation
            var model = new AdjacentModel(sample.ToTiles());
            // Set the output dimensions
            var topology = new Topology(10, 10, periodic: false);
            // Actually run the algorithm
            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology);
            var status     = propagator.Run();

            if (status != Resolution.Decided)
                throw new Exception("Undecided");
            var output = propagator.ToValueArray <char>();

            // Display the results
            for (var y = 0; y < 10; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++)
                    System.Console.Write(output.Get(x, y));
        public void TestBannedSelected()
            var a = new int[, ] {
                { 1, 2, 3 },
                { 3, 1, 2 },
                { 2, 3, 1 },
            var model      = AdjacentModel.Create(a, true);
            var topology   = new GridTopology(10, 10, false);
            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology);

            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var set1  = propagator.CreateTileSet(new[] { new Tile(1) });
            var set12 = propagator.CreateTileSet(new[] { new Tile(1), new Tile(2) });

                propagator.GetBannedSelected(0, 0, 0, tile1, out var isBanned1, out var isSelected1);
                propagator.GetBannedSelected(0, 0, 0, set1, out var isBanned2, out var isSelected2);
                propagator.GetBannedSelected(0, 0, 0, set12, out var isBanned3, out var isSelected3);

                Assert.AreEqual(false, isBanned1);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isBanned2);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isBanned3);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isSelected1);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isSelected2);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isSelected3);

            propagator.Ban(0, 0, 0, new Tile(3));

                propagator.GetBannedSelected(0, 0, 0, tile1, out var isBanned1, out var isSelected1);
                propagator.GetBannedSelected(0, 0, 0, set1, out var isBanned2, out var isSelected2);
                propagator.GetBannedSelected(0, 0, 0, set12, out var isBanned3, out var isSelected3);

                Assert.AreEqual(false, isBanned1);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isBanned2);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isBanned3);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isSelected1);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isSelected2);
                Assert.AreEqual(true, isSelected3);

            propagator.Ban(0, 0, 0, new Tile(1));

                propagator.GetBannedSelected(0, 0, 0, tile1, out var isBanned1, out var isSelected1);
                propagator.GetBannedSelected(0, 0, 0, set1, out var isBanned2, out var isSelected2);
                propagator.GetBannedSelected(0, 0, 0, set12, out var isBanned3, out var isSelected3);

                Assert.AreEqual(true, isBanned1);
                Assert.AreEqual(true, isBanned2);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isBanned3);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isSelected1);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, isSelected2);
                Assert.AreEqual(true, isSelected3);
        public void TestLargeSeparationConstraint()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);
            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);
            var tiles = new[] { tile1, tile2 };

            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.YPlus);

            var separationConstraint = new SeparationConstraint
                Tiles = new[] { tile1 }.ToHashSet(),
                MinDistance = 10,

            var topology = new GridTopology(100, 100, false);

            var options = new TilePropagatorOptions
                Constraints   = new ITileConstraint[] { separationConstraint },
                BacktrackType = BacktrackType.Backtrack,
            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology, options);


            Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, propagator.Status);

            var r = propagator.ToArray();

            for (var x = 0; x < 100; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < 100; y++)
                    if (r.Get(x, y) != tile1)
                    for (var dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx += 2)
                        for (var dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy += 2)
                            var x2 = x + dx;
                            var y2 = y + dy;
                            if (x2 >= 0 && x2 < 100 && y2 >= 0 && y2 < 100)
                                Assert.AreNotEqual(r.Get(x2, y2), tile1);
        internal TesseraGeneratorHelper CreateTesseraGeneratorHelper(TesseraGenerateOptions options = null)
            options = options ?? new TesseraGenerateOptions();
            var progress = options.progress;

            var seed = options.seed == 0 ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue) : options.seed;

            var xororng = new XoRoRNG(seed);


            TesseraGeneratorHelper.SetupModelFromTiles(tiles, out var allTiles, out var internalAdjacencies, out var tilesByFaceDir);

            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian3d);

            foreach (var(tile, frequency) in allTiles)
                model.SetFrequency(tile, frequency);

            foreach (var(tile1, tile2, d) in internalAdjacencies)
                model.AddAdjacency(tile1, tile2, d);

            // Generate adjacencies
            AddAdjacency(palette, model, Direction.XPlus, tilesByFaceDir[FaceDir.Right], tilesByFaceDir[FaceDir.Left]);
            AddAdjacency(palette, model, Direction.YPlus, tilesByFaceDir[FaceDir.Up], tilesByFaceDir[FaceDir.Down]);
            AddAdjacency(palette, model, Direction.ZPlus, tilesByFaceDir[FaceDir.Forward], tilesByFaceDir[FaceDir.Back]);

            var initialConstraints = searchInitialConstraints ? GetInitialConstraints() : this.initialConstraints;

            var constraints = GetTileConstraints(model);

            var actualSkyBox = skyBox == null ? null : new TesseraInitialConstraint
                faceDetails = skyBox.faceDetails,
                offsets     = skyBox.offsets,

            return(new TesseraGeneratorHelper(
        public void TestPriority()
            var t1    = new Tile(1);
            var t2    = new Tile(2);
            var t3    = new Tile(3);
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);

            model.AddAdjacency(t1, t1, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(t1, t2, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(t2, t2, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(t2, t3, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(t3, t3, Direction.XPlus);


            var topology = new GridTopology(6, 1, false).WithMask(new bool[] { true, true, true, true, true, false });

            IDictionary <Tile, PriorityAndWeight> weights = new Dictionary <Tile, PriorityAndWeight>
                { t1, new PriorityAndWeight {
                      Priority = 0, Weight = 1
                  } },
                { t2, new PriorityAndWeight {
                      Priority = 1, Weight = 1
                  } },
                { t3, new PriorityAndWeight {
                      Priority = 2, Weight = 1
                  } },

            var weightsArray = TopoArray.CreateByIndex(_ => weights, topology);

            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology, new TilePropagatorOptions
                IndexPickerType  = IndexPickerType.ArrayPriorityMinEntropy,
                WeightSetByIndex = TopoArray.CreateByIndex(_ => 0, topology),
                WeightSets       = new Dictionary <int, IDictionary <Tile, PriorityAndWeight> > {
                    { 0, weights }

            propagator.Select(0, 0, 0, t1);


            Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, propagator.Status);

            var r = propagator.ToValueArray <int>();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.Get(0, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, r.Get(1, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, r.Get(2, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, r.Get(3, 0));
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts generator constraints into a format suitable for DeBroglie.
        /// </summary>
        private List <ITileConstraint> GetTileConstraints(AdjacentModel model)
            var l = new List <ITileConstraint>();

            foreach (var constraintComponent in GetComponents <TesseraConstraint>())
                var constraint = constraintComponent.GetTileConstraint(model);
        public void TestSetFrequency()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);

            model.SetFrequency(new Tile(1), 0.5);
            model.SetFrequency(new Tile(2), 2.0);

            var patternModel = model.GetTileModelMapping(new GridTopology(10, 10, false)).PatternModel;

            Assert.AreEqual(0.5, patternModel.Frequencies[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(2.0, patternModel.Frequencies[1]);
        public void TestSetFrequency()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(Directions.Cartesian2d);

            model.SetFrequency(new Tile(1), 0.5);
            model.SetFrequency(new Tile(2), 2.0);

            var patternModel = model.GetPatternModel();

            Assert.AreEqual(0.5, patternModel.Frequencies[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(2.0, patternModel.Frequencies[1]);
        public void WangSetup()
            // Reproduces the wang tiles found at
            // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_tile
            // They only have aperiodic tiling, so they are a hard set to put down.
            // Clockwise from top
            var tileBorders = new[]
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);

            for (var tile1 = 0; tile1 < tileBorders.Length; tile1++)
                var tile1Border = tileBorders[tile1];
                for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    var d = new[] { 3, 0, 2, 1 }[i];
                    var o = (i + 2) % 4;
                    for (var tile2 = 0; tile2 < tileBorders.Length; tile2++)
                        var tile2Border = tileBorders[tile2];
                        if (tile2Border[o] != tile1Border[i])
                        model.AddAdjacency(new Tile(tile1), new Tile(tile2), (Direction)d);

            var topology = new GridTopology(15, 15, false);

            var options = new TilePropagatorOptions
                BackTrackDepth = -1,

            propagatorWang = new TilePropagator(model, topology, options);
        public void TestCountConstraint(CountComparison comparison, bool eager)
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);
            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);
            var tiles = new[] { tile1, tile2 };

            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.YPlus);

            var topology = new GridTopology(10, 10, false);

            var count = 3;

            var options = new TilePropagatorOptions
                Constraints = new[]
                    new CountConstraint
                        Tiles = new[] { tile1 }.ToHashSet(),
                Count      = count,
                Comparison = comparison,
                Eager      = eager,
            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology, options);


            Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, propagator.Status);

            var actualCount = propagator.ToValueArray <int>().ToArray2d().OfType <int>().Count(x => x == 1);

            switch (comparison)
            case CountComparison.AtMost:
                Assert.LessOrEqual(actualCount, count);

            case CountComparison.AtLeast:
                Assert.GreaterOrEqual(actualCount, count);

            case CountComparison.Exactly:
                Assert.AreEqual(count, actualCount);
        internal override ITileConstraint GetTileConstraint(AdjacentModel model)
            // Filter big tiles to just a single model tile to avoid double counting
            var modelTiles = GetModelTiles(tiles)
                             .Where(x => x.Offset == x.Tile.offsets[0])
                             .Select(x => new Tile(x));

            return(new DeBroglie.Constraints.CountConstraint
                Tiles = new HashSet <Tile>(modelTiles),
                Comparison = comparison,
                Count = count,
                Eager = eager,
    public TileModel BuildModel()
        TileModel model = null;

        switch (Type)
        case ModelType.Adjacent:
            model = new AdjacentModel();

        case ModelType.Overlapping:
            model = new OverlappingModel(3);
        public void MirrorSetup()
            var trb = new TileRotationBuilder(4, true, TileRotationTreatment.Missing);

            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);
            var tile3 = new Tile(3);
            var tile4 = new Tile(4);
            var tile5 = new Tile(5);

            var tiles = new[] { tile1, tile2, tile3, tile4 };

            var reflectX = new Rotation(0, true);

            trb.Add(tile1, reflectX, tile2);
            trb.Add(tile3, reflectX, tile3);
            trb.Add(tile5, reflectX, tile5);

            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);

            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(new[] { tile5 }, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(new[] { tile5 }, tiles, Direction.XMinus);
            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.YPlus);

            model.SetFrequency(tile5, 0.0);

            var tr = trb.Build();

            var constraints = new[] { new MirrorXConstraint {
                                          TileRotation = tr
                                      } };

            // NB: It's important that width is an odd number
            var topology = new GridTopology(31, 31, false);

            var options = new TilePropagatorOptions
                Constraints = constraints,

            propagator7 = new TilePropagator(model, topology, options);
        public void TestSeparationConstraint()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);
            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);
            var tiles = new[] { tile1, tile2 };

            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.YPlus);

            var separationConstraint = new SeparationConstraint
                Tiles = new[] { tile1 }.ToHashSet(),
                MinDistance = 3,

            var countConstraint = new CountConstraint
                Tiles = new[] { tile1 }.ToHashSet(),
                Count      = 2,
                Comparison = CountComparison.Exactly,

            var topology = new GridTopology(4, 1, false);

            var options = new TilePropagatorOptions
                Constraints   = new ITileConstraint[] { separationConstraint, countConstraint },
                BacktrackType = BacktrackType.Backtrack,
            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology, options);


            Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, propagator.Status);

            var r = propagator.ToArray();

            // Only possible solution given the constraints
            Assert.AreEqual(tile1, r.Get(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(tile2, r.Get(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(tile2, r.Get(2));
            Assert.AreEqual(tile1, r.Get(3));
        public void FreeSetup()
            var tileCount = 10;
            var topology  = new GridTopology(10, 10, 10, false);

            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian3d);

            var tiles = Enumerable.Range(0, tileCount).Select(x => new Tile(x)).ToList();;

            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.YPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.ZPlus);


            propagator1 = new TilePropagator(model, topology, new TilePropagatorOptions {
        internal override ITileConstraint GetTileConstraint(AdjacentModel model)
            var actualSymmetricTilesX = new HashSet <TesseraTile>(hasSymmetricTiles ? symmetricTilesX : GetSymmetricTilesX());
            var actualSymmetricTilesZ = new HashSet <TesseraTile>(hasSymmetricTiles ? symmetricTilesZ : GetSymmetricTilesZ());

            // TODO: Not working in demo
            // TODO: Symmetric definition doesn't work with rotated tiles!

            var trb = new TileRotationBuilder(4, true, TileRotationTreatment.Missing);

            foreach (var tile in model.Tiles)
                var modelTile = (ModelTile)tile.Value;
                if ((modelTile.Rotation.RotateCw % 180 == 0 ? actualSymmetricTilesX :  actualSymmetricTilesZ).Contains(modelTile.Tile))
                    var r          = new Rotation(0, true);
                    var bounds     = modelTile.Tile.GetBounds();
                    var modelTile2 = new ModelTile
                        Tile     = modelTile.Tile,
                        Offset   = modelTile.Offset,
                        Rotation = modelTile.Rotation,
                    trb.Add(tile, r, new Tile(modelTile2));
                else if (modelTile.Tile.reflectable)
                    var r          = new Rotation(0, true);
                    var modelTile2 = new ModelTile
                        Tile     = modelTile.Tile,
                        Offset   = modelTile.Offset,
                        Rotation = modelTile.Rotation * r,
                    trb.Add(tile, r, new Tile(modelTile2));

            return(new DeBroglie.Constraints.MirrorXConstraint
                TileRotation = trb.Build(),
        public void TestDoubleCountConstraint()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);
            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);
            var tile3 = new Tile(3);
            var tiles = new[] { tile1, tile2, tile3 };

            model.AddAdjacency(new[] { tile2 }, new[] { tile1 }, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(new[] { tile1 }, new[] { tile3 }, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(new[] { tile3 }, new[] { tile3 }, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(new[] { tile3 }, new[] { tile2 }, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.YPlus);

            var topology = new GridTopology(10, 10, false);

            var count = 10;

            var options = new TilePropagatorOptions
                Constraints = new[]
                    new CountConstraint
                        Tiles = new[] { tile1, tile2 }.ToHashSet(),
                Count      = count,
                Comparison = CountComparison.Exactly,
                Eager      = true,
            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology, options);


            Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, propagator.Status);

            var actualCount = propagator.ToValueArray <int>().ToArray2d().OfType <int>().Count(x => x == 1 || x == 2);

            Assert.AreEqual(count, actualCount);
        public void TestDirtyIndexPicker()
            var t1    = new Tile(1);
            var t2    = new Tile(2);
            var t3    = new Tile(3);
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);

            model.AddAdjacency(t1, t1, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(t1, t2, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(t2, t2, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(t2, t3, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(t3, t3, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(t3, t2, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(t2, t1, Direction.XPlus);


            var topology = new GridTopology(6, 1, false);

            var options = new TilePropagatorOptions
                IndexPickerType = IndexPickerType.Dirty,
                TilePickerType  = TilePickerType.Ordered,
                CleanTiles      = TopoArray.FromConstant(t1, topology),

            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology, options);

            propagator.Select(3, 0, 0, t3);


            var a = propagator.ToValueArray <int?>();

            Assert.AreEqual(null, a.Get(0, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(null, a.Get(1, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, a.Get(2, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, a.Get(3, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, a.Get(4, 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(null, a.Get(5, 0));