        public override MessageStatusResponse GetMessageStatus(APIMessageRequest request)
                //Will hold all the MessageStatuses of all the APIMessageIds requested
                var messageStatuses = new List <MessageStatus>();
                //Will hold all the raw webResponses from the Clickatell service
                var messageResults = new StringBuilder();

                //Loops through all APIMessageIds requested to check status
                foreach (var apiMsgId in request.APIMessageIds)
                    //Get WebRequest with MessageStatusURL+current apiMsgId with GET method
                    var webRequest = GetWebRequest(string.Format(Properties.RESTSettings.Default.MessageStatusURL, apiMsgId), Properties.RESTSettings.Default.GetMethod);
                    //Get WebResponse from Clickatell service
                    var webResponse = GetWebResponse(webRequest);

                    //Add raw webResponse to messageResults

                    //Deserlialize the webResponse to Data.JSON.REST.MessageStatusResponse.Rootobject
                    var jsonResponse = JsonDeserialize <Data.JSON.REST.MessageStatusResponse.Rootobject>(webResponse.Result).data;

                    if (jsonResponse != null)
                        //Maps the jsonResponse to MessageStatus and adds it to the messageStatuses list
                        messageStatuses.Add(new MessageStatus
                            APIMessageID = jsonResponse.apiMessageId,
                            Description  = jsonResponse.description,
                            Status       = jsonResponse.messageStatus

                return(new MessageStatusResponse
                    Success = true,
                    Result = messageResults.ToString(),
                    MessageStatuses = messageStatuses.ToArray()
            catch (Exception exception)
                return(new MessageStatusResponse
                    Result = string.Format("Error occured during Clickatell {0}. Details: {1}", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, exception.Message),
                    Success = false
        public override MessageStatusResponse GetMessageStatus(APIMessageRequest request)
                //MessageStatuses of all the APIMessageIds requested
                var messageStatuses = new List <MessageStatus>();
                //Raw web responses from the Clickatell service
                var messageResults = new StringBuilder();

                //Loops through all APIMessageIds requested to check statuses
                foreach (var apiMsgId in request.APIMessageIds)
                    //Send Request to Clickatell service with MessageStatusURL and apiMessageId
                    var response = SendRequest(Properties.HTTPSettings.Default.MessageStatusURL, apiMessageId: apiMsgId);

                    //Add raw response to messageResults

                    //Extract messageStatus from string response
                    var messageStatus = GetMessageStatusFromResponse(response);

                    //Adds messageStatus to messageStatuses list

                return(new MessageStatusResponse
                    Success = true,
                    Result = messageResults.ToString(),
                    MessageStatuses = messageStatuses.ToArray()
            catch (Exception exception)
                return(new MessageStatusResponse
                    Result = string.Format("Error occured during Clickatell {0}. Details: {1}", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, exception.Message),
                    Success = false
 /// <summary>
 /// Sends a request with APIMessageID(s) to see what the costs were for these phonenumber(s) sent.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request"></param>
 /// <returns>
 /// MessageChargeResponse:
 /// Success = If call was successfully made to Clickatell
 /// Result  = Service response
 /// MessageCharges[]  = MessageCharge object which will have the current APIMessageID and Charge of that call.
 /// </returns>
 public abstract MessageChargeResponse GetMessageCharge(APIMessageRequest request);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sends a request with APIMessageID(s) to see in what status the requested APIMessageID(s) are.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request"></param>
 /// <returns>
 /// MessageStatusResponse:
 /// Success = If call was successfully made to Clickatell
 /// Result  = Service response
 /// MessageStatuses[]  = MessageStatus object which will have the current APIMessageID, Status and Description of the message.
 /// </returns>
 public abstract MessageStatusResponse GetMessageStatus(APIMessageRequest request);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sends request with APIMessageID(s) to stop/delete a message.
 /// Note the message will only be stopped if it is still in Clickatells queue.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request"></param>
 /// <returns>
 /// MessageStatusResponse:
 /// Success = If call was successfully made to Clickatell
 /// Result  = Service response
 /// MessageStatuses[]  = MessageStatus object which will have the current APIMessageID, Status and Description of the message.
 /// </returns>
 public abstract MessageStatusResponse StopMessage(APIMessageRequest request);