Пример #1
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            prm = new Params();
            move = new Movement();
            bsgraph = new BindingSource();
            datastore = new List<Movement>();
            //setup the parameters - call the extra windows form
            frmParameters p = new frmParameters();
            //user can use preset values
            p.Param_data.Buckets = 5;
            p.Param_data.Inflow = 10;
            p.Param_data.Outflow = 1;
            p.Finaltime = 10;
            p.Movement.Omega = 0.1f;
            DialogResult d = p.ShowDialog();
            //or set is own one
            if (d == DialogResult.OK)
                prm.Buckets = p.Param_data.Buckets;
                prm.Inflow = p.Param_data.Inflow;
                prm.Outflow = p.Param_data.Outflow;
                finaltime = p.Finaltime;
                move.Omega = p.Movement.Omega;
            else if (d == DialogResult.Cancel)
                prm.Buckets = 5;
                prm.Theta = 0;
                prm.Inflow = 10;
                prm.Outflow = 1;
                finaltime = 10;
                move.Omega = 0.1f;
            //setup the transform for painting
            //initialize the picture
            r = 40;
            cX = 50;
            cY = 50;
            //initialize the list of buckets
            buckets = new List<Bucket>();
            for (int i = 0; i < prm.Buckets; i++)
                b = new Bucket(0);
            //initialize the timer
            timer = new Timer();
            timer.Tick += frm_Tick;
            timer.Interval = 50;

            //the text boxes...
            txtUpDownBuckets.DataBindings.Add("Text", prm, "Buckets");
            txtMass.DataBindings.Add("Text", prm, "Mass");
            txtTheta.DataBindings.Add("Text", prm, "Theta");
            txtUpDownBuckets.Maximum = limitbucket;
            txtUpDownBuckets.Minimum = 0;
            textBox1.Visible = false;
            rbNormal.Checked = true;
Пример #2
 private void enterParametersToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     btStop_Click(sender, e);//stop the animation
     frmParameters p = new frmParameters();
     //save the initial values
     p.Param_data.Buckets = prm.Buckets;
     p.Param_data.Inflow = prm.Inflow;
     p.Param_data.Outflow = prm.Outflow;
     p.Finaltime = finaltime;
     DialogResult d = p.ShowDialog();
     int newnum;
     if (d == DialogResult.OK)
         newnum = p.Param_data.Buckets;
         if (prm.Buckets > newnum)
             //remove some buckets
             buckets.RemoveRange(newnum, prm.Buckets - newnum);
             //add some buckets
             for (int i = 0; i < newnum - prm.Buckets; i++)
                 b = new Bucket(0);
         //save the new values
         prm.Buckets = p.Param_data.Buckets;
         prm.Inflow = p.Param_data.Inflow;
         prm.Outflow = p.Param_data.Outflow;
         finaltime = p.Finaltime;
         move.Omega = p.Movement.Omega;
         //change the value in counter
         txtUpDownBuckets.Value = prm.Buckets;
         //refresh the picture