Пример #1
 public override bool Parse(XmlNode node)
     if (Formats.Find(delegate(ComplexFormat cf) { return(cf.Equals(Format)); }) == null)
         throw new ExceptionReport(string.Format("Requested format for the output {0} is not supported", Identifier),
                                   ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, Identifier);
Пример #2
        public override bool Parse(string str, ProcessDescription processDescription)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(str))

            string[] tokens = str.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (tokens.Length != 1)
                throw new ExceptionReport("One identifier is mandatory when requesting a raw data output but "
                                          + tokens.Length + " were found.",
                                          ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "RawDataOutput");

            string[] kv = str.Split(new char[] { '@' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (kv.Length > 0)
                OutputData outputData = processDescription.GetProcessOutputParameter(kv[0]);
                if (outputData == null)
                    throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("The output {0} is not a valid output for the process {1}",
                                                            kv[0], processDescription.Identifier), ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "rawDataOutput");

                ComplexOutput output = outputData.asComplexOutput();
                if (output == null)
                    throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("Only ComplexOutputs can be requested as rawDataOutput but {0} is a {1}",
                                                            kv[0], outputData.GetType().ToString()), ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "rawDataOutput");

                Identifier = kv[0];
                Format     = output.Format; // default format
                if (output.Formats.Find(delegate(ComplexFormat cf) { return(cf.Equals(Format)); }) == null)
                    throw new ExceptionReport(string.Format("Requested format for the output {0} is not supported", kv[0]),
                                              ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, kv[0]);

Пример #3
        public override bool Parse(XmlNode node, ProcessDescription processDescription)
            if (node == null)

            XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = Utils.CreateWPSNamespaceManager(node.OwnerDocument);

            XmlNodeList childs = node.SelectNodes("ows:Identifier", nsmgr);

            if (childs.Count != 1)
                throw new ExceptionReport("One identifier is mandatory when requesting a raw data output but " + childs.Count + " were found.",
                                          ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "wps:RawDataOutput/ows:Identifier");
            Identifier = childs[0].InnerText;
            OutputData outputData = processDescription.GetProcessOutputParameter(Identifier);

            if (outputData == null)
                throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("The output {0} is not a valid output for the process {1}",
                                                        Identifier, processDescription.Identifier), ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "rawDataOutput");

            ComplexOutput processOutput = outputData.asComplexOutput();

            if (processOutput == null)
                throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("Only ComplexOutputs can be requested as rawDataOutput but {0} is a {1}",
                                                        Identifier, outputData.GetType().Name), ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "rawDataOutput");

            Format = processOutput.Format;
Пример #4
        public override bool ParseValue(XmlNode node)
            XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr     = Utils.CreateWPSNamespaceManager(node.OwnerDocument);
            XmlNode             childNode = node.SelectSingleNode("wps:Data/wps:ComplexData", nsmgr);

            if (childNode == null)
                childNode = node.SelectSingleNode("wps:Reference", nsmgr);
                if (childNode == null)
                    throw new ExceptionReport("The parameter '" + Identifier + "' has not a valid value!",
                                              ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, Identifier);
                asReference = true;
                Reference   = Utils.GetXmlAttributesValue(childNode, "xlink:href");
                Method      = Utils.GetXmlAttributesValue(childNode, "method", Method);

                if (Utils.StrICmp(Method, "POST"))
                    XmlNodeList headerList = childNode.SelectNodes("Header", nsmgr);

                    foreach (XmlNode headerItem in headerList)
                        string key   = Utils.GetXmlAttributesValue(headerItem, "key");
                        string value = Utils.GetXmlAttributesValue(headerItem, "value");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                            throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("[key:{0}; value:{1}] is not a valid request header. when parsing header data structure from the reference related to '{2}'!", key, value, Identifier), ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "Header");

                        Header.Add(key, value);

                    XmlNode bodyNode          = childNode.SelectSingleNode("Body", nsmgr);
                    XmlNode bodyReferenceNode = childNode.SelectSingleNode("BodyReference", nsmgr);

                    if (bodyNode != null)
                        if (bodyReferenceNode != null)
                            throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("Only one kind of Request Body is allowed, but Body and BodyReference were found when parsing the parameter {0}!", Identifier), ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "Reference");
                        Body = bodyNode.InnerXml;
                    else if (bodyReferenceNode != null)
                        BodyAsReference = true;
                        BodyReference   = Utils.GetXmlAttributesValue(bodyReferenceNode, "xlink:href");
                            Body = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Utils.GetReferenceDataFromGetRequest(BodyReference));
                        catch (WebException e)
                            throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("An error occurred when gathering the POST request for the complex input {0} from {1}: {2}", Identifier, BodyReference, e.Message), ExceptionCode.NoApplicableCode);
                        catch (Exception /*e*/)
                            throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("An error occurred when gathering the POST request for the complex input {0} from {1}. You may contact the administrator if the problem persists.", Identifier), ExceptionCode.NoApplicableCode);
                        throw new ExceptionReport("Only one kind of Request Body is allowed, but Body and BodyReference were found!", ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue,
                else if (!Utils.StrICmp(Method, "GET"))
                    throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("The input {0} can not be retrieved because '{1}' is not a valid value for the parameter method!", Identifier, Method),
                                              ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "method");
                // ComplexData embedded in the xml
                Value = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(childNode.InnerXml);
            if (Formats.Find(delegate(ComplexFormat cf) { return(cf.Equals(Format)); }) == null)
                throw new ExceptionReport(string.Format("Requested format for the input {0} is not supported", Identifier),
                                          ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, Identifier);

            if (maximumMegabytes != -1 && Value.Length / 1048576 > maximumMegabytes)
                throw new ExceptionReport("Maximum file size is " + maximumMegabytes
                                          + " MB, but provided data size is " + Value.Length / 1048576 + " MB.",
                                          ExceptionCode.FileSizeExceeded, Identifier);
Пример #5
        public override bool Parse(string str, ProcessDescription processDescription)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return false;

            string[] tokens = str.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (tokens.Length != 1)
                throw new ExceptionReport("One identifier is mandatory when requesting a raw data output but "
                    + tokens.Length + " were found.",
                    ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "RawDataOutput");

            string[] kv = str.Split(new char[] { '@' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (kv.Length > 0)
                OutputData outputData = processDescription.GetProcessOutputParameter(kv[0]);
                if (outputData == null)
                    throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("The output {0} is not a valid output for the process {1}",
                        kv[0], processDescription.Identifier), ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "rawDataOutput");

                ComplexOutput output = outputData.asComplexOutput();
                if (output == null)
                    throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("Only ComplexOutputs can be requested as rawDataOutput but {0} is a {1}",
                        kv[0], outputData.GetType().ToString()), ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "rawDataOutput");

                Identifier = kv[0];
                Format = output.Format; // default format
                if (output.Formats.Find(delegate(ComplexFormat cf) { return cf.Equals(Format); }) == null)
                    throw new ExceptionReport(string.Format("Requested format for the output {0} is not supported", kv[0]),
                        ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, kv[0]);

            return false;
Пример #6
        public override bool Parse(XmlNode node, ProcessDescription processDescription)
            if (node == null) return false;

            XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = Utils.CreateWPSNamespaceManager(node.OwnerDocument);

            XmlNodeList childs = node.SelectNodes("ows:Identifier", nsmgr);
            if (childs.Count != 1)
                throw new ExceptionReport("One identifier is mandatory when requesting a raw data output but " + childs.Count + " were found.",
                    ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "wps:RawDataOutput/ows:Identifier");
            Identifier = childs[0].InnerText;
            OutputData outputData = processDescription.GetProcessOutputParameter(Identifier);
            if (outputData == null)
                throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("The output {0} is not a valid output for the process {1}",
                    Identifier, processDescription.Identifier), ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "rawDataOutput");

            ComplexOutput processOutput = outputData.asComplexOutput();
            if (processOutput == null)
                throw new ExceptionReport(String.Format("Only ComplexOutputs can be requested as rawDataOutput but {0} is a {1}",
                    Identifier, outputData.GetType().Name), ExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "rawDataOutput");

            Format = processOutput.Format;
            return true;