Пример #1
        //Get data for each scene in SceManager
        void GetNextScene()
            if (currentSceneIndex < sceneCount)                                                                   //Iterate scenes
                scenes.Add(SceneManager.GetSceneAt(currentSceneIndex));                                           //Add scene to scenes list
                GameObject spawn = Instantiate(hierarchyScenePrefab, contentRect.transform, false) as GameObject; //Spawn a scene entry prefab
                spawn.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, currentSpawnPosition);     //Set entries position
                spawn.name = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(currentSceneIndex).name;                                     //Set object name
                float          indentLevel = 0;                                                                   //Set indent level
                HierarchyEntry entry       = spawn.GetComponent <HierarchyEntry>();                               //Get reference to HierarchyEntry.cs
                sceneEntries.Add(entry);                                                                          //Add entry to scene entries list
                entries.Add(entry);                                                                               //Add to entry list to track
                entry.hierarchyReferences.label.text = spawn.name;                                                //Set label text
                //entry.hierarchyReferences.contentRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(indentLevel * indentSize, 0); //Apply indent

                GameObject[] objectsFound = scenes[currentSceneIndex].GetRootGameObjects(); //Get all root objects of scene
                if (objectsFound.Length == 0)                                               //If object has no children
                    entry.isCollapsed = false;                                              //No children means cant be collapsed
                    entry.hierarchyReferences.expand.image.enabled = false;                 //Set expanded button to false
                //entry.hierarchyReferences.button.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); //Reset button listener
                //entry.hierarchyReferences.button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { SelectHierarchyEntry(go, entry); }); //Set button listener
                entry.hierarchyReferences.expand.onClick.RemoveAllListeners();                                           //Reset expand button listener
                entry.hierarchyReferences.expand.onClick.AddListener(delegate { this.ExpandCollapseHierarchy(entry); }); //Set expand button listener

                currentSpawnPosition -= entryHeight;                                                                     //Calulcate position for next entry spawn
                CrawlSceneHierarchy(indentLevel, entry);                                                                 //Crawl scene hierarchy
            else //Finished crawling scenes
                contentRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(contentRect.sizeDelta.x, GetVisibleItemCount() * entryHeight); //Set contentRect size to fit
                Debug.Log("Completed Hierarchy Generation");
Пример #2
 //Crawl root objects of scene
 void CrawlSceneHierarchy(float indentLevel, HierarchyEntry scene)
     indentLevel++;                                                                                                   //Add indent level
     GameObject[] objectsFound = scenes[currentSceneIndex].GetRootGameObjects();                                      //Get all root objects of scene
     foreach (GameObject go in objectsFound)                                                                          //Iterate root objects
         if (go.name != "RuntimeUICanvas")                                                                            //Ignore Runtime Editor objects
             GameObject spawn = Instantiate(hierarchyEntryPrefab, contentRect.transform, false) as GameObject;        //Spawn a hierarchy entry
             spawn.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, currentSpawnPosition);            //Set entries position
             spawn.name = go.name;                                                                                    //Set object name
             spawn.transform.SetParent(scene.transform);                                                              //Parent
             HierarchyEntry entry = spawn.GetComponent <HierarchyEntry>();                                            //Get reference to HierarchyEntry.cs
             entry.isCollapsed = true;                                                                                //Mark as collapsed
             entry.hierarchyReferences.expand.image.sprite = hierarchyGraphicsDefault.expandIcon;                     //Set expanded icon
             entry.parent = scene;                                                                                    //Set parent
             entries.Add(entry);                                                                                      //Add to entry list to track
             scene.children.Add(entry);                                                                               //Add to parents child list
             entry.hierarchyReferences.label.text = spawn.name;                                                       //Set label text
             entry.hierarchyReferences.contentRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(indentLevel * indentSize, 0);       //Apply indent
             if (go.transform.childCount == 0)                                                                        //If object has no children
                 entry.isCollapsed = false;                                                                           //No children means cant be collapsed
                 entry.hierarchyReferences.expand.image.enabled = false;                                              //Set expanded button to false
             entry.hierarchyReferences.button.onClick.RemoveAllListeners();                                           //Reset button listener
             entry.hierarchyReferences.button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { SelectHierarchyEntry(go, entry); });     //Set button listener
             entry.hierarchyReferences.expand.onClick.RemoveAllListeners();                                           //Reset expand button listener
             entry.hierarchyReferences.expand.onClick.AddListener(delegate { this.ExpandCollapseHierarchy(entry); }); //Set expand button listener
             currentSpawnPosition -= entryHeight;                                                                     //Calulcate position for next entry spawn
             CrawlObject(indentLevel, go, entry);                                                                     //Crawl this entries children
     CompleteSceneHierarchy(); //Finished with this scenes Hierarchy
Пример #3
        //Called when collapsing, go up hierarchy from selected to find objects that need to be nudged
        public void RecursiveUp(HierarchyEntry inputEntry, int nudgeCount, HierarchySearchType searchType)
            if (inputEntry.parent)                                         //Check not top of hierarchy
                bool isSelected = false;                                   //Flipped when expanded item is found
                for (int i = 0; i < inputEntry.parent.children.Count; i++) //Iterate siblings
                    if (inputEntry.parent.children[i] == inputEntry)       //If currently expanded item
                        isSelected = true;                                 //Found expanded item
                    else if (isSelected)                                                                     //Following items
                        RectTransform rect   = inputEntry.parent.children[i].GetComponent <RectTransform>(); //Get reference to rect transfrom
                        Vector2       oldPos = rect.anchoredPosition;                                        //get current position
                        switch (searchType)
                        case HierarchySearchType.Collapse:
                            rect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, oldPos.y + nudgeCount * entryHeight);     //set nudged position

                        case HierarchySearchType.Expand:
                            rect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, oldPos.y - nudgeCount * entryHeight);     //set nudged position
                RecursiveUp(inputEntry.parent, nudgeCount, searchType); //Continue up hierarchy
Пример #4
        //Called when collapsing, go down hierarchy from selected to collapse items and calculate hierarchy nudge count
        public int RecursiveDown(HierarchyEntry inputEntry, HierarchySearchType searchType)
            int count = 0;                                      //Integer for tracking children found

            for (int i = 0; i < inputEntry.children.Count; i++) //Iterate children
                switch (searchType)
                case HierarchySearchType.Collapse:
                    inputEntry.children[i].GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = Vector2.zero; //Set position
                    inputEntry.children[i].isHidden = true;                                                //Set hidden to check against
                    inputEntry.children[i].gameObject.SetActive(false);                                    //Set game object disabled

                case HierarchySearchType.Expand:
                    inputEntry.children[i].GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, -((1 + count) * entryHeight)); //Set position
                    inputEntry.children[i].isHidden = false;                                                                               //Set hidden to check against
                    inputEntry.children[i].gameObject.SetActive(true);                                                                     //Set game object disabled
                count++;                                                        //Add to collapsed item count;
                if (!inputEntry.children[i].isCollapsed)                        //If not collapsed keep going down hierarchy
                    count += RecursiveDown(inputEntry.children[i], searchType); //Expand down hierarchy
            return(count); //Return
Пример #5
 //Selects GameObject for this entry (called by Listener on Button)
 public void SelectHierarchyEntry(GameObject inputObject, HierarchyEntry inputEntry)
     for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)                                                      //Iterate hierarchy items
         entries[i].hierarchyReferences.button.image.color = hierarchyGraphicsDefault.entryColor; //Reset button color to default
     inputEntry.hierarchyReferences.button.image.color = hierarchyGraphicsSelected.entryColor;    //Set this buttons color to selected
     if (inspector != null)                                                                       //If reference to Inspector exists
         Debug.Log("Set Inspector to GameObject: " + inputObject.ToString());
         inspector.ChangeInspectorContext(inputObject); //Change context on Inspector.cs to match this selected gameobject
Пример #6
        //Expands or collapses hierarchy from entry
        public void ExpandCollapseHierarchy(HierarchyEntry inputEntry)
            inputEntry.isCollapsed = !inputEntry.isCollapsed; //Flip collapsed state
            int itemCount;                                    //Integer for counting expanded/collapsed items

            switch (inputEntry.isCollapsed)
            case true:
                inputEntry.hierarchyReferences.expand.image.sprite = hierarchyGraphicsDefault.expandIcon; //Set expanded icon
                itemCount = RecursiveDown(inputEntry, HierarchySearchType.Collapse);                      //Search down children recursively to find what to enable/disable and get nudge count
                RecursiveUp(inputEntry, itemCount, HierarchySearchType.Collapse);                         //Search up hierarchy for which items come after this that need to be nudged

            case false:
                inputEntry.hierarchyReferences.expand.image.sprite = hierarchyGraphicsSelected.expandIcon; //Set expanded icon
                itemCount = RecursiveDown(inputEntry, HierarchySearchType.Expand);                         //Search down children recursively to find what to enable/disable and get nudge count
                RecursiveUp(inputEntry, itemCount, HierarchySearchType.Expand);                            //Search up hierarchy for which items come after this that need to be nudged
            contentRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(contentRect.sizeDelta.x, GetVisibleItemCount() * entryHeight); //Set contentRect size to fit
Пример #7
        //Crawl an objects children
        void CrawlObject(float indentLevel, GameObject inputGameObject, HierarchyEntry parent)
            indentLevel++;                                                                                                   //Add indent level
            int childCount = inputGameObject.transform.childCount;                                                           //Get child count

            GameObject[] childrenFound = new GameObject[childCount];                                                         //Create an array for children
            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)                                                                             //Iterate children
                childrenFound[i] = inputGameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;                                         //Get references to children
            foreach (GameObject child in childrenFound)                                                                      //Iterate array of children
                GameObject spawn = Instantiate(hierarchyEntryPrefab, parent.transform, false) as GameObject;                 //Spawn a hierarchy entry
                //spawn.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, currentSpawnPosition); //Set entries position
                spawn.name = child.name;                                                                                     //Set object name
                HierarchyEntry entry = spawn.GetComponent <HierarchyEntry>();                                                //Get reference to HierarchyEntry.cs
                spawn.SetActive(false);                                                                                      //Disable
                entry.isCollapsed = true;                                                                                    //Mark as collapsed
                entry.hierarchyReferences.expand.image.sprite = hierarchyGraphicsDefault.expandIcon;                         //Set expanded icon
                entry.isHidden = true;                                                                                       //Mark as hidden
                entry.parent   = parent;                                                                                     //Set parent
                entries.Add(entry);                                                                                          //Add to entry list to track
                parent.children.Add(entry);                                                                                  //Add to parents child list
                entry.hierarchyReferences.label.text = spawn.name;                                                           //Set label text
                entry.hierarchyReferences.contentRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(indentLevel * indentSize, 0);           //Apply indent
                if (child.transform.childCount == 0)                                                                         //If object has no children
                    entry.isCollapsed = false;                                                                               //No children means cant be collapsed
                    entry.hierarchyReferences.expand.image.enabled = false;                                                  //Set expanded button to false
                entry.hierarchyReferences.button.onClick.RemoveAllListeners();                                               //Reset object button listener
                entry.hierarchyReferences.button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { this.SelectHierarchyEntry(child, entry); }); //Set object button listener
                entry.hierarchyReferences.expand.onClick.RemoveAllListeners();                                               //Reset expand button listener
                entry.hierarchyReferences.expand.onClick.AddListener(delegate { this.ExpandCollapseHierarchy(entry); });     //Set expand button listener
                //currentSpawnPosition -= entryHeight; //Calulcate position for next entry spawn
                CrawlObject(indentLevel, child, entry);                                                                      //Crawl this entries children