Пример #1
         * render audio in the script 'ev', with parameters 'rp'. Multiple rendered scripts may run
         * in parrallel.
         * Call for example once per frame per script, but no firm requirements posed for this.
         * See also: Update()
        public RenderCanvas Render(SoundEvent ev, RenderParams rp)
            rp.AbsTime = rp.Time;
            RenderCanvas canvas = new RenderCanvas(); // TODO option to recycle objects here, avoid creation?

            ev.Render(rp, canvas);

Пример #2
 public override bool Render(RenderParams rp, RenderCanvas c)
     if (!Active) return false;
     if (rp.Time >= 0 && !renderDone )  // yes its my turn!
         // spawn new item ...
         renderDone = true;
     else if (rp.Time < 0)
         // if time < 0 reset back the render flag eg for purpose of replay of this script.
         renderDone = false;
     return true;
        public override bool Render(RenderParams parentRp, RenderCanvas canvas)
            if (!Active) return false;
            _rp = new RenderParams(parentRp);
            //Util.Log("Render HID=" + rp.HierarchyID + " ID=" + this.ID + "\n");

            // make a new canvas - anything painted on here by children, will
            // be used in this SOundEvent.
            RenderCanvas myCanvas = new RenderCanvas();
            // Render to rp/myCanvas, to retrieve adapted render-params based on possible
            // effects attached to me as child nodes.
            RenderChildren(_rp, myCanvas);

            // render my audio ... if within the right time
            if (_rp.Time >= 0 && _rp.Time < Duration )
                _audio.Render(_rp, myCanvas,_dspList, _audioRepeats);
                canvas.TimeMarker = myCanvas.TimeMarker;
                return true;
            return false;
Пример #4
        FMOD.Channel PlaySample(RenderParams rp, RenderCanvas canvas, List<FMOD.DSP> dspList )
            FMOD.Channel channel = null;
            FMOD.RESULT r  = MusicEngine.AudioEngine.playSound(FMOD.CHANNELINDEX.FREE, _sound, true, ref channel);
            if (r == FMOD.RESULT.OK && channel != null)
                // set regular play properties
                AdaptChannelSettings(channel, rp, canvas);

                // set play position
                uint tMs = (uint)Math.Round(rp.Time * 1000.0);
                if (tMs > 0)
                {  // only set position if there is a need
                    r = channel.setPosition(tMs, FMOD.TIMEUNIT.MS);
            #if DEBUG
                    Util.Log("   setPos(" + tMs + ")");

                // set optional DSP unit(s) on channel
                if (r == FMOD.RESULT.OK)
                    FMOD.DSPConnection conn = null;
                    foreach (FMOD.DSP d in dspList)
                        r = channel.addDSP(d, ref conn); // TODO errcheck

                    // go - start playing
                    if (r == FMOD.RESULT.OK)
                        r = channel.setPaused(false);

            } // if
            return channel;
Пример #5
         * called when this sample/effect should render itself, possibly spawning a new
         * playing instance or modifying an already playing instance.
        internal void Render(RenderParams rp, RenderCanvas canvas, List<FMOD.DSP> dspList , int audioRepeats)
            #if DEBUG
            Util.Log("Render HID=" + rp.HierarchyID + " T=" + Math.Round(rp.Time,3) + " AbsT=" + Math.Round(rp.AbsTime,3) + " A="+ Math.Round(rp.Ampl,3) + "\n");
            // check if duration is not exceeded
            if (rp.Time > _soundDuration * ((double)audioRepeats) )

            bool wasPlaying = _nowPlayingList.ContainsKey(rp.HierarchyID);
            FMOD.Channel channel = null;
            FMOD.RESULT r;

            if (wasPlaying)
                channel = _nowPlayingList[rp.HierarchyID];
                // check if still playing now
                bool isPlayingNow = false;
                r = channel.isPlaying(ref isPlayingNow);
                //Util.ERRCHECK(r); // TODO is this needed?
                {   // if so, adapt sample properties only.
                    AdaptChannelSettings(channel, rp, canvas);

                    // check playing time
                    uint playPosMs = 0;
                    int idealPlayPosMs = (int) Math.Round(rp.Time * 1000.0);
                    channel.getPosition(ref playPosMs, FMOD.TIMEUNIT.MS);

                    if (Math.Abs(((int)playPosMs) - idealPlayPosMs) > 5000 && idealPlayPosMs >= 0)  // FIXME specify error margin better, somewhere? configurable per sample?
                        //FIXME HACK enable tracking when needed !!! below.
                        channel.setPosition((uint)idealPlayPosMs, FMOD.TIMEUNIT.MS);
                        playPosMs = (uint)idealPlayPosMs;
                    // store current pos on canvas
                    if (canvas.TimeMarker == 0)
                        canvas.TimeMarker = ((double)playPosMs) / 1000.0;
                {   // if not anymore, remove from list
            {   // was not playing but should be rendered - hence, initiate playing now
                if (rp.Time < _soundDuration - 0.050 ) // extra safety margin - do not start if close to end. TODO configurable time?
                    channel = PlaySample(rp, canvas, dspList);
                    channel.setLoopCount(audioRepeats - 1);
                    if (channel != null)
            #if DEBUG
                        Util.Log("Play   HID=" + rp.HierarchyID + " T=" + Math.Round(rp.Time, 3) + " AbsT=" + Math.Round(rp.AbsTime, 3) + " A=" + Math.Round(rp.Ampl, 3) + "\n");
                        // store playing sound in the table
                        _nowPlayingList[rp.HierarchyID] = channel;
                        Util.Log("Play FAILED rp.H-ID=" + rp.HierarchyID + " rp.Time=" + rp.Time + " rp.AbsTime=" + rp.AbsTime + "\n");

Пример #6
  * adapt a running sample according to renderparams and canvas result
 internal void AdaptChannelSettings(FMOD.Channel channel, RenderParams rp, RenderCanvas canvas)
     double a = rp.Ampl * canvas.AmplMultiply + canvas.AmplAdd;
     double p = rp.Pan + canvas.Pan;
Пример #7
         * render audio in the script 'ev', with parameters 'rp'. Multiple rendered scripts may run
         * in parrallel.
         * Call for example once per frame per script, but no firm requirements posed for this.
         * See also: Update()
        public RenderCanvas Render(SoundEvent ev, RenderParams rp)
            rp.AbsTime = rp.Time;
            RenderCanvas canvas = new RenderCanvas(); // TODO option to recycle objects here, avoid creation?

            return canvas;
Пример #8
        protected override void OnUpdate(ref UpdateParams p)
            // detect music render time rp.Time from the main beat track, if music plays
            double t = 0;
            if (mainSoundTrack != null)
                t = mainSoundTrack.CurrentPlayTime;
            if (t == 0)
                musicRp.Time = p.gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                musicRp.Time = t;

            // music rendering - also apply a time rewind
            //musicRp.Time = p.gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds ; //- musicStartTime - musicRewindTime ;
            //musicRp.Time -= musicRewindTime;
            if (RunningGameState.musicEngine != null)
                musicCanvas = RunningGameState.musicEngine.Render(musicScript, musicRp);
                // music engine update - call once per frame only on average
                if (p.simTime >= lastMusicEngineUpdTime + 0.1667f)
                    lastMusicEngineUpdTime += 0.1667f;

                // fake the musicengine
                musicScript.Render(musicRp, new RenderCanvas() );