Пример #1
        void OnMouseDown()
            // Gets the cell beneath the sphere
            Cell sphereCell = tgs.CellGetAtPosition(transform.position, true);

            Debug.Log("Sphere Cell Row = " + sphereCell.row + ", Col = " + sphereCell.column);

            // Fade cells around sphere position by row and column
            const int size = 3;

            for (int j = sphereCell.row - size; j <= sphereCell.row + size; j++)
                for (int k = sphereCell.column - size; k <= sphereCell.column + size; k++)
                    int cellIndex = tgs.CellGetIndex(j, k, true);
                    tgs.CellFadeOut(cellIndex, Color.blue, 1.0f);

            // Get cell neighbours
            List <Cell> neighbours = tgs.CellGetNeighbours(sphereCell);

            foreach (Cell cell in neighbours)
                tgs.CellFadeOut(cell, Color.red, 2.0f);
Пример #2
        void BuildPath(int clickedCellIndex)
            Debug.Log("Clicked on cell# " + clickedCellIndex);


            if (isSelectingStart)
                // Selects start cell
                cellStartIndex = clickedCellIndex;
                tgs.CellToggleRegionSurface(cellStartIndex, true, Color.yellow);
                // Clicked on the end cell, then show the path
                // First clear color of start cell
                tgs.CellToggleRegionSurface(cellStartIndex, false, Color.white);

                // Get Path
                List <int> path = tgs.FindPath(cellStartIndex, clickedCellIndex, 0, 0, 1);
                // Color the path
                if (path != null)
                    for (int k = 0; k < path.Count; k++)
                        tgs.CellFadeOut(path [k], Color.green, 1f);
            isSelectingStart = !isSelectingStart;
Пример #3
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            // Blinks the new territory under the sphere
            Territory terr      = tgs.TerritoryGetAtPosition(transform.position, true);
            int       terrIndex = tgs.TerritoryGetIndex(terr);

            if (terrIndex != lastTerrIndex)
                lastTerrIndex = terrIndex;
                tgs.TerritoryBlink(terrIndex, Color.red, 0.5f);

            // Check ball state
            switch (state)
            case State.IDLE:

            case State.MOVING:
                if (moveCounter < moveList.Count)
                    Move(tgs.CellGetPosition(moveList [moveCounter]));
                    moveCounter = 0;
                    state       = State.MOVESELECT;

            case State.MOVESELECT:
                if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))                                      //gets path when left mouse is released and over terrain
                    int t_cell = tgs.cellHighlightedIndex;
                    tgs.CellFadeOut(t_cell, Color.red, 50);
                    if (t_cell != -1)                                                 //checks if we selected a cell
                        int   startCell = tgs.CellGetIndex(tgs.CellGetAtPosition(transform.position, true));
                        float totalCost;
                        moveList = tgs.FindPath(startCell, t_cell, out totalCost);
                        if (moveList == null)
                        Debug.Log("Total move cost: " + totalCost);
                        tgs.CellFadeOut(moveList, Color.green, 5f);
                        moveCounter = 0;
                        state       = State.MOVING;
Пример #4
        void Start()
            tgs = TerrainGridSystem.instance;

            // setup GUI styles
            labelStyle                  = new GUIStyle();
            labelStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

            tgs.OnCellHighlight += (int cellIndex, ref bool cancelHighlight) => {
                cancelHighlight = true;
                tgs.CellFadeOut(cellIndex, Color.yellow, 2f);
            tgs.OnCellClick += (int cellIndex, int buttonIndex) => MergeCell(cellIndex);

            // Compute sprite scale
            //float tileSize = Vector3.Distance(tgs.CellGetVertexPosition(0, 0), tgs.CellGetVertexPosition(0, 3));
            //float spriteSize = Vector3.Distance(sprite.bounds.max, sprite.bounds.min);
            //float scale = tileSize / spriteSize;
            //for (int k=0;k<100;k++) {
            //    GameObject o = Instantiate<GameObject>(sprite.gameObject);
            //    o.transform.position = tgs.CellGetPosition(Random.Range(0, tgs.cellCount));
            //    o.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, 1f);

            for (int k = 0; k < tgs.cellCount; k++)
                tgs.CellSetColor(k, Color.yellow);
Пример #5
        // Highlight cells sequentially on each frame
        IEnumerator HighlightCell()
            // run across the grid row by row
            if (currentCol >= tgs.columnCount)
                currentCol = 0;
                if (currentRow >= tgs.rowCount)
                    currentRow = 0;
            // get cell at current grid position and color it with fade out option
            Cell cell = tgs.CellGetAtPosition(currentCol, currentRow);

            if (cell != null)
                int   cellIndex = tgs.CellGetIndex(cell);
                float duration  = Random.value * 2.5f + 0.5f;
                Color color     = new Color(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value);
                tgs.CellFadeOut(cellIndex, color, duration);
            // trigger next iteration after this frame
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

Пример #6
        void TriggerRandomCell(Color color)
            // We get a random vector from -0.5..0.5 on both X and Y (z is ignored)
            Vector2 localPosition = Random.onUnitSphere * 0.5f;
            Cell    cell          = tgs.CellGetAtPosition(localPosition);

            if (cell != null)
                int   cellIndex = tgs.CellGetIndex(cell);
                float duration  = Random.value * 2.5f + 0.5f;
                tgs.CellFadeOut(cellIndex, color, duration);
Пример #7
        // Highlight neighbour cells around character posiiton
        void ShowNeighbours(Vector3 position)
            Cell        characterCell = tgs.CellGetAtPosition(position, true);
            List <Cell> neighbours    = tgs.CellGetNeighbours(characterCell);

            if (neighbours != null)
                foreach (Cell cell in neighbours)
                    tgs.CellFadeOut(cell, Color.red, 2.0f);
Пример #8
        void Start()
            tgs = TerrainGridSystem.instance;

            // setup GUI styles
            labelStyle                  = new GUIStyle();
            labelStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

            tgs.OnCellHighlight += (int cellIndex, ref bool cancelHighlight) => {
                cancelHighlight = true;
                tgs.CellFadeOut(cellIndex, Color.yellow, 2f);
            tgs.OnCellClick += (int cellIndex, int buttonIndex) => MergeCell(cellIndex);
Пример #9
        // Orient the ball toward current selected cell and highlight cell beneath the ball
        void Update()
            if (transform.position.y < -10)

            // Move ball towards the currently selected cell
            if (tgs.cellHighlightedIndex >= 0)
                Vector3 position  = tgs.CellGetPosition(tgs.cellHighlightedIndex);
                Vector3 direction = (position - transform.position).normalized;
                rb.AddForce(direction * 100);

            // Highlight cell under ball
            Cell terrainCell = tgs.CellGetAtPosition(transform.position, true);
            int  cellIndex   = tgs.CellGetIndex(terrainCell);

            if (cellIndex >= 0)
                tgs.CellFadeOut(cellIndex, Color.yellow, 1f);