protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        string strMsg = "";
        if (Convert.ToDateTime(this.txtWeightTime.Text) > DateTime.Now)
            strMsg += "过磅日期不能大于当前日期!\\r\\n";
        if (this.ddlRoom.SelectedIndex == 0)
            strMsg += "请选择计量站\\r\\n";
            string strRoomColl = DbHelperSQL.GetSingle("Select isnull(CollCode,'') from TT_Room where RoomCode='" + this.ddlRoom.SelectedValue + "'").ToString();
            if (this.ddlColl.SelectedIndex == 0)
                strMsg += "请选择煤矿\\r\\n";
                if (strRoomColl != strCollCode)
                    strMsg += "您选择的计量站对应的煤矿与您选择的煤矿不一致!\\r\\n";
                //    if (bll.IsCollAcountLacking(strCollCode))
                //        strMsg += "煤矿余额已不足,充值后才能修改过磅记录!\\r\\n";
            strMsg += "空车重量不能大于等于车辆总重!\\r\\n";
        if (Request.QueryString["key"] != null)
            if (this.txtReason.Text.Trim() == "")
                strMsg += "修改原因不能为空!\\r\\n";
        if (strMsg != "")
            MessageBox.Show(this.UpdatePanel1, this, strMsg);

        TDTK.IndustryPlatform.CoalTraffic.Model.TT_LoadWeight model = new TDTK.IndustryPlatform.CoalTraffic.Model.TT_LoadWeight();
        if (Request.QueryString["key"] == null)
            model.WeightCode = this.ddlRoom.SelectedValue.PadLeft(4, '0') + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
            model.TrafficCode = model.WeightCode;
            model.FrontImage = "";
            model.BackImage = "";
            model.UpImage = "";
            model.RoomImage = "";
            model.BackImageContent = null;
            model.FrontImageContent = null;
            model.RoomImageContent = null;
            model.UpImageContent = null;

            model.BangType = "散煤人工过磅";
            model.TaxType = "散煤正常扣税";
            model.IsFirstSite = "1";
            model.RandomCode = CommonMethod.getRandom(4);
            model.Operator = CookieManager.GetCookieValue("UserName");
            model = bll.GetModel(Request.QueryString["key"].ToString());
            if (model.IsFirstSite != "1")
                model.NetWeight = 0;
                decimal dMax = Convert.ToDecimal(DbHelperSQL.GetSingle("Select isnull(max(LoadWeight),0) from TT_LoadWeight where TrafficCode='" + model.TrafficCode + "' and WeightTime<'" + model.WeightTime.ToString() + "'"));
                decimal dRange = Convert.ToDecimal(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WeightRange"]);
                decimal dOver = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtLoadWeight.Text.Trim()) - dMax;
                if (dOver > dRange)
                    model.OverWeight = dOver;
                    model.OverWeight = 0;
                model.NetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtLoadWeight.Text.Trim()) - Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtEmptyWeight.Text);
                model.OverWeight = 0;

        model.WeightTime = Convert.ToDateTime(this.txtWeightTime.Text);

        model.EmptyCode = this.txtEmptyCode.Text.Trim();
        model.CarNo = this.txtCarNo.Text.Trim();
        model.CarOwnerName = this.txtCarOwnerName.Text.Trim();
        model.CollCode = strCollCode;
        model.CollName = this.ddlColl.SelectedItem.Text; ;
        model.EmptyWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtEmptyWeight.Text);
        model.CoalKindCode = strKindCode;
        model.CoalKindName = this.txtKindName.Text.Trim();
        model.LoadWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtLoadWeight.Text.Trim());
        model.NetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtLoadWeight.Text.Trim()) - Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtEmptyWeight.Text);
        model.EmptyWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtEmptyWeight.Text);
        model.MarkedCardCode = "";
        model.NavicertCode = "";
        model.NetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtLoadWeight.Text.Trim());
        model.RoomCode = this.ddlRoom.SelectedValue;
        model.RoomName = this.ddlRoom.SelectedItem.Text;
        model.TaxObject= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TaxObject"].ToString();

        if (Request.QueryString["key"] != null)
            string strKey = bll.UpdateLoadWeight(model, this.txtReason.Text.Trim());
            if (strKey == "")
                MessageBox.Show(this.UpdatePanel1, this, "修改失败!");
                if (strKey == "-1")
                    MessageBox.Show(this.UpdatePanel1, this, "账户余额已不足本车的扣款,请通知" + model.CollName + "速来交费");
                #region 数据同步
                //string strSql = "PT_LoadWeightUpdate '" + model.WeightCode + "','" + model.NavicertCode + "','" + model.MarkedCardCode + "','" + model.RemoteCardCode + "','" + model.CollCode + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.CollName + "','" + model.CoalKindCode + "','" + model.CoalKindName + "','" + model.CarOwnerName + "','" + model.CarNo + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.CarType + "','" + model.LoadWeight + "','" + model.EmptyWeight + "','" + model.NetWeight + "','" + model.OverWeight + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.RoomCode + "','" + model.RoomName + "','" + model.WeightTime + "','" + model.CustomerName + "','" + model.IsFirstSite + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.Operator + "','" + model.TaxObject + "','" + model.EmptyCode + "'";
                //string strMq = mq.AllStation + mq.Prefix + "TT_LoadWeight" + mq.Prefix + mq.AddFlg + mq.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + mq.Prefix + strSql.ToString();
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.UpdatePanel1, Page.GetType(), "", ";", true);
            string strKey=bll.AddLoadWeight(model);
            if (strKey == "")
                MessageBox.Show(this.UpdatePanel1, this, "添加失败!");
                if (strKey == "-1")
                    MessageBox.Show(this.UpdatePanel1, this, "账户余额已不足本车的扣款,请通知" + model.CollName + "速来交费");

                #region 数据同步
                //string strSql = "PT_LoadWeight '" + model.WeightCode + "','" + model.TrafficCode + "','" + model.NavicertCode + "','" + model.MarkedCardCode + "','" + model.RemoteCardCode + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.CollCode + "','" + model.CollName + "','" + model.CoalKindCode + "','" + model.CoalKindName + "','" + model.CarOwnerName + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.CarNo + "','" + model.CarType + "','" + model.LoadWeight + "','" + model.EmptyWeight + "','" + model.NetWeight + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.OverWeight + "','" + model.RoomCode + "','" + model.RoomName + "','" + model.BangType + "','" + model.Operator + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.WeightTime + "','" + model.RandomCode + "','" + model.CustomerName + "','" + model.TaxType + "','" + model.TaxObject + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.IsFirstSite + "',"
                //    + "'','','','',"
                //    + "null,null,null,null,'" + model.EmptyCode + "'";
                //string strMq = mq.AllStation + mq.Prefix + "TT_LoadWeight" + mq.Prefix + mq.AddFlg + mq.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + mq.Prefix + strSql.ToString();

                string strType = "1";
                //超重为零 是重车过磅单,非零验票单
                if (model.OverWeight == 0)
                    strType = "0";
                string strTitle = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Customer"] + "煤炭管理散煤过磅放行单";
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.UpdatePanel1, Page.GetType(), "", "Print('" + strKey + "','" + strTitle + "','" + strType + "');", true);
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        string strMsg = "";
        //if (Convert.ToDateTime(this.txtWeightTime.Text) > DateTime.Now)
        //strMsg += "过磅日期不能大于当前日期!\\r\\n";
        if (this.ddlColl.SelectedIndex == 0)
            strMsg += "请选择煤矿!\\r\\n";
        //else if (bll.IsCollAcountLacking(strCollCode))
        //    strMsg += "煤矿余额已不足,充值后才能修改过磅记录!\\r\\n";

        //if (!bll.IsCollRunKind(strKindCode, strCollCode))
        //    strMsg += this.txtCollName.Text + "不经营" + this.txtKindName.Text + ",才能修改过磅记录!\\r\\n";
        if (this.ddlRoom.SelectedIndex == 0)
            strMsg += "请选择磅房\\r\\n";
        if (Request.QueryString["key"] != null )
            if (this.txtReason.Text.Trim() == "")
                strMsg += "修改原因不能为空!\\r\\n";
        if (strMsg != "")
            MessageBox.Show(this.UpdatePanel1, this, strMsg);

        TDTK.IndustryPlatform.CoalTraffic.Model.TT_LoadWeight model = new TDTK.IndustryPlatform.CoalTraffic.Model.TT_LoadWeight();
        if (Request.QueryString["key"] == null)
            model.WeightCode = this.ddlRoom.SelectedValue.PadLeft(4, '0') + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
            model.TrafficCode = model.WeightCode;
            model.FrontImage = "";
            model.BackImage = "";
            model.UpImage = "";
            model.RoomImage = "";
            model.BackImageContent = null;
            model.FrontImageContent = null;
            model.RoomImageContent = null;
            model.UpImageContent = null;
            model.BangType = "重车人工过磅";
            model.TaxType = "重车正常扣税";
            model.IsFirstSite = "1";
            model.RandomCode = CommonMethod.getRandom(4);
            model.Operator = CookieManager.GetCookieValue("UserName");
            model.OverWeight = 0;
            model = bll.GetModel(Request.QueryString["key"].ToString());
            model.WeightCode = Request.QueryString["key"].ToString();
            if (model.IsFirstSite != "1")
                model.NetWeight = 0;
                decimal dMax = Convert.ToDecimal(DbHelperSQL.GetSingle("Select isnull(max(LoadWeight),0) from TT_LoadWeight where TrafficCode='" + model.TrafficCode + "' and WeightTime<'" + model.WeightTime.ToString() + "'"));
                decimal dRange = Convert.ToDecimal(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WeightRange"]);
                decimal dOver = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtLoadWeight.Text.Trim().Replace(" ", "")) - dMax;
                if (dOver > dRange)
                    model.OverWeight = dOver;
                    model.OverWeight = 0;

                model.OverWeight = 0;
        model.WeightTime = Convert.ToDateTime(this.txtWeightTime.Text);
        model.CarNo = this.txtCarNo.Text.Trim();
        model.CarOwnerName = this.txtCarOwnerName.Text;
        model.CarType = this.txtCarType.Text;
        model.CollCode = strCollCode;
        //model.CollName = this.ddlColl.SelectedItem.Text;
        model.CollName = strCollName;
        model.EmptyWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtEmptyWeight.Text);
        model.EmptyCode = strEmptyCode;
        model.NetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtLoadWeight.Text.Trim().Replace(" ", "")) - model.EmptyWeight;
        model.CoalKindCode = strKindCode;//煤矿种类编号
        model.CoalKindName = strKindName;//煤种名称
        //model.CoalKindCode = this.ddlKindName.SelectedValue;//获取选中的煤矿种类编号--暂时注释
        //model.CoalKindName = this.txtKindName.Text.Trim();//煤矿种类名称
        //model.CoalKindName = this.ddlKindName.SelectedItem.Text.Trim();//获取选中的煤矿种类名称--暂时注释
        model.LoadWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtLoadWeight.Text.Trim().Replace(" ", ""));
        model.EmptyWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtEmptyWeight.Text);
        model.MarkedCardCode = txtMarkedCardCode.Text.Trim();
        model.NavicertCode = this.txtNavicertCode.Text.Trim();
        model.RoomCode = strRoomCode;
        model.RoomName = strRoom;
        //model.RoomCode = this.ddlRoom.SelectedValue;
        //model.RoomName = this.ddlRoom.SelectedItem.Text;
        if (model.MarkedCardCode != "")//扣费方式
            model.TaxObject = "2";//煤矿企业扣费
            model.TaxObject = "1";//磅房扣费

        #region 将电子标签值赋值给实例对象
        object objRemote = DbHelperSQL.TQuery("Select RemoteCardCode from TT_CarInfo where CarNo='" + model.CarNo.Replace("'", "''") + "'");
        if (objRemote != null)
            model.RemoteCardCode = objRemote.ToString();
            model.RemoteCardCode = "";

        if (Request.QueryString["key"] != null )
            string strKey = bll.UpdateLoadWeight(model, this.txtReason.Text.Trim());
            if (strKey == "")
                MessageBox.Show(this.UpdatePanel1, this, "修改失败!");
                if (strKey == "-1")
                    MessageBox.Show(this.UpdatePanel1, this, "账户余额已不足本车的扣款,请通知" + model.CollName + "速来交费");

                #region 数据同步
                //string strSql = "PT_LoadWeightUpdate '" + model.WeightCode + "','" + model.NavicertCode + "','" + model.MarkedCardCode + "','" + model.RemoteCardCode + "','" + model.CollCode + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.CollName + "','" + model.CoalKindCode + "','" + model.CoalKindName + "','" + model.CarOwnerName + "','" + model.CarNo + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.CarType + "','" + model.LoadWeight + "','" + model.EmptyWeight + "','" + model.NetWeight + "','" + model.OverWeight + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.RoomCode + "','" + model.RoomName + "','" + model.WeightTime + "','" + model.CustomerName + "','" + model.IsFirstSite + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.Operator + "','" + model.TaxObject + "','" + model.EmptyCode + "'";
                //string strMq = mq.AllStation + mq.Prefix + "TT_LoadWeight" + mq.Prefix + mq.EditFlg + mq.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + mq.Prefix + strSql.ToString();
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.UpdatePanel1, Page.GetType(), "", ";", true);
            string strKey = bll.AddLoadWeight(model);
            if (strKey == "")
                MessageBox.Show(this.UpdatePanel1, this, "添加失败!");
                if (strKey == "-1")
                    MessageBox.Show(this.UpdatePanel1, this, "账户余额已不足本车的扣款,请通知" + model.CollName + "速来交费");

                #region 数据同步
                //string strSql = "PT_LoadWeight '" + model.WeightCode + "','" + model.TrafficCode + "','" + model.NavicertCode + "','" + model.MarkedCardCode + "','" + model.RemoteCardCode + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.CollCode + "','" + model.CollName + "','" + model.CoalKindCode + "','" + model.CoalKindName + "','" + model.CarOwnerName + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.CarNo + "','" + model.CarType + "','" + model.LoadWeight + "','" + model.EmptyWeight + "','" + model.NetWeight + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.OverWeight + "','" + model.RoomCode + "','" + model.RoomName + "','" + model.BangType + "','" + model.Operator + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.WeightTime + "','" + model.RandomCode + "','" + model.CustomerName + "','" + model.TaxType + "','" + model.TaxObject + "',"
                //    + "'" + model.IsFirstSite + "',"
                //    + "'','','','',"
                //    + "null,null,null,null,'" + model.EmptyCode + "'";
                //string strMq = mq.AllStation + mq.Prefix + "TT_LoadWeight" + mq.Prefix + mq.AddFlg + mq.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + mq.Prefix + strSql.ToString();

                this.txtCarNo.Text = "";
                this.txtCarOwnerName.Text = "";
                this.txtCarType.Text = "";
                this.ddlColl.SelectedValue = "";
                this.txtEmptyWeight.Text = "";
                //this.txtKindName.Text = "";
                //strKindCode = "";
                this.txtNavicertCode.Text = "";
                this.txtLoadWeight.Text = "";
                this.txtNetWeight.Text = "";
                this.txtReason.Text = "";
                this.txtWeightTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                ddlRoom.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.ddlColl.SelectedValue = "";
                strCollCode = "";
                this.ddlVillage.SelectedValue = "";

                string strType = "1";
                if (model.OverWeight == 0)
                    strType = "0";
                string strTitle = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Customer"] + "煤炭管理重车过磅放行单";
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.UpdatePanel1, Page.GetType(), "", "Print('" + strKey + "','" + strTitle + "','" + strType + "');", true);