public void Initialize (Widget container, PropertyDescriptor property, object obj)
			this.container = container;
			layout = new Pango.Layout (container.PangoContext);
			layout.Width = -1;
			Pango.FontDescription des = container.Style.FontDescription.Copy();
			layout.FontDescription = des; = property;
			this.obj = obj;
			Initialize ();
Пример #2
		public IPropertyEditor CreateEditor (PropertyDescriptor prop)
			PropertyEditorCell cell = PropertyEditorCell.GetPropertyCell (prop);
			cell.Initialize (this, prop, null);

			session = cell.StartEditing (new Gdk.Rectangle (), StateType.Normal);
			if (session == null)
				return new DummyEditor ();
			Gtk.Widget w = (Gtk.Widget) session.Editor as Gtk.Widget;
			w.ShowAll ();
			return session.Editor;
Пример #3
		public CecilPropertyDescriptor (XmlElement elem, Stetic.ItemGroup group, Stetic.ClassDescriptor klass, PropertyDescriptor prop): base (elem, group, klass)
		{ = prop.Name;
			this.type = prop.PropertyType;
			this.canWrite = prop.CanWrite;
			if (type.IsValueType)
				initialValue = Activator.CreateInstance (type);
			this.label = prop.Label;
			this.description = prop.Description;
			this.maximum = prop.Maximum;
			this.minimum = prop.Minimum;
			this.initWithName = prop.InitWithName;
			this.translatable = prop.Translatable;
Пример #4
		public void Initialize (Widget container, PropertyDescriptor property, object obj)
			this.container = container;
			if (layout != null) {
				layout.Dispose ();
			layout = new Pango.Layout (container.PangoContext);
			layout.Width = -1;
			Pango.FontDescription des = container.Style.FontDescription.Copy();
			des.Size = 10 * (int) Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
			layout.FontDescription = des; = property;
			this.obj = obj;
			Initialize ();
Пример #5
        public void SetData(object instance, PropertyDescriptor property, PropertyEditorCell editor)
            this.instance = instance;
   = property;
            if (property == null)
                this.CellBackgroundGdk = tree.Style.MidColors [(int)Gtk.StateType.Normal];
                this.CellBackground = null;

            visible = property != null ? property.VisibleFor (instance): true;
            sensitive = property != null ? property.EnabledFor (instance) && property.VisibleFor (instance): true;
            editorCell = editor;
Пример #6
 void AppendProperty(TreeIter piter, PropertyDescriptor prop, InstanceData idata)
     TreeIter iter;
     if (piter.Equals (TreeIter.Zero))
         iter = store.AppendValues (prop.Label, prop, false, idata);
         iter = store.AppendValues (piter, prop.Label, prop, false, idata);
     if (prop.HasDependencies)
         sensitives[prop] = prop;
     if (prop.HasVisibility)
         invisibles[prop] = prop;
     propertyRows [prop] = store.GetStringFromIter (iter);
Пример #7
 protected void AppendProperty(TreeIter piter, PropertyDescriptor prop, object instance)
     AppendProperty (piter, prop, new InstanceData (instance));
Пример #8
		protected virtual void GeneratePropertySet (GeneratorContext ctx, CodeExpression var, PropertyDescriptor prop)
			object oval = prop.GetValue (Wrapped);
			if (oval == null || (prop.HasDefault && prop.IsDefaultValue (oval)))
			CodeExpression val = ctx.GenerateValue (oval, prop.RuntimePropertyType, prop.Translatable && prop.IsTranslated (Wrapped));
			CodeExpression cprop;
			TypedPropertyDescriptor tprop = prop as TypedPropertyDescriptor;
			if (tprop == null || tprop.GladeProperty == prop) {
				cprop = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (var, prop.Name);
			} else {
				cprop = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (var, tprop.GladeProperty.Name);
				cprop = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression (cprop, prop.Name);
			ctx.Statements.Add (new CodeAssignStatement (cprop, val));
		public EditSession (Gtk.Widget container, object instance, PropertyDescriptor property, IPropertyEditor currentEditor)
		{ = property;
			this.obj = instance;
			this.container = container;
			this.currentEditor = currentEditor;
			currentEditor.ValueChanged += OnValueChanged;
			initialVal = currentEditor.Value;
		public void Initialize (PropertyDescriptor property)
		{ = property;
		public static PropertyEditorCell GetPropertyCell (PropertyDescriptor property)
			Type editorType = property.EditorType;
			if (editorType == null)
				editorType = GetEditorForType (property.PropertyType);
			if (editorType == null)
				return Default;

			if (typeof(IPropertyEditor).IsAssignableFrom (editorType)) {
				if (!typeof(Gtk.Widget).IsAssignableFrom (editorType))
					throw new Exception ("The property editor '" + editorType + "' must be a Gtk Widget");
				return Default;

			PropertyEditorCell cell = (PropertyEditorCell) cellCache [editorType];
			if (cell != null)
				return cell;

			if (!typeof(PropertyEditorCell).IsAssignableFrom (editorType))
				throw new Exception ("The property editor '" + editorType + "' must be a subclass of Stetic.PropertyEditorCell or implement Stetic.IPropertyEditor");

			cell = (PropertyEditorCell) Activator.CreateInstance (editorType);
			cellCache [editorType] = cell;
			return cell;
Пример #12
		public void Initialize (PropertyDescriptor prop)
			Text = "(" + prop.PropertyType.Name + ")";
Пример #13
		public PropertyEditor (PropertyDescriptor prop) : base (false, 0)
			propEditor = CreateEditor (prop);
			Add ((Gtk.Widget) propEditor);
Пример #14
		public PropertyGridHeader ()
			name = (PropertyDescriptor)Registry.LookupClassByName ("Gtk.Widget") ["Name"];
			AppendProperty (name);

			Gtk.HBox box = new Gtk.HBox (false, 6);
			image = new Gtk.Image ();
			box.PackStart (image, false, false, 0);
			label = new Gtk.Label ();
			box.PackStart (label, false, false, 0);
			box.ShowAll ();
			AppendPair ("Widget Class", box, null);
Пример #15
		protected void AppendProperty (PropertyDescriptor prop)
			PropertyEditor rep = new PropertyEditor (prop);

			// FIXME: Make sure all notify events are based on prop names, not propspec
			editors[prop.Name] = rep;

			AppendPair (prop.Label, rep, prop.Description);
			rep.ShowAll ();

			if (prop.HasDependencies)
				sensitives[prop] = prop;
			if (prop.HasVisibility)
				invisibles[prop] = prop;