public TwitterTimelineResponse GetRecentTweets(int blogId)
            TwitterTimelineResponse latestTweets = default(TwitterTimelineResponse);

                var blogHome = Umbraco.TypedContent(blogId);
                if (blogHome != null)
                    var twitterAccount = blogHome.HasProperty("authenticatedTwitterAccount") && blogHome.HasValue("authenticatedTwitterAccount") ? blogHome.GetPropertyValue <TwitterOAuthData>("authenticatedTwitterAccount") : default(TwitterOAuthData);
                    if (twitterAccount != null)
                        //get twitter service using authenticated twitter details
                        Skybrud.Social.Twitter.TwitterService service = twitterAccount.GetService();
                        //get last 5 tweets
                        latestTweets = service.Statuses.GetUserTimeline(twitterAccount.ScreenName, 5);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.Error(typeof(TweetThisApiController), "Error Retrieving Timeline", ex);
Пример #2
        public static TwitterService CreateFromOAuthClient(TwitterOAuthClient client) {

            // This should never be null
            if (client == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("client");

            // Initialize the service
            TwitterService service = new TwitterService {
                Client = client

            // Set the endpoints etc.
            service.Account = new TwitterAccountEndpoint(service);
            service.Favorites = new TwitterFavoritesEndpoint(service);
            service.Followers = new TwitterFollowersEndpoint(service);
            service.Friends = new TwitterFriendsEndpoint(service);
            service.Geo = new TwitterGeoEndpoint(service);
            service.Lists = new TwitterListsEndpoint(service);
            service.Search = new TwitterSearchEndpoint(service);
            service.Statuses = new TwitterStatusesEndpoint(service);
            service.Users = new TwitterUsersEndpoint(service);

            // Return the service
            return service;

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the TwitterService class. Invoking this method will not
 /// result in any calls to the Twitter API.
 /// </summary>
 public TwitterService GetService() {
     return _service ?? (_service = TwitterService.CreateFromOAuthClient(new TwitterOAuthClient {
         ConsumerKey = ConsumerKey,
         ConsumerSecret = ConsumerSecret,
         Token = AccessToken,
         TokenSecret = AccessTokenSecret