TryGetValueAsDouble() публичный статический Метод

Parse the inner text of element with the given name as a double. If element is missing or parsing fails then returns null.
public static TryGetValueAsDouble ( XmlElement xmlParent, string elemName ) : double?
xmlParent System.Xml.XmlElement
elemName string
Результат double?
Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Read Radial Basis Function settings from config XML.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ReadRbfAuxArgMutationConfig(XmlElement xmlConfig,
                                                       out double mutationSigmaCenter,
                                                       out double mutationSigmaRadius)
            // Get root activation element.
            XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlConfig.GetElementsByTagName(
                "RbfAuxArgMutationConfig", "");

            if (nodeList.Count != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing or invalid RbfAuxArgMutationConfig" +
                                            "XML config settings.");

            XmlElement xmlRbfConfig = nodeList[0] as XmlElement;
            double?    center       = XmlUtils.TryGetValueAsDouble(xmlRbfConfig,
            double?radius = XmlUtils.TryGetValueAsDouble(xmlRbfConfig,

            if (null == center || null == radius)
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing or invalid RbfAuxArgMutationConfig" +
                                            "XML config settings.");
            mutationSigmaCenter = center.Value;
            mutationSigmaRadius = radius.Value;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="substrateXml"></param>
        /// <param name="substrateSettingsXml"></param>
        /// <param name="multispatial"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ISubstrate ReadSubstrateFromXml(XmlElement substrateXml, XmlElement substrateSettingsXml)
            var  activationFunction = CreateActivationFunctionFromString(XmlUtils.GetValueAsString(substrateSettingsXml, "Function"));
            var  weightThreshold    = XmlUtils.TryGetValueAsDouble(substrateSettingsXml, "WeightThreshold") ?? 0.2;
            var  maxWeight          = XmlUtils.TryGetValueAsDouble(substrateSettingsXml, "MaxWeight") ?? 5.0;
            bool multispatial       = XmlUtils.TryGetValueAsBool(substrateSettingsXml, "Multispatial") ?? false;
            bool leo = XmlUtils.TryGetValueAsBool(substrateSettingsXml, "Leo") ?? false;

            var  layerlist = new List <SubstrateNodeSet>();
            var  nodes     = new Dictionary <uint, SubstrateNode>();
            uint nodeid    = 1;

            foreach (XmlElement layer in substrateXml.GetElementsByTagName("Layer"))
                SubstrateNodeSet.LayerType type;
                if (!Enum.TryParse(layer.GetAttribute("type"), out type))
                    throw new Exception("Layer type must be defined as Input/Output/Hidden");

                var tmp = new SubstrateNodeSet(layer.ChildNodes.Count, type);
                foreach (XmlNode n in layer.ChildNodes)
                    if (n is XmlComment)
                    var node    = (XmlElement)n;
                    var tmpNode = new SubstrateNode(nodeid, Array.ConvertAll(node.InnerText.Split(','), double.Parse));
                    nodes.Add(nodeid, tmpNode);

            XmlNodeList mappings    = substrateXml.GetElementsByTagName("Mapping");
            XmlNodeList connections = substrateXml.GetElementsByTagName("Connection");

            ISubstrate retval;

            if (connections.Count > 0)
                var connectionList = new List <SubstrateConnection>();
                foreach (XmlElement connection in connections)
                    var ids = Array.ConvertAll(connection.InnerText.Split(','), uint.Parse);
                    connectionList.Add(new SubstrateConnection(nodes[ids[0]], nodes[ids[1]]));

                retval = multispatial ? (ISubstrate) new MultiSpatialSubstrate(layerlist, activationFunction, 0,
                                                                               weightThreshold, maxWeight, connectionList) : new Substrate(layerlist, activationFunction, 0,
                                                                                                                                           weightThreshold, maxWeight, connectionList);
            else if (mappings.Count > 0)
                var mappingList = new List <NodeSetMapping>();
                foreach (XmlElement mapping in mappings)
                    var    ids = Array.ConvertAll(mapping.InnerText.Split(','), int.Parse);
                    double maxDist;
                    double?maxDistN = null;
                    if (double.TryParse(mapping.GetAttribute("maxDist"), out maxDist))
                        maxDistN = maxDist;

                    mappingList.Add(NodeSetMapping.Create(ids[0], ids[1], maxDistN));
                retval = multispatial ? (ISubstrate) new MultiSpatialSubstrate(layerlist, activationFunction, 0,
                                                                               weightThreshold, maxWeight, mappingList) : new Substrate(layerlist, activationFunction, 0,
                                                                                                                                        weightThreshold, maxWeight, mappingList);
                throw new XmlException("Faulty substrate definition, at least one Mapping or Connection element must be defined.");
            retval.Leo = leo;