Пример #1
        // Update is called once per frame
        void FixedUpdate()
            // Move the player towards the destination
            if (running && agent != null && character.enabled)
                // Move the character using unity's physics

                // Reset the position of the character to the nav agent's position if they are too far away
                    var resetDistanceThreshold = 4;
                    var distanceToNavAgent     = (transform.position - ToV3(agent.Position)).magnitude;
                    if (distanceToNavAgent > resetDistanceThreshold)
                        transform.position = ToV3(agent.Position);

                    var svelocity = agent.Vel;
                    var velocity  = ToV3(svelocity);

                    if (!character.isGrounded)
                        velocity += new Vector3(0, gravity, 0);

                    bool moved = false;                     //character.SimpleMove(velocity);
                    if (!moved)
                        var delta = velocity * Time.fixedDeltaTime;

                    // Set the rotation
                    var direction = velocity;
                    direction.y = 0;
                    var speedSq = direction.sqrMagnitude;
                    if (speedSq > 0.01f)
                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction.normalized);

                try {
                    // Move the nav agent
                    var navPoint = navMesh.NavMeshQuery.FindNearestPoly(ToSV3(transform.position), ToSV3(Vector3.one * 2));
                    agent.Position = navPoint.Position;

                    navPoint = navMesh.NavMeshQuery.FindNearestPoly(ToSV3(destination), ToSV3(Vector3.one * 2));
                    agent.RequestMoveTarget(navPoint.Polygon, navPoint.Position);
                } catch (System.Exception) {
Пример #2
        // Update is called once per frame
        void FixedUpdate()
            // Move the player towards the destination
            if (running && agent != null)
                // Move the character using unity's physics

                // Reset the position of the character to the nav agent's position if they are too far away
                    var resetDistanceThreshold = 4;
                    var distanceToNavAgent     = (ActorPosition3D - ToV3(agent.Position)).magnitude;
                    if (distanceToNavAgent > resetDistanceThreshold)
                        ActorPosition3D = ToV3(agent.Position);

                    var svelocity = agent.Vel;
                    var velocity  = ToV3(svelocity);

                    rigidBody2D.velocity = FlipYZ(velocity);

                    if (velocity.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f)
                        previousDirection = velocity.normalized;

                try {
                    // Move the nav agent
                    var navPoint = navMesh.NavMeshQuery.FindNearestPoly(ToSV3(ActorPosition3D), ToSV3(Vector3.one * 2));
                    agent.Position = navPoint.Position;

                    navPoint = navMesh.NavMeshQuery.FindNearestPoly(ToSV3(FlipYZ(destination)), ToSV3(Vector3.one * 2));
                    agent.RequestMoveTarget(navPoint.Polygon, navPoint.Position);

                    _debugNavDest = ToV3(navPoint.Position);
                } catch (System.Exception) {