Пример #1
        public void PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType type, int hue, bool ascii, string text )
            if ( m_Map != null )
                Packet p = null;
                Point3D worldLoc = GetWorldLocation();

                IPooledEnumerable eable = m_Map.GetClientsInRange( worldLoc, GetMaxUpdateRange() );

                foreach ( NetState state in eable )
                    Mobile m = state.Mobile;

                    if ( m.CanSee( this ) && m.InRange( worldLoc, GetUpdateRange( m ) ) )
                        if ( p == null )
                            if ( ascii )
                                p = new AsciiMessage( m_Serial, m_ItemID, type, hue, 3, m_Name, text );
                                p = new UnicodeMessage( m_Serial, m_ItemID, type, hue, 3, "ENU", m_Name, text );

                        state.Send( p );

Пример #2
        public static void Broadcast( int hue, bool ascii, string text )
            Packet p;

            if ( ascii )
                p = new AsciiMessage( Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, hue, 3, "System", text );
                p = new UnicodeMessage( Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, hue, 3, "ENU", "System", text );

            ArrayList list = NetState.Instances;

            for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i )
                if ( ((NetState)list[i]).Mobile != null )
                    ((NetState)list[i]).Send( p );

Пример #3
        public void NonlocalOverheadMessage( MessageType type, int hue, bool ascii, string text )
            if ( m_Map != null )
                Packet p = null;

                IPooledEnumerable eable = m_Map.GetClientsInRange( m_Location );

                foreach ( NetState state in eable )
                    if ( state != m_NetState && state.Mobile.CanSee( this ) )
                        if ( p == null )
                            if ( ascii )
                                p = new AsciiMessage( m_Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, Name, text  );
                                p = new UnicodeMessage( m_Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, Language, Name, text );

                        state.Send( p );

Пример #4
        public void PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType type, int hue, bool ascii, string text, bool noLineOfSight )
            if ( m_Map != null )
                Packet p = null;

                IPooledEnumerable eable = m_Map.GetClientsInRange( m_Location );

                foreach ( NetState state in eable )
                    if ( state.Mobile.CanSee( this ) && (noLineOfSight || state.Mobile.InLOS( this )) )
                        if ( p == null )
                            if ( ascii || (!this.Player && PreferAscii ) )
                                p = new AsciiMessage( m_Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, Name, text );
                                p = new UnicodeMessage( m_Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, m_Language, Name, text );

                        state.Send( p );

Пример #5
        public void PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType type, int hue, bool ascii, string text, bool noLineOfSight = true )
            if ( m_Map != null )
                Packet p = null;

                foreach ( GameClient state in m_Map.GetClientsInRange( m_Location ) )
                    if ( state.Mobile.CanSee( this ) && ( noLineOfSight || state.Mobile.InLOS( this ) ) )
                        if ( p == null )
                            if ( ascii )
                                p = new AsciiMessage( this.Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, Name, text );
                                p = new UnicodeMessage( this.Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, m_Language, Name, text );


                        state.Send( p );

                Packet.Release( p );
Пример #6
        public virtual void DoSpeech( string text, int[] keywords, MessageType type, int hue )
            if ( m_Deleted || Commands.Handle( this, text ) )

            int range = 15;

            switch ( type )
                case MessageType.Regular: m_SpeechHue = hue; break;
                case MessageType.Emote: m_EmoteHue = hue; break;
                case MessageType.Whisper: m_WhisperHue = hue; range = 1; break;
                case MessageType.Yell: m_YellHue = hue; range = 18; break;
                default: type = MessageType.Regular; break;

            SpeechEventArgs regArgs = new SpeechEventArgs( this, text, type, hue, keywords );

            EventSink.InvokeSpeech( regArgs );
            m_Region.OnSpeech( regArgs );
            OnSaid( regArgs );

            if ( regArgs.Blocked )

            text = regArgs.Speech;

            if ( text == null || text.Length == 0 )

            if ( m_Hears == null )
                m_Hears = new ArrayList();
            else if ( m_Hears.Count > 0 )

            if ( m_OnSpeech == null )
                m_OnSpeech = new ArrayList();
            else if ( m_OnSpeech.Count > 0 )

            ArrayList hears = m_Hears;
            ArrayList onSpeech = m_OnSpeech;

            if ( m_Map != null )
                IPooledEnumerable eable = m_Map.GetObjectsInRange( m_Location, range );

                foreach ( object o in eable )
                    if ( o is Mobile )
                        Mobile heard = (Mobile)o;

                        if ( heard.CanSee( this ) && (m_NoSpeechLOS || !heard.Player || heard.InLOS( this )) )
                            if ( heard.m_NetState != null )
                                hears.Add( heard );

                            if ( heard.HandlesOnSpeech( this ) )
                                onSpeech.Add( heard );

                            for ( int i = 0; i < heard.Items.Count; ++i )
                                Item item = (Item)heard.Items[i];

                                if ( item.HandlesOnSpeech )
                                    onSpeech.Add( item );

                                if ( item is Container )
                                    AddSpeechItemsFrom( onSpeech, (Container)item );
                    else if ( o is Item )
                        if ( ((Item)o).HandlesOnSpeech )
                            onSpeech.Add( o );

                        if ( o is Container )
                            AddSpeechItemsFrom( onSpeech, (Container)o );


                object mutateContext = null;
                string mutatedText = text;
                SpeechEventArgs mutatedArgs = null;

                if ( MutateSpeech( hears, ref mutatedText, ref mutateContext ) )
                    mutatedArgs = new SpeechEventArgs( this, mutatedText, type, hue, new int[0] );



                Packet regp = null;
                Packet mutp = null;

                for ( int i = 0; i < hears.Count; ++i )
                    Mobile heard = (Mobile)hears[i];

                    if ( mutatedArgs == null || !CheckHearsMutatedSpeech( heard, mutateContext ) )
                        heard.OnSpeech( regArgs );

                        NetState ns = heard.NetState;

                        if ( ns != null )
                            if ( regp == null )
                                regp = new UnicodeMessage( m_Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, m_Language, Name, text );

                            ns.Send( regp );
                        heard.OnSpeech( mutatedArgs );

                        NetState ns = heard.NetState;

                        if ( ns != null )
                            if ( mutp == null )
                                mutp = new UnicodeMessage( m_Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, m_Language, Name, mutatedText );

                            ns.Send( mutp );

                if ( onSpeech.Count > 1 )
                    onSpeech.Sort( LocationComparer.GetInstance( this ) );

                for ( int i = 0; i < onSpeech.Count; ++i )
                    object obj = onSpeech[i];

                    if ( obj is Mobile )
                        Mobile heard = (Mobile)obj;

                        if ( mutatedArgs == null || !CheckHearsMutatedSpeech( heard, mutateContext ) )
                            heard.OnSpeech( regArgs );
                            heard.OnSpeech( mutatedArgs );
                        Item item = (Item)obj;

                        item.OnSpeech( regArgs );
Пример #7
        public void PublicLOSMessage( MessageType type, int hue, bool ascii, string text )
            Packet p = null;
            Point3D worldLoc = GetWorldLocation();

            IPooledEnumerable eable = GetClientsInRange( GetMaxUpdateRange() );
            foreach ( NetState state in eable )
                Mobile m = state.Mobile;

                if ( m.CanSee( this ) && m.InRange( worldLoc, GetUpdateRange( m ) ) && this.Map.LineOfSight( this.Map.GetPoint( m, true ), worldLoc ) )
                    if ( p == null )
                        if ( ascii )
                            p = new AsciiMessage( Serial, ItemID, type, hue, 3, Name, text );
                            p = new UnicodeMessage( Serial, ItemID, type, hue, 3, "ENU", Name, text );
                    state.Send( p );
                Packet.Release( ref p );
Пример #8
        public void NonlocalOverheadMessage( MessageType type, int hue, bool ascii, string text )
            if ( m_Map != null )
                Packet p = null;

                foreach ( GameClient state in m_Map.GetClientsInRange( m_Location ) )
                    if ( state != m_Client && state.Mobile.CanSee( this ) )
                        if ( p == null )
                            if ( ascii )
                                p = new AsciiMessage( this.Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, Name, text );
                                p = new UnicodeMessage( this.Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, Language, Name, text );


                        state.Send( p );

                Packet.Release( p );
        public static void PublicOverheadMessage( Mobile m, MessageType type, int hue, string text )
            if( m.Map != null )
                Packet p = null;

                IPooledEnumerable eable = m.Map.GetClientsInRange( m.Location );

                foreach( NetState state in eable )
                    if( state.Mobile != null && state.Mobile.CanSee( m ) && state.Mobile.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster )
                        if( p == null )
                            p = new UnicodeMessage( m.Serial, m.Body, type, hue, 3, m.Language, m.Name, text );


                        state.Send( p );

                Packet.Release( p );

Пример #10
		public static void Broadcast(int hue, bool ascii, string text)
			Packet p;

			if (ascii)
				p = new AsciiMessage(Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, hue, 3, "System", text);
				p = new UnicodeMessage(Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, hue, 3, "ENU", "System", text);

			List<NetState> list = NetState.Instances;


			for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
				if (list[i].Mobile != null)


Пример #11
        public void SendPublicMessage( Mobile from, string text )
            SendToAll( new PartyTextMessage( true, from, text ) );

            for ( int i = 0; i < m_Listeners.Count; ++i )
                Mobile mob = (Mobile)m_Listeners[i];

                if ( mob.Party != this )
                    ((Mobile)m_Listeners[i]).SendMessage( "[{0}]: {1}", from.Name, text );

            Packet p = null;

            foreach ( NetState ns in from.GetClientsInRange( 8 ) )
                Mobile mob = ns.Mobile;

                if ( mob != null && mob.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && mob.AccessLevel > from.AccessLevel && mob.Party != this && !m_Listeners.Contains( mob ) )
                    if ( p == null )
                        p = new UnicodeMessage( from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, from.SpeechHue, 3, from.Language, from.Name, String.Format( "[Party]: {0}", text ) );

                    ns.Send( p );
Пример #12
		public void PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType type, int hue, bool ascii, string text, bool noLineOfSight)
			if (m_Map != null)
				Packet p = null;

				IPooledEnumerable eable = m_Map.GetClientsInRange(m_Location);

				foreach (NetState state in eable)
					// wea: changed to a check to see if target is audible to the speaker 
					// if ( state.Mobile.CanSee( this ) && (noLineOfSight || state.Mobile.InLOS( this )) )
					if (state.Mobile.CanSee(this) && (noLineOfSight || state.Mobile.IsAudibleTo(this)))
						if (p == null)
							if (ascii)
								p = new AsciiMessage(m_Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, Name, text);
								p = new UnicodeMessage(m_Serial, Body, type, hue, 3, m_Language, Name, text);




Пример #13
      private static void Msg( CommandEventArgs e  )
         Mobile from = e.Mobile;

         Guild GuildC = from.Guild as Guild;
         if ( GuildC == null )
            from.SendMessage( "You are not in a guild!" );
            foreach ( NetState state in NetState.Instances )
               Mobile m = state.Mobile;
               if ( m != null && GuildC.IsMember( m ) )
                  m.SendMessage( 0x2C, String.Format( "Guild[{0}]: {1}", from.Name, e.ArgString ) );
			Packet p = null;
			foreach (NetState ns in from.GetClientsInRange(8))
				Mobile mob = ns.Mobile;
				if (mob != null && mob.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && mob.AccessLevel > from.AccessLevel)
					if (p == null)
						p = new UnicodeMessage(from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, from.SpeechHue, 3, from.Language, from.Name, String.Format("[Guild]: {0}", e.ArgString));