Пример #1
        public StarWarsMutation(StarWarsData data)
            Name = "Mutation";
            var queryArgumentArray = new QueryArgument[1];
            var queryArgument      = new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <HumanInputType> > {
                Name = "human"

            queryArgumentArray[0] = queryArgument;
            Field <HumanType>("createHuman", null, new QueryArguments(queryArgumentArray), context => data.AddHuman(context.GetArgument <Human>("human")));
Пример #2
        public StarWarsQuery(StarWarsData data)
            Name = "Query";
            Field <CharacterInterface>("hero", description: null, null, context => data.GetDroidByIdAsync("3"));
            var queryArgumentArray1 = new QueryArgument[1];
            var queryArgument1      = new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <StringGraphType> >();

            queryArgument1.Name        = "id";
            queryArgument1.Description = "id of the human";
            queryArgumentArray1[0]     = queryArgument1;
            Field <HumanType>("human", description: null, new QueryArguments(queryArgumentArray1), context => data.GetHumanByIdAsync(context.GetArgument <string>("id")));
            Func <ResolveFieldContext <object>, string, object> func = (context, id) => data.GetDroidByIdAsync(id);
            var queryArgumentArray2 = new QueryArgument[1];
            var queryArgument2      = new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <StringGraphType> >();

            queryArgument2.Name        = "id";
            queryArgument2.Description = "id of the droid";
            queryArgumentArray2[0]     = queryArgument2;
            FieldDelegate <DroidType>("droid", arguments: new QueryArguments(queryArgumentArray2), resolve: func);