/// <summary>
        /// Initializes the World object and everything in it.
        /// </summary>
        public void InitWorld()
            //Change to public so it can be called from the gameplay screen.
              //the world wont exist till it is class from the GameplayScreen

              // Create the World object.
              Vector2 gravity = new Vector2(0f, 9.8f);
              _world = new World(gravity);

              // Make sure that the level has boundaries.
              // Make sure that bounces against walls are counted.
              OnWallCollision += IncrementBounces;

              // Create a launcher with a ball in it.
              _ball = new Ball(_ballTex);

              // Add the goal to the world.
              // When the ball touches the goal, conclude the simulation phase.
              _goal.OnGoalCollision += Complete;

              // Add the platforms to the world.
              foreach (Platform plat in _platforms) {
            plat.OnPlatformCollision += IncrementBounces;
              foreach (Platform plat in _moveablePlatforms) {
            plat.OnPlatformCollision += IncrementBounces;
              // Add the treasures to the world.
              foreach (Treasure treasure in _treasures) {
            treasure.OnTreasureCollect += IncrementCollected;

              // Add the death traps to the world.
              foreach (DeathTrap trap in _deathTraps) {
            trap.OnTrapCollision += EndAttempt;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a ball into the launcher.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ball">The ball that will be eventually launched.</param>
        public void LoadBall(Ball newBall)
            if (_ball != null) {
            throw new InvalidOperationException("There is already a ball that is ready to be launched.");

              // The launcher now contains the ball, and the user can now aim it.
              _ball = newBall;
              _movable = true;
              // Make sure that it actually gets displayed.
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a Launcher object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textures">An array of textures that will be used to draw the launcher's 
        /// parts. The texture in index 0 is the "stick", the texture in index 1 is the base, and 
        /// the texture in index 2 is the power meter. The "stick" should be of length 80, the
        /// base should be 120x120, and the power meter should be 80x10.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position of the launcher.</param>
        public Launcher(Texture2D[] textures, Vector2 position)
            // Set the textures.
              if (textures != null) {
            _rotatorTex = textures[0];
            _baseTex = textures[1];
            _meterTex = textures[2];

              // TODO: add texture dimensions check

              if (position.X < 0 || position.Y < 0) {
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The position should not be negative.");

              // Set the launcher's position.
              _position = position;

              // At first, the launcher will be empty, and the launcher is only movable
              // when there's a ball in it.
              _movable = false;
              _ball = null;

              // Initialize the angle and magnitude, and calculate the initial position of the tip.
              _angle = (float)Math.PI / 4; // 45 degrees
              _magnitude = 10f;
              _tip = new Vector2();

              // Position the ball.
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Launches the ball in the launcher.
        /// </summary>
        public void LaunchBall()
            // Don't do anything if no ball is in the launcher.
              if (!_movable) {

              // Stop the player from moving the launcher.
              _movable = false;

              // Calculate the velocity of the ball based on the launcher's angle and magnitude.
              float xVelocity = _magnitude * (float)Math.Cos(-1 * _angle);
              float yVelocity = _magnitude * (float)Math.Sin(-1 * _angle);
              _ball.Launch(xVelocity, yVelocity);

              // Call any methods that are waiting for the ball to launch.
              if (OnBallLaunch != null) {

              // The launcher no longer owns the ball.
              _ball = null;
        /* Put more tests here */
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns a launcher.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="createBall">Whether a ball should be loaded in the launcher.</param>
        /// <returns>A Launcher object.</returns>
        private Launcher CreateLauncher(bool createBall)
            // Create the launcher.
              // We don't need a texture for unit tests, so pass in null for the texture parameters.
              Launcher launcher = new Launcher(null, new Vector2(0, 0));

              if (createBall) {
            // Give the launcher a ball; otherwise, it won't move.
            Ball ball = new Ball(null);

              return launcher;