public outlookMain() { InitializeComponent(); //subscribe to new license mails _licenseMail.StateChanged += on_new_licensemail; _olk = new OutlookMail.OutlookMail(ref _licenseMail); string dbFile = _mysettings.SQLiteDataBaseFilename; if (!dbFile.Contains('\\')) { //build full file name dbFile = utils.helpers.getAppPath() + dbFile; } _licenseDataBase = new LicenseDataBase(ref this.dataGridView1, dbFile); _licenseDataBase.StateChanged += new StateChangedEventHandler(_licenseDataBase_StateChanged); if (_licenseDataBase.bIsValidDB == false) { MessageBox.Show("Error accessing or creating database file: " + dbFile, "Fatal ERROR"); Application.Exit(); } else { loadData(); } }
private void mnuDisconnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_olk != null) { _olk.Dispose(); _olk = null; } mnuConnect.Enabled = true; mnuDisconnect.Enabled = false; }
private void mnuConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _mysettings = _mysettings.load(); _userData = new utils.UserData(_mysettings.ShowDialog, _mysettings.OutlookProfile, _mysettings.Username, ""); Helpers.GetLogonDataOutlook dlg = new Helpers.GetLogonDataOutlook(ref _userData); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _olk = new OutlookMail.OutlookMail(ref _licenseMail); _olk.StateChanged += new StateChangedEventHandler(_olk_stateChanged); //_olk.StateChanged += new StateChangedEventHandler(_olk_StateChanged); _olk.start(); if (_olk.logon(_userData.sOutlookProfile, _userData.sUser, _userData.sPassword, _userData.bShowOutlookDialog)) {// "Global", "E841719", "")) Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; Application.DoEvents(); _olk.getMailsAsync(); } } mnuConnect.Enabled = false; mnuDisconnect.Enabled = true; }
public outlookMain() { InitializeComponent(); //subscribe to new license mails _licenseMail.StateChanged += on_new_licensemail; _olk = new OutlookMail.OutlookMail(ref _licenseMail); string dbFile = _mysettings.SQLiteDataBaseFilename; if (!dbFile.Contains('\\')) { //build full file name dbFile = utils.helpers.getAppPath() + dbFile; } _licenseDataBase = new LicenseDataBase(ref this.dataGridView1, dbFile); _licenseDataBase.StateChanged += new StateChangedEventHandler(_licenseDataBase_StateChanged); if (_licenseDataBase.bIsValidDB == false) { MessageBox.Show("Error accessing or creating database file: " + dbFile, "Fatal ERROR"); Application.Exit(); } else loadData(); }
private void mnuConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _mysettings = _mysettings.load(); _userData = new utils.UserData(_mysettings.ShowDialog,_mysettings.OutlookProfile, _mysettings.Username, ""); Helpers.GetLogonDataOutlook dlg = new Helpers.GetLogonDataOutlook(ref _userData); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _olk = new OutlookMail.OutlookMail(ref _licenseMail); _olk.StateChanged += new StateChangedEventHandler(_olk_stateChanged); //_olk.StateChanged += new StateChangedEventHandler(_olk_StateChanged); _olk.start(); if (_olk.logon(_userData.sOutlookProfile, _userData.sUser, _userData.sPassword, _userData.bShowOutlookDialog)) {// "Global", "E841719", "")) Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; Application.DoEvents(); _olk.getMailsAsync(); } } mnuConnect.Enabled = false; mnuDisconnect.Enabled = true; }
void _getMails(object param) { helpers.addLog("_getMails() started..."); OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.busy, "looking thru eMails")); OutlookMail _olk = (OutlookMail)param; //need an instance _olk.OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.busy, "_getMails() started...")); try { _olk.OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.ews_pulse, "looking thru emails")); Outlook.Items items = MyInbox.Items; items.Sort("[ReceivedTime]"); foreach (object o in items)// MyInbox.Items.Sort("[ReceivedTime]")) { processMail(o); /* * if (o == null) * continue; * int foundAttachements=0; * if (o == null) * continue; * Outlook.MailItem mitem = o as Outlook.MailItem; * if (mitem == null) * continue; * if(mitem.Subject!=null) * helpers.addLog(string.Format("looking at: {0}\n", mitem.Subject)); * else * helpers.addLog(string.Format("looking at: {0}\n", mitem.EntryID)); * * if (mitem.Attachments.Count == 0) * continue; * else * { * //look for .xml * foreach (Outlook.Attachment att in mitem.Attachments) * { * if (att.FileName.EndsWith("xml")) * foundAttachements++; * } * } * if (foundAttachements == 0) * continue; //no attachement ending in xml * if(mitem.Subject.IndexOf(helpers.filterSubject)==-1) * continue; * if (mitem.Subject.IndexOf(sMailHasAlreadyProcessed) > 0) //do not process mail again * continue; * * //process mail * helpers.addLog(string.Format("### mail found: {0},\n{1}\n\n", mitem.Subject, mitem.Body)); * _olk.OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.ews_pulse, "getMail: processing eMail " + mitem.Subject)); * MailMsg myMailMsg = new MailMsg(mitem, _olk._userData.sUser); * int iRet = _olk._licenseMail.processMail(myMailMsg); * //change subject * mitem.Subject += sMailHasAlreadyProcessed; * mitem.Close(Outlook.OlInspectorClose.olSave); * Thread.Sleep(100); * Thread.Yield(); */ } } catch (System.Exception ex) { helpers.addExceptionLog(ex.StackTrace); } _olk.OnStateChanged(new StatusEventArgs(StatusType.ews_pulse, "read mail done")); }
private void cONFIRMSMSToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OutlookMail obj = new OutlookMail(); obj.Show(); }