public override OpenTK.Vector2 ModifyRange(OpenTK.Vector2 source_range) { // Three cases to handle: // 1.) min and max both positive - no change. // 2.) min and max both negative - make both positive and flip max and min. // 3.) min negative, max positive - new min = 0, new max = larger of (old max) or (-old min) // OpenTK.Vector2 modified_range; if (source_range.X >= 0.0f) { modified_range = source_range; } else if (source_range.Y < 0.0f) { modified_range.X = -1.0f * source_range.Y; modified_range.Y = -1.0f * source_range.X; } else { modified_range.X = 0.0f; modified_range.Y = System.Math.Max(source_range.Y, -1.0f * source_range.X); } return(modified_range); }
public override OpenTK.Vector2 GetNoiseRange() { if (m_basis_noise_module == null) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Cannot evaluate fractal noise when no basis noise module has been provided."); } float persistence = System.Convert.ToSingle(System.Math.Pow(m_lacunarity, -1.0f * m_fractal_increment)); float amplitude_min = 0.0f; float amplitude_max = 0.0f; float current_amplitude_scale = 1.0f; OpenTK.Vector2 basis_noise_range = m_basis_noise_module.GetNoiseRange(); for (uint octave = 0; octave < m_num_octaves; ++octave) { amplitude_min += (basis_noise_range.X * current_amplitude_scale); amplitude_max += (basis_noise_range.Y * current_amplitude_scale); current_amplitude_scale *= persistence; } OpenTK.Vector2 output_noise_range = new OpenTK.Vector2(amplitude_min, amplitude_max); foreach (var modifier in m_modifiers) { output_noise_range = modifier.ModifyRange(output_noise_range); } return(output_noise_range); }
internal FlockSourceBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { this.position = binaryReader.ReadVector3(); this.startingYawPitchDegrees = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); this.radius = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.weight = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); }
internal ScenarioCutsceneFlagBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { this.invalidName_ = binaryReader.ReadBytes(4); = binaryReader.ReadString32(); this.position = binaryReader.ReadVector3(); this.facing = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); }
protected Action <IEnumerable <object> > CreateUniformVec2ValueSetter(string name) { return(delegate(IEnumerable <object> values) { IEnumerator <OpenTK.Vector2> valuesEnum = values.Cast <OpenTK.Vector2>().GetEnumerator(); BatchInfo[] batchInfoArray = this.GetValue().Cast <BatchInfo>().ToArray(); OpenTK.Vector2 curValue = OpenTK.Vector2.Zero; if (valuesEnum.MoveNext()) { curValue = valuesEnum.Current; } foreach (BatchInfo info in batchInfoArray) { if (info != null) { info.SetUniform(name, 0, curValue.X); info.SetUniform(name, 1, curValue.Y); } if (valuesEnum.MoveNext()) { curValue = valuesEnum.Current; } } this.OnPropertySet(ReflectionInfo.Property_BatchInfo_Uniforms, batchInfoArray); }); }
internal ActorStartingLocationsBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.position = binaryReader.ReadVector3(); this.referenceFrame = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.invalidName_ = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.facingYawPitchDegrees = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); this.flags = (Flags)binaryReader.ReadInt32(); this.characterType = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialWeapon = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialSecondaryWeapon = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.invalidName_0 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.vehicleType = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.seatType = (SeatType)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.grenadeType = (GrenadeType)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.swarmCount = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.actorVariantName = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.vehicleVariantName = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.initialMovementDistance = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.emitterVehicle = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.initialMovementMode = (InitialMovementMode)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.placementScript = binaryReader.ReadString32(); this.invalidName_1 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.invalidName_2 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); }
public static OpenTK.Vector2 GetVector2(this JToken tok, OpenTK.Vector2?defaultValue = null) { if (!tok.IsValid() || tok.Type != JTokenType.Array || ((JArray)tok).Count != 2) { if (defaultValue.HasValue) { return(defaultValue.Value); } return(OpenTK.Vector2.Zero); } OpenTK.Vector2 vec = new OpenTK.Vector2(); var asArray = (JArray)tok; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { var val = asArray[i]; if (val == null || (val.Type != JTokenType.Integer && val.Type != JTokenType.Float)) { if (defaultValue.HasValue) { return(defaultValue.Value); } return(OpenTK.Vector2.Zero); } vec[i] = (float)val; } return(vec); }
internal Program() : base(800, 600, new GraphicsMode( new ColorFormat( 8, 8, 8, 0 ), 0, 0, 4 ), "ASMCellSim Visualizer") { myWorld = new World( 256f, true ); myCamPos = new OpenTK.Vector2( 128f, 128f ); myCamScale = 4.0f; myUpdatePeriod = 1f / 60f; myTimer = new Stopwatch(); Random rand = new Random(); for ( int g = 0; g < 64; ++g ) { int chainLength = rand.Next( 4, 17 ); Vector2 start = new Vector2( (float) rand.NextDouble() * myWorld.Width, (float) rand.NextDouble() * myWorld.Height ); float ang = (float) ( rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2.0 ); Vector2 add = new Vector2( (float) Math.Cos( ang ), (float) Math.Sin( ang ) ) * Cell.Radius * 2f; Cell[] cells = new Cell[ chainLength ]; for ( int i = 0; i < chainLength; ++i ) { cells[ i ] = myWorld.AddCell( start + add * i + new Vector2( rand.NextDouble() - 0.5, rand.NextDouble() - 0.5 ) ); if ( i > 0 ) cells[ i ].Attach( cells[ i - 1 ], Hectant.Front, Hectant.Back ); } myDraggedCell = cells[ 0 ]; } }
internal GlobalWaterDefinitionsBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { this.shader = binaryReader.ReadTagReference(); this.section = ReadWaterGeometrySectionBlockArray(binaryReader); this.geometryBlockInfo = new GlobalGeometryBlockInfoStructBlock(binaryReader); this.sunSpotColor = binaryReader.ReadColorR8G8B8(); this.reflectionTint = binaryReader.ReadColorR8G8B8(); this.refractionTint = binaryReader.ReadColorR8G8B8(); this.horizonColor = binaryReader.ReadColorR8G8B8(); this.sunSpecularPower = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.reflectionBumpScale = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.refractionBumpScale = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.fresnelScale = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.sunDirHeading = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.sunDirPitch = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.fOV = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.aspect = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.height = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.farz = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.rotateOffset = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); this.extents = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); this.fogNear = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.fogFar = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.dynamicHeightBias = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); }
/// <summary> /// Transform a single Vector2 object and return the result. /// </summary> /// <param name="mat"></param> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static tk.Vector2 eTransformSingleVector2(this d2d.Matrix mat, tk.Vector2 p) { var tmp = new tk.Vector2[] { p }; mat.eTransformVector2(tmp); return(tmp[0]); }
public void TestComplexInversableLocalAndWorldConversion_World() { var t = new Transform(); t.Translate(new Vector2(1, 2), Space.World); var tpInput = new Vector2(1, 2); var tpLocal = t.TransformPoint(tpInput, Space.Local); var tpWorld = t.TransformPoint(tpLocal, Space.World); Assert.AreEqual(tpInput, tpWorld); t.Rotate(90); var rpInput = new Vector2(-11, 2); var rpLocal = t.TransformPoint(rpInput, Space.Local); var rpWorld = t.TransformPoint(rpLocal, Space.World); Assert.AreEqual(rpInput, rpWorld); t.Scale(3f, 2f, Space.World); var spInput = new Vector2(40, 20); var spLocal = t.TransformPoint(spInput, Space.Local); var spWorld = t.TransformPoint(spLocal, Space.World); Assert.AreEqual(spInput, spWorld); }
internal ScenarioFunctionBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { this.flags = (Flags)binaryReader.ReadInt32(); = binaryReader.ReadString32(); this.periodSeconds = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.scalePeriodBy = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.function = (Function)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.scaleFunctionBy = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.wobbleFunction = (WobbleFunctionCurveUsedForWobble)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.wobblePeriodSeconds = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.wobbleMagnitudePercent = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.squareWaveThreshold = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.stepCount = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.mapTo = (MapTo)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.sawtoothCount = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.invalidName_ = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.scaleResultBy = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.boundsMode = (BoundsModeControlsHowBoundsBelowAreUsed)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.bounds = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); this.invalidName_0 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(4); this.invalidName_1 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.turnOffWith = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.invalidName_2 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(16); this.invalidName_3 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(16); }
public ParticleDigging(World world, Vector3 pos, Vector3 motion, float particleScale, BlockState state, FaceSides side) : base(world, pos, motion, particleScale, JsonModelLoader.TextureBlocks) { State = state; if (state.Model.RawModel is ModelBlockRaw) { var tex = state.Model.ParticleTexture; Vector2 start = tex.UVMin; Vector2 end = tex.UVMax; Vector2 size = end - start; Vector2 pixel = size / 16; UVmin = start + pixel * new Vector2(MathUtil.NextFloat(0, 12), MathUtil.NextFloat(0, 12)); UVmax = UVmin + pixel * 4; } if (side == FaceSides.Up) { Motion.Xz = SharpCraft.Instance.Camera.GetLookVec().Xz * 0.15f; } Vector3 vec = new Vector3(MathUtil.NextFloat(-1), MathUtil.NextFloat(-1), MathUtil.NextFloat(-1)); _rotStep = vec.Normalized() * MathUtil.NextFloat(40, 75); }
public static GameObject CreateCube(Vector3 position, Vector3 scale, Quaternion rotation, Texture texture, ShaderProgram program, Vector2 tiling, Vector2 offset, Texture tesS = null, int mass = -1) { GameObject box = new GameObject(position, "Box"); box.Scale = scale; box.Rotation = rotation; Mesh cube = Prefabs.Cube; LitMeshRendererComponent mr = new LitMeshRendererComponent(program, cube, texture, 1, false); if (tesS != null) { tesS.TexType = TextureType.Specular; mr.Textures = new[] { mr.Textures[0], tesS }; } mr.Tiling = tiling; mr.Offset = offset; box.AddComponent(mr); Vector3 bounds = scale * 2; Collider coll; if (mass == -1) { coll = new Collider(new Box(Vector3.Zero, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Z), "physics"); } else { coll = new Collider(new Box(Vector3.Zero, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Z, mass), "physics"); } coll.PhysicsCollider.Material = new Material(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); box.AddComponent(coll); return(box); }
private static Ray ConstructRayFromMousePosition(Vector3 localPosition) { Vector2 mpos = GameEngine.Instance.MousePosition; Vector3 mousepos = GameEngine.Instance.ConvertScreenToWorldCoords((int)mpos.X, (int)mpos.Y); return(new Ray(localPosition, (mousepos - localPosition).Normalized())); }
internal ScenarioAtmosphericFogPaletteBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { = binaryReader.ReadStringID(); this.color = binaryReader.ReadColorR8G8B8(); this.spreadDistanceWorldUnits = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.invalidName_ = binaryReader.ReadBytes(4); this.maximumDensity01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.startDistanceWorldUnits = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.opaqueDistanceWorldUnits = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.color0 = binaryReader.ReadColorR8G8B8(); this.invalidName_0 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(4); this.maximumDensity010 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.startDistanceWorldUnits0 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.opaqueDistanceWorldUnits0 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.invalidName_1 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(4); this.planarColor = binaryReader.ReadColorR8G8B8(); this.planarMaxDensity01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.planarOverrideAmount01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.planarMinDistanceBiasWorldUnits = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.invalidName_2 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(44); this.patchyColor = binaryReader.ReadColorR8G8B8(); this.invalidName_3 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(12); this.patchyDensity01 = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); this.patchyDistanceWorldUnits = binaryReader.ReadRange(); this.invalidName_4 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(32); this.patchyFog = binaryReader.ReadTagReference(); this.mixers = ReadScenarioAtmosphericFogMixerBlockArray(binaryReader); this.amount01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.threshold01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.brightness01 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.gammaPower = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); this.cameraImmersionFlags = (CameraImmersionFlags)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.invalidName_5 = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); }
public void TestCellRasterization() { var v1 = new Vector2(1.2f, 1.5f); var v2 = new Vector2(0.55f, -1.55f); var v3 = new Vector2(-2.4f, -1.1f); var v4 = new Vector2(-0.5f, 2.3f); var h1 = new HalfPlane(v1, v2, Vector2.Zero); var h2 = new HalfPlane(v2, v3, Vector2.Zero); var h3 = new HalfPlane(v3, v4, Vector2.Zero); var h4 = new HalfPlane(v4, v1, Vector2.Zero); var isContains = new Predicate <Vector2>(p => HalfPlane.ContainsInConvex(p, new [] { h1, h2, h3, h4 })); var boundingBox = new Box2(-2.4f, 2.3f, 1.2f, -1.55f); var result = Rasterization.ConvexToBlocks(isContains, boundingBox); var correctAnswer = new[] { new Vector2i(0, 1), new Vector2i(0, 0), new Vector2i(0, -1), new Vector2i(0, -2), new Vector2i(-1, 1), new Vector2i(-1, 0), new Vector2i(-1, -1), new Vector2i(-2, 0), new Vector2i(-2, -1) }; Assert.That(result, Is.EquivalentTo(correctAnswer)); //Draw polygon //UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine(v1, v2,, 10); //UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine(v2, v3,, 10); //UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine(v3, v4,, 10); //UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine(v4, v1,, 10); //Draw bbox //DrawRectangle.ForDebug(); }
void control_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { long ms = movetime.ElapsedMilliseconds; movetime.Reset(); movetime.Start(); if (MouseEnabled && _lastMouseEnabled && control.Focused) { float yaw = Rotation.X; float pitch = Rotation.Y; yaw += (e.X - MousePosition.X) * MouseSpeed * (float)ms; pitch += (e.Y - MousePosition.Y) * MouseSpeed * (float)ms; yaw = ((yaw % 360) + 360) % 360; pitch = Math.Max(-90, Math.Min(90, pitch)); Cursor.Position = control.PointToScreen(MousePosition); Rotation = new Vector2(yaw, pitch); //Console.WriteLine("Camera's rotation is now {0}", Rotation); } else if (MouseEnabled && !_lastMouseEnabled && control.Focused) { Cursor.Position = control.PointToScreen(MousePosition); Cursor.Hide(); _lastMouseEnabled = true; } else { Cursor.Show(); _lastMouseEnabled = false; } }
internal DecalVerticesBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { this.position = binaryReader.ReadVector3(); this.texcoord0 = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); this.texcoord1 = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); this.color = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor(); }
public void BuildObj(GameObject gameObject) { if (gameObject.m_Components.Length == 3) // extract monitor data { Component comp; gameObject.m_Components[1].TryGet(out comp); if (comp != null && new Guid(comp.serializedType.m_ScriptID).Equals(prop_monitor_script_id)) { is_monitor = true; var monitor_data = comp.GetRawData(); monitor_uv1 = new Vector2(BitConverter.ToSingle(monitor_data, 0x78), BitConverter.ToSingle(monitor_data, 0x7c)); monitor_uv2 = new Vector2(BitConverter.ToSingle(monitor_data, 0x80), BitConverter.ToSingle(monitor_data, 0x84)); monitor_sideways = monitor_data[0x88] != 0; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("uv1 {0} uv2 {1} sideways {2}", monitor_uv1, monitor_uv2, monitor_sideways)); } } if (gameObject.m_MeshRenderer != null) { BuildObj(gameObject.m_MeshRenderer); } foreach (var childPtr in gameObject.m_Transform.m_Children) { Transform child; if (childPtr.TryGet(out child)) { BuildObj(child); } } }
public void Rotate() { OpenTK.Vector2 delta = lastMousePos - new OpenTK.Vector2(OpenTK.Input.Mouse.GetState().X, OpenTK.Input.Mouse.GetState().Y); cam.AddRotation(delta.X, delta.Y); ResetCursor(); UpdateImage(); }
internal SpriteVerticesBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { this.position = binaryReader.ReadVector3(); this.offset = binaryReader.ReadVector3(); this.axis = binaryReader.ReadVector3(); this.texcoord = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); this.color = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor(); }
public static JToken Serialize(this OpenTK.Vector2 vec) { var res = new JArray(); res.Add(vec.X); res.Add(vec.Y); return(res); }
internal CsPointBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { = binaryReader.ReadString32(); this.position = binaryReader.ReadVector3(); this.referenceFrame = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.invalidName_ = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); this.surfaceIndex = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); this.facingDirection = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); }
public void TestIdentityInversableLocalAndWorldConversion() { var t = new Transform(); var tpInput = new Vector2(1, 2); var tpLocal = t.TransformPoint(tpInput, Space.Local); var tpWorld = t.TransformPoint(tpLocal, Space.World); Assert.AreEqual(tpInput, tpWorld); }
protected override void OnRender(OpenTK.Vector2 renderPosition = new Vector2()) { base.OnRender(renderPosition); if (Slot.HasItem) { Slot.Item.InventoryRender(renderPosition + new Vector2(4, 4)); } }
/// <summary> /// Do not accurately rasterize, need invesigation /// </summary> /// <param name="v1"></param> /// <param name="v2"></param> /// <param name="v3"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IEnumerable <Vector2i> Triangle(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2, Vector2 v3) { //Based on var v1i = (Vector2i)v1; var v2i = (Vector2i)v2; var v3i = (Vector2i)v3; if (v1i.Z > v2i.Z) { Swap(ref v1, ref v2); Swap(ref v1i, ref v2i); } if (v1i.Z > v3i.Z) { Swap(ref v1, ref v3); Swap(ref v1i, ref v3i); } if (v2i.Z > v3i.Z) { Swap(ref v2, ref v3); Swap(ref v2i, ref v3i); } if (v1i.Z == v3i.Z) { yield break; } if (v1i.Z == v2i.Z) { foreach (var pos in FillTopFlatTriangle(v1i, v2i, v3i)) { yield return(pos); } } else if (v2i.Z == v3i.Z) { foreach (var pos in FillBottomFlatTriangle(v1i, v2i, v3i)) { yield return(pos); } } else { var v4 = new Vector2(v1.X + (v2.Y - v1.Y) / (v3.Y - v1.Y) * (v3.X - v1.X), v2.Y); foreach (var pos in FillBottomFlatTriangle(v1i, v2i, (Vector2i)v4)) { yield return(pos); } foreach (var pos in FillTopFlatTriangle(v2i, (Vector2i)v4, v3i)) { yield return(pos); } } }
internal FiringPositionsBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader) { this.positionLocal = binaryReader.ReadVector3(); this.referenceFrame = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.flags = (Flags)binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.area = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1(); this.clusterIndex = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); this.invalidName_ = binaryReader.ReadBytes(4); this.normal = binaryReader.ReadVector2(); }
public GLVertex(OpenTK.Vector3 a_v3Position, System.Drawing.Color a_oColor, OpenTK.Vector2 a_v2UV) { m_v3Position = a_v3Position; // We order the color RGBA because this is the order expected by OpenGL/Graphics card. m_v4Color.X = (OpenTK.Half)(a_oColor.R * 8); m_v4Color.Y = (OpenTK.Half)(a_oColor.G * 8); m_v4Color.Z = (OpenTK.Half)(a_oColor.B * 8); m_v4Color.W = (OpenTK.Half)(a_oColor.A * 8); m_v2UV = a_v2UV; }
private void RenderForm_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButton.Right) { _trackingMouse = true; var mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); _lastMousePos = new Vector2(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y); } }
public GLVertex(OpenTK.Vector4 a_v4Position, Color4 a_oColor, OpenTK.Vector2 a_v2UV) { m_v4Position = a_v4Position; // We order the color RGBA because this is the order expected by OpenGL/Graphics card. m_v4Color.X = a_oColor.R / 255.0f; m_v4Color.Y = a_oColor.G / 255.0f; m_v4Color.Z = a_oColor.B / 255.0f; m_v4Color.W = a_oColor.A / 255.0f; m_v2UV = a_v2UV; }
public GLVertex(OpenTK.Vector4 a_v4Position, System.Drawing.Color a_oColor, OpenTK.Vector2 a_v2UV) { m_v4Position = a_v4Position; // We order the color RGBA because this is the order expected by OpenGL/Graphics card. m_v4Color.X = a_oColor.R / 255.0f; m_v4Color.Y = a_oColor.G / 255.0f; m_v4Color.Z = a_oColor.B / 255.0f; m_v4Color.W = a_oColor.A / 255.0f; m_v2UV = a_v2UV; }
public ShaderDefinition.vec2 Convert(Vector2 v) { var v2 = new OpenTK.Vector2(v.X, v.Y); return v2.ToVector2F(); }
public virtual void SetSize(Vector2 a_v2Size) { m_v2Size = a_v2Size; RecalculateModelMatrix(); }
//public GLVertex() //{ // m_v3Position.X = 0; // m_v3Position.Y = 0; // m_v3Position.Z = 0; // m_v4Color.X = (OpenTK.Half)0; // m_v4Color.Y = (OpenTK.Half)0; // m_v4Color.Z = (OpenTK.Half)0; // m_v4Color.W = (OpenTK.Half)0; // m_v2UV.X = 0; // m_v2UV.Y = 0; //} public GLVertex(OpenTK.Vector4 a_v4Position, OpenTK.Vector4 a_v4Color, OpenTK.Vector2 a_v2UV) { m_v4Position = a_v4Position; m_v4Color = a_v4Color; m_v2UV = a_v2UV; }