public void SetUp()
            deployReleaseCommand = new DeployReleaseCommand(RepositoryFactory, Log, FileSystem);

            var project = new ProjectResource();
            var release = new ReleaseResource { Version = "1.0.0" };
            var releases = new ResourceCollection<ReleaseResource>(new[] { release }, new LinkCollection());
            var deploymentPromotionTarget = new DeploymentPromotionTarget { Name = "TestEnvironment" };
            var promotionTargets = new List<DeploymentPromotionTarget> { deploymentPromotionTarget };
            var deploymentTemplate = new DeploymentTemplateResource { PromoteTo = promotionTargets };
            var deploymentPreviewResource = new DeploymentPreviewResource { StepsToExecute = new List<DeploymentTemplateStep>() };
            var deployment = new DeploymentResource { TaskId = "1" };
            taskResource = new TaskResource();

        private async Task<DeploymentResource> CreateDeploymentTask(ProjectResource project, ReleaseResource release, DeploymentPromotionTarget promotionTarget, ReferenceCollection specificMachineIds, TenantResource tenant = null)
            var preview = await Repository.Releases.GetPreview(promotionTarget).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Validate skipped steps
            var skip = new ReferenceCollection();
            foreach (var step in SkipStepNames)
                var stepToExecute =
                    preview.StepsToExecute.SingleOrDefault(s => string.Equals(s.ActionName, step, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (stepToExecute == null)
                    Log.Warning("No step/action named '{Step:l}' could be found when deploying to environment '{Environment:l}', so the step cannot be skipped.", step, promotionTarget.Name);
                    Log.Debug("Skipping step: {Step:l}", stepToExecute.ActionName);

            // Validate form values supplied
            if (preview.Form != null && preview.Form.Elements != null && preview.Form.Values != null)
                foreach (var element in preview.Form.Elements)
                    var variableInput = element.Control as VariableValue;
                    if (variableInput == null)

                    var value = variables.Get(variableInput.Label) ?? variables.Get(variableInput.Name);

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) && element.IsValueRequired)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Please provide a variable for the prompted value " + variableInput.Label);

                    preview.Form.Values[element.Name] = value;

            // Log step with no machines
            foreach (var previewStep in preview.StepsToExecute)
                if (previewStep.HasNoApplicableMachines)
                    Log.Warning("Warning: there are no applicable machines roles used by step {Step:l}", previewStep.ActionName);

            var deployment = await Repository.Deployments.Create(new DeploymentResource
                TenantId = tenant?.Id,
                EnvironmentId = promotionTarget.Id,
                SkipActions = skip,
                ReleaseId = release.Id,
                ForcePackageDownload = ForcePackageDownload,
                UseGuidedFailure = UseGuidedFailure.GetValueOrDefault(preview.UseGuidedFailureModeByDefault),
                SpecificMachineIds = specificMachineIds,
                ForcePackageRedeployment = ForcePackageRedeployment,
                FormValues = (preview.Form ?? new Form()).Values,
                QueueTime = DeployAt == null ? null : (DateTimeOffset?) DeployAt.Value

            Log.Information("Deploying {Project:l} {Release:} to: {PromotionTarget:l} {Tenant:l}(Guided Failure: {GuidedFailure:l})", project.Name, release.Version, promotionTarget.Name,
                tenant == null ? string.Empty : $"for {tenant.Name} ",
                deployment.UseGuidedFailure ? "Enabled" : "Not Enabled");

            return deployment;