Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Trace a ray through this node and its children searching for intersections with object geometry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">The ray to test</param>
        /// <param name="hitTest">A method delegate which tests for intersections between an item in the tree and a ray
        /// and returns the ray parameter of intersection (if any)</param>
        /// <param name="tStart">A clipping value at the start of the section of the ray in which to test for collisions</param>
        /// <param name="tEnd">A clipping parameter at the end of the section of the ray in which to test for collisions</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RayHit <T> RayTrace(Axis ray, Func <T, Axis, double> hitTest, double tStart = 0, double tEnd = 0.0 / 0.0)
            if (_SplitDimension != CoordinateAxis.Undefined)
                Vector entryPoint = ray.PointAt(tStart);

                // Search through divisions the ray passes through (in order)
                double startValue = _Tree.PositionInDimension(_SplitDimension, entryPoint);
                double t          = (startValue - _Origin) / _CellSize;
                int    startIndex = (int)Math.Floor(t);
                if (startIndex < 0)
                    startIndex = 0;
                else if (startIndex >= _Branches.Length)
                    startIndex = _Branches.Length - 1;

                int increment = ray.Direction[_SplitDimension].Sign();

                int endIndex;
                if (tEnd.IsNaN())
                    if (increment < 0)
                        endIndex = 0;
                        endIndex = _Branches.Length - 1;
                    Vector exitPoint = ray.PointAt(tEnd);
                    double t2        = (startValue - _Origin) / _CellSize;
                    endIndex = (int)Math.Floor(t2);
                    if (endIndex < 0)
                        endIndex = 0;
                    else if (endIndex >= _Branches.Length)
                        endIndex = _Branches.Length - 1;

                for (int i = startIndex; !i.Exceeded(endIndex, increment); i += increment)
                    DDTreeNode <T> node = _Branches[i];
                    if (node != null)
                        // Calculate the intersections with the planes either end of this cell to (potentially) restrict
                        // the range of future checks
                        double value0 = _Origin + i * _CellSize;
                        double value1 = _Origin + (i + 1) * _CellSize;
                        double t0     = i == 0 ? double.NaN : Intersect.LinePlane(ray.Origin, ray.Direction, _SplitDimension, value0);
                        double t1     = i == _Branches.Length - 1 ? double.NaN : Intersect.LinePlane(ray.Origin, ray.Direction, _SplitDimension, value1);
                        // The end cells are 'open' and so end at infinity
                        if (increment < 0)
                            Swap(ref t0, ref t1);

                        double tStartNew = tStart;
                        if (!t0.IsNaN() && t0 > tStart)
                            tStartNew = t0;

                        double tEndNew = tEnd;
                        if (!t1.IsNaN() && t1 < tEnd)
                            tEndNew = t1;

                        RayHit <T> result = node.RayTrace(ray, hitTest, tStartNew, tEndNew);
                        if (result != null)
                            return(result);                // Hit something - unwind!
                // Search leaf for intersections
                double tMin    = double.MaxValue;
                bool   hit     = false;
                T      hitItem = default(T);
                foreach (T item in _Children)
                    double t = hitTest.Invoke(item, ray);
                    if (!t.IsNaN() && t >= 0 && t < tMin)
                        tMin    = t;
                        hitItem = item;
                        hit     = true;
                if (hit)
                    return(new RayHit <T>(hitItem, tMin));

Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Trace a ray through this tree, testing for intersections with item geometry.
 /// Returns information about the first intersection encountered.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ray">The ray to test</param>
 /// <param name="hitTest">A delegate function to determine whether an item in the
 /// tree has been hit by the ray.  Should take in the object and ray as parameters
 /// and return the ray intersection parameter on a hit or double.NaN on a miss.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public RayHit <T> RayTrace(Axis ray, Func <T, Axis, double> hitTest)
     return(_RootNode.RayTrace(ray, hitTest));