//Unique constraint request go first (the order matters in service stack)
        //If the PK constraint was first, it could be used by ServiceStack instead
        //of the UC route (this is how Route order is controlled)
        /// <summary>Gets a specific 'Category' based on the 'UcCategoryName' unique constraint.</summary>
        public CategoryResponse Get(CategoryUcCategoryNameRequest request)
            if (Validator != null)
                Validator.ValidateAndThrow(new Category {
                    CategoryName = request.CategoryName
                }, "UcCategoryName");

            var output = Repository.Fetch(request);

            OnAfterGetCategoryUcCategoryNameRequest(request, output);
            if (output.Result == null)
                throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "NullReferenceException", "Category matching [CategoryName = {0}]  does not exist".Fmt(request.CategoryName));
 partial void OnAfterGetCategoryUcCategoryNameRequest(CategoryUcCategoryNameRequest request, CategoryResponse response);
 partial void OnBeforeGetCategoryUcCategoryNameRequest(CategoryUcCategoryNameRequest request);