Пример #1
        public static void ConnectWithDynamicGlueAndConnector(int DeviceNumber, Visio.IVShape shapeFrom, Visio.IVShape shapeTo, string EdgeText, string EdgeIntConfigs, string Edgecolor, string EdgeWeight, int TextSize, string RouteType)
            if (shapeFrom == null || shapeTo == null)
                DebugEx.WriteLine("Can't connect a null shape !");

            const string BASIC_FLOWCHART_STENCIL  = "Basic Flowchart Shapes (US units).vss";
            const string DYNAMIC_CONNECTOR_MASTER = "Dynamic Connector";
            const string MESSAGE_NOT_SAME_PAGE    = "Both the shapes are not on the same page.";

            Visio.Application visioApplication;
            Visio.IVDocument  stencil;
            Visio.IVMaster    masterInStencil;
            Visio.IVShape     connector;
            Visio.IVCell      beginX;
            Visio.IVCell      endX;

            // Get the Application object from the shape.
            visioApplication = (Visio.Application)shapeFrom.Application;
                // Verify that the shapes are on the same page
                if (shapeFrom.ContainingPage != null && shapeTo.ContainingPage != null &&
                    shapeFrom.ContainingPage == shapeTo.ContainingPage)
                    #region Set ConnectorShapeProperties

                    #region InitiateConnector
                    // Access the Basic Flowchart Shapes stencil from the
                    // Documents collection of the application.
                    stencil = visioApplication.Documents.OpenEx(BASIC_FLOWCHART_STENCIL, (short)VisOpenSaveArgs.visOpenDocked);

                    // Get the dynamic connector master on the stencil by its
                    // universal name.
                    masterInStencil = stencil.Masters.get_ItemU(DYNAMIC_CONNECTOR_MASTER);

                    // Drop the dynamic connector on the active page.
                    connector = visioApplication.ActivePage.Drop(masterInStencil, 0, 0);


                    #region SetconnectorToSraightLine
                    //Set dynamic cable is a straight line, the key is to know FormulaU this property 16 shows a straight line
                    // Straight Line : 16
                    // Right Angle : 1
                    string rType = "16";
                    if (RouteType == "Right Angle")
                        rType = "1";
                    else if (RouteType == "Straight Lines")
                        rType = "16";
                    // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa221304(v=office.11).aspx
                    connector.get_CellsSRC((short)VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)VisRowIndices.visRowShapeLayout, (short)VisCellIndices.visSLORouteStyle).FormulaU = rType;

                    #region SetConnector_Tiptext
                    string connector_Tiptex = string.Empty;
                    connector_Tiptex = EdgeIntConfigs;

                    //Set the Tiptext
                    connector.get_CellsSRC((short)VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)VisRowIndices.visRowMisc, (short)VisCellIndices.visComment).FormulaU = "\"" + connector_Tiptex.Replace("\"", "") + "\"";


                    #region SetConnectorText
                    connector.Text = string.Empty;
                    connector.Text = EdgeText;
                    Visio.IVCharacters shapeText;
                    shapeText = connector.Characters;
                    shapeText.set_CharProps((short)VisCellIndices.visCharacterSize, (short)TextSize);

                    #region SetConnectorColor
                        //Set the connection line to "RED" color
                        Visio.IVCell thisCell = connector.CellsSRC((short)VisSectionIndices.visSectionObject, (short)VisRowIndices.visRowLine, (short)VisCellIndices.visLineColor);
                        if (thisCell != null)
                            thisCell.Formula = Edgecolor;
                            DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't set connector color, Cell is null", DebugLevel.Warning);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't set connector color : {0} {1}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage(), Ex.InnerException?.Message), DebugLevel.Warning);

                    #region SetConnectorWeight
                        Visio.IVCell thisCell = connector.get_CellsU("LineWeight");
                        if (thisCell != null)
                            thisCell.FormulaU = EdgeWeight;
                            DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't set connector weight, Cell is null", DebugLevel.Warning);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't set connector weight : " + Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage(), DebugLevel.Warning);

                    #region SetConnectorSource&TargetShape
                        // Connect the begin point of the dynamic connector to the
                        // PinX cell of the first 2-D shape.
                        beginX = connector.CellsSRC(

                        if (beginX != null)
                            DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't glue connector origin", DebugLevel.Warning);
                        // Connect the end point of the dynamic connector to the
                        // PinX cell of the second 2-D shape.
                        endX = connector.get_CellsSRC(
                        if (endX != null)
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Glued {0} to {1}", shapeFrom.Name, shapeTo.Name), DebugLevel.Informational);
                            DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't glue connector end", DebugLevel.Warning);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine("CDP2VISIO : Couldn't glue connector : " + Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage(), DebugLevel.Warning);

                    // Processing cannot continue because the shapes are not on
                    // the same page.

            catch (Exception Ex)
Пример #2
 public virtual void GlueTo(NetOffice.VisioApi.IVCell cellObject)
     InvokerService.InvokeInternal.ExecuteMethod(this, "GlueTo", cellObject);