ReadQbFile() публичный Метод

public ReadQbFile ( string qbFilename ) : QbFile
qbFilename string
Результат QbFile
Пример #1
        public void RemoveIntroVids(PakEditor qbPak)
            string bootupQb = @"scripts\guitar\menu\bootup_menu_flow.qb.ngc";
            if (_project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii)
                bootupQb = bootupQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char

            QbFile qb = qbPak.ReadQbFile(bootupQb);


            qbPak.ReplaceFile(bootupQb, qb);
Пример #2
        public void ResetBonusArt(PakEditor qbPak)
            string storeQb = @"scripts\guitar\store_data.qb.ngc";
            if (_project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii)
                storeQb = storeQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char

            QbFile qbStore = qbPak.ReadQbFile(storeQb);


            qbPak.ReplaceFile(storeQb, qbStore);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add new songs to GH3, this method requires that the partition 2 files are on the local disc
        /// </summary>
        public void AddSongs(DirectoryInfo rootPartitionPath, int adjustBy, string sourceSong, bool addNonCareerSongs, DirectoryInfo workingPath)
            PakFormat pf = new PakFormat(string.Format(@"{0}\pak\{1}", rootPartitionPath.FullName, _project.FileManager.PakFormat.PakFilename), string.Empty, string.Empty, PakFormatType.Wii, false);
            PakEditor pe = new PakEditor(pf, false);

            string songlistQb = @"scripts\guitar\songlist.qb.ngc";
            string storeDataQb = @"scripts\guitar\store_data.qb.ngc";
            string guitProgQb = @"scripts\guitar\guitar_progression.qb.ngc";

            if (_project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii)
                songlistQb = songlistQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char
                storeDataQb = storeDataQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char
                guitProgQb = guitProgQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char

            if (_project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii || _project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GHA_Wii)
                //add song to song list
                QbFile qb = pe.ReadQbFile(songlistQb);
                QbFile qbStore = pe.ReadQbFile(storeDataQb);
                QbFile qbGuitProg = pe.ReadQbFile(guitProgQb);

                string silentXbox = createBlankSourceAudio(workingPath);

                QbItemArray songsList = qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create("gh3_songlist"), false) as QbItemArray;

                List<QbKey> careerSongs = getAllCareerSongs(qbGuitProg);
                List<QbKey> bonusSongs = getAllBonusSongs(qbStore);
                List<QbKey> allSongs = new List<QbKey>(careerSongs);

                //remove the boss battles. If we pick new files from the career then they will be removed anyway
                //QbKey[] bossSongs = new QbKey[] { QbKey.Create("bosstom"), QbKey.Create("bossslash"), QbKey.Create("bossdevil"), QbKey.Create("bossjoe") };
                //foreach (QbKey qk in bossSongs)
                //    careerSongs.Remove(qk);

                //insert the special songs on the end (that aren't in the career)
                List<QbKey> specialSongs = new List<QbKey>();
                foreach (QbKey k in _specialSongs)
                    if (!careerSongs.Contains(k))

                if (adjustBy > 0)
                    //Calculate extras
                    int add = adjustBy + (addNonCareerSongs ? _nonCareerSongs.Count : 0);

                    foreach (QbKey k in specialSongs)
                        if (!bonusSongs.Contains(k))
                            if (_project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii)
                                add--; //if bonus songs currently doesn't contian this special track then add one less song
                                add++; //GHA k&qcred will be added from not existing
                    add = Math.Max(0, add);

                    List<QbKey> newBonusList = new List<QbKey>();

                    //add the special songs on the end - DO THIS FIRST
                    foreach (QbKey k in specialSongs)
                        if (!careerSongs.Contains(k))

                    int specialAdded = newBonusList.Count;

                    //find the last _restoresong (a regular-song list in the correct order) in the career
                    int start = -1;
                    for (int i = careerSongs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        start = _restoreSongs.IndexOf(careerSongs[i]);
                        if (start >= 0)

                    if (start != -1)
                        start++; //move to the next item

                        for (int i = start; i < _restoreSongs.Count; i++)
                            if (newBonusList.Count >= add + bonusSongs.Count) //add + existing bonussongs = correct count

                            if (!careerSongs.Contains(_restoreSongs[i]))
                                newBonusList.Insert(newBonusList.Count - specialAdded, _restoreSongs[i]);

                    //nonCareer songs (only on GH3)
                    if (addNonCareerSongs)
                        for (int i = 0; i < _nonCareerSongs.Count; i++)
                            if (newBonusList.Count >= add + bonusSongs.Count)

                            if (!careerSongs.Contains(_nonCareerSongs[i]))
                                newBonusList.Insert(newBonusList.Count - specialAdded, _nonCareerSongs[i]);

                    //add ghost songs
                    int num = 1;
                    while (newBonusList.Count < add + bonusSongs.Count)
                        QbKey qk = QbKey.Create(string.Format("theghost{0}", (num++).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')));

                        if (!careerSongs.Contains(qk))
                            newBonusList.Insert(newBonusList.Count - specialAdded, qk);

                    //remove any bonus songs not in our list
                    foreach (QbKey k in bonusSongs)
                        if (!newBonusList.Contains(k))
                            if (!careerSongs.Contains(k))
                                this.BonusSongRemoveFromGame(qbStore, qb, k); //remove from set list also
                                removeBonusSong(qbStore, k);

                    //add all the missing items to the bonus lists
                    foreach (QbKey k in newBonusList)
                        if (!bonusSongs.Contains(k))
                            this.BonusSongAddToGame(qbStore, qb, k.Clone(), false);
                            addBonusSongNotes(rootPartitionPath, QbKey.Create(sourceSong), k.Clone(), pe);
                            createBonusSongAudio(rootPartitionPath, silentXbox, k);

                    //set the correct order in the store list
                    //find bonus song list
                    QbItemArray qbBonusSongs = qbStore.FindItem(QbKey.Create("songs"), true) as QbItemArray;

                    //add bonus song to list
                    if (qbBonusSongs != null)
                        (qbBonusSongs.Items[0] as QbItemQbKey).Values = newBonusList.ToArray();


                else if (adjustBy < 0)
                    if (addNonCareerSongs) //adds kings and queens credits if required
                        this.AddBonusSongsFromNonCareer(qbStore, qb, qbGuitProg);

                    bonusSongs = getAllBonusSongs(qbStore);

                    //remove bonus songs that aren't required. keep any required
                    int offset = 0;
                    while (adjustBy != 0 && bonusSongs.Count > 0 && bonusSongs.Count - offset > 0)
                        int idx = (bonusSongs.Count - offset) - 1;

                        if (bonusSongs[idx].Crc == QbKey.Create("kingsandqueenscredits").Crc
                         || bonusSongs[idx].Crc == QbKey.Create("kingsandqueens").Crc
                         || bonusSongs[idx].Crc == QbKey.Create("thrufireandflames").Crc)

                        if (!careerSongs.Contains(bonusSongs[idx]))
                            this.BonusSongRemoveFromGame(qbStore, qb, bonusSongs[idx]); //remove from set list also
                            removeBonusSong(qbStore, bonusSongs[idx]);
                else if (adjustBy == 0 && addNonCareerSongs)
                    this.AddBonusSongsFromNonCareer(qbStore, qb, qbGuitProg);


                pe.ReplaceFile(songlistQb, qb);
                pe.ReplaceFile(storeDataQb, qbStore);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Edits tiers using the files in Partition folder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="removeBossBattles"></param>
        /// <param name="bonusSongs"></param>
        /// <param name="songCounts"></param>
        public void EditTiers(PakEditor pak, bool removeBossBattles, int setTierCount, int bonusSongs, int[] songCounts, bool unlockTiers)
            QbKey[] nonCareerSongs = new QbKey[0];

            string progQb = @"scripts\guitar\guitar_progression.qb.ngc";
            string coopQb = @"scripts\guitar\guitar_coop.qb.ngc";
            string storeDataQb = @"scripts\guitar\store_data.qb.ngc";
            string songlistQb = @"scripts\guitar\songlist.qb.ngc";
            if (_project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii)
                progQb = progQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char
                coopQb = coopQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char
                storeDataQb = storeDataQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char
                songlistQb = songlistQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char

            if (_project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii || _project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GHA_Wii)
                //add song to song list
                QbFile qbProg = pak.ReadQbFile(progQb);
                QbFile qbCoop = _project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii ? pak.ReadQbFile(coopQb) : null;
                QbFile qbStore = pak.ReadQbFile(storeDataQb);
                QbFile qbSonglist = pak.ReadQbFile(songlistQb);

                this.EditTiers(qbProg, qbStore, qbSonglist, qbCoop, removeBossBattles, setTierCount, bonusSongs, songCounts, unlockTiers);

                pak.ReplaceFile(progQb, qbProg);
                pak.ReplaceFile(storeDataQb, qbStore);
                if (qbCoop != null)
                    pak.ReplaceFile(coopQb, qbCoop);
                pak.ReplaceFile(songlistQb, qbSonglist);
Пример #5
        private void addBonusSongNotes(DirectoryInfo rootPath, QbKey source, QbKey dest, PakEditor qbPak)
            string srcFolder = string.Format(@"{0}\songs", rootPath.FullName.TrimEnd('\\'));
            string srcMask = string.Format(@"{0}*.pak.ngc", source.Text);

            string[] srcFi = Directory.GetFiles(srcFolder, srcMask, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

            if (_project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GHA_Wii)
                //GHA holds the section text in the main qb.pak file
                string destNotes = string.Format(@"songs\{0}.mid_text.qb.ngc", dest.Text);
                if (!qbPak.Headers.ContainsKey(destNotes.ToLower()))
                    QbFile qbNotes = qbPak.ReadQbFile(string.Format(@"songs\{0}.mid_text.qb.ngc", source.Text));
                    //copy notes section qb file to new file in qb.pak.ngc
                    qbPak.AddFile(qbNotes, destNotes, QbKey.Create(".qb"), true);

            foreach (string src in srcFi)
                FileInfo srcF = new FileInfo(src);
                string dst = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}{2}", srcF.Directory.FullName.TrimEnd('\\'), dest.Text, srcF.Name.Substring(source.Text.Length));

                //skip if exists
                if (File.Exists(dst) || !Regex.IsMatch(src, string.Format(@"{0}(|_.)\.pak\.ngc$", source.Text))) //only allow "" or _<fgis>

                File.Copy(src, dst, true);

                PakFormat pf = new PakFormat(dst, string.Empty, string.Empty, PakFormatType.Wii, false);
                PakEditor pe = new PakEditor(pf, false);
                string qbDst;
                QbFile qb;
                Dictionary<uint, string> srcQk;
                string dstS;
                foreach (string qbSrc in pe.QbFilenames)
                    qbDst = qbSrc.ToLower().Replace(source.Text.ToLower(), dest.Text.ToLower());
                    pe.RenameFile(qbSrc, qbDst, QbKey.Create(".mqb"));

                    if (!qbSrc.Contains(".mid_text."))
                        //map the section QbKeys
                        qb = pe.ReadQbFile(qbDst);

                        srcQk = getMidItems(source.Text);
                        foreach (QbItemBase qib in qb.Items)
                            if (qib.ItemQbKey != null)
                                if (srcQk.ContainsKey(qib.ItemQbKey.Crc))
                                    dstS = string.Format("{0}{1}", dest.Text, srcQk[qib.ItemQbKey.Crc].Substring(source.Text.Length));
                                    qib.ItemQbKey = QbKey.Create(dstS);
                                //    throw new ApplicationException("Item QBKey not recognised");
                        pe.ReplaceFile(qbDst, qb);

Пример #6
        public void UnlockSetlists(PakEditor qbPak, bool unlockAllTiers, bool completeTier1Song)
            string progQb = @"scripts\guitar\guitar_progression.qb.ngc";
            string progCoopQb = @"scripts\guitar\guitar_coop.qb.ngc";

            if (_project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii)
                progQb = progQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char

            if (_project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii)
                progCoopQb = progCoopQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char

            QbFile qb = qbPak.ReadQbFile(progQb);
            QbFile qbCoop = _project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii ? qbPak.ReadQbFile(progCoopQb) : null;
            this.UnlockSetlists(qb, qbCoop, unlockAllTiers, completeTier1Song);

            qbPak.ReplaceFile(progQb, qb);
            if (qbCoop != null)
                qbPak.ReplaceFile(progCoopQb, qbCoop);
Пример #7
        public void SetCheats(PakEditor qbPak)
            string cheatQb = @"scripts\guitar\menu\menu_cheats.qb.ngc";
            if (_project.GameInfo.Game == Game.GH3_Wii)
                cheatQb = cheatQb.Substring(1);  //remove first char

            QbFile qb = qbPak.ReadQbFile(cheatQb);


            qbPak.ReplaceFile(cheatQb, qb);
Пример #8
        private void mnuTestAllQbFiles_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PakEditor pak = null;

                pak = new PakEditor(_pakFormat);
            catch (Exception ex)
                showException("PAK Load Error", ex);

            string filename = string.Empty;
                int skipped = 0;
                foreach (PakHeaderItem phi in pak.Headers.Values)
                    filename = phi.Filename;

                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(phi.Filename);  //DEBUG FILENAME
                    if (phi.PakFileType == PakItemType.Qb || phi.PakFileType == PakItemType.Sqb || phi.PakFileType == PakItemType.Midi)
                        //showError("Error", "Only QB files can be tested.");

                        QbFile qbf = pak.ReadQbFile(phi.Filename);
                        QbItemBase qib = qbf.IsValid();
                        if (qib != null)
                            throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("{0} at position 0x{1}", QbFile.FormatIsValidErrorMessage(qib, qib.IsValid), qib.Position.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0')));


                int c = (pak.Headers.Values.Count - skipped);
                MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format("PAK and {0} QB file{1} validated succesfully, {2} skipped", c.ToString(), c == 1 ? "" : "s", skipped.ToString()), "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            catch (Exception ex)
                showError("QB Test Error", string.Format("{0} in '{1}'", ex.Message, filename));
Пример #9
        private int replaceNotesItems()
            int notesLength = 0; //position of final notes item (last fret)
            QbKey song = this.SongQb.Id;
            string songName = song.Text;

            GameFile gf = _project.FileManager.File(_project.GameInfo.GetNotesFilename(song));

            if (gf == null)
                return notesLength; //return 0, this prevents exceptions in the ISO tool which doesn't replace notes

            string notesPak = gf.LocalName;

            PakFormat pf = new PakFormat(notesPak, "", "", _project.GameInfo.PakFormatType);
            PakEditor pak = new PakEditor(pf);
            QbFile qb = pak.ReadQbFile(_project.GameInfo.GetNotesQbFilename(song));

            //modify the mid file
            //clearAllQbItems(qb, this.Notes.GhItems,
            //    QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_TimeSig", songName)),
            //    QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_FretBars", songName)),
            //    QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Markers", songName)));

            QbFile qbText;
            if (!_project.GameInfo.MidTextInQbPak)
                qbText = pak.ReadQbFile(_project.GameInfo.GetNotesTextQbFilename(song));
                qbText = _project.FileManager.QbPakEditor.ReadQbFile(_project.GameInfo.GetNotesTextQbFilename(song));

            QbItemArray ar;

            int[] ints;
            int offset;

            //calculate ms to add to wav to ensure notes don't start before the given time (in seconds)
            if (this.Notes.MinNoteOffsetSynced < this.MinMsBeforeNotesStart)
                _startPaddingMs = this.MinMsBeforeNotesStart - this.Notes.MinNoteOffsetSynced;

            this.Length = this.Audio.AudioLength + _startPaddingMs;

            offset = this.Notes.BaseFile.NonNoteSyncOffset + _startPaddingMs;

            int[] frets = (int[])this.Notes.BaseFile.Frets.Clone(); //clone in case class is holding reference
            for (int i = 0; i < frets.Length; i++)
                frets[i] += offset;

            //this function sets _fretPadding, another padding value.  It adds padding to allow a properly spaced fret to be at position 0
            frets = adjustFrets(frets);
            notesLength = frets[frets.Length - 1];

            //set the track length to the notes length if it's longer
            if (this.Length < notesLength)
                this.Length = notesLength;
                this.Length += _fretPadding;

            offset += _fretPadding;

            int[] timeSig = (int[])this.Notes.BaseFile.Parser.GetTimeSig().Clone(); //clone in case class is holding reference

            if (timeSig.Length == 0)
                timeSig = new int[] { 0, 4, 4 };

            for (int i = 0; i < timeSig.Length; i += 3)
                timeSig[i] = (int)findNearestFret((uint)(timeSig[i] + offset), frets);

            timeSig[0] = 0; //if the first item is not 0 the song won't load??.

            NotesMarker[] markers = (NotesMarker[])this.Notes.BaseFile.Parser.GetNotesMarkers().Clone(); //clone in case class is holding reference
            for (int i = 0; i < markers.Length; i += 3)
                markers[i] = new NotesMarker(markers[i].Title, markers[i].Offset + offset); //perform deep clone

            int oldSustainTrigger;
            int sustainTrigger;
            int nextNote;
            int[] faceOffP1Ints = new int[0];
            int[] faceOffP2Ints = new int[0];
            GhNotesItem faceOffItem = null;

            //we have a face off item for each mapping, GH3 only has one per song,  find the one with the hardest difficulty (They're always the same anyway)
            foreach (GhNotesItem ghi in this.Notes.GhItems)
                if (ghi.IsMapped && ghi.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP1Count != 0 && ghi.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP2Count != 0)
                    //non generated overrides generated
                    if (faceOffItem == null || faceOffItem.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedFaceOff || (ghi.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedFaceOff == faceOffItem.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedFaceOff))
                        if (faceOffItem == null || ((int)faceOffItem.Difficulty < (int)ghi.Difficulty && ghi.Type == NotesType.Guitar)) //guitar is more reliable
                            faceOffItem = ghi;

            if (faceOffItem != null)
                offset = faceOffItem.MappedFileItem.SyncOffset + _startPaddingMs + _fretPadding;

                faceOffP1Ints = (int[])faceOffItem.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP1.Clone();
                for (int i = 0; i < faceOffP1Ints.Length; i += 2)
                    faceOffP1Ints[i] += offset;

                faceOffP2Ints = (int[])faceOffItem.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP2.Clone();
                for (int i = 0; i < faceOffP2Ints.Length; i += 2)
                    faceOffP2Ints[i] += offset;

            foreach (GhNotesItem ghi in this.Notes.GhItems)
                if (ghi.IsMapped)
                    oldSustainTrigger = ghi.MappedFileItem.SustainTrigger;
                    sustainTrigger = (int)((float)(frets[1] - frets[0]) / 2F);
                    ghi.MappedFileItem.SustainTrigger = sustainTrigger;

                    //Offset notes
                    offset = ghi.MappedFileItem.SyncOffset + _startPaddingMs + _fretPadding;

                    ints = (int[])ghi.MappedFileItem.Notes.Clone(); //don't modify original notes
                    int startFret = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ints.Length; i += 3)
                        ints[i] += offset;
                        if (i + 3 < ints.Length)
                            nextNote = ints[i + 3] + offset;
                            nextNote = 0;

                        //loop to find fret length note is in to calculate if note is sustained
                        int fpos;
                        int fretLen = 0;
                        bool isSustained = false;
                        for (int c = startFret; c < frets.Length; c++)
                            if ((fpos = frets[c]) > ints[i] && c > 0) //careful fpos is assigned here
                                startFret = c; //next time start from here
                                fretLen = fpos - frets[c - 1];
                                isSustained = ints[i + 1] > ((fretLen / 192.0) * (double)(192 >> 2));  //(fretLen / 192.0 == bpmUnit
                        //clip sustained notes to GH3 mode
                        if (isSustained)
                            ints[i + 1] = setSustain(ints[i], ints[i + 1], nextNote, oldSustainTrigger / 2, sustainTrigger / 2, this.Notes.Gh3SustainClipping);
                    int[] notes = ints;

                    //if this is a boss battle then remove notes that are not within the face off sections
                    if (this.IsBoss && faceOffItem != null)
                        ints = convertBossNotesToFaceOff(ints, ghi.Type == NotesType.Guitar ? faceOffP1Ints : faceOffP2Ints);
                    ints = adjustNotes(ints); //merge any notes that are really close together

                    //replace track notes
                    ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(ghi.SongNotesQbKey, false);
                    replaceQbItems(ar, ints, false);
                    setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, false);

                    //Offset star power
                    ints = (int[])ghi.MappedFileItem.StarPower.Clone(); //don't modify original starpower
                    for (int i = 0; i < ints.Length; i += 3)
                        ints[i] += offset;
                    //if (faceOffItem != null)
                    //    alignBattleStarPowerToFaceOff(ints, ghi.Type == NotesType.Guitar ? faceOffP1Ints : faceOffP2Ints);
                    ints = adjustBattleStarPower(ints, notes);

                    //replace star power
                    ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(ghi.SongStarPowerQbKey, false);
                    replaceQbItems(ar, this.Notes.ForceNoStarPower ? new int[0] : ints, true); //optionally set to no star power
                    setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, false);

                    int[] sp = ints;

                    //Offset star battle mode
                    ints = (int[])ghi.MappedFileItem.BattlePower.Clone();
                    for (int i = 0; i < ints.Length; i += 3)
                        ints[i] += offset;
                    //if (faceOffItem != null)
                    //    alignBattleStarPowerToFaceOff(ints, ghi.Type == NotesType.Guitar ? faceOffP1Ints : faceOffP2Ints);
                    ints = adjustBattleStarPower(ints, notes);

                    if (ints.Length == 0) //if no ints then use star power
                        ints = (int[])sp.Clone(); //just to ensure there's no issue with 2 references pointing at the same array

                    //replace star battle notes
                    ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(ghi.SongStarPowerBattleQbKey, false);
                    replaceQbItems(ar, ints, true);
                    setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, false);

                    ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(ghi.SongNotesQbKey, false);
                    ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(ghi.SongStarPowerQbKey, false);
                    ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(ghi.SongStarPowerBattleQbKey, false);

            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Song_GuitarCoop_{1}", songName, NotesDifficulty.Easy.ToString())), false);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Song_GuitarCoop_{1}", songName, NotesDifficulty.Medium.ToString())), false);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Song_GuitarCoop_{1}", songName, NotesDifficulty.Hard.ToString())), false);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Song_GuitarCoop_{1}", songName, NotesDifficulty.Expert.ToString())), false);

            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Song_RhythmCoop_{1}", songName, NotesDifficulty.Easy.ToString())), false);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Song_RhythmCoop_{1}", songName, NotesDifficulty.Medium.ToString())), false);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Song_RhythmCoop_{1}", songName, NotesDifficulty.Hard.ToString())), false);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Song_RhythmCoop_{1}", songName, NotesDifficulty.Expert.ToString())), false);

            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_BossBattleP1", songName)), false);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_BossBattleP2", songName)), false);

            //start with expert guitar and work down the difficulties to find a GHItem with Face off, copy in to BOss Battle also

            if (faceOffItem != null)
                QbItemArray fo1 = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_FaceOffP1", songName)), false);
                QbItemArray fo2 = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_FaceOffP2", songName)), false);
                if (faceOffItem.IsMapped && faceOffItem.MappedFileItem != null && faceOffItem.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP1Count + faceOffItem.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP2Count != 0)
                    faceOffP1Ints = adjustFaceOff(faceOffP1Ints);
                    replaceQbItems(fo1, faceOffP1Ints, true, 2);

                    //ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_BossBattleP1", songName)), false);
                    //replaceQbItems(ar, faceOffP1Ints, true, 2);

                    faceOffP2Ints = adjustFaceOff(faceOffP2Ints);
                    replaceQbItems(fo2, faceOffP2Ints, true, 2);

                    //ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_BossBattleP2", songName)), false);
                    //replaceQbItems(ar, faceOffP2Ints, true, 2);


            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_TimeSig", songName)), false);
            replaceQbItems(ar, timeSig, true);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, false);

            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_FretBars", songName)), false);
            replaceQbItems(ar, frets, false);

            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Markers", songName)), false);
            if (markers.Length != 0)
                setMarkers(frets, ar, qbText, markers);
                calculateMarkers(frets, ar, qbText);

            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Scripts_Notes", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Anim_Notes", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Triggers_Notes", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Cameras_Notes", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Lightshow_Notes", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Crowd_Notes", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Drums_Notes", songName)), false);
            ////setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Performance_Notes", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);

            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Scripts", songName)), false);
            if (this.SongQb.IsBoss) //set the death drain marker to the correct location
                setDeathDrain(ar, markers);
                setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Anim", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Triggers", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Cameras", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Lightshow", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Crowd", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Drums", songName)), false);
            ////setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);
            ar = (QbItemArray)qb.FindItem(QbKey.Create(string.Format("{0}_Performance", songName)), false);
            setLength(ar, this.Length, 3, frets, true);


            long origPakLen = pak.FileLength;
            string tmpPak = string.Format("{0}_{1}", notesPak, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
            File.Copy(notesPak, tmpPak);

            if (_project.GameInfo.MidTextInQbPak)
                //save markers to qbPak
                _project.FileManager.QbPakEditor.ReplaceFile(_project.GameInfo.GetNotesTextQbFilename(song), qbText);
            else //save markers to mid pak
                pak.ReplaceFile(_project.GameInfo.GetNotesTextQbFilename(song), qbText);

            //replace notes to mid pak
            pak.ReplaceFile(_project.GameInfo.GetNotesQbFilename(song), qb);

            //pad notes pak with original file
            //add padding to ensure song works - This took over a month of testing to find!!
            //////////using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(notesPak, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))

            //////////    using (FileStream fsI = new FileStream(tmpPak, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            //////////    {
            //////////        fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

            //////////        string tag = " -=> NANOOK <=-  PADDING BELOW  ";
            //////////        if (fs.Position + tag.Length < fsI.Length)
            //////////            fs.Write(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(tag), 0, tag.Length);

            //////////        if (fs.Position < fsI.Length)
            //////////        {
            //////////            fsI.Seek(fs.Position, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            //////////            copy(fsI, fs, fsI.Length - fsI.Position);
            //////////        }

            //////////    }


            return notesLength;