public LevelHexEditor(string LevelFilename) { InitializeComponent(); if (Properties.Settings.Default.mdi) this.MdiParent = MdiParentForm.instance; this.LevelFilename = LevelFilename; LevelFile = ROM.FS.getFileByName(LevelFilename + ".bin"); LevelFile.beginEdit(this); byte[] eLevelFile = LevelFile.getContents(); Blocks = new byte[][] { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }; int FilePos = 0; for (int BlockIdx = 0; BlockIdx < 14; BlockIdx++) { int BlockOffset = eLevelFile[FilePos] | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 1] << 8) | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 2] << 16) | eLevelFile[FilePos + 3] << 24; FilePos += 4; int BlockSize = eLevelFile[FilePos] | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 1] << 8) | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 2] << 16) | eLevelFile[FilePos + 3] << 24; FilePos += 4; Blocks[BlockIdx] = new byte[BlockSize]; Array.Copy(eLevelFile, BlockOffset, Blocks[BlockIdx], 0, BlockSize); } LoadBlock(0); this.Icon = Properties.Resources.nsmbe; }
public byte[] doRequest(byte type, byte[] data = null, File f = null) { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (data == null) { bout.writeInt(1); bout.writeByte(type); } else { bout.writeInt(data.Length+1); bout.writeByte(type); bout.write(data); } byte[] aout = bout.getArray(); stream.Write(aout, 0, aout.Length); stream.Flush(); byte[] resp = readBytes(8); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(resp); int error = bin.readInt(); int len = bin.readInt(); resp = readBytes(len); if (error == 2) throw new AlreadyEditingException(f); if (error != 0) { ByteArrayInputStream i = new ByteArrayInputStream(resp); string s = i.ReadString(); throw new Exception("Network error: " + s); } return resp; }
public BannerFile(Filesystem parent, Directory parentDir, File headerFile) : base(parent, parentDir, -8, "banner.bin", headerFile, 0x68, 0, true) { endFile = null; fileSizeP = 0x840; refreshOffsets(); }
private void importLevelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (levelTreeView.SelectedNode == null) { return; } // Figure out what file to import if (importLevelDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } // Get the files string LevelFilename = (string)levelTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag; DSFileSystem.File LevelFile = ROM.getLevelFile(LevelFilename); DSFileSystem.File BGFile = ROM.getBGDatFile(LevelFilename); // Load it try { ExternalLevelSource level = new ExternalLevelSource(importLevelDialog.FileName); level.level.Import(LevelFile, BGFile); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void importLevelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (levelTreeView.SelectedNode == null) { return; } // Figure out what file to import if (importLevelDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } // Get the files string LevelFilename = (string)levelTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag; NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File LevelFile = ROM.FS.getFileByName(LevelFilename + ".bin"); NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File BGFile = ROM.FS.getFileByName(LevelFilename + "_bgdat.bin"); // Load it FileStream fs = new FileStream(importLevelDialog.FileName, FileMode.Open); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); ExportedLevel exlvl = new ExportedLevel(br); if (exlvl.hasError()) { MessageBox.Show(exlvl.ErrorMessage, exlvl.ErrorTitle); } else { exlvl.Import(LevelFile, BGFile); } br.Close(); }
private void exportLevelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (levelTreeView.SelectedNode == null) { return; } // Figure out what file to export to if (exportLevelDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } // Get the files string LevelFilename = (string)levelTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag; NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File LevelFile = ROM.FS.getFileByName(LevelFilename + ".bin"); NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File BGFile = ROM.FS.getFileByName(LevelFilename + "_bgdat.bin"); // Load it FileStream fs = new FileStream(exportLevelDialog.FileName, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); new ExportedLevel(LevelFile, BGFile).Write(bw); bw.Close(); }
private void importClipboard_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show((LanguageManager.Get("LevelChooser", "replaceclipboard")), (LanguageManager.Get("LevelChooser", "replaceclipboardtitle")), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return; } try { string leveltxt = Clipboard.GetText(); if (!(leveltxt.StartsWith("NSMBeLevel|") && leveltxt.EndsWith("|"))) { throw new Exception(); } leveltxt = leveltxt.Substring(11, leveltxt.Length - 12); byte[] levelfile = ROM.LZ77_Decompress(Convert.FromBase64String(leveltxt)); ByteArrayInputStream strm = new ByteArrayInputStream(levelfile); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(strm); string LevelFilename = (string)levelTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag; NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File LevelFile = ROM.FS.getFileByName(LevelFilename + ".bin"); NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File BGFile = ROM.FS.getFileByName(LevelFilename + "_bgdat.bin"); new ExportedLevel(br).Import(LevelFile, BGFile); br.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show((LanguageManager.Get("LevelChooser", "clipinvalidlevel"))); } }
public static void gotSection(File f, int offs, int size) { uint magic = f.getUintAt(offs); if (magic == 0x504C5454) //PLTT new PaletteViewer(new InlineFile(f, offs + 0x18, size - 0x18,; else if (magic == 0x43484152) //CHAR { LevelChooser.showImgMgr(); int tileWidth = f.getUshortAt(offs + 0xA); if (tileWidth == 0xFFFF) tileWidth = 8; LevelChooser.imgMgr.m.addImage(new Image2D(new InlineFile(f, offs + 0x20, size - 0x20,, 8*tileWidth, true, false)); } else if (magic == 0x5343524E) //SCRN { if (LevelChooser.imgMgr == null) return; Image2D img = LevelChooser.imgMgr.m.getSelectedImage(); Palette[] pals = LevelChooser.imgMgr.m.getPalettes(); if (img == null) return; if (pals == null) return; if (pals.Length == 0) return; InlineFile ff = new InlineFile(f, offs + 0x14, size - 0x14,; Tilemap t = new Tilemap(ff, 32, img, pals, 0, 0); new TilemapEditorWindow(t).Show(); } else Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Unknown magic: {0:X8}", magic)); }
public ExportedLevel(File LevelFile, File BGFile) { this.LevelFile = LevelFile.getContents(); this.BGFile = BGFile.getContents(); this.LevelFileID =; this.BGFileID =; }
public InlineFile(File parent, int offs, int len, string name) { nameP = name; fileSizeP = len; parentFile = parent; inlineOffs = offs; inlineLen = len; }
public Image2D(File f, int width, bool is4bpp, bool isLZCompressed) { this.f = f; this.is4bppI = is4bpp; this.width = width; this.isLZCompressed = isLZCompressed; reload(); }
public FilePalette(File f, string name) { this.f = f; = name; pal = arrayToPalette(f.getContents()); if(pal.Length != 0) pal[0] = NSMBGraphics.ReallyTransparent; }
public Image3Dformat5(File f, File f5, int width, int height) { this.f = f; this.f5 = f5; // f.beginEdit(this); // f5.beginEdit(this); this.width = width; this.height = height; }
public FilePalette(File f, string name) { this.f = f; = name; pal = arrayToPalette(f.getContents()); if(pal.Length != 0) pal[0] = Color.Transparent; }
public Image3D(File f, bool color0, int width, int height, int format) { this.f = f; this.color0Transp = color0; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.format = format; // f.beginEdit(this); data = f.getContents(); }
public InlineFile(File parent, int offs, int len, string name, Directory parentDir, CompressionType comp) : base(parent.parent, parentDir, + " - " + name + ":" + offs.ToString("X") + ":" + len) { parentFile = parent; inlineOffs = offs; inlineLen = len; this.comp = comp; this.fixedFile = true; this.canChangeOffset = false; refreshOffsets(); }
private void NarcReplace(string NarcName, string f1) { NarcFilesystem fs = new NarcFilesystem(ROM.FS.getFileByName(NarcName)); NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File f = fs.getFileByName(f1); f.beginEdit(this); f.replace(ROM.FS.getFileByName(f1).getContents(), this); f.endEdit(this); fs.close(); }
public PaletteViewer(File f) { InitializeComponent(); LanguageManager.ApplyToContainer(this, "PaletteViewer"); this.MdiParent = MdiParentForm.instance; this.f = f; this.pal = FilePalette.arrayToPalette(f.getContents()); if (pal.Length < 256) is4bpp.Checked = true; updatePalettes(); pictureBox1.Invalidate(); this.Icon = Properties.Resources.nsmbe; }
public LZFile(File parent, CompressionType ct) { nameP =; parentFile = parent; comp = ct; if (comp == CompressionType.None) fileSizeP = parent.fileSize; else if (comp == CompressionType.LZ) fileSizeP = ROM.LZ77_GetDecompressedSize(parent.getInterval(0, 4)); else if (comp == CompressionType.LZWithHeader) fileSizeP = ROM.LZ77_GetDecompressedSizeWithHeader(parent.getInterval(0, 8)); }
public Tilemap(File f, int tileWidth, Image2D i, Palette[] pals, int tileOffset, int paletteOffset) { this.f = f; this.width = tileWidth; this.tileOffset = tileOffset; this.paletteOffset = paletteOffset; this.tileset = i; this.palettes = pals; this.tileCount = tileset.getWidth() * tileset.getHeight() / 64; load(); }
public PaletteViewer(File f) { InitializeComponent(); this.MdiParent = MdiParentForm.instance; this.f = f; fileLz = new LZFile(f, LZFile.CompressionType.LZ); this.pal = FilePalette.arrayToPalette(ROM.LZ77_Decompress(f.getContents())); if (pal.Length < 256) is4bpp.Checked = true; updatePalettes(); pictureBox1.Invalidate(); this.Icon = Properties.Resources.nsmbe; }
public static void load(File f) { int size = f.fileSize; int offs = 0x10; //Asisuming always same header size. while (offs+8 <= size) { uint magic = f.getUintAt(offs); uint sectionSize = f.getUintAt(offs + 4); if (sectionSize == 0) break; //Some files appear to have extra 0's at the end !? gotSection(f, offs, (int)sectionSize); offs += (int) sectionSize; } }
private void exportClipboard_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string LevelFilename = (string)levelTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag; DSFileSystem.File LevelFile = ROM.getLevelFile(LevelFilename); DSFileSystem.File BGFile = ROM.getBGDatFile(LevelFilename); ByteArrayInputStream strm = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(strm); new ExportedLevel(LevelFile, BGFile).Write(bw); ClipboardLevelSource.copyData(strm.getData()); bw.Close(); }
private void exportClipboard_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string LevelFilename = (string)levelTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag; NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File LevelFile = ROM.FS.getFileByName(LevelFilename + ".bin"); NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File BGFile = ROM.FS.getFileByName(LevelFilename + "_bgdat.bin"); ByteArrayInputStream strm = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(strm); new ExportedLevel(LevelFile, BGFile).Write(bw); Clipboard.SetText("NSMBeLevel|" + Convert.ToBase64String(ROM.LZ77_Compress(strm.getData())) + "|"); bw.Close(); }
public FileHexEditor(File f) { InitializeComponent(); this.MdiParent = MdiParentForm.instance; this.f = f; f.beginEdit(this); LanguageManager.ApplyToContainer(this, "FileHexEditor"); this.Text = string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("FileHexEditor", "_TITLE"),; hexBox1.ByteProvider = new DynamicByteProvider(f.getContents()); this.Icon = Properties.Resources.nsmbe; }
//WTF was this for?! //private void NarcReplace(string NarcName, string f1, string f2) { } private void NarcReplace(string NarcName, string f1, ushort f2) { NarcFilesystem fs = new NarcFilesystem(ROM.FS.getFileByName(NarcName)); NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File f = fs.getFileByName(f1); if (f == null) { Console.Out.WriteLine("No File: " + NarcName + "/" + f1); } else { f.beginEdit(this); f.replace(ROM.FS.getFileById(f2).getContents(), this); f.endEdit(this); } fs.close(); }
private void importClipboard_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show((LanguageManager.Get("LevelChooser", "replaceclipboard")), (LanguageManager.Get("LevelChooser", "replaceclipboardtitle")), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return; } try { string LevelFilename = (string)levelTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag; DSFileSystem.File LevelFile = ROM.getLevelFile(LevelFilename); DSFileSystem.File BGFile = ROM.getBGDatFile(LevelFilename); ClipboardLevelSource level = new ClipboardLevelSource(); level.level.Import(LevelFile, BGFile); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show((LanguageManager.Get("LevelChooser", "clipinvalidlevel"))); } }
public OverlayFile(Filesystem parent, Directory parentDir, int id, File alFile, int alBeg, int alEnd, File ovTableFile, uint ovTableOffs) : base(parent, parentDir, true, id, ":::", alFile, alBeg, alEnd) { this.nameP = string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("NitroClass", "OverlayFile"), id, ramAddr.ToString("X"), ramSize.ToString("X")); this.ovTableFile = ovTableFile; this.ovTableOffs = ovTableOffs; ovId = ovTableFile.getUintAt((int)ovTableOffs + 0x00); ramAddr = ovTableFile.getUintAt((int)ovTableOffs + 0x04); ramSize = ovTableFile.getUintAt((int)ovTableOffs + 0x08); bssSize = ovTableFile.getUintAt((int)ovTableOffs + 0x0C); staticInitStart = ovTableFile.getUintAt((int)ovTableOffs + 0x10); staticInitEnd = ovTableFile.getUintAt((int)ovTableOffs + 0x14); nameP = String.Format("{0:X8} - {1:X8}, OV {2}, FILE {3}", ramAddr, ramAddr + ramSize - 1, ovId, id); }
public static void Import(File destLevelFile, File destBGFile, byte[] levelFile, byte[] bgFile) { try { destLevelFile.beginEdit(destBGFile); } catch (AlreadyEditingException) { MessageBox.Show(LanguageManager.Get("Errors", "Level")); return; } try { destBGFile.beginEdit(destLevelFile); } catch (AlreadyEditingException) { MessageBox.Show(LanguageManager.Get("Errors", "Level")); return; } destLevelFile.replace(levelFile, destBGFile); destLevelFile.endEdit(destBGFile); destBGFile.replace(bgFile, destLevelFile); destBGFile.endEdit(destLevelFile); }
public InternalLevelSource(string filename, string levelname, string loadFileName) { levelFile = ROM.getLevelFile(filename); BGDatFile = ROM.getBGDatFile(filename); this.filename = filename; this.levelname = levelname; if (loadFileName == "") { levelData = levelFile.getContents(); BGDatData = BGDatFile.getContents(); } else { FileStream fs = new FileStream(loadFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); ExportedLevel level = new ExportedLevel(br); br.Close(); levelData = level.LevelFile; BGDatData = level.BGDatFile; } }
public void SaveFile() { try { string text = string.Empty; //System.IO.StreamWriter s = new System.IO.StreamWriter(new System.IO.FileStream(FilePath, System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write)); // Write lists foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <int, string> > list in lists) { text += "[" + list.Key + "]\n"; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> item in list.Value) { text += item.Key.ToString() + "=" + item.Value + "\n"; } } // Write descriptions foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <string> > item in descriptions) { int num = 0; text += "[" + item.Key.ToString() + "]\n"; foreach (string desc in item.Value) { if (desc != string.Empty) { text += num.ToString() + "=" + desc + "\n"; } num++; } } DSFileSystem.File file = ROM.FS.getFileByName("00DUMMY"); file.beginEdit(this); file.replace(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text), this); file.endEdit(this); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(String.Format(LanguageManager.Get("ROMUserInfo", "ErrorWrite"), ex.Message)); } }
public LZFile(File parent, CompressionType ct) { nameP =; parentFile = parent; comp = ct; // If we think it might be compressed, try decompressing it. If it succeeds, assume it was compressed. if (comp == CompressionType.MaybeLZ) { try { ROM.LZ77_Decompress(parentFile.getContents()); comp = CompressionType.LZ; } catch { comp = CompressionType.None; } } if (comp == CompressionType.None) fileSizeP = parent.fileSize; else if (comp == CompressionType.LZ) fileSizeP = ROM.LZ77_GetDecompressedSize(parent.getInterval(0, 4)); else if (comp == CompressionType.LZWithHeader) fileSizeP = ROM.LZ77_GetDecompressedSizeWithHeader(parent.getInterval(0, 8)); }
public void Import(File destLevelFile, File destBGFile) { Import(destLevelFile, destBGFile, LevelFile, BGFile); }
public NSMBLevel(File levelFile, File bgFile, byte[] eLevelFile, byte[] eBGFile, NSMBGraphics GFX) { LoadLevel(levelFile, bgFile, eLevelFile, eBGFile, GFX); }
public Image2D(File f, int width, bool is4bpp) : this(f, width, is4bpp, true) { }
/** * PATCH FILE FORMAT * * - String "NSMBe4 Exported Patch" * - Some files (see below) * - byte 0 * * STRUCTURE OF A FILE * - byte 1 * - File name as a string * - File ID as ushort (to check for different versions, only gives a warning) * - File length as uint * - File contents as byte[] */ private void patchExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //output to show to the user bool differentRomsWarning = false; // tells if we have shown the warning int fileCount = 0; //load the original rom MessageBox.Show(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "SelectROM"), LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "Export"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (openROMDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } NitroROMFilesystem origROM = new NitroROMFilesystem(openROMDialog.FileName); //open the output patch MessageBox.Show(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "SelectLocation"), LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "Export"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (savePatchDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } FileStream fs = new FileStream(savePatchDialog.FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); bw.Write("NSMBe4 Exported Patch"); //DO THE PATCH!! ProgressWindow progress = new ProgressWindow(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "ExportProgressTitle")); progress.Show(); progress.SetMax(ROM.FS.allFiles.Count); int progVal = 0; MessageBox.Show(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "StartingPatch"), LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "Export"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); foreach (NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File f in ROM.FS.allFiles) { if (f.isSystemFile) { continue; } Console.Out.WriteLine("Checking " +; progress.SetCurrentAction(string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "ComparingFile"),; NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File orig = origROM.getFileByName(; //check same version if (!differentRomsWarning && != { if (MessageBox.Show(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "ExportDiffVersions"), LanguageManager.Get("General", "Warning"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes) { differentRomsWarning = true; } else { fs.Close(); return; } } byte[] oldFile = orig.getContents(); byte[] newFile = f.getContents(); if (!arrayEqual(oldFile, newFile)) { //include file in patch string fileName =; Console.Out.WriteLine("Including: " + fileName); progress.WriteLine(string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "IncludedFile"), fileName)); fileCount++; bw.Write((byte)1); bw.Write(fileName); bw.Write((ushort); bw.Write((uint)newFile.Length); bw.Write(newFile, 0, newFile.Length); } progress.setValue(++progVal); } bw.Write((byte)0); bw.Close(); origROM.close(); progress.SetCurrentAction(""); progress.WriteLine(string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "ExportReady"), fileCount)); }
public ROMUserInfo(string ROMPath) { //FilePath = ROMPath.Substring(0, ROMPath.LastIndexOf('.') + 1) + "txt"; int lineNum = 0; try { //if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FilePath)) return; //System.IO.StreamReader s = new System.IO.StreamReader(FilePath); DSFileSystem.File file = ROM.FS.getFileByName("00DUMMY"); string[] lines = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(file.getContents()).Split('\n'); List <string> curList = null; Dictionary <int, string> curDict = null; bool readDescriptions = false; for (lineNum = 0; lineNum < lines.Length; lineNum++) { string line = lines[lineNum]; if (line != "") { if (line.StartsWith("[")) { line = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2); int num; if (int.TryParse(line, out num)) { readDescriptions = true; curList = new List <string>(); for (int l = 0; l < 256; l++) { curList.Add(""); } descriptions.Add(num, curList); } else { readDescriptions = false; curDict = new Dictionary <int, string>(); lists.Add(line, curDict); } } else if (curList != null || curDict != null) { int num = int.Parse(line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf("=")).Trim()); string name = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 1).Trim(); if (readDescriptions) { if (num < 256) { curList[num] = name; } } else { curDict.Add(num, name); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(String.Format(LanguageManager.Get("ROMUserInfo", "ErrorRead"), lineNum + 1, ex.Message)); } }
private void patchImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //output to show to the user bool differentRomsWarning = false; // tells if we have shown the warning int fileCount = 0; //open the input patch if (openPatchDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } FileStream fs = new FileStream(openPatchDialog.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); string header = br.ReadString(); if (header != "NSMBe4 Exported Patch") { MessageBox.Show( LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "InvalidFile"), LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "Unreadable"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); br.Close(); return; } ProgressWindow progress = new ProgressWindow(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "ImportProgressTitle")); progress.Show(); byte filestartByte = br.ReadByte(); try { while (filestartByte == 1) { string fileName = br.ReadString(); progress.WriteLine(string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "ReplacingFile"), fileName)); ushort origFileID = br.ReadUInt16(); NSMBe4.DSFileSystem.File f = ROM.FS.getFileByName(fileName); uint length = br.ReadUInt32(); byte[] newFile = new byte[length]; br.Read(newFile, 0, (int)length); filestartByte = br.ReadByte(); if (f != null) { ushort fileID = (ushort); if (!differentRomsWarning && origFileID != fileID) { MessageBox.Show(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "ImportDiffVersions"), LanguageManager.Get("General", "Warning"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); differentRomsWarning = true; } if (!f.isSystemFile) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Replace " + fileName); f.beginEdit(this); f.replace(newFile, this); f.endEdit(this); } fileCount++; } } } catch (AlreadyEditingException) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "Error"), fileCount), LanguageManager.Get("General", "Completed"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } br.Close(); MessageBox.Show(string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("Patch", "ImportReady"), fileCount), LanguageManager.Get("General", "Completed"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); // progress.Close(); }
ushort unk; //Let's save it just in case. public Bncd(File f) { ByteArrayInputStream inp = new ByteArrayInputStream(f.getContents()); inp.readInt(); //Magic; unk = inp.readUShort(); ushort entryCount = inp.readUShort(); uint entriesOffset = inp.readUInt(); uint subEntriesOffset = inp.readUInt(); uint dataOffset = inp.readUInt(); uint dataSize = inp.readUInt();; //Stores tilenum, tilecount to imageid Dictionary<uint, int> imagesDict = new Dictionary<uint, int> (); for(uint entryId = 0; entryId < entryCount; entryId++) { BncdEntry e = new BncdEntry(); e.width = inp.readByte(); e.height = inp.readByte(); uint subEntryIdx = inp.readUShort(); uint subEntryCt = inp.readUShort(); inp.savePos(); + subEntryIdx*12); for(int i = 0; i < subEntryCt; i++) { BncdSubEntry se = new BncdSubEntry(); e.subEntries.Add(se); se.oamAttr0 = inp.readUShort(); se.oamAttr1 = inp.readUShort(); se.unk = inp.readUInt(); se.tileNumber = inp.readUShort(); se.tileCount = inp.readUShort(); uint imageCode = (uint) ((se.tileNumber << 16) | se.tileCount); int imageId = imagesDict.Count; if(imagesDict.ContainsKey(imageCode)) imageId = imagesDict[imageCode]; else { imagesDict[imageCode] = imageId; BncdImage img = new BncdImage(); images.Add(img); img.tileNumber = se.tileNumber; img.tileCount = se.tileCount; int oamShape = se.oamAttr0>>14; int oamSize = se.oamAttr1>>14; img.tileWidth = widths[oamSize, oamShape]; } se.imageId = imageId; } inp.loadPos(); } LevelChooser.showImgMgr(); int tileLen = 8*8/2; foreach(BncdImage img in images) { File imgFile = new InlineFile(f, (int)dataOffset+img.tileNumber*tileLen, img.tileCount*tileLen,; LevelChooser.imgMgr.m.addImage(new Image2D(imgFile, 8*img.tileWidth, true, false)); } }
public Overlay(File file, File ovTableFile, uint ovTableOffs) { this.f = file; this.ovTableFile = ovTableFile; this.ovTableOffs = ovTableOffs; }
public static void ExportLevel(File srcLevelFile, File srcBGFile, System.IO.BinaryWriter bw) { ExportLevel(,, srcLevelFile.getContents(), srcBGFile.getContents(), bw); }
private void LoadLevel(File levelFile, File bgFile, byte[] eLevelFile, byte[] eBGFile, NSMBGraphics GFX) { this.LevelFile = levelFile; this.BGFile = bgFile; this.GFX = GFX; int FilePos; for(int x = 0; x < 512; x++) for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++) { levelTilemap[x,y] = (x + y) % 512; } // Level loading time yay. // Since I don't know the format for every block, I will just load them raw. Blocks = new byte[][] { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }; FilePos = 0; for (int BlockIdx = 0; BlockIdx < 14; BlockIdx++) { int BlockOffset = eLevelFile[FilePos] | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 1] << 8) | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 2] << 16) | eLevelFile[FilePos + 3] << 24; FilePos += 4; int BlockSize = eLevelFile[FilePos] | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 1] << 8) | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 2] << 16) | eLevelFile[FilePos + 3] << 24; FilePos += 4; Blocks[BlockIdx] = new byte[BlockSize]; Array.Copy(eLevelFile, BlockOffset, Blocks[BlockIdx], 0, BlockSize); } // Now objects. int ObjectCount = eBGFile.Length / 10; Objects = new List<NSMBObject>(ObjectCount); FilePos = 0; for (int ObjectIdx = 0; ObjectIdx < ObjectCount; ObjectIdx++) { int ObjID = eBGFile[FilePos] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 1] << 8); int ObjX = eBGFile[FilePos + 2] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 3] << 8); int ObjY = eBGFile[FilePos + 4] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 5] << 8); int ObjWidth = eBGFile[FilePos + 6] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 7] << 8); int ObjHeight = eBGFile[FilePos + 8] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 9] << 8); Objects.Add(new NSMBObject(ObjID & 4095, (ObjID & 61440) >> 12, ObjX, ObjY, ObjWidth, ObjHeight, GFX)); FilePos += 10; } /* * Sprite struct: * Offs Len Dat * 0x0 2 Sprite id * 0x2 2 X * 0x4 2 Y * 0x6 6 Dat * 0xD end */ // Sprites byte[] SpriteBlock = Blocks[6]; int SpriteCount = (SpriteBlock.Length - 2) / 12; Sprites = new List<NSMBSprite>(SpriteCount); FilePos = 0; for (int SpriteIdx = 0; SpriteIdx < SpriteCount; SpriteIdx++) { NSMBSprite Sprite = new NSMBSprite(this); Sprite.Type = SpriteBlock[FilePos] | (SpriteBlock[FilePos + 1] << 8); Sprite.X = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 2] | (SpriteBlock[FilePos + 3] << 8); Sprite.Y = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 4] | (SpriteBlock[FilePos + 5] << 8); Sprite.Data = new byte[6]; FilePos += 6; Sprite.Data[0] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 1]; Sprite.Data[1] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 0]; Sprite.Data[2] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 5]; Sprite.Data[3] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 4]; Sprite.Data[4] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 3]; Sprite.Data[5] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 2]; // Array.Copy(SpriteBlock, FilePos + 6, Sprite.Data, 0, 6); Sprites.Add(Sprite); FilePos += 6; } // Entrances. byte[] EntranceBlock = Blocks[5]; int EntranceCount = EntranceBlock.Length / 20; Entrances = new List<NSMBEntrance>(EntranceCount); FilePos = 0; for (int EntIdx = 0; EntIdx < EntranceCount; EntIdx++) { NSMBEntrance Entrance = new NSMBEntrance(); Entrance.X = EntranceBlock[FilePos] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 1] << 8); Entrance.Y = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 2] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 3] << 8); Entrance.CameraX = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 4] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 5] << 8); Entrance.CameraY = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 6] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 7] << 8); Entrance.Number = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 8]; Entrance.DestArea = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 9]; Entrance.ConnectedPipeID = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 10]; Entrance.DestEntrance = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 12]; Entrance.Type = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 14]; Entrance.Settings = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 15]; Entrance.Unknown1 = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 16]; Entrance.EntryView = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 18]; Entrance.Unknown2 = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 19]; //Array.Copy(EntranceBlock, FilePos, Entrance.Data, 0, 20); Entrances.Add(Entrance); FilePos += 20; } // Views ByteArrayInputStream ViewBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[7]); ByteArrayInputStream CamBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[1]); Views = new List<NSMBView>(); while (ViewBlock.lengthAvailable(16)) Views.Add(, CamBlock)); // Zones ByteArrayInputStream ZoneBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[8]); Zones = new List<NSMBView>(); while (ZoneBlock.lengthAvailable(12)) Zones.Add(NSMBView.readZone(ZoneBlock)); // Paths ByteArrayInputStream PathBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[10]); ByteArrayInputStream PathNodeBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[12]); Paths = new List<NSMBPath>(); while (!PathBlock.end()) { Paths.Add(, PathNodeBlock, false)); } PathBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[9]); PathNodeBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[11]); ProgressPaths = new List<NSMBPath>(); while (!PathBlock.end()) { ProgressPaths.Add(, PathNodeBlock, true)); } CalculateSpriteModifiers(); repaintAllTilemap(); }
public NSMBLevel(File levelFile, File bgFile, NSMBGraphics GFX) { LoadLevel(levelFile, bgFile, levelFile.getContents(), bgFile.getContents(), GFX); }