Пример #1
        public override Vector3 GetFormationPosition(MySmallShipBot bot)
            int followerIndex = Followers.IndexOf(bot);
            if (followerIndex < 0)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("GetFormationPosition - Follower not found!");
                return bot.GetPosition();

            return GetFormationPosition(followerIndex);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// For debugging, add text to the debug screen which details the state of this bot.
        /// TODO: Move this to MyGuiScreenDebugBot. That class is specific to bot so this stuff could/should go there.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bot">Computer-controlled ship.</param>
        /// <param name="player">The bot's target.</param>
        public static void AddToFrameDebugText(MySmallShipBot bot, MySmallShip player)
            // Get a reference to the debug screen.
            MyGuiScreenDebugBot debugScreen = MyGuiManager.GetScreenDebugBot();
            if (debugScreen != null)
                // Here's the bot info we're adding to the debug screen text.

                // Hello.
                debugScreen.AddToFrameDebugText("   Message: Hello!");

                // Position.
                debugScreen.AddToFrameDebugText("   Player.Position: " + MyUtils.GetFormatedVector3(player.GetPosition(), 0));

                // Offest between bot and player.
                Vector3 playerPos = player.GetPosition();
                Vector3 botPos = bot.GetPosition();
                Vector3 botToPlayer = botPos - playerPos;
                debugScreen.AddToFrameDebugText("   BotToPlayer: " + botToPlayer.ToString());

                // Offest between player and bot.
                Vector3 playerToBot = playerPos - botPos;
                debugScreen.AddToFrameDebugText("   PlayerToBot: " + playerToBot.ToString());

                // Bot forward
                Vector3 forward = bot.WorldMatrix.Forward;
                debugScreen.AddToFrameDebugText("   Bot.WorldMatrix.Forward: " + MyUtils.GetFormatedVector3(forward, 0));

                // m_playersRelativePosition
                //debugScreen.AddToFrameDebugText("   Bot.m_playersRelativePosition: " + MyUtils.GetFormatedVector3(bot.Behavior.TargetsRelativePosition, 0));

                // Aimed at player?
                //debugScreen.AddToFrameDebugText("   Bot.IsAimedAtPlayer: " + bot.IsBotPrettyMuchAimedAtPlayer());

                // Distance to player.
                //debugScreen.AddToFrameDebugText("   Bot.DistanceToPlayer: " + ((int)(bot.DistanceTo(bot.Decision.Target))).ToString());

                // Rotation indicator.
                //debugScreen.AddToFrameDebugText("   Bot.RotationIndicator: " + MyUtils.GetFormatedVector2(bot.RotationIndicator, 1));

                // Blank line.
                debugScreen.AddToFrameDebugText(" ");
Пример #3
 public virtual Vector3 GetFormationPosition(MySmallShipBot bot)
     Vector3 centerToBot = bot.GetPosition() - WorldVolume.Center;
     Vector3 centerToBotNormalized = Vector3.Normalize(centerToBot);
     return WorldVolume.Center + centerToBotNormalized * (WorldVolume.Radius + MyAIConstants.FORMATION_SPACING);