/// <summary>
        /// Resolves a dependency.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeToResolve">The type to be resolved.</param>
        /// <param name="typeToCreate">The type to be created, if the type cannot be resolved
        /// (and notPresent is set to <see cref="NotPresentBehavior.CreateNew"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the object to be resolved. Pass null for the unnamed object.</param>
        /// <param name="notPresent">Flag to describe how to behave if the dependency is not found.</param>
        /// <param name="searchMode">Flag to describe whether searches are local only, or local and up.</param>
        /// <returns>The dependent object. If the object is not found, and notPresent
        /// is set to <see cref="NotPresentBehavior.ReturnNull"/>, will return null.</returns>
        public object Resolve(Type typeToResolve, Type typeToCreate, string id, NotPresentBehavior notPresent, SearchMode searchMode)
            if (typeToResolve == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("typeToResolve");
            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(NotPresentBehavior), notPresent))
                throw new ArgumentException(Properties.Resources.InvalidEnumerationValue, "notPresent");

            if (typeToCreate == null)
                typeToCreate = typeToResolve;

            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey key = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(typeToResolve, id);

            if (context.Locator.Contains(key, searchMode))
                return context.Locator.Get(key, searchMode);

            switch (notPresent)
                case NotPresentBehavior.CreateNew:
                    return context.HeadOfChain.BuildUp(context, typeToCreate, null, key.ID);

                case NotPresentBehavior.ReturnNull:
                    return null;

                    throw new DependencyMissingException(
                        Properties.Resources.DependencyMissing, typeToResolve.ToString()));
Пример #2
        public void CanRegisterObjectByTypeAndID()
            object            o                = new object();
            IReadWriteLocator locator          = new Locator();
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey key = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(typeof(object), "foo");

            locator.Add(key, o);
            Assert.AreSame(o, locator.Get(key));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden so that TypeIDPair can be used as the key in dictionaries.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey other = obj as DependencyResolutionLocatorKey;

            if (other == null)

            return(Equals(type, other.type) && Equals(id, other.id));
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps one type/ID pair to another, using the locator to find the
        /// current <see cref="CompositionContainer"/>. The container holds
        /// the current set of type mappings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locator">The <see cref="IReadableLocator"/> being used in the
        /// current BuildUp operation.</param>
        /// <param name="incomingTypeIdPair"><see cref="DependencyResolutionLocatorKey"/> that identifies
        /// the type of the current BuildUp operation.</param>
        /// <returns>The new type to return; returns the original key if no type mapping is defined.</returns>
        public DependencyResolutionLocatorKey Map(
			IReadableLocator locator, DependencyResolutionLocatorKey incomingTypeIdPair)
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey result = incomingTypeIdPair;
            CompositionContainer container = GetCompositionContainerFromLocator(locator);
            if (container != null)
                result = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(container.GetMappedType(result.Type),
            return result;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of <see cref="IBuilderStrategy.BuildUp"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The build context.</param>
        /// <param name="typeToBuild">The type of the object being built.</param>
        /// <param name="existing">The existing instance of the object.</param>
        /// <param name="idToBuild">The ID of the object being built.</param>
        /// <returns>The built object.</returns>
        public override object BuildUp(IBuilderContext context, Type typeToBuild, object existing, string idToBuild)
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey key = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(typeToBuild, idToBuild);

            if (context.Locator != null && context.Locator.Contains(key, SearchMode.Local))
                TraceBuildUp(context, typeToBuild, idToBuild, "");
                return context.Locator.Get(key);

            return base.BuildUp(context, typeToBuild, existing, idToBuild);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of <see cref="IBuilderStrategy.BuildUp"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The build context.</param>
        /// <param name="typeToBuild">The type of the object being built.</param>
        /// <param name="existing">The existing instance of the object.</param>
        /// <param name="idToBuild">The ID of the object being built.</param>
        /// <returns>The built object.</returns>
        public override object BuildUp(IBuilderContext context, Type typeToBuild, object existing, string idToBuild)
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey key = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(typeToBuild, idToBuild);

            if (context.Locator != null && context.Locator.Contains(key, SearchMode.Local))
                TraceBuildUp(context, typeToBuild, idToBuild, "");

            return(base.BuildUp(context, typeToBuild, existing, idToBuild));
Пример #7
 public override object BuildUp(IBuilderContext context, Type t, object existing, string id)
     DependencyResolutionLocatorKey incomingTypeIDPair = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(t, id);
     ITypeMappingPolicy policy = context.Policies.Get<ITypeMappingPolicy>(t, id);
     if (policy != null)
         incomingTypeIDPair = policy.Map(incomingTypeIDPair);
         object[] args = new object[] { incomingTypeIDPair.Type, incomingTypeIDPair.ID ?? "(null)" };
         base.TraceBuildUp(context, t, id, Resources.TypeMapped, args);
         Guard.TypeIsAssignableFromType(t, incomingTypeIDPair.Type, t);
     return base.BuildUp(context, incomingTypeIDPair.Type, existing, incomingTypeIDPair.ID);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of <see cref="IBuilderStrategy.BuildUp"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public override object BuildUp(IBuilderContext context, Type t, object existing, string id)
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey result = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(t, id);
            ITypeMappingPolicy policy = context.Policies.Get<ITypeMappingPolicy>(t, id);

            if (policy != null)
                result = policy.Map(result);
                TraceBuildUp(context, t, id, Properties.Resources.TypeMapped, result.Type, result.ID ?? "(null)");
                Guard.TypeIsAssignableFromType(t, result.Type, t);

            return base.BuildUp(context, result.Type, existing, result.ID);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of <see cref="IBuilderStrategy.BuildUp"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public override object BuildUp(IBuilderContext context, Type t, object existing, string id)
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey result = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(t, id);
            ITypeMappingPolicy             policy = context.Policies.Get <ITypeMappingPolicy>(t, id);

            if (policy != null)
                result = policy.Map(result);
                TraceBuildUp(context, t, id, Properties.Resources.TypeMapped, result.Type, result.ID ?? "(null)");
                Guard.TypeIsAssignableFromType(t, result.Type, t);

            return(base.BuildUp(context, result.Type, existing, result.ID));
        public void PolicyShouldRequestTypeMappingFromContainer()
            TestableRootCompositionContainer container = new TestableRootCompositionContainer();
            container.RegisterTypeMapping<IFoo, Foo>();

            ContainerAwareTypeMappingPolicy policy = new ContainerAwareTypeMappingPolicy();

            string requestId = "My mapped object";
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey requestKey =
                new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(typeof (IFoo), requestId);
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey result = policy.Map(container.Locator, requestKey);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof (Foo), result.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(requestId, result.ID);
        public void PolicyCallsUpToParentContainerToGetMapping()
            TestableRootCompositionContainer container = new TestableRootCompositionContainer();
            container.RegisterTypeMapping<IFoo, Foo>();
            CompositionContainer child = container.Containers.AddNew<CompositionContainer>();

            ContainerAwareTypeMappingPolicy policy = new ContainerAwareTypeMappingPolicy();

            string requestId = "My mapped object";
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey requestKey =
                new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(typeof (IFoo), requestId);
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey result = policy.Map(child.Locator, requestKey);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof (Foo), result.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(requestId, result.ID);
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of <see cref="IBuilderStrategy.BuildUp"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The build context.</param>
        /// <param name="typeToBuild">The type of the object being built.</param>
        /// <param name="existing">The existing instance of the object.</param>
        /// <param name="idToBuild">The ID of the object being built.</param>
        /// <returns>The built object.</returns>
        public override object BuildUp(IBuilderContext context, Type typeToBuild, object existing, string idToBuild)
            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey key = null;
            ILifetimeContainer lifeTime = GetLifetime(context);

            if (context.Locator != null)
                key = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(typeToBuild, idToBuild);
                if (context.Locator.Contains(key, SearchMode.Local))
                    return context.Locator.Get(key);

            existing = base.BuildUp(context, typeToBuild, existing, idToBuild);

            if (context.Locator != null && lifeTime != null && IsSingleton(context, key))
                context.Locator.Add(key, existing);
            return existing;
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves a dependency.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeToResolve">The type to be resolved.</param>
        /// <param name="typeToCreate">The type to be created, if the type cannot be resolved
        /// (and notPresent is set to <see cref="NotPresentBehavior.CreateNew"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the object to be resolved. Pass null for the unnamed object.</param>
        /// <param name="notPresent">Flag to describe how to behave if the dependency is not found.</param>
        /// <param name="searchMode">Flag to describe whether searches are local only, or local and up.</param>
        /// <returns>The dependent object. If the object is not found, and notPresent
        /// is set to <see cref="NotPresentBehavior.ReturnNull"/>, will return null.</returns>
        public object Resolve(Type typeToResolve, Type typeToCreate, string id, NotPresentBehavior notPresent, SearchMode searchMode)
            if (typeToResolve == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("typeToResolve");
            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(NotPresentBehavior), notPresent))
                throw new ArgumentException(Properties.Resources.InvalidEnumerationValue, "notPresent");

            if (typeToCreate == null)
                typeToCreate = typeToResolve;

            DependencyResolutionLocatorKey key = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(typeToResolve, id);

            if (context.Locator.Contains(key, searchMode))
                return(context.Locator.Get(key, searchMode));

            switch (notPresent)
            case NotPresentBehavior.CreateNew:
                return(context.HeadOfChain.BuildUp(context, typeToCreate, null, key.ID));

            case NotPresentBehavior.ReturnNull:

                throw new DependencyMissingException(
                                        Properties.Resources.DependencyMissing, typeToResolve.ToString()));
 private static bool IsSingleton(IBuilderContext context, DependencyResolutionLocatorKey key)
     ISingletonPolicy policy = context.Policies.Get<ISingletonPolicy>(key.Type, key.ID);
     return policy != null && policy.IsSingleton;
Пример #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TypeMappingPolicy"/> class using
 /// the provided type and ID.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The new type to be returned during Map.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The new ID to be returned during Map.</param>
 public TypeMappingPolicy(Type type, string id)
     pair = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(type, id);
Пример #16
 /// <summary>
 /// See <see cref="ITypeMappingPolicy.Map"/> for more information.
 /// </summary>
 public DependencyResolutionLocatorKey Map(DependencyResolutionLocatorKey incomingTypeIDPair)
Пример #17
 public TypeMappingPolicy(Type type, string id)
     this.pair = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(type, id);
Пример #18
 public DependencyResolutionLocatorKey Map(DependencyResolutionLocatorKey incomingTypeIDPair)
     return this.pair;
Пример #19
            public override object GetValue(IBuilderContext context)
                DependencyResolutionLocatorKey key = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(typeof(WorkItem), null);
                WorkItem wi = (WorkItem)context.Locator.Get(key);

                if (id != null)
                    return wi.State[id];

                foreach (string stateID in wi.State.Keys)
                    if (type.IsAssignableFrom(wi.State[stateID].GetType()))
                        return wi.State[stateID];

                return null;
Пример #20
            public override object GetValue(IBuilderContext context)
                DependencyResolutionLocatorKey key = new DependencyResolutionLocatorKey(typeof(ITraceSourceCatalogService), null);
                ITraceSourceCatalogService svc = (ITraceSourceCatalogService)context.Locator.Get(key);

                return svc != null ? svc.GetTraceSource(sourceName) : null;