Пример #1
    public IUnitNamespaceReference Map(R.INamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(namespaceSymbol != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IUnitNamespaceReference>() != null);
      IUnitNamespaceReference nsr = null;
      if (!namespaceSymbolCache.TryGetValue(namespaceSymbol, out nsr)) {

        if (namespaceSymbol.ContainingAssembly.Equals(this.assemblyBeingTranslated)) {
          var n = this.CreateNamespaceDefinition(namespaceSymbol);
          return n;

        if (namespaceSymbol.IsGlobalNamespace) {
          var n = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.RootUnitNamespaceReference() {
            Unit = Map(namespaceSymbol.ContainingAssembly),
          nsr = n;
        } else {
          var ns = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.NestedUnitNamespaceReference() {
            ContainingUnitNamespace = Map(namespaceSymbol.ContainingNamespace),
            Name = this.nameTable.GetNameFor(namespaceSymbol.Name),
          nsr = ns;
        namespaceSymbolCache[namespaceSymbol] = nsr;
      Contract.Assume(nsr != null);
      return nsr;
Пример #2
    public IAssemblyReference Map(R.IAssemblySymbol assembly) {
      Contract.Requires(assembly != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IAssemblyReference>() != null);

      IAssemblyReference cciAssembly = null;
      if (!assemblySymbolCache.TryGetValue(assembly, out cciAssembly)) {
        var an = assembly.Identity;
        IEnumerable<byte> pkt = an.PublicKeyToken.AsEnumerable();
        if (pkt == null)
          pkt = new byte[0];
        var identity = new Microsoft.Cci.AssemblyIdentity(
          an.CultureName == null ? "" : an.CultureName, // REVIEW: This can't be right
          an.Location == null ? "unknown://location" : an.Location
        cciAssembly = new Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.AssemblyReference(this.host, identity);
        assemblySymbolCache[assembly] = cciAssembly;
      Contract.Assume(cciAssembly != null);
      return cciAssembly;
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a nested namespace (because only the root namespace is not nested
 /// and that is created when the assembly is created).
 /// Adds it to the namespace cache.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="namespaceSymbol"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private NestedUnitNamespace CreateNamespaceDefinition(R.INamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol) {
   var ns = new NestedUnitNamespace() {
     ContainingUnitNamespace = (IUnitNamespace)this.namespaceSymbolCache[namespaceSymbol.ContainingNamespace],
     Locations = Helper.WrapLocations(namespaceSymbol.Locations),
     Name = this.host.NameTable.GetNameFor(namespaceSymbol.Name),
     //Unit = (IUnit)this.assemblySymbolCache[namespaceSymbol.ContainingAssembly],
   this.namespaceSymbolCache.Add(namespaceSymbol, ns);
   return ns;
Пример #4
    private PropertyDefinition TranslateMetadata(R.IPropertySymbol propertySymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(propertySymbol != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<PropertyDefinition>() != null);

      var containingType = (ITypeDefinition)this.typeSymbolCache[propertySymbol.ContainingType];
      List<IParameterDefinition> parameters = new List<IParameterDefinition>();
      var p = new PropertyDefinition() {
        CallingConvention = propertySymbol.IsStatic ? CallingConvention.Default : CallingConvention.HasThis,
        ContainingTypeDefinition = containingType,
        Getter = propertySymbol.GetMethod == null ? null : this.Map(propertySymbol.GetMethod),
        Locations = Helper.WrapLocations(propertySymbol.Locations),
        Name = this.nameTable.GetNameFor(propertySymbol.Name),
        Parameters = parameters,
        Setter = propertySymbol.SetMethod == null ? null : this.Map(propertySymbol.SetMethod),
        Type = this.Map(propertySymbol.Type),
        Visibility = this.Map(propertySymbol.DeclaredAccessibility),

      //#region Define the parameters
      //ushort i = 0;
      //foreach (var p in methodSymbol.Parameters) {
      //  var p_prime = new ParameterDefinition() {
      //    ContainingSignature = p,
      //    Name = nameTable.GetNameFor(p.Name),
      //    Type = this.Map(p.Type),
      //    Index = i++,
      //  };
      //  parameters.Add(p_prime);
      //#endregion Define the parameters

      this.propertySymbolCache.Add(propertySymbol, p);
      return p;
Пример #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a method whose body is empty, but which can be replaced with the real body when it is
    /// available.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Public because it needs to get called when an anonymous delegate is encountered
    /// while translating a method body. Just mapping the anonymous delegate doesn't
    /// provide the information needed. The parameters of a method reference are not
    /// IParameterDefinitions.
    /// </remarks>
    public MethodDefinition TranslateMetadata(R.IMethodSymbol methodSymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(methodSymbol != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<MethodDefinition>() != null);

      var containingType = (ITypeDefinition)this.typeSymbolCache[methodSymbol.ContainingType];
      var isConstructor = methodSymbol.MethodKind == R.CommonMethodKind.Constructor;
      List<IParameterDefinition> parameters = new List<IParameterDefinition>();

      var m = new MethodDefinition() {
        CallingConvention = methodSymbol.IsStatic ? CallingConvention.Default : CallingConvention.HasThis,
        ContainingTypeDefinition = containingType,
        InternFactory = this.host.InternFactory,
        IsHiddenBySignature = true, // REVIEW
        IsNewSlot = containingType.IsInterface, // REVIEW
        IsRuntimeSpecial = isConstructor,
        IsSpecialName = isConstructor,
        IsStatic = methodSymbol.IsStatic,
        IsVirtual = containingType.IsInterface, // REVIEW: Why doesn't using methodSymbol.Virtual work for interface methods?
        Locations = Helper.WrapLocations(methodSymbol.Locations),
        Name = this.nameTable.GetNameFor(methodSymbol.Name),
        Parameters = parameters,
        Type = this.Map(methodSymbol.ReturnType),
        Visibility = this.Map(methodSymbol.DeclaredAccessibility),

      // IMPORTANT: Have to add it to the cache before doing anything else because it may
      // get looked up if it is generic and a parameter's type involves the generic
      // method parameter.
      this.methodSymbolCache.Add(methodSymbol, m);

      #region Define the generic parameters
      if (methodSymbol.IsGenericMethod) {
      var genericParameters = new List<IGenericMethodParameter>();
      foreach (var gp in methodSymbol.TypeParameters) {
        var gp2 = this.CreateTypeDefinition(gp);
        genericParameters.Add((IGenericMethodParameter) gp2);
      m.GenericParameters = genericParameters;

      #region Define the parameters
      ushort i = 0;
      foreach (var p in methodSymbol.Parameters) {
        var p_prime = new ParameterDefinition() {
          ContainingSignature = m,
          IsByReference = p.RefKind == RefKind.Ref,
          IsIn = p.RefKind == RefKind.None,
          IsOut = p.RefKind == RefKind.Out,
          Name = nameTable.GetNameFor(p.Name),
          Type = this.Map(p.Type),
          Index = i++,
      #endregion Define the parameters

      #region Define default ctor, if needed
      if (/*methodSymbol.IsSynthesized &&*/ isConstructor) { // BUGBUG!!
        m.IsHiddenBySignature = true;
        m.IsRuntimeSpecial = true;
        m.IsSpecialName = true;
        var statements = new List<IStatement>();
        var body = new SourceMethodBody(this.host, null, null) {
          LocalsAreZeroed = true,
          Block = new BlockStatement() { Statements = statements },
        var thisRef = new ThisReference() { Type = containingType, };
        // base();
        foreach (var baseClass in containingType.BaseClasses) {
          var baseCtor = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.MethodReference() {
            CallingConvention = CallingConvention.HasThis,
            ContainingType = baseClass,
            GenericParameterCount = 0,
            InternFactory = this.host.InternFactory,
            Name = nameTable.Ctor,
            Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemVoid,
            new ExpressionStatement() {
              Expression = new MethodCall() {
                MethodToCall = baseCtor,
                IsStaticCall = false, // REVIEW: Is this needed in addition to setting the ThisArgument?
                ThisArgument = thisRef,
                Type = this.host.PlatformType.SystemVoid, // REVIEW: Is this the right way to do this?
                Arguments = new List<IExpression>(),
        // return;
        statements.Add(new ReturnStatement());
        body.MethodDefinition = m;
        m.Body = body;

      return m;

Пример #6
    private FieldDefinition TranslateMetadata(R.IFieldSymbol fieldSymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(fieldSymbol != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<FieldDefinition>() != null);

      FieldDefinition f = new FieldDefinition() {
        ContainingTypeDefinition = (ITypeDefinition)this.typeSymbolCache[fieldSymbol.ContainingType],
        InternFactory = this.host.InternFactory,
        IsReadOnly = fieldSymbol.IsReadOnly,
        IsStatic = fieldSymbol.IsStatic,
        Locations = Helper.WrapLocations(fieldSymbol.Locations),
        Name = this.nameTable.GetNameFor(fieldSymbol.Name),
        Type = this.Map(fieldSymbol.Type),
        Visibility = this.Map(fieldSymbol.DeclaredAccessibility),
      return f;
Пример #7
 public IMethodReference Map(R.IMethodSymbol methodSymbol) {
   Contract.Requires(methodSymbol != null);
   IMethodReference mr = null;
   if (!methodSymbolCache.TryGetValue(methodSymbol, out mr)) {
     List<IParameterTypeInformation> ps = methodSymbol.Parameters.Count == 0 ? null : new List<IParameterTypeInformation>();
     if (methodSymbol.IsGenericMethod && methodSymbol.ConstructedFrom != methodSymbol) {
       var gArgs = new List<ITypeReference>();
       foreach (var a in methodSymbol.TypeArguments){
       mr = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GenericMethodInstanceReference() {
         CallingConvention = methodSymbol.IsStatic ? CallingConvention.Default : CallingConvention.HasThis,
         ContainingType = Map(methodSymbol.ContainingType),
         GenericArguments = gArgs,
         GenericMethod = Map(methodSymbol.ConstructedFrom),
         GenericParameterCount = (ushort) methodSymbol.TypeParameters.Count,
         InternFactory = this.host.InternFactory,
         Name = this.nameTable.GetNameFor(methodSymbol.Name),
         Parameters = ps,
         Type = Map(methodSymbol.ReturnType),
     } else {
       var m = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.MethodReference();
       // IMPORTANT: Have to add it to the cache before doing anything else because it may
       // get looked up if it is generic and a parameter's type involves the generic
       // method parameter.
       this.methodSymbolCache.Add(methodSymbol, m);
       m.CallingConvention = methodSymbol.IsStatic ? CallingConvention.Default : CallingConvention.HasThis;
       m.ContainingType = Map(methodSymbol.ContainingType);
       m.InternFactory = this.host.InternFactory;
       m.Name = this.nameTable.GetNameFor(methodSymbol.Name);
       m.Parameters = ps;
       m.Type = Map(methodSymbol.ReturnType);
       mr = m;
     foreach (var p in methodSymbol.Parameters) {
       var p_prime = new ParameterTypeInformation() {
         ContainingSignature = mr,
         Index = (ushort)p.Ordinal,
         Type = Map(p.Type),
   return mr;
Пример #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates either a generic method parameter or a generic type parameter
    /// and adds it to the type symbol cache.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="typeSymbol"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private GenericParameter CreateTypeDefinition(R.ITypeParameterSymbol typeSymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(typeSymbol != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<GenericParameter>() != null);

      GenericParameter cciType;

      var containingSymbol = typeSymbol.ContainingSymbol;
      if (containingSymbol is R.IMethodSymbol) {
        cciType = new GenericMethodParameter() {
          DefiningMethod = (IMethodDefinition)this.Map((R.IMethodSymbol)containingSymbol),
          Name  = this.host.NameTable.GetNameFor(typeSymbol.Name),
      } else {
        // assume it is a class parameter?
        cciType = new GenericTypeParameter() {
          DefiningType = (ITypeDefinition)this.Map((R.ITypeSymbol)containingSymbol),
          Name = this.host.NameTable.GetNameFor(typeSymbol.Name),

      var constraints = new List<ITypeReference>();
      foreach (var c in typeSymbol.ConstraintTypes) {
        var c2 = this.Map(c);

      cciType.Constraints = constraints;

      this.typeSymbolCache.Add(typeSymbol, cciType);
      return cciType;
Пример #9
 private ReferenceMapper(IMetadataHost host, R.IAssemblySymbol assemblySymbol) {
   this.host = host;
   this.nameTable = host.NameTable;
   this.assemblyBeingTranslated = assemblySymbol;
Пример #10
    private NamedTypeDefinition TranslateMetadata(R.INamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(typeSymbol != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<NamedTypeDefinition>() != null);

      NamedTypeDefinition cciType;
      ITypeReference cciTypeRef;
      if (this.typeSymbolCache.TryGetValue(typeSymbol, out cciTypeRef))
       cciType = (NamedTypeDefinition) cciTypeRef;
        cciType = CreateTypeDefinition(typeSymbol);

      var mems = new List<ITypeDefinitionMember>();
      foreach (var m in typeSymbol.GetMembers()) {

        var attributes = this.TranslateMetadata(m.GetAttributes());

        switch (m.Kind) {
          case CommonSymbolKind.Field:
            var field = TranslateMetadata(m as FieldSymbol);
            field.Attributes = attributes;
            if (cciType.Fields == null) cciType.Fields = new List<IFieldDefinition>();
          case CommonSymbolKind.Method:
            var methodSymbol = m as MethodSymbol;
            var meth = TranslateMetadata(methodSymbol);
            meth.Attributes = attributes;
            if (cciType.Methods == null) cciType.Methods = new List<IMethodDefinition>();
          case CommonSymbolKind.NamedType:
            var namedType = TranslateMetadata((R.INamedTypeSymbol) m);
            Contract.Assert(namedType is NestedTypeDefinition);
            var nestedType = (NestedTypeDefinition)namedType;
            nestedType.Attributes = attributes;
            if (cciType.NestedTypes == null) cciType.NestedTypes = new List<INestedTypeDefinition>();
          case CommonSymbolKind.Property:
            var property = TranslateMetadata(m as PropertySymbol);
            property.Attributes = attributes;
            if (cciType.Properties == null) cciType.Properties = new List<IPropertyDefinition>();
            throw new NotImplementedException();

      if (typeSymbol.IsValueType) {
        cciType.Layout = LayoutKind.Sequential;
        if (IteratorHelper.EnumerableIsEmpty(cciType.Fields)) {
          cciType.SizeOf = 1;

      return cciType;
Пример #11
    private NestedUnitNamespace TranslateMetadata(R.INamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(namespaceSymbol != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<UnitNamespace>() != null);

      IUnitNamespaceReference nsr;
      if (this.namespaceSymbolCache.TryGetValue(namespaceSymbol, out nsr)) {
        var alreadyTranslatedNamespace = nsr as IUnitNamespace;
        if (alreadyTranslatedNamespace != null) return alreadyTranslatedNamespace as NestedUnitNamespace;

      var ns = CreateNamespaceDefinition(namespaceSymbol);

      var mems = new List<INamespaceMember>();
      foreach (var m in namespaceSymbol.GetMembers()) {

        var nestedNamespaceSymbol = m as R.INamespaceSymbol;
        if (nestedNamespaceSymbol != null) {
          var cciNtd = TranslateMetadata(nestedNamespaceSymbol);

        var typeSymbol = m as R.INamedTypeSymbol;
        if (typeSymbol != null) {
          var cciType = (INamespaceTypeDefinition)TranslateMetadata(typeSymbol);

      ns.Members = mems;
      return ns;
Пример #12
    private Assembly TranslateMetadata(R.IAssemblySymbol assemblySymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(assemblySymbol != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Assembly>() != null);

      IAssemblyReference cciAssemblyReference = null;
      Assembly cciAssembly = null;
      if (assemblySymbolCache.TryGetValue(assemblySymbol, out cciAssemblyReference)) {
        cciAssembly = cciAssemblyReference as Assembly;
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(cciAssembly != null);
        return cciAssembly;

      var coreAssembly = host.LoadAssembly(host.CoreAssemblySymbolicIdentity);
      var name = assemblySymbol.Identity.Name;
      var iname = nameTable.GetNameFor(name);
      cciAssembly = new Assembly() {
        Attributes = this.TranslateMetadata(assemblySymbol.GetAttributes()),
        Name = iname,
        Locations = Helper.WrapLocations(assemblySymbol.Locations),
        ModuleName = iname,
        Kind = ModuleKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary,
        RequiresStartupStub = this.host.PointerSize == 4,
        TargetRuntimeVersion = coreAssembly.TargetRuntimeVersion,
        Version = assemblySymbol.Identity.Version,
      this.assemblySymbolCache.Add(assemblySymbol, cciAssembly);
      this.module = cciAssembly;

      var rootUnitNamespace = new RootUnitNamespace();
      cciAssembly.UnitNamespaceRoot = rootUnitNamespace;
      rootUnitNamespace.Unit = cciAssembly;
      this.namespaceSymbolCache.Add(assemblySymbol.GlobalNamespace, rootUnitNamespace);

      var moduleClass = new NamespaceTypeDefinition() {
        ContainingUnitNamespace = rootUnitNamespace,
        InternFactory = host.InternFactory,
        IsClass = true,
        Name = nameTable.GetNameFor("<Module>"),

      foreach (var m in assemblySymbol.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers()) {

        var namespaceSymbol = m as NamespaceSymbol;
        if (namespaceSymbol != null) {
          var cciNtd = TranslateMetadata(namespaceSymbol);

        var typeSymbol = m as TypeSymbol;
        if (typeSymbol != null) {
          var namedType = TranslateMetadata((R.INamedTypeSymbol) typeSymbol);
          // TODO: fix
          //namedType.Attributes = TranslateMetadata(typeSymbol.GetAttributes());
          var cciType = (INamespaceTypeDefinition) namedType;


      //if (this.entryPoint != null) {
      //  cciAssembly.Kind = ModuleKind.ConsoleApplication;
      //  cciAssembly.EntryPoint = this.entryPoint;

      return cciAssembly;
Пример #13
    /// <summary>
    /// Translates the metadata "backbone" of the Roslyn assembly, creating a CCI
    /// assembly that is held onto by the returned reference mapper. The mapper
    /// can be used during a traversal of any syntax tree whose semantic model
    /// corresponds to the <paramref name="assemblySymbol"/>. The mapper will
    /// return the equivalent CCI node that corresponds to the semantic node it
    /// is given.
    /// </summary>
    public static ReferenceMapper TranslateAssembly(IMetadataHost host, R.IAssemblySymbol assemblySymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(host != null);
      Contract.Requires(assemblySymbol != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ReferenceMapper>() != null);

      var rm = new ReferenceMapper(host, assemblySymbol);
      return rm;
Пример #14
 public static PrimitiveTypeCode GetPrimitiveTypeCode(R.ITypeSymbol type) {
   Contract.Requires(type != null);
   Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<PrimitiveTypeCode>() != PrimitiveTypeCode.Pointer &&
                    Contract.Result<PrimitiveTypeCode>() != PrimitiveTypeCode.Reference &&
                    Contract.Result<PrimitiveTypeCode>() != PrimitiveTypeCode.Invalid,
                    "These types aren't checked for; all others are.");
   //if (type.Name == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(type.Name.Text)) throw new IllFormedSemanticModelException("A CSharpType was found with a null or empty 'Name' field.", type);
   switch (type.SpecialType) {
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Boolean: return PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Char: return PrimitiveTypeCode.Char;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_SByte: return PrimitiveTypeCode.Int8;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Single: return PrimitiveTypeCode.Float32;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Double: return PrimitiveTypeCode.Float64;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Int16: return PrimitiveTypeCode.Int16;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Int32: return PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Int64: return PrimitiveTypeCode.Int64;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_IntPtr: return PrimitiveTypeCode.IntPtr;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_String: return PrimitiveTypeCode.String;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Byte: return PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt8;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_UInt16: return PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt16;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_UInt32: return PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt32;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_UInt64: return PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt64;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_UIntPtr: return PrimitiveTypeCode.UIntPtr;
     case Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Void: return PrimitiveTypeCode.Void;
     default: return PrimitiveTypeCode.NotPrimitive;
Пример #15
    //public PropertyDefinition Map(PropertySymbol propertySymbol) {
    //  PropertyDefinition pd = null;
    //  if (!propertySymbolCache.TryGetValue(propertySymbol, out pd)) {
    //    pd = new PropertyDefinition() {
    //       CallingConvention = propertySymbol.IsStatic ? CallingConvention.Default : CallingConvention.HasThis,
    //       ContainingTypeDefinition = (ITypeDefinition) Map(propertySymbol.ContainingType),
    //       Name = this.nameTable.GetNameFor(propertySymbol.Name),
    //       Type = Map(propertySymbol.Type),
    //    };
    //    if (propertySymbol.GetMethod != null) {
    //      pd.Getter = Map(propertySymbol.GetMethod);
    //    }
    //    if (propertySymbol.SetMethod != null) {
    //      pd.Setter = Map(propertySymbol.SetMethod);
    //    }
    //  }
    //  return pd;

    public TypeMemberVisibility Map(R.CommonAccessibility a) {
      switch (a) {
        case R.CommonAccessibility.Internal:
          return TypeMemberVisibility.Assembly;
        case R.CommonAccessibility.NotApplicable:
          return TypeMemberVisibility.Other;
        case R.CommonAccessibility.Private:
          return TypeMemberVisibility.Private;
        case R.CommonAccessibility.Protected:
          return TypeMemberVisibility.Family;
        case R.CommonAccessibility.ProtectedAndInternal:
          return TypeMemberVisibility.FamilyAndAssembly;
        //case R.Compilers.CommonAccessibility.ProtectedInternal:
        //  return TypeMemberVisibility.FamilyOrAssembly;
        case R.CommonAccessibility.Public:
          return TypeMemberVisibility.Public;
          throw new InvalidDataException("Mapping Accessibility: switch is supposed to be exhaustive.");
Пример #16
    private ITypeDefinition CreateTypeDefinition(R.ITypeSymbol typeSymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(typeSymbol != null);

      var nts = typeSymbol as R.INamedTypeSymbol;
      if (nts != null) return this.CreateTypeDefinition(nts);

      var gts = typeSymbol as R.ITypeParameterSymbol;
      if (gts != null) return this.CreateTypeDefinition(gts);

      throw new InvalidDataException("CreateTypeDefinition: type case is supposed to be exhaustive.");

Пример #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the appropriate kind of type definition (nested or not) and
    /// adds it to the type symbol cache.
    /// </summary>
    private NamedTypeDefinition CreateTypeDefinition(R.INamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(typeSymbol != null);

      NamedTypeDefinition cciType;

      if (typeSymbol.ContainingType == null) {
        cciType = new NamespaceTypeDefinition() {
          ContainingUnitNamespace = (IUnitNamespace)this.namespaceSymbolCache[typeSymbol.ContainingNamespace],
          IsPublic = typeSymbol.DeclaredAccessibility == R.CommonAccessibility.Public,
      } else {
        cciType = new NestedTypeDefinition() {
          ContainingTypeDefinition = (ITypeDefinition)this.typeSymbolCache[typeSymbol.ContainingType],
          Visibility = TypeMemberVisibility.Private,
      if (typeSymbol.TypeKind == R.CommonTypeKind.Interface) {
        cciType.IsAbstract = true;
        cciType.IsInterface = true;
      } else {
        cciType.BaseClasses = new List<ITypeReference> { this.Map(typeSymbol.BaseType) };
        cciType.IsBeforeFieldInit = true; // REVIEW: How to determine from typeSymbol?
      cciType.IsClass = typeSymbol.IsReferenceType;
      cciType.IsValueType = typeSymbol.IsValueType;
      cciType.IsSealed = typeSymbol.IsSealed;
      cciType.InternFactory = this.host.InternFactory;
      cciType.Locations = Helper.WrapLocations(typeSymbol.Locations);
      cciType.Name = this.host.NameTable.GetNameFor(typeSymbol.Name);

      this.typeSymbolCache.Add(typeSymbol, cciType);
      return cciType;
Пример #18
 private CustomAttribute TranslateMetadata(R.CommonAttributeData a) {
   Contract.Requires(a != null);
   Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<CustomAttribute>() != null);
   var a2 = new CustomAttribute() {
     Arguments = this.TranslateMetadata(a.ConstructorArguments),
     Constructor = this.Map(a.AttributeConstructor),
     NamedArguments = this.TranslateMetadata(a.NamedArguments),
   return a2;
Пример #19
 private IMetadataExpression TranslateMetadata(R.CommonTypedConstant typedConstant) {
   return new CompileTimeConstant() {
     Type = this.Map(typedConstant.Type),
     Value = typedConstant.Value,
Пример #20
    public ITypeReference Map(R.ITypeSymbol typeSymbol) {
      Contract.Requires(typeSymbol != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ITypeReference>() != null);

      ITypeReference itr = null;
      var arrayType = typeSymbol as R.IArrayTypeSymbol;
      if (arrayType != null)
        typeSymbol = arrayType.ElementType;

      TypeReference tr = null;

      if (!typeSymbolCache.TryGetValue(typeSymbol, out itr)) {

        if (this.assemblyBeingTranslated.Equals(typeSymbol.ContainingAssembly)) {
          // then we have reached this type symbol from a place where it is being referenced,
          // before its definition has been visited
          var t = this.CreateTypeDefinition(typeSymbol);
          return t;

        var genericTypeSymbol = typeSymbol as R.ITypeParameterSymbol;
        if (genericTypeSymbol != null) {
          var containingSymbol = typeSymbol.ContainingSymbol;
          if (containingSymbol is R.IMethodSymbol) {
            tr = new GenericMethodParameterReference() {
              DefiningMethod = this.Map((R.IMethodSymbol)containingSymbol),
              Name = this.host.NameTable.GetNameFor(typeSymbol.Name),
          } else {
            // assume it is a class parameter?
            tr = new GenericTypeParameterReference() {
              DefiningType = this.Map((R.ITypeSymbol)containingSymbol),
              Name = this.host.NameTable.GetNameFor(typeSymbol.Name),

        var namedTypeSymbol = typeSymbol as R.INamedTypeSymbol;
        // if the symbol and its ConstructedFrom are the same then it is the template
        if (namedTypeSymbol != null) {
          if (namedTypeSymbol.IsGenericType && namedTypeSymbol != namedTypeSymbol.ConstructedFrom) {
            var gas = new List<ITypeReference>();
            foreach (var a in namedTypeSymbol.TypeArguments) {
            var gtr = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.GenericTypeInstanceReference() {
              GenericArguments = gas,
              GenericType = (INamedTypeReference)this.Map(namedTypeSymbol.ConstructedFrom),
            tr = gtr;
          } else {

            if (typeSymbol.ContainingType == null) {
              var ntr = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.NamespaceTypeReference() {
                ContainingUnitNamespace = Map(typeSymbol.ContainingNamespace),
                GenericParameterCount = (ushort)(namedTypeSymbol == null ? 0 : namedTypeSymbol.TypeParameters.Count),
                IsValueType = typeSymbol.IsValueType,
                Name = this.nameTable.GetNameFor(typeSymbol.Name),
              tr = ntr;
            } else {
              var nestedTr = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.NestedTypeReference() {
                ContainingType = Map(typeSymbol.ContainingType),
                GenericParameterCount = (ushort)namedTypeSymbol.TypeParameters.Count,
                Name = this.nameTable.GetNameFor(typeSymbol.Name),
              tr = nestedTr;

        Contract.Assume(tr != null, "Above type tests meant to be exhaustive");
        tr.InternFactory = this.host.InternFactory;
        tr.PlatformType = this.host.PlatformType;
        tr.TypeCode = GetPrimitiveTypeCode(typeSymbol);
        this.typeSymbolCache[typeSymbol] = tr;
        itr = tr;
      if (arrayType != null) {
        itr = (IArrayTypeReference)Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.Vector.GetVector(itr, this.host.InternFactory);
      return itr;