Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the ExitConditions class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exitCodes">A list of individual task exit codes and
 /// how the Batch service should respond to them.</param>
 /// <param name="exitCodeRanges">A list of task exit codes ranges and
 /// how the Batch service should respond to them.</param>
 /// <param name="schedulingError">How the Batch service should respond
 /// if the task fails with a scheduling error.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultProperty">How the Batch service should respond
 /// if the task fails with an exit condition not covered by any of
 /// the other properties – that is, any nonzero exit code not listed
 /// in the exitCodes or exitCodeRanges collection, or a scheduling
 /// error if the schedulingError property is not present.</param>
 public ExitConditions(System.Collections.Generic.IList <ExitCodeMapping> exitCodes = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <ExitCodeMapping>), System.Collections.Generic.IList <ExitCodeRangeMapping> exitCodeRanges = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <ExitCodeRangeMapping>), ExitOptions schedulingError = default(ExitOptions), ExitOptions defaultProperty = default(ExitOptions))
     ExitCodes       = exitCodes;
     ExitCodeRanges  = exitCodeRanges;
     SchedulingError = schedulingError;
     DefaultProperty = defaultProperty;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the ExitCodeRangeMapping class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start">The first exit code in the range.</param>
 /// <param name="end">The last exit code in the range.</param>
 /// <param name="exitOptions">How the Batch service should respond if
 /// the task exits with an exit code in the range start to end
 /// (inclusive).</param>
 public ExitCodeRangeMapping(int start, int end, ExitOptions exitOptions)
     Start       = start;
     End         = end;
     ExitOptions = exitOptions;
Пример #3
        public void WhenGettingATaskFromTheService_ExitConditionsAreMapped()
            BatchAccountContext context = BatchTestHelpers.CreateBatchContextWithKeys();

            cmdlet.BatchContext = context;
            cmdlet.Id           = "task-1";
            cmdlet.JobId        = "job-1";
            cmdlet.Filter       = null;

            // Build a CloudTask instead of querying the service on a Get CloudTask call
            ProxyModels.ExitOptions none = new ProxyModels.ExitOptions {
                JobAction = ProxyModels.JobAction.None
            ProxyModels.ExitOptions terminate = new ProxyModels.ExitOptions {
                JobAction = ProxyModels.JobAction.Terminate

            ProxyModels.CloudTask cloudTask = new ProxyModels.CloudTask {
                Id             = "task-1",
                ExitConditions = new ProxyModels.ExitConditions {
                    ExitCodeRanges  = new [] { new ProxyModels.ExitCodeRangeMapping(2, 5, none) },
                    ExitCodes       = new[] { new ProxyModels.ExitCodeMapping(4, terminate) },
                    SchedulingError = terminate,
                    DefaultProperty = none,

            AzureOperationResponse <ProxyModels.CloudTask, ProxyModels.TaskGetHeaders> response = BatchTestHelpers.CreateCloudTaskGetResponse(cloudTask);

            RequestInterceptor interceptor = BatchTestHelpers.CreateFakeServiceResponseInterceptor <ProxyModels.TaskGetOptions,
                                                                                                    AzureOperationResponse <ProxyModels.CloudTask, ProxyModels.TaskGetHeaders> >(response);

            cmdlet.AdditionalBehaviors = new List <BatchClientBehavior>()

            // Setup the cmdlet to write pipeline output to a list that can be examined later
            var pipeline = new List <PSCloudTask>();

            commandRuntimeMock.Setup(r => r.WriteObject(It.IsAny <PSCloudTask>())).Callback <object>(t => pipeline.Add((PSCloudTask)t));


            // Verify that the cmdlet wrote the task returned from the OM to the pipeline
            Assert.Equal(1, pipeline.Count);
            Assert.Equal(cmdlet.Id, pipeline[0].Id);

            PSExitConditions psExitConditions = pipeline[0].ExitConditions;

            Assert.Equal(psExitConditions.Default.JobAction, JobAction.None);
            Assert.Equal(psExitConditions.ExitCodeRanges.First().ExitOptions.JobAction, JobAction.None);
            Assert.Equal(psExitConditions.SchedulingError.JobAction, JobAction.Terminate);

            Assert.Equal(4, psExitConditions.ExitCodes.First().Code);
            Assert.Equal(JobAction.Terminate, psExitConditions.ExitCodes.First().ExitOptions.JobAction);
            Assert.Equal(2, psExitConditions.ExitCodeRanges.First().Start);
            Assert.Equal(5, psExitConditions.ExitCodeRanges.First().End);
            Assert.Equal(JobAction.None, psExitConditions.ExitCodeRanges.First().ExitOptions.JobAction);
Пример #4
 public PropertyContainer(Models.ExitOptions protocolObject) : base(BindingState.Bound)
     this.JobActionProperty = this.CreatePropertyAccessor(
         UtilitiesInternal.MapNullableEnum <Models.JobAction, Common.JobAction>(protocolObject.JobAction),
        public void CloudTask_WhenReturnedFromServer_HasExpectedBoundProperties()
            const string jobId              = "id-123";
            const string taskId             = "id-123";
            const int    exitCode           = 1;
            const int    exitCodeRangeStart = 0;
            const int    exitCodeRangeEnd   = 4;

            Models.ExitOptions terminateExitOption = new Models.ExitOptions()
                JobAction = Models.JobAction.Terminate
            Models.ExitOptions disableExitOption = new Models.ExitOptions()
                JobAction        = Models.JobAction.Disable,
                DependencyAction = Models.DependencyAction.Satisfy

            using (BatchClient client = ClientUnitTestCommon.CreateDummyClient())
                Models.CloudTask cloudTask = new Models.CloudTask()
                    Id             = jobId,
                    ExitConditions = new Models.ExitConditions()
                        DefaultProperty = disableExitOption,
                        ExitCodeRanges  = new List <Models.ExitCodeRangeMapping>()
                            new Models.ExitCodeRangeMapping(exitCodeRangeStart, exitCodeRangeEnd, terminateExitOption)
                        ExitCodes = new List <Models.ExitCodeMapping>()
                            new Models.ExitCodeMapping(exitCode, terminateExitOption)
                        PreProcessingError = terminateExitOption,
                        FileUploadError    = disableExitOption

                CloudTask boundTask = client.JobOperations.GetTask(
                    additionalBehaviors: InterceptorFactory.CreateGetTaskRequestInterceptor(cloudTask));

                Assert.Equal(taskId, boundTask.Id); // reading is allowed from a task that is returned from the server.
                // These need to be compared as strings because they are different types but we are interested in the values being the same.
                Assert.Equal(disableExitOption.JobAction.ToString(), boundTask.ExitConditions.Default.JobAction.ToString());
                Assert.Equal(DependencyAction.Satisfy, boundTask.ExitConditions.Default.DependencyAction);
                Assert.Equal(DependencyAction.Satisfy, boundTask.ExitConditions.FileUploadError.DependencyAction);
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => boundTask.ExitConditions         = new ExitConditions());
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => boundTask.DependsOn              = new TaskDependencies(new List <string>(), new List <TaskIdRange>()));
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => boundTask.UserIdentity           = new UserIdentity("abc"));
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => boundTask.CommandLine            = "Cannot change command line");
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => boundTask.ExitConditions.Default = new ExitOptions()
                    JobAction = JobAction.Terminate
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the ExitConditions class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exitCodes">A list of individual Task exit codes and
 /// how the Batch service should respond to them.</param>
 /// <param name="exitCodeRanges">A list of Task exit code ranges and
 /// how the Batch service should respond to them.</param>
 /// <param name="preProcessingError">How the Batch service should
 /// respond if the Task fails to start due to an error.</param>
 /// <param name="fileUploadError">How the Batch service should respond
 /// if a file upload error occurs.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultProperty">How the Batch service should respond
 /// if the Task fails with an exit condition not covered by any of the
 /// other properties.</param>
 public ExitConditions(IList <ExitCodeMapping> exitCodes = default(IList <ExitCodeMapping>), IList <ExitCodeRangeMapping> exitCodeRanges = default(IList <ExitCodeRangeMapping>), ExitOptions preProcessingError = default(ExitOptions), ExitOptions fileUploadError = default(ExitOptions), ExitOptions defaultProperty = default(ExitOptions))
     ExitCodes          = exitCodes;
     ExitCodeRanges     = exitCodeRanges;
     PreProcessingError = preProcessingError;
     FileUploadError    = fileUploadError;
     DefaultProperty    = defaultProperty;
        public void CloudTask_WhenReturnedFromServer_HasExpectedBoundProperties()
            const string jobId              = "id-123";
            const string taskId             = "id-123";
            const int    exitCode           = 1;
            const int    exitCodeRangeStart = 0;
            const int    exitCodeRangeEnd   = 4;

            Models.ExitOptions terminateExitOption = new Models.ExitOptions()
                JobAction = Models.JobAction.Terminate
            Models.ExitOptions disableExitOption = new Models.ExitOptions()
                JobAction = Models.JobAction.Disable

            BatchSharedKeyCredentials credentials = ClientUnitTestCommon.CreateDummySharedKeyCredential();

            using (BatchClient client = BatchClient.Open(credentials))
                Models.CloudTask cloudTask = new Models.CloudTask()
                    Id             = jobId,
                    ExitConditions = new Models.ExitConditions()
                        DefaultProperty = disableExitOption,
                        ExitCodeRanges  = new List <Models.ExitCodeRangeMapping>()
                            new Models.ExitCodeRangeMapping(exitCodeRangeStart, exitCodeRangeEnd, terminateExitOption)
                        ExitCodes = new List <Models.ExitCodeMapping>()
                            new Models.ExitCodeMapping(exitCode, terminateExitOption)
                        SchedulingError = terminateExitOption,

                CloudTask boundTask = client.JobOperations.GetTask(
                    additionalBehaviors: InterceptorFactory.CreateGetTaskRequestInterceptor(cloudTask));

                Assert.Equal(taskId, boundTask.Id); // reading is allowed from a task that is returned from the server.
                Assert.Equal(disableExitOption.JobAction.ToString(), boundTask.ExitConditions.Default.JobAction.ToString());
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => boundTask.ExitConditions         = new ExitConditions());
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => boundTask.DependsOn              = new TaskDependencies(new List <string>(), new List <TaskIdRange>()));
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => boundTask.RunElevated            = true);
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => boundTask.CommandLine            = "Cannot change command line");
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => boundTask.ExitConditions.Default = new ExitOptions()
                    JobAction = JobAction.Terminate
        public void WhenGettingATaskFromTheService_ExitConditionsAreMapped()
            BatchAccountContext context = BatchTestHelpers.CreateBatchContextWithKeys();
            cmdlet.BatchContext = context;
            cmdlet.Id = "task-1";
            cmdlet.JobId = "job-1";
            cmdlet.Filter = null;

            // Build a CloudTask instead of querying the service on a Get CloudTask call
            ProxyModels.ExitOptions none = new ProxyModels.ExitOptions { JobAction = ProxyModels.JobAction.None };
            ProxyModels.ExitOptions terminate = new ProxyModels.ExitOptions { JobAction = ProxyModels.JobAction.Terminate };

            ProxyModels.CloudTask cloudTask = new ProxyModels.CloudTask {
                Id = "task-1",
                ExitConditions = new ProxyModels.ExitConditions {
                ExitCodeRanges = new []{ new ProxyModels.ExitCodeRangeMapping(2, 5, none) },
                ExitCodes = new[] { new ProxyModels.ExitCodeMapping(4, terminate) },
                SchedulingError = terminate,
                DefaultProperty = none,

            AzureOperationResponse<ProxyModels.CloudTask, ProxyModels.TaskGetHeaders> response = BatchTestHelpers.CreateCloudTaskGetResponse(cloudTask);

            RequestInterceptor interceptor = BatchTestHelpers.CreateFakeServiceResponseInterceptor<ProxyModels.TaskGetOptions,
                AzureOperationResponse<ProxyModels.CloudTask, ProxyModels.TaskGetHeaders>>(response);

            cmdlet.AdditionalBehaviors = new List<BatchClientBehavior>() { interceptor };

            // Setup the cmdlet to write pipeline output to a list that can be examined later
            var pipeline = new List<PSCloudTask>();
            commandRuntimeMock.Setup(r => r.WriteObject(It.IsAny<PSCloudTask>())).Callback<object>(t => pipeline.Add((PSCloudTask)t));


            // Verify that the cmdlet wrote the task returned from the OM to the pipeline
            Assert.Equal(1, pipeline.Count);
            Assert.Equal(cmdlet.Id, pipeline[0].Id);

            PSExitConditions psExitConditions = pipeline[0].ExitConditions;

            Assert.Equal(psExitConditions.Default.JobAction, JobAction.None);
            Assert.Equal(psExitConditions.ExitCodeRanges.First().ExitOptions.JobAction, JobAction.None);
            Assert.Equal(psExitConditions.SchedulingError.JobAction, JobAction.Terminate);

            Assert.Equal(4, psExitConditions.ExitCodes.First().Code);
            Assert.Equal(JobAction.Terminate, psExitConditions.ExitCodes.First().ExitOptions.JobAction);
            Assert.Equal(2, psExitConditions.ExitCodeRanges.First().Start);
            Assert.Equal(5, psExitConditions.ExitCodeRanges.First().End);
            Assert.Equal(JobAction.None, psExitConditions.ExitCodeRanges.First().ExitOptions.JobAction);
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the ExitCodeMapping class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="code">A process exit code.</param>
 /// <param name="exitOptions">How the Batch service should respond if
 /// the Task exits with this exit code.</param>
 public ExitCodeMapping(int code, ExitOptions exitOptions)
     Code        = code;
     ExitOptions = exitOptions;
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the ExitCodeMapping class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="code">A process exit code.</param>
 /// <param name="exitOptions">How the Batch service should respond if
 /// the task exits with this exit code.</param>
 public ExitCodeMapping(int code, ExitOptions exitOptions)
     Code        = code;
     ExitOptions = exitOptions;