Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates policy value based on its type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="policy">The policy</param>
        /// <param name="type">The policy type</param>
        private static decimal CalculatePolicyValue(Models.Policy policy, Models.PolicyType type)
            var managementFee = 0m;
            var uplift        = 0m;
            var bonus         = 0m;

            switch (type)
            case Models.PolicyType.A:
                managementFee = (decimal)Models.ManagementFee.A / 100;
                uplift        = (decimal)policy.UpliftPerecentage / 100 + 1;
                if (policy.PolicyStartDate < new DateTime(1990, 01, 01))
                    bonus = policy.DiscretionaryBonus;
                return(Math.Round(((policy.Premiums - (policy.Premiums * managementFee) + bonus) * uplift), 2));


            case Models.PolicyType.B:
                managementFee = (decimal)Models.ManagementFee.B / 100;
                uplift        = (decimal)policy.UpliftPerecentage / 100 + 1;
                if (policy.Membership)
                    bonus = policy.DiscretionaryBonus;
                return(Math.Round(((policy.Premiums - (policy.Premiums * managementFee) + bonus) * uplift), 2));


            case Models.PolicyType.C:
                managementFee = (decimal)Models.ManagementFee.C / 100;
                uplift        = (decimal)policy.UpliftPerecentage / 100 + 1;
                if ((policy.PolicyStartDate >= new DateTime(1990, 01, 01)) && (policy.Membership))
                    bonus = policy.DiscretionaryBonus;
                return(Math.Round(((policy.Premiums - (policy.Premiums * managementFee) + bonus) * uplift), 2));



Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const int colNumber = 6;                // Number of columns in the perceived CSV table

            List <string>  policyNumbers  = new List <string>();
            List <decimal> maturityValues = new List <decimal>();
            string         selectedPath   = "";

            FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                Console.WriteLine("Contents of selected folder. Please select .csv file to read!");
                foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(selectedPath = fbd.SelectedPath))
                    //Console.WriteLine(path); // full path
                    Console.WriteLine(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path)); // file name
                string[] csvFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(fbd.SelectedPath, "*.csv");
                foreach (var csvFile in csvFiles)
                Console.WriteLine("Please type in the name of the .csv file.");
                Console.WriteLine("Error with folder dialogue window");
            string filename       = Console.ReadLine();
            var    pathAndFlename = Path.Combine(fbd.SelectedPath, filename);

            Console.WriteLine(File.Exists(pathAndFlename) ? "File exists." : "File does not exist.");

            if (File.Exists(pathAndFlename))
                var csvList = HandleCsvFile(pathAndFlename);
                // Map CSV data to model, here. If files arrived with or without headings, extra logic would be used. Omitted for now
                var policyList = new List <Models.Policy>();

                /* the Policy List is going to contain as many policies as there are lines of data in the CSV file. This number
                *  is the total number of data items in the file, divided by the number of columns minus 1 for the headers line */
                var rows        = csvList.Count() / colNumber - 1; // .. in our case 60 items divided by 6 (10) minus the header line, that is 9 rows
                var rowCounter  = 0;
                var itemCounter = 0;
                var rowArray    = new ArrayList();

                foreach (var item in csvList)
                    if (rowCounter > 0)       // skip header row
                        rowArray.Add(item);   // Store data item in the array. After having read a row, this array will look like this:
                        // { A100001,01/06/1986,10000,Y,1000,40 }
                    if (rowCounter > 0 && itemCounter == colNumber)     // we've just filled the array with a row of data
                        var      policyNumber       = (string)rowArray[0];
                        string   myString           = rowArray[1].ToString();
                        DateTime policyStartDate    = DateTime.ParseExact(myString, "dd/MM/yyyy", null).Date;
                        var      premiums           = Convert.ToInt32(rowArray[2]);
                        var      membership         = (rowArray[3].ToString() == "Y");
                        var      discretionaryBonus = Convert.ToInt32(rowArray[4]);
                        var      upliftPerecentage  = Convert.ToDecimal(rowArray[5]);

                        Models.Policy policy = new Models.Policy()
                            PolicyNumber       = policyNumber,
                            PolicyStartDate    = policyStartDate,
                            Premiums           = premiums,
                            Membership         = membership,
                            DiscretionaryBonus = discretionaryBonus,
                            UpliftPerecentage  = upliftPerecentage
                        rowArray.Clear();         // empty the array to prepare it for next use with a new row
                    if (itemCounter == colNumber) // when itemCounter gets to (e.g.) 5, 6 items would have been read, or, one row
                        itemCounter = 0;          // reset the item counter
                        rowCounter++;             // increase the row counter

                // Display the policy list, partly as an indication that the CSV file process is done....
                Console.WriteLine("Policy  Start Date Premiums Memb. Bonus Uplifting");
                foreach (var item in policyList)
                    Console.WriteLine(item.PolicyNumber + " " + item.PolicyStartDate.ToString("d") + " " + item.Premiums +
                                      "    " + item.Membership + ((item.Membership) ? "   " : "  ") +
                                      item.DiscretionaryBonus +
                                      " " + item.UpliftPerecentage);
                    // ... and then calculate the value for each of them
                    var value = 0m;
                    // First find out what Policy Type we have, by dissecting the Policy Number
                    switch (item.PolicyNumber[0])
                    case (char)Models.PolicyType.A:
                        // its an A type. Calculate as such
                        value = CalculatePolicyValue(item, Models.PolicyType.A);

                    case (char)Models.PolicyType.B:
                        // its a B type
                        value = CalculatePolicyValue(item, Models.PolicyType.B);

                    case (char)Models.PolicyType.C:
                        // its a C type
                        value = CalculatePolicyValue(item, Models.PolicyType.C);
                Console.WriteLine("Hit Enter to generate XML file!");
                Console.WriteLine("You have not entered a filename, or file does not exist. Press any key to exit");
            if (policyNumbers.Count > 0 && maturityValues.Count > 0)
                var xmlFilenamePath = Path.Combine(selectedPath, "MaturityValues.xml");
                WriteToXml(policyNumbers, maturityValues, xmlFilenamePath);