Big integer class based on BouncyCastle ( big integer code
Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Handshake
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="active">Is active party</param>
        /// <param name="keySize">keysize</param>
        /// <param name="logonManager">logonManager (only needed if passive)</param>
        internal Handshake(Boolean active, Int32 keySize, ILogonManager logonManager)
            // Local Data setup
            _cache = new NetSRP.State();
            _keySize = keySize;
            _logonManager = logonManager ?? _defaultLogonManager;

            if (!active && _defaultLogonManager == null)
                _defaultLogonManager = logonManager;

            // We calculate N and G for this insance. I choose to do so, so you can
            // have different keysizes throughout your program and are not stuck with one
            N = NetSRP.GetNandG(_keySize, out g);
            k = NetSRP.Calck(N, g);

            // Set as NotInitialized
            this.HandshakeState = Handshake.State.NotInitialized;

            if (!active && _logonManager == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Receiving handshakes need a logonManager");

            if (keySize == 0 || N == null || g == null || k == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Handshake not intialized");

            // NOTE: this is caused by the length of the hailmessage - larger then 4096 goes over the MTU
            if (keySize < 1024 || keySize > 4096)
                throw new NetException("SRP6Keysize is not supported by Lidgren.Network",
                    new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("keySize"));
Пример #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a verifier that the server can later use to authenticate users later on (v)
		/// </summary>
		public static byte[] ComputeServerVerifier(byte[] privateKey)
			NetBigInteger x = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(privateKey), 16);

			// Verifier (v) = g^x (mod N)
			var serverVerifier = g.ModPow(x, N);

			return serverVerifier.ToByteArrayUnsigned();
Пример #3
		public NetBigInteger And(
			NetBigInteger value)
			if (m_sign == 0 || value.m_sign == 0)
				return Zero;

			int[] aMag = m_sign > 0
				? m_magnitude
				: Add(One).m_magnitude;

			int[] bMag = value.m_sign > 0
				? value.m_magnitude
				: value.Add(One).m_magnitude;

			bool resultNeg = m_sign < 0 && value.m_sign < 0;
			int resultLength = System.Math.Max(aMag.Length, bMag.Length);
			int[] resultMag = new int[resultLength];

			int aStart = resultMag.Length - aMag.Length;
			int bStart = resultMag.Length - bMag.Length;

			for (int i = 0; i < resultMag.Length; ++i)
				int aWord = i >= aStart ? aMag[i - aStart] : 0;
				int bWord = i >= bStart ? bMag[i - bStart] : 0;

				if (m_sign < 0)
					aWord = ~aWord;

				if (value.m_sign < 0)
					bWord = ~bWord;

				resultMag[i] = aWord & bWord;

				if (resultNeg)
					resultMag[i] = ~resultMag[i];

			NetBigInteger result = new NetBigInteger(1, resultMag, true);

			if (resultNeg)
				result = result.Not();

			return result;
Пример #4
		public NetBigInteger Add(
			NetBigInteger value)
			if (m_sign == 0)
				return value;

			if (m_sign != value.m_sign)
				if (value.m_sign == 0)
					return this;

				if (value.m_sign < 0)
					return Subtract(value.Negate());

				return value.Subtract(Negate());

			return AddToMagnitude(value.m_magnitude);
Пример #5
		private static NetBigInteger createUValueOf(
			ulong value)
			int msw = (int)(value >> 32);
			int lsw = (int)value;

			if (msw != 0)
				return new NetBigInteger(1, new int[] { msw, lsw }, false);

			if (lsw != 0)
				NetBigInteger n = new NetBigInteger(1, new int[] { lsw }, false);
				// Check for a power of two
				if ((lsw & -lsw) == lsw)
					n.m_numBits = 1;
				return n;

			return Zero;
Пример #6
		public NetBigInteger Mod(
			NetBigInteger m)
			if (m.m_sign < 1)
				throw new ArithmeticException("Modulus must be positive");

			NetBigInteger biggie = Remainder(m);

			return (biggie.m_sign >= 0 ? biggie : biggie.Add(m));
Пример #7
		public NetBigInteger Max(
			NetBigInteger value)
			return CompareTo(value) > 0 ? this : value;
Пример #8
		public NetBigInteger[] DivideAndRemainder(
			NetBigInteger val)
			if (val.m_sign == 0)
				throw new ArithmeticException("Division by zero error");

			NetBigInteger[] biggies = new NetBigInteger[2];

			if (m_sign == 0)
				biggies[0] = Zero;
				biggies[1] = Zero;
			else if (val.QuickPow2Check()) // val is power of two
				int e = val.Abs().BitLength - 1;
				NetBigInteger quotient = Abs().ShiftRight(e);
				int[] remainder = LastNBits(e);

				biggies[0] = val.m_sign == m_sign ? quotient : quotient.Negate();
				biggies[1] = new NetBigInteger(m_sign, remainder, true);
				int[] remainder = (int[])m_magnitude.Clone();
				int[] quotient = Divide(remainder, val.m_magnitude);

				biggies[0] = new NetBigInteger(m_sign * val.m_sign, quotient, true);
				biggies[1] = new NetBigInteger(m_sign, remainder, true);

			return biggies;
Пример #9
		public NetBigInteger Modulus(
			NetBigInteger val)
			return Mod(val);
Пример #10
		public NetBigInteger ModPow(
			NetBigInteger exponent,
			NetBigInteger m)
			if (m.m_sign < 1)
				throw new ArithmeticException("Modulus must be positive");

			if (m.Equals(One))
				return Zero;

			if (exponent.m_sign == 0)
				return One;

			if (m_sign == 0)
				return Zero;

			int[] zVal = null;
			int[] yAccum = null;
			int[] yVal;

			// Montgomery exponentiation is only possible if the modulus is odd,
			// but AFAIK, this is always the case for crypto algo's
			bool useMonty = ((m.m_magnitude[m.m_magnitude.Length - 1] & 1) == 1);
			long mQ = 0;
			if (useMonty)
				mQ = m.GetMQuote();

				// tmp = this * R mod m
				NetBigInteger tmp = ShiftLeft(32 * m.m_magnitude.Length).Mod(m);
				zVal = tmp.m_magnitude;

				useMonty = (zVal.Length <= m.m_magnitude.Length);

				if (useMonty)
					yAccum = new int[m.m_magnitude.Length + 1];
					if (zVal.Length < m.m_magnitude.Length)
						int[] longZ = new int[m.m_magnitude.Length];
						zVal.CopyTo(longZ, longZ.Length - zVal.Length);
						zVal = longZ;

			if (!useMonty)
				if (m_magnitude.Length <= m.m_magnitude.Length)
					//zAccum = new int[m.magnitude.Length * 2];
					zVal = new int[m.m_magnitude.Length];
					m_magnitude.CopyTo(zVal, zVal.Length - m_magnitude.Length);
					// in normal practice we'll never see ..
					NetBigInteger tmp = Remainder(m);

					//zAccum = new int[m.magnitude.Length * 2];
					zVal = new int[m.m_magnitude.Length];
					tmp.m_magnitude.CopyTo(zVal, zVal.Length - tmp.m_magnitude.Length);

				yAccum = new int[m.m_magnitude.Length * 2];

			yVal = new int[m.m_magnitude.Length];

			// from LSW to MSW
			for (int i = 0; i < exponent.m_magnitude.Length; i++)
				int v = exponent.m_magnitude[i];
				int bits = 0;

				if (i == 0)
					while (v > 0)
						v <<= 1;

					// first time in initialise y
					zVal.CopyTo(yVal, 0);

					v <<= 1;

				while (v != 0)
					if (useMonty)
						// Montgomery square algo doesn't exist, and a normal
						// square followed by a Montgomery reduction proved to
						// be almost as heavy as a Montgomery mulitply.
						MultiplyMonty(yAccum, yVal, yVal, m.m_magnitude, mQ);
						Square(yAccum, yVal);
						Remainder(yAccum, m.m_magnitude);
						Array.Copy(yAccum, yAccum.Length - yVal.Length, yVal, 0, yVal.Length);

					if (v < 0)
						if (useMonty)
							MultiplyMonty(yAccum, yVal, zVal, m.m_magnitude, mQ);
							Multiply(yAccum, yVal, zVal);
							Remainder(yAccum, m.m_magnitude);
							Array.Copy(yAccum, yAccum.Length - yVal.Length, yVal, 0,

					v <<= 1;

				while (bits < 32)
					if (useMonty)
						MultiplyMonty(yAccum, yVal, yVal, m.m_magnitude, mQ);
						Square(yAccum, yVal);
						Remainder(yAccum, m.m_magnitude);
						Array.Copy(yAccum, yAccum.Length - yVal.Length, yVal, 0, yVal.Length);

			if (useMonty)
				// Return y * R^(-1) mod m by doing y * 1 * R^(-1) mod m
				zVal[zVal.Length - 1] = 1;
				MultiplyMonty(yAccum, yVal, zVal, m.m_magnitude, mQ);

			NetBigInteger result = new NetBigInteger(1, yVal, true);

			return exponent.m_sign > 0
				? result
				: result.ModInverse(m);
Пример #11
		private static NetBigInteger ExtEuclid(
			NetBigInteger a,
			NetBigInteger b,
			NetBigInteger u1Out,
			NetBigInteger u2Out)
			NetBigInteger u1 = One;
			NetBigInteger u3 = a;
			NetBigInteger v1 = Zero;
			NetBigInteger v3 = b;

			while (v3.m_sign > 0)
				NetBigInteger[] q = u3.DivideAndRemainder(v3);

				NetBigInteger tmp = v1.Multiply(q[0]);
				NetBigInteger tn = u1.Subtract(tmp);
				u1 = v1;
				v1 = tn;

				u3 = v3;
				v3 = q[1];

			if (u1Out != null)
				u1Out.m_sign = u1.m_sign;
				u1Out.m_magnitude = u1.m_magnitude;

			if (u2Out != null)
				NetBigInteger tmp = u1.Multiply(a);
				tmp = u3.Subtract(tmp);
				NetBigInteger res = tmp.Divide(b);
				u2Out.m_sign = res.m_sign;
				u2Out.m_magnitude = res.m_magnitude;

			return u3;
Пример #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Computes the client session value
		/// </summary>
		public static byte[] ComputeClientSessionValue(byte[] serverPublicEphemeral, byte[] xdata,  byte[] udata, byte[] clientPrivateEphemeral)
			// (B - kg^x) ^ (a + ux)   (mod N)
			var B = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(serverPublicEphemeral), 16);
			var x = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(xdata), 16);
			var u = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(udata), 16);
			var a = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(clientPrivateEphemeral), 16);

			var bx = g.ModPow(x, N);
			var btmp = B.Add(N.Multiply(k)).Subtract(bx.Multiply(k)).Mod(N);
			return btmp.ModPow(x.Multiply(u).Add(a), N).ToByteArrayUnsigned();
Пример #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Computes the server session value
		/// </summary>
		public static byte[] ComputeServerSessionValue(byte[] clientPublicEphemeral, byte[] verifier, byte[] udata, byte[] serverPrivateEphemeral)
			// S = (Av^u) ^ b (mod N)
			var A = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(clientPublicEphemeral), 16);
			var v = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(verifier), 16);
			var u = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(udata), 16);
			var b = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(serverPrivateEphemeral), 16);

			NetBigInteger retval = v.ModPow(u, N).Multiply(A).Mod(N).ModPow(b, N).Mod(N);

			return retval.ToByteArrayUnsigned();
Пример #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Compute server ephemeral value (B)
		/// </summary>
		public static byte[] ComputeServerEphemeral(byte[] serverPrivateEphemeral, byte[] verifier) // b
			var b = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(serverPrivateEphemeral), 16);
			var v = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(verifier), 16);

			// B = kv + g^b (mod N) 
			var bb = g.ModPow(b, N);
			var kv = v.Multiply(k);
			var B = (kv.Add(bb)).Mod(N);

			return B.ToByteArrayUnsigned();
Пример #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Compute client public ephemeral value (A)
		/// </summary>
		public static byte[] ComputeClientEphemeral(byte[] clientPrivateEphemeral) // a
			// A= g^a (mod N) 
			NetBigInteger a = new NetBigInteger(NetUtility.ToHexString(clientPrivateEphemeral), 16);
			NetBigInteger retval = g.ModPow(a, N);

			return retval.ToByteArrayUnsigned();
Пример #16
		public int CompareTo(
			NetBigInteger value)
			return m_sign < value.m_sign ? -1
				: m_sign > value.m_sign ? 1
				: m_sign == 0 ? 0
				: m_sign * CompareNoLeadingZeroes(0, m_magnitude, 0, value.m_magnitude);
Пример #17
		public NetBigInteger Divide(
			NetBigInteger val)
			if (val.m_sign == 0)
				throw new ArithmeticException("Division by zero error");

			if (m_sign == 0)
				return Zero;

			if (val.QuickPow2Check()) // val is power of two
				NetBigInteger result = Abs().ShiftRight(val.Abs().BitLength - 1);
				return val.m_sign == m_sign ? result : result.Negate();

			int[] mag = (int[])m_magnitude.Clone();

			return new NetBigInteger(m_sign * val.m_sign, Divide(mag, val.m_magnitude), true);
Пример #18
		public NetBigInteger Multiply(
			NetBigInteger val)
			if (m_sign == 0 || val.m_sign == 0)
				return Zero;

			if (val.QuickPow2Check()) // val is power of two
				NetBigInteger result = ShiftLeft(val.Abs().BitLength - 1);
				return val.m_sign > 0 ? result : result.Negate();

			if (QuickPow2Check()) // this is power of two
				NetBigInteger result = val.ShiftLeft(Abs().BitLength - 1);
				return m_sign > 0 ? result : result.Negate();

			int maxBitLength = BitLength + val.BitLength;
			int resLength = (maxBitLength + BitsPerInt - 1) / BitsPerInt;

			int[] res = new int[resLength];

			if (val == this)
				Square(res, m_magnitude);
				Multiply(res, m_magnitude, val.m_magnitude);

			return new NetBigInteger(m_sign * val.m_sign, res, true);
Пример #19
		public NetBigInteger Gcd(
			NetBigInteger value)
			if (value.m_sign == 0)
				return Abs();

			if (m_sign == 0)
				return value.Abs();

			NetBigInteger r;
			NetBigInteger u = this;
			NetBigInteger v = value;

			while (v.m_sign != 0)
				r = u.Mod(v);
				u = v;
				v = r;

			return u;
Пример #20
		public NetBigInteger Remainder(
			NetBigInteger n)
			if (n.m_sign == 0)
				throw new ArithmeticException("Division by zero error");

			if (m_sign == 0)
				return Zero;

			// For small values, use fast remainder method
			if (n.m_magnitude.Length == 1)
				int val = n.m_magnitude[0];

				if (val > 0)
					if (val == 1)
						return Zero;

					int rem = Remainder(val);

					return rem == 0
						? Zero
						: new NetBigInteger(m_sign, new int[] { rem }, false);

			if (CompareNoLeadingZeroes(0, m_magnitude, 0, n.m_magnitude) < 0)
				return this;

			int[] result;
			if (n.QuickPow2Check())  // n is power of two
				result = LastNBits(n.Abs().BitLength - 1);
				result = (int[])m_magnitude.Clone();
				result = Remainder(result, n.m_magnitude);

			return new NetBigInteger(m_sign, result, true);
Пример #21
		public NetBigInteger Min(
			NetBigInteger value)
			return CompareTo(value) < 0 ? this : value;
Пример #22
		public NetBigInteger ShiftLeft(
			int n)
			if (m_sign == 0 || m_magnitude.Length == 0)
				return Zero;

			if (n == 0)
				return this;

			if (n < 0)
				return ShiftRight(-n);

			NetBigInteger result = new NetBigInteger(m_sign, ShiftLeft(m_magnitude, n), true);

			if (m_numBits != -1)
				result.m_numBits = m_sign > 0
					? m_numBits
					: m_numBits + n;

			if (m_numBitLength != -1)
				result.m_numBitLength = m_numBitLength + n;

			return result;
Пример #23
		public NetBigInteger ModInverse(
			NetBigInteger m)
			if (m.m_sign < 1)
				throw new ArithmeticException("Modulus must be positive");

			NetBigInteger x = new NetBigInteger();
			NetBigInteger gcd = ExtEuclid(this, m, x, null);

			if (!gcd.Equals(One))
				throw new ArithmeticException("Numbers not relatively prime.");

			if (x.m_sign < 0)
				x.m_sign = 1;
				//x = m.Subtract(x);
				x.m_magnitude = doSubBigLil(m.m_magnitude, x.m_magnitude);

			return x;
Пример #24
		public NetBigInteger Subtract(
			NetBigInteger n)
			if (n.m_sign == 0)
				return this;

			if (m_sign == 0)
				return n.Negate();

			if (m_sign != n.m_sign)
				return Add(n.Negate());

			int compare = CompareNoLeadingZeroes(0, m_magnitude, 0, n.m_magnitude);
			if (compare == 0)
				return Zero;

			NetBigInteger bigun, lilun;
			if (compare < 0)
				bigun = n;
				lilun = this;
				bigun = this;
				lilun = n;

			return new NetBigInteger(m_sign * compare, doSubBigLil(bigun.m_magnitude, lilun.m_magnitude), true);