Пример #1
        private HashSet<string> mRights = new HashSet<string>(); // A collection of fuse rights in this group.

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of FuseGroup and loads the group infomation from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ID">The numerical ID of the group.</param>
        /// <param name="Name">The name of the group.</param>
        /// <param name="dbClient">The database connection to use to.</param>
        public FuseGroup(ushort ID, string Name, DatabaseClient dbClient)
            this.mName = Name;
            this.mChildGroups = new HashSet<ushort>(); ;

            dbClient.ClearParams(); // Remove any previous parameters from the database connection.
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("id", ID); // Add ID as a parameter

            DataColumn dCol = dbClient.ReadDataColumn("SELECT valueid FROM fuse_item WHERE type = 'group' AND groupid = @id"); // Get all child groups of this group.
            if (dCol != null) // If any exist...
                for (int i = 0; i < dCol.Table.Rows.Count; i++) // Loop through them all...
                    this.mChildGroups.Add((ushort)(uint)dCol.Table.Rows[i]["valueid"]); // And add each one to the collection of child groups.

            dCol = dbClient.ReadDataColumn("SELECT `fuse_right`.`right` AS `right` FROM `fuse_right`,`fuse_item` WHERE `fuse_item`.`type` = 'right' AND `fuse_item`.`groupid` = @id AND `fuse_item`.`valueid` = `fuse_right`.`id`"); // Get all fuse rights in this group from the database.

            if (dCol != null) // If there is fuse rights in this group...
                for (int i = 0; i < dCol.Table.Rows.Count; i++) // Loop through them all...
                    mRights.Add((string)dCol.Table.Rows[i]["right"]); // And add each one to the collection of fuse rights
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the amount of clients that will be available to requesting methods. If the new amount is lower than the current amount, the 'excluded' connections are destroyed. If the new connection amount is higher than the current amount, new clients are prepared. Already existing clients and their state will be maintained.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Amount">The new amount of clients.</param>
        public void SetClientAmount(uint Amount)
            lock (this)
                if (mClients.Length == Amount)

                if (Amount < mClients.Length) // Client amount shrinks, dispose clients that will die
                    for (uint i = Amount; i < mClients.Length; i++)
                        mClients[i] = null;

                DatabaseClient[] pClients = new DatabaseClient[Amount];
                bool[] pClientAvailable = new bool[Amount];
                for (uint i = 0; i < Amount; i++)
                    if (i < mClients.Length) // Keep the existing client and it's available state
                        pClients[i] = mClients[i];
                        pClientAvailable[i] = mClientAvailable[i];
                    else // We are in need of more clients, so make another one
                        pClients[i] = new DatabaseClient((i + 1), this);
                        pClientAvailable[i] = true; // Elegant?

                // Update the instance fields
                mClients = pClients;
                mClientAvailable = pClientAvailable;
Пример #3
        public DatabaseClient GetClient()
            // Let other threads wait if they contact this DatabaseManager while we're busy with it
            lock (this)
                // Try to find an available client
                for (uint i = 0; i < mClients.Length; i++)
                    // Somebody here?
                    if (mClientAvailable[i] == true)
                        // No starvation anymore
                        mClientStarvationCounter = 0;

                        // Is this connection broken?
                        if (mClients[i].State == ConnectionState.Broken)
                            mClients[i] = new DatabaseClient((i + 1), this); // Create new client

                        // Is this connection closed?
                        if (mClients[i].State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                            // TODO: exception handling

                            //Holo.Out.WriteLine("Opening connection for database client #" + mClients[i].Handle);

                        // Is this client ready?
                        if (mClients[i].State == ConnectionState.Open)
                            //Holo.Out.WriteLine("Handed out client #" + mClients[i].Handle);

                            mClientAvailable[i] = false; // BRB

                            return mClients[i];

                // No clients?

                // Are we having a structural lack of clients?
                if (mClientStarvationCounter >= ((mClients.Length + 1) / 2)) // Database hungry much?
                    // Heal starvation
                    mClientStarvationCounter = 0;

                    // Increase client amount by 0.3
                    SetClientAmount((uint)(mClients.Length + 1 * 1.3f));

                    // Re-enter this method
                    return GetClient();

                DatabaseClient pAnonymous = new DatabaseClient(0, this);

                Holo.Out.WriteLine("Handed out anonymous client.");

                return pAnonymous;
Пример #4
        private void CheckinUserParams(ref DatabaseClient dbClient)
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@id", mID);
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@username", mUsername);
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@password", mPassword);
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@role", mRole);
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@signedup", mSignedUp);

            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@email", mEmail);
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@dob", mDateOfBirth);

            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@motto", mMotto);
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@figure", mFigure);
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@gender", mGender);

            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@coins", mCoins);
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@films", mFilms);
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@gametickets", mGameTickets);
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@activitypoints", mActivityPoints);
Пример #5
        public bool UPDATE(DatabaseClient dbClient)
            CheckinUserParams(ref dbClient);
            dbClient.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE users " +
                "SET username=@username,password=@password,role=@role,signedup=@signedup,email=@email,dob=@dob,motto=@motto,figure=@figure,gender=@gender,coins=@coins,films=@films,gametickets=@gametickets,activitypoints=@activitypoints " +
                "WHERE id = @id;");

            return true;
Пример #6
        public bool INSERT(DatabaseClient dbClient)
            CheckinUserParams(ref dbClient);
            dbClient.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO users" +
                "(username,password,role,signedup,email,dob,motto,figure,gender,coins,films,gametickets,activitypoints) " +

            return true;
Пример #7
        public bool DELETE(DatabaseClient dbClient)
            dbClient.AddParamWithValue("@id", mID);
            dbClient.ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = @id;");

            return true;
Пример #8
        public DatabaseClient GetClient()
            // Let other threads wait if they contact this DatabaseManager while we're busy with it
            lock (this)
                // Try to find an available client
                for (uint i = 0; i < mClients.Length; i++)
                    // Somebody here?
                    if (mClientAvailable[i] == true)
                        // No starvation anymore
                        mClientStarvationCounter = 0;

                        // Is this connection broken?
                        if (mClients[i].State == ConnectionState.Broken)
                            mClients[i] = new DatabaseClient((i + 1), this); // Create new client

                        // Is this connection closed?
                        if (mClients[i].State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                            // TODO: exception handling

                            //Holo.Out.WriteLine("Opening connection for database client #" + mClients[i].Handle);

                        // Is this client ready?
                        if (mClients[i].State == ConnectionState.Open)
                            //Holo.Out.WriteLine("Handed out client #" + mClients[i].Handle);

                            mClientAvailable[i] = false; // BRB


                // No clients?

                // Are we having a structural lack of clients?
                if (mClientStarvationCounter >= ((mClients.Length + 1) / 2)) // Database hungry much?
                    // Heal starvation
                    mClientStarvationCounter = 0;

                    // Increase client amount by 0.3
                    SetClientAmount((uint)(mClients.Length + 1 * 1.3f));

                    // Re-enter this method

                DatabaseClient pAnonymous = new DatabaseClient(0, this);

                Holo.Out.WriteLine("Handed out anonymous client.");
