Пример #1
        public virtual void DrawInspectorGUI()
            // Users should not be able to change the MonoScript for the command using the usual Script field.
            // Doing so could cause block.commandList to contain null entries.
            // To avoid this we manually display all properties, except for m_Script.
            SerializedProperty iterator = serializedObject.GetIterator();
            bool enterChildren          = true;

            while (iterator.NextVisible(enterChildren))
                enterChildren = false;

                if (iterator.name == "m_Script")

                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(iterator, true, new GUILayoutOption[0]);

            EventHandler t = target as EventHandler;
            EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(t.GetType());

            if (info != null &&
                info.HelpText.Length > 0)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(info.HelpText, MessageType.Info);

Пример #2
        protected static void ExportEventHandlerInfo(string path)
            List <System.Type> eventHandlerTypes      = EditorExtensions.FindDerivedTypes(typeof(EventHandler)).ToList();
            List <string>      eventHandlerCategories = new List <string>();

            foreach (System.Type type in eventHandlerTypes)
                EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(type);
                if (info != null &&
                    info.Category != "" &&

            // Output the commands in each category
            foreach (string category in eventHandlerCategories)
                string markdown = "";

                foreach (System.Type type in eventHandlerTypes)
                    EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(type);

                    if (info != null &&
                        info.Category == category ||
                        info.Category == "" && category == "Core")
                        markdown += "## " + info.EventHandlerName + "\n";
                        markdown += info.HelpText + "\n";
                        markdown += GetPropertyInfo(type);

                string filePath = path + "/event_handlers/" + category.ToLower() + "_events.md";

                File.WriteAllText(filePath, markdown);
        protected virtual void DrawWindow(int windowId)
            Block     block     = windowBlockMap[windowId];
            Flowchart flowchart = block.GetFlowchart();

            // Select block when node is clicked
            if (Event.current.button == 0 &&
                Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown &&
                // Check if might be start of a window drag
                if (Event.current.button == 0 &&
                    Event.current.alt == false)
                    dragWindowId        = windowId;
                    startDragPosition.x = block.nodeRect.x;
                    startDragPosition.y = block.nodeRect.y;

                if (windowId < windowBlockMap.Count)
                    Undo.RecordObject(flowchart, "Select");

                    SelectBlock(flowchart, block);

                    GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;                     // Fix for textarea not refeshing (change focus)

            bool selected = (flowchart.selectedBlock == block);

            GUIStyle nodeStyleCopy = new GUIStyle(nodeStyle);

            if (block.eventHandler != null)
                nodeStyleCopy.normal.background = selected ? FungusEditorResources.texEventNodeOn : FungusEditorResources.texEventNodeOff;
                // Count the number of unique connections (excluding self references)
                List <Block> uniqueList      = new List <Block>();
                List <Block> connectedBlocks = block.GetConnectedBlocks();
                foreach (Block connectedBlock in connectedBlocks)
                    if (connectedBlock == block ||

                if (uniqueList.Count > 1)
                    nodeStyleCopy.normal.background = selected ? FungusEditorResources.texChoiceNodeOn : FungusEditorResources.texChoiceNodeOff;
                    nodeStyleCopy.normal.background = selected ? FungusEditorResources.texProcessNodeOn : FungusEditorResources.texProcessNodeOff;

            nodeStyleCopy.normal.textColor = Color.black;

            // Make sure node is wide enough to fit the node name text
            float width = nodeStyleCopy.CalcSize(new GUIContent(block.blockName)).x;

            block.nodeRect.width = Mathf.Max(block.nodeRect.width, width);

            GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;
            GUILayout.Box(block.blockName, nodeStyleCopy, GUILayout.Width(block.nodeRect.width), GUILayout.Height(block.nodeRect.height));

            if (block.eventHandler != null)
                string handlerLabel            = "";
                EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(block.eventHandler.GetType());
                if (info != null)
                    handlerLabel = "<" + info.EventHandlerName + "> ";

                string handlerSummary = block.eventHandler.GetSummary();
                if (handlerSummary.Length > 0)
                    handlerLabel += handlerSummary;

                GUIStyle handlerStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.helpBox);
                handlerStyle.wordWrap      = true;
                handlerStyle.margin.top    = 0;
                handlerStyle.margin.bottom = 0;
                GUILayout.Label(handlerLabel, handlerStyle);

                // Move connection marker down below handler description
                float height = 44 + handlerStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(handlerLabel), block.nodeRect.width);
                block.nodeRect.height = height;

            if (block.description.Length > 0)
                GUIStyle descriptionStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.whiteLabel);
                descriptionStyle.wordWrap = true;
                GUILayout.Label(block.description, descriptionStyle);

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.ContextClick)
                GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();

                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Duplicate"), false, DuplicateBlock, block);
                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Delete"), false, DeleteBlock, block);

Пример #4
        protected virtual void DrawEventHandlerGUI(Flowchart flowchart)
            // Show available Event Handlers in a drop down list with type of current
            // event handler selected.
            List <System.Type> eventHandlerTypes = EditorExtensions.FindDerivedTypes(typeof(EventHandler)).ToList();

            Block block = target as Block;

            System.Type currentType = null;
            if (block.eventHandler != null)
                currentType = block.eventHandler.GetType();

            string currentHandlerName = "<None>";

            if (currentType != null)
                EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(currentType);
                if (info != null)
                    currentHandlerName = info.EventHandlerName;

            EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(new GUIContent("Execute On Event"));
            if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(currentHandlerName), EditorStyles.popup))
                SetEventHandlerOperation noneOperation = new SetEventHandlerOperation();
                noneOperation.block            = block;
                noneOperation.eventHandlerType = null;

                GenericMenu eventHandlerMenu = new GenericMenu();
                eventHandlerMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("None"), false, OnSelectEventHandler, noneOperation);

                // Add event handlers with no category first
                foreach (System.Type type in eventHandlerTypes)
                    EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(type);
                    if (info.Category.Length == 0)
                        SetEventHandlerOperation operation = new SetEventHandlerOperation();
                        operation.block            = block;
                        operation.eventHandlerType = type;

                        eventHandlerMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent(info.EventHandlerName), false, OnSelectEventHandler, operation);

                // Add event handlers with a category afterwards
                foreach (System.Type type in eventHandlerTypes)
                    EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(type);
                    if (info.Category.Length > 0)
                        SetEventHandlerOperation operation = new SetEventHandlerOperation();
                        operation.block            = block;
                        operation.eventHandlerType = type;
                        string typeName = info.Category + "/" + info.EventHandlerName;
                        eventHandlerMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent(typeName), false, OnSelectEventHandler, operation);


            if (block.eventHandler != null)
                EventHandlerEditor eventHandlerEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(block.eventHandler) as EventHandlerEditor;
                if (eventHandlerEditor != null)
Пример #5
        protected virtual void DrawFlowchartView(Flowchart flowchart)
            Block[] blocks = flowchart.GetComponentsInChildren <Block>(true);

            foreach (Block block in blocks)
                flowchart.scrollViewRect.xMin = Mathf.Min(flowchart.scrollViewRect.xMin, block.nodeRect.xMin - 400);
                flowchart.scrollViewRect.xMax = Mathf.Max(flowchart.scrollViewRect.xMax, block.nodeRect.xMax + 400);
                flowchart.scrollViewRect.yMin = Mathf.Min(flowchart.scrollViewRect.yMin, block.nodeRect.yMin - 400);
                flowchart.scrollViewRect.yMax = Mathf.Max(flowchart.scrollViewRect.yMax, block.nodeRect.yMax + 400);

            // Calc rect for script view
            Rect scriptViewRect = new Rect(0, 0, this.position.width / flowchart.zoom, this.position.height / flowchart.zoom);

            EditorZoomArea.Begin(flowchart.zoom, scriptViewRect);



            if (Event.current.button == 0 &&
                Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown &&
                flowchart.selectedBlock = null;
                if (!EditorGUI.actionKey)
                Selection.activeGameObject = flowchart.gameObject;

            // The center of the Flowchart depends on the block positions and window dimensions, so we calculate it
            // here in the FlowchartWindow class and store it on the Flowchart object for use later.
            CalcFlowchartCenter(flowchart, blocks);

            // Draw connections
            foreach (Block block in blocks)
                DrawConnections(flowchart, block, false);
            foreach (Block block in blocks)
                DrawConnections(flowchart, block, true);

            GUIStyle windowStyle = new GUIStyle();

            windowStyle.stretchHeight = true;


            for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; ++i)
                Block block = blocks[i];

                float nodeWidthA = nodeStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(block.blockName)).x + 10;
                float nodeWidthB = 0f;
                if (block.eventHandler != null)
                    nodeWidthB = nodeStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(block.eventHandler.GetSummary())).x + 10;

                block.nodeRect.width  = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(nodeWidthA, nodeWidthB), 120);
                block.nodeRect.height = 40;

                if (Event.current.button == 0)
                    if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag && dragWindowId == i)
                        block.nodeRect.x += Event.current.delta.x;
                        block.nodeRect.y += Event.current.delta.y;

                        forceRepaintCount = 6;
                    else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp &&
                             dragWindowId == i)
                        Vector2 newPos = new Vector2(block.nodeRect.x, block.nodeRect.y);

                        block.nodeRect.x = startDragPosition.x;
                        block.nodeRect.y = startDragPosition.y;

                        Undo.RecordObject(block, "Node Position");

                        block.nodeRect.x = newPos.x;
                        block.nodeRect.y = newPos.y;

                        dragWindowId      = -1;
                        forceRepaintCount = 6;

                Rect windowRect = new Rect(block.nodeRect);
                windowRect.x += flowchart.scrollPos.x;
                windowRect.y += flowchart.scrollPos.y;

                GUILayout.Window(i, windowRect, DrawWindow, "", windowStyle);

                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;



            // Draw Event Handler labels
            foreach (Block block in blocks)
                if (block.eventHandler != null)
                    string handlerLabel            = "";
                    EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(block.eventHandler.GetType());
                    if (info != null)
                        handlerLabel = "<" + info.EventHandlerName + "> ";

                    GUIStyle handlerStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.whiteLabel);
                    handlerStyle.wordWrap      = true;
                    handlerStyle.margin.top    = 0;
                    handlerStyle.margin.bottom = 0;
                    handlerStyle.alignment     = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

                    Rect rect = new Rect(block.nodeRect);
                    rect.height = handlerStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(handlerLabel), block.nodeRect.width);
                    rect.x     += flowchart.scrollPos.x;
                    rect.y     += flowchart.scrollPos.y - rect.height;

                    GUI.Label(rect, handlerLabel, handlerStyle);

            // Draw play icons beside all executing blocks
            if (Application.isPlaying)
                foreach (Block b in blocks)
                    if (b.IsExecuting())
                        b.executingIconTimer = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + Block.executingIconFadeTime;
                        b.activeCommand.executingIconTimer = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + Block.executingIconFadeTime;
                        forceRepaintCount = 6;

                    if (b.executingIconTimer > Time.realtimeSinceStartup)
                        Rect rect = new Rect(b.nodeRect);

                        rect.x     += flowchart.scrollPos.x - 37;
                        rect.y     += flowchart.scrollPos.y + 3;
                        rect.width  = 34;
                        rect.height = 34;

                        if (!b.IsExecuting())
                            float alpha = (b.executingIconTimer - Time.realtimeSinceStartup) / Block.executingIconFadeTime;
                            alpha     = Mathf.Clamp01(alpha);
                            GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, alpha);

                        if (GUI.Button(rect, FungusEditorResources.texPlayBig as Texture, new GUIStyle()))
                            SelectBlock(flowchart, b);

                        GUI.color = Color.white;



        protected virtual void DrawWindow(int windowId)
            Sequence     sequence     = windowSequenceMap[windowId];
            FungusScript fungusScript = sequence.GetFungusScript();

            // Select sequence when node is clicked
            if (Event.current.button == 0 &&
                Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown &&
                // Check if might be start of a window drag
                if (Event.current.button == 0)
                    dragWindowId        = windowId;
                    startDragPosition.x = sequence.nodeRect.x;
                    startDragPosition.y = sequence.nodeRect.y;

                if (windowId < windowSequenceMap.Count)
                    Undo.RecordObject(fungusScript, "Select");

                    SelectSequence(fungusScript, sequence);

                    GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;                     // Fix for textarea not refeshing (change focus)

            bool selected = (fungusScript.selectedSequence == sequence);

            GUIStyle nodeStyleCopy = new GUIStyle(nodeStyle);

            if (sequence.eventHandler != null)
                nodeStyleCopy.normal.background = selected ? FungusEditorResources.texEventNodeOn : FungusEditorResources.texEventNodeOff;
                // Count the number of unique connections (excluding self references)
                List <Sequence> uniqueList         = new List <Sequence>();
                List <Sequence> connectedSequences = sequence.GetConnectedSequences();
                foreach (Sequence connectedSequence in connectedSequences)
                    if (connectedSequence == sequence ||

                if (uniqueList.Count > 1)
                    nodeStyleCopy.normal.background = selected ? FungusEditorResources.texChoiceNodeOn : FungusEditorResources.texChoiceNodeOff;
                    nodeStyleCopy.normal.background = selected ? FungusEditorResources.texProcessNodeOn : FungusEditorResources.texProcessNodeOff;

            // Show event handler name, or a custom summary if one is provided
            string nodeName = "";

            if (sequence.eventHandler != null)
                string handlerSummary = sequence.eventHandler.GetSummary();
                if (handlerSummary == "")
                    EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor.GetEventHandlerInfo(sequence.eventHandler.GetType());
                    if (info != null)
                        handlerSummary = info.EventHandlerName;
                nodeName = "(" + handlerSummary + ")\n";
            nodeName += sequence.sequenceName;

            // Make sure node is wide enough to fit the node name text
            float width = nodeStyleCopy.CalcSize(new GUIContent(nodeName)).x;

            sequence.nodeRect.width = Mathf.Max(sequence.nodeRect.width, width);

            GUILayout.Box(nodeName, nodeStyleCopy, GUILayout.Width(sequence.nodeRect.width), GUILayout.Height(sequence.nodeRect.height));
            if (sequence.description.Length > 0)
                GUILayout.Label(sequence.description, EditorStyles.whiteLabel);

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.ContextClick)
                GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();

                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Duplicate"), false, DuplicateSequence, sequence);
                menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Delete"), false, DeleteSequence, sequence);
