Пример #1
        public bool CreateCaseCount(DateTime? eventStart, DateTime? eventStop, int caseCount, string line, string client)
                using (DB db = new DB())
                    int id;

                    if (!eventStart.HasValue || !eventStop.HasValue)
                        return false;

                    CaseCount count = new CaseCount();
                    count.CaseCount1 = caseCount;
                    count.Client = client;
                    count.EventStart = eventStart;
                    count.EventStop = eventStop;
                    count.Line = line;



                    id = count.Id;

                    bool result = id > 0;

                    if (result)
                        DBHelper.UpdateAscommPing(client, DateTime.Now, line, true);

                    return result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                String fileName = this.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/log.txt");
                File.AppendAllText(fileName, ex.ToString());
Пример #2
        public bool InsertCaseCount(string str_eventStart, string str_eventStop, int caseCount, string line, string client)
                using (DB db = new DB())
                    DateTime eventStart, eventStop;

                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(str_eventStart, out eventStart) || !DateTime.TryParse(str_eventStop, out eventStop))
                        return false;

                    CaseCount count = new CaseCount();
                    count.CaseCount1 = caseCount;
                    count.Client = client;
                    count.EventStart = eventStart;
                    count.EventStop = eventStop;
                    count.Line = line;


                    bool result = db.SaveChanges() > 0;

                    if (result == true)
                        DBHelper.UpdateAscommPing(client, DateTime.Now, line, true);

                    return result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                String fileName = this.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/log.txt");
                File.AppendAllText(fileName, ex.ToString());
                throw ex;
Пример #3
        public int CreateTComCaseCount(string eStart, string eStop, int caseCount, string line, string client)
                int result;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eStart) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(eStop))
                    return -1;

                DateTime eventStart;
                DateTime eventStop;

                if (!DateTime.TryParse(eStart, out eventStart))
                    return -1;

                if (!DateTime.TryParse(eStop, out eventStop))
                    return -1;

                if (eventStop < eventStart)
                    return -1;

                using (DB db = new DB())
                    int id;

                    CaseCount count = new CaseCount();
                    count.CaseCount1 = caseCount;
                    count.Client = client;
                    count.EventStart = eventStart;
                    count.EventStop = eventStop;
                    count.Line = line;



                    id = count.Id;

                    result = id;

                    if (result > 0)
                        DBHelper.UpdateAscommPing(client, DateTime.Now, line, true);

                    return result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                String fileName = this.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/log.txt");
                File.AppendAllText(fileName, ex.ToString());
                return -1;
        public static List<CaseCount> getCasesPerHourPerLine(DateTime? startTime, DateTime? endTime, string client, bool increments = true )
            List<CaseCount> rows = new List<CaseCount>();
            List<CaseCount> results = new List<CaseCount>();

            List<ThroughputHistory> tpHistories = DCSDashboardDemoHelper.getClientThroughPutHistories(client);

            using (DB db = new DB())
                rows = (from a in db.CaseCountSet
                        where (a.Client == client || string.IsNullOrEmpty(client))
                        && (!startTime.HasValue || a.EventStop >= startTime)
                        && (!endTime.HasValue || a.EventStop <= endTime)
                        && a.Line == "Line_06"
                        orderby a.EventStop.Value ascending
                        select a).ToList();

                List<string> lines = (from o in rows
                                      select o.Line).Distinct().ToList();

                int firstDayOfYear = 0;
                int lastDayOfYear = 0;
                int year = DateTime.Now.Year;
                int month = DateTime.Now.Month;

                if (startTime.HasValue)
                    firstDayOfYear = startTime.Value.DayOfYear;
                    year = startTime.Value.Year;
                    month = startTime.Value.Month;
                    CaseCount c = rows.First();

                    if (c != null)
                        firstDayOfYear = c.EventStop.Value.DayOfYear;

                if (endTime.HasValue)
                    lastDayOfYear = endTime.Value.DayOfYear;
                    CaseCount c = rows.Last();

                    if (c != null)
                        lastDayOfYear = c.EventStop.Value.DayOfYear;

                foreach (string line in lines)
                    DateTime tmpDate = startTime.Value;
                    tmpDate = new DateTime(tmpDate.Year, tmpDate.Month, tmpDate.Day, 0, 0, 0);

                    for (int dayOfYear = firstDayOfYear; dayOfYear <= lastDayOfYear; dayOfYear++)
                        for (int hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++)
                            CaseCount CC = new CaseCount();
                            CC.Line = line;
                            CC.CaseCount1 = 0;
                            CC.Client = client;
                            CC.EventStop = tmpDate;

                            List<CaseCount> cases = (from o in rows
                                                     where o.Line == line
                                                     && o.EventStop.Value.Hour == hour && o.EventStop.Value.DayOfYear == dayOfYear
                                                     orderby o.EventStop ascending
                                                     select o).ToList();

                            List<ThroughputHistory> historyPuts = (from o in tpHistories
                                                     where o.Date.DayOfYear == dayOfYear
                                                     && o.Date.Hour == hour
                                                     orderby o.Date ascending
                                                     select o).ToList();
                            if (cases.Count == 0)
                                CC.CaseCount1 = 0;

                                if (historyPuts.Count > 0)
                                    int count = 0;

                                    ThroughputHistory lastHistoryPut = null;

                                    foreach (ThroughputHistory historyPut in historyPuts)
                                        Throughput put = historyPut.Throughput;

                                        List<CaseCount> lowerCases = (from o in cases
                                                                      where o.EventStop.Value <= historyPut.Date
                                                                      select o).ToList();

                                        if (lowerCases.Count > 0)

                                            CaseCount f = lowerCases.First();
                                            CaseCount l = lowerCases.Last();

                                            if (f != l && f != null)
                                                count += l.CaseCount1 - f.CaseCount1;

                                        lastHistoryPut = historyPut;


                                    List<CaseCount> restOfCases = (from o in cases
                                                                   where o.EventStop.Value >= lastHistoryPut.Date
                                                                   select o).ToList();

                                    if (restOfCases.Count > 0)
                                        CaseCount first = restOfCases.First();
                                        CaseCount last = restOfCases.Last();

                                        if (first != last && first != null)
                                            count += last.CaseCount1 - first.CaseCount1;

                                    CC.CaseCount1 = count;

                                    CaseCount first = cases.First();
                                    CaseCount last = cases.Last();

                                    if (first != last && first != null)
                                        CC.CaseCount1 = last.CaseCount1 - first.CaseCount1;




                            tmpDate = tmpDate.AddHours(1);


                        //tmpDate = tmpDate.AddDays(1);


                rows = rows.OrderBy(x => x.EventStop.Value.Day).ThenBy(x => x.EventStop.Value.Hour).ThenBy(x => x.EventStop.Value.Minute).ThenBy(x => x.CaseCount1).ToList();


            return results;
        public static Dictionary<CaseCount, decimal> getGraphCaseCounts_old(DateTime? startTime, DateTime? endTime, decimal estCount)
            List<CaseCount> rows = new List<CaseCount>();
            Dictionary<CaseCount, decimal> results = new Dictionary<CaseCount, decimal>();

            using (DB db = new DB())
                var q = from a in db.CaseCountSet
                        where (a.Client == Filter_Client || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter_Client))
                        && (a.Line == Filter_Line || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter_Line))
                        && (!startTime.HasValue || a.EventStop >= startTime)
                        && (!endTime.HasValue || a.EventStop <= endTime)
                        orderby a.EventStop.Value ascending
                        select a;

                if (q != null)
                    rows = q.ToList();

                int firHour = (rows.Count > 0 ? rows.ElementAt(0).EventStop.Value.Hour : 0);

                if (firHour == 24)
                    firHour = 0;

                int diff = endTime.Value.Hour - firHour;

                if (diff < 12)
                    firHour += 12 - diff;

                firHour = firHour - 1;//For an extra hour before.

                if (firHour == -1)
                    firHour = 23;

                DateTime tmpDate = startTime.Value;

                for (double x = 0; x <= endTime.Value.Subtract(startTime.Value).Hours; x++)

                    CaseCount c = new CaseCount();
                    c.EventStop = new DateTime(tmpDate.Year, tmpDate.Month, tmpDate.Day, tmpDate.Hour, 30, 0);//Set to XX:30, so it won't interfere with actual casecounts (which uses end values in hour)
                    c.CaseCount1 = 0;

                    tmpDate = tmpDate.AddHours(1.00);


                rows = rows.OrderBy(x => x.EventStop.Value.Day).ThenBy(x => x.EventStop.Value.Hour).ThenBy(x => x.EventStop.Value.Minute).ThenBy(x => x.CaseCount1).ToList();

                CaseCount firstCase = new CaseCount();
                CaseCount lastCase;

                for (int x = 0; x < rows.Count; x++)
                    //Get Current case
                    CaseCount currentCase = rows.ElementAt(x);

                    //if (x == 96)
                    //    currentCase = rows.ElementAt(x);

                    if (x == 0)
                        firstCase = currentCase;//Sets just in case until overridden.

                    if (x > 0 && x < rows.Count)
                        //Get previous case
                        lastCase = rows.ElementAt(x - 1);

                        //If hour of previous case is less than current
                        if (lastCase.EventStop.Value.Hour < currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour && lastCase.EventStop.Value.Day == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Day)
                            firstCase = currentCase;
                        else if (lastCase.EventStop.Value.Hour > currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour && lastCase.EventStop.Value.Day < currentCase.EventStop.Value.Day)
                            firstCase = currentCase;

                        if ((firstCase.CaseCount1 == 0 && currentCase.CaseCount1 != 0) && (firstCase.EventStop.Value.Hour == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour))
                            firstCase = currentCase;

                        //If there is a next case in array
                        if ((x + 1) < rows.Count)
                            //Next case
                            CaseCount nextCase = rows.ElementAt(x + 1);

                            //If next case Hour is greater than current
                            if ((nextCase.EventStop.Value.Hour > currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour && nextCase.EventStop.Value.Day == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Day) || (nextCase.EventStop.Value.Hour < currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour && nextCase.EventStop.Value.Day > currentCase.EventStop.Value.Day)/* || (x == rows.Count && currentCase.EventStop.Value.Subtract(firstCase.EventStop.Value).Minutes > 10)*/)
                                if (nextCase.EventStop.Value.Hour > currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour && currentCase.Id == 0 && !currentCase.EventStart.HasValue)
                                    var z = from o in rows
                                            where o.EventStop.Value.Hour == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour
                                            && o.EventStop.Value.Day == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Day
                                            select o;

                                    int count = z.ToList().Count;

                                    if (count >= 3)
                                        currentCase = lastCase;
                                        lastCase = rows.ElementAt(x - 2);

                                decimal value = 0;
                                decimal countDiff = lastCase.CaseCount1 - currentCase.CaseCount1;

                                if (countDiff < 0)
                                    countDiff = countDiff * -1;


                                if ((lastCase.CaseCount1 == 0 && currentCase.CaseCount1 != 0) && (lastCase.EventStop.Value.Hour == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour))
                                    value = (decimal)((currentCase.CaseCount1 - firstCase.CaseCount1) / (decimal)estCount) * 100;
                                else if ((lastCase.CaseCount1 != 0 && currentCase.CaseCount1 == 0) && (lastCase.EventStop.Value.Hour == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour))
                                    value = (decimal)((lastCase.CaseCount1 - firstCase.CaseCount1) / (decimal)estCount) * 100;
                                    value = (decimal)((currentCase.CaseCount1 - firstCase.CaseCount1) / (decimal)estCount) * 100;

                                    int firstEst = getEstimatedCount(firstCase.EventStop.Value, Filter_Line);
                                    int lastEst = getEstimatedCount(currentCase.EventStop.Value, Filter_Line);

                                    decimal a = (decimal)currentCase.CaseCount1 / (decimal)lastEst;
                                    decimal b = (decimal)firstCase.CaseCount1 / (decimal)firstEst;

                                    if ((lastCase.CaseCount1 == 0 && currentCase.CaseCount1 != 0) && (lastCase.EventStop.Value.Hour == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour))
                                        value = (a - b) * 100M;
                                    else if ((lastCase.CaseCount1 != 0 && currentCase.CaseCount1 == 0) && (lastCase.EventStop.Value.Hour == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour))
                                        value = (b - a) * 100M;
                                        value = (a - b) * 100M;
                                catch (Exception)
                                    value = 0;

                                if (value < 0)
                                    value = value * -1;

                                string hour = string.Empty;

                                //Converts 24 and 0 to 12, also converts 24hrs to 12hr time.
                                if (currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour < 12)
                                    int t = currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour;

                                    if (t == 0)
                                        t = 12;

                                    hour = t + " AM";
                                    int t = currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour - 12;

                                    if (t == 0)
                                        t = 12;

                                    hour = t + " PM";


                                //value = ((DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday && MillardDashboardTVHelper.getLightStatus() == false) ? 0 : value);

                                if (value < 1 && value > 0)
                                    value = value * 100;//turn into decimal from percent

                                if (value >= 0)
                                    var sum = from r in rows
                                              where r.EventStop.Value.Hour == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour
                                              && r.EventStop.Value.Day == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Day
                                              group r by r.EventStop.Value.Hour into g
                                              select new { Total = g.Sum(y => y.CaseCount1) }.Total;

                                    List<int> list = sum.ToList();

                                    currentCase.CaseCount1 = list.Max();

                                    int originalCount = currentCase.CaseCount1;

                                    currentCase.CaseCount1 = Convert.ToInt32(estCount * (value / 100));

                                    results.Add(currentCase, value);

                        else//assuming end of array
                            decimal value = 0;
                            decimal countDiff = lastCase.CaseCount1 - currentCase.CaseCount1;

                            if (countDiff < 0)
                                countDiff = countDiff * -1;
                                int firstEst = getEstimatedCount(firstCase.EventStop.Value, Filter_Line);
                                int lastEst = getEstimatedCount(currentCase.EventStop.Value, Filter_Line);

                                decimal a = (decimal)currentCase.CaseCount1 / (decimal)lastEst;
                                decimal b = (decimal)firstCase.CaseCount1 / (decimal)firstEst;

                                if ((lastCase.CaseCount1 == 0 && currentCase.CaseCount1 != 0) && (lastCase.EventStop.Value.Hour == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour))
                                    value = (a - b) * 100M;
                                else if ((lastCase.CaseCount1 != 0 && currentCase.CaseCount1 == 0) && (lastCase.EventStop.Value.Hour == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour))
                                    value = (b - a) * 100M;
                                    value = (a - b) * 100M;
                            catch (Exception)
                                value = 0;

                            if (value < 0)
                                value = value * -1;

                            string hour = string.Empty;

                            //Converts 24 and 0 to 12, also converts 24hrs to 12hr time.
                            if (currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour < 12)
                                int t = currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour;

                                if (t == 0)
                                    t = 12;

                                hour = t + " AM";
                                int t = currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour - 12;

                                if (t == 0)
                                    t = 12;

                                hour = t + " PM";


                            //value = ((DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday && MillardDashboardTVHelper.getLightStatus() == false) ? 0 : value);

                            if (value < 1 && value > 0)
                                value = value * 100;//turn into decimal from percent

                            if (value >= 0)
                                var sum = from r in rows
                                          where r.EventStop.Value.Hour == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour
                                          && r.EventStop.Value.Day == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Day
                                          group r by r.EventStop.Value.Hour into g
                                          select new { Total = g.Sum(y => y.CaseCount1) }.Total;

                                List<int> list = sum.ToList();

                                currentCase.CaseCount1 = list.Max();

                                int originalCount = currentCase.CaseCount1;

                                currentCase.CaseCount1 = Convert.ToInt32(estCount * (value / 100));

                                results.Add(currentCase, value);



            return results;
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new CaseCount object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">Initial value of the Id property.</param>
 /// <param name="caseCount1">Initial value of the CaseCount1 property.</param>
 public static CaseCount CreateCaseCount(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.Int32 caseCount1)
     CaseCount caseCount = new CaseCount();
     caseCount.Id = id;
     caseCount.CaseCount1 = caseCount1;
     return caseCount;
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the CaseCountSet EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToCaseCountSet(CaseCount caseCount)
     base.AddObject("CaseCountSet", caseCount);
        public static Dictionary<CaseCount, decimal> getGraphCaseCounts(DateTime? startTime, DateTime? endTime, string line, bool increments = true)
            Dictionary<CaseCount, decimal> results = new Dictionary<CaseCount, decimal>();
                DateTime tmpDate = startTime.Value;

                int totalHours = endTime.Value.Subtract(startTime.Value).Hours;

                int totalDays = endTime.Value.Subtract(startTime.Value).Days;

                if (totalDays > 0)
                    totalHours = totalDays * 24;

                for (double x = 0; x <= totalHours; x++)
                    CaseCount c = new CaseCount();
                    c.CaseCount1 = 0;
                    c.EventStop = new DateTime(tmpDate.Year, tmpDate.Month, tmpDate.Day, tmpDate.Hour, 30, 0);//Set to XX:30, so it won't interfere with actual casecounts (which uses end values in hour)

                    tmpDate = tmpDate.AddHours(1.00);

                    results.Add(c, 0);


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                line = Filter_Line;

            List<CaseCount> rows = new List<CaseCount>();
            Dictionary<CaseCount, decimal> results = new Dictionary<CaseCount, decimal>();

            List<ThroughputHistory> tpHistories = DCSDashboardDemoHelper.getThroughPutHistories(line);
            List<Throughput> throughputs = DCSDashboardDemoHelper.GetThroughPuts(line);

            using (DB db = new DB())
                var q = from a in db.CaseCountSet
                        where (a.Client == Filter_Client || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter_Client))
                        && (a.Line == line || string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                        && (!startTime.HasValue || a.EventStop >= startTime)
                        && (!endTime.HasValue || a.EventStop <= endTime)
                        orderby a.EventStop.Value ascending
                        select a;

                if (q != null)
                    rows = q.ToList();

                DateTime tmpDate = startTime.Value;

                int totalHours = endTime.Value.Subtract(startTime.Value).Hours;

                int totalDays = endTime.Value.Subtract(startTime.Value).Days;

                if (totalDays > 0)
                    totalHours = totalDays * 24;

                for (double x = 0; x <= totalHours; x++)
                    CaseCount c = new CaseCount();

                    c.EventStop = new DateTime(tmpDate.Year, tmpDate.Month, tmpDate.Day, tmpDate.Hour, 30, 0);//Set to XX:30, so it won't interfere with actual casecounts (which uses end values in hour)
                    c.CaseCount1 = 0;

                    List<CaseCount> cList = (from o in rows
                                                where (o.EventStop.Value.Hour == tmpDate.Hour && o.EventStop.Value.DayOfYear == tmpDate.DayOfYear && o.EventStop.Value.Year == tmpDate.Year)
                                                orderby o.EventStop.Value.Minute ascending
                                             select o).ToList();

                    decimal count = 0;

                    if (cList.Count > 0)
                        if (increments)
                            CaseCount firstCase = cList.ElementAt(0);
                            CaseCount lastCase = cList.ElementAt(cList.Count - 1);

                            if (firstCase != null && lastCase != null)
                                c.EventStop = new DateTime(tmpDate.Year, tmpDate.Month, tmpDate.Day, tmpDate.Hour, 30, 0);


                                    int tp1Id = DiamondCrystaldashboardHelper.GetThroughputIdFromReference(tpHistories.Where(o => o.Date <= c.EventStop.Value).OrderByDescending(o => o.Date).Select(o => o.ThroughputReference).FirstOrDefault());
                                    int tp2Id = DiamondCrystaldashboardHelper.GetThroughputIdFromReference(tpHistories.Where(o => o.Date <= c.EventStop.Value).OrderByDescending(o => o.Date).Select(o => o.ThroughputReference).FirstOrDefault());

                                    Throughput tp1 = (from o in throughputs
                                                      where o.Id == tp1Id
                                                      select o).FirstOrDefault();

                                    Throughput tp2 = (from o in throughputs
                                                      where o.Id == tp2Id
                                                      select o).FirstOrDefault();

                                    ThroughputHistory th1 = ( from o in tpHistories
                                                              where o.Date <= firstCase.EventStop.Value
                                                              orderby o.Id descending
                                                              select o).FirstOrDefault();

                                    ThroughputHistory th2 = ( from o in tpHistories
                                                              where o.Date <= lastCase.EventStop.Value
                                                              orderby o.Id descending
                                                              select o).FirstOrDefault();

                                    int totalCases = lastCase.CaseCount1 - firstCase.CaseCount1;

                                    int totalEst = (tp2 == null ? getEstimatedCount(tmpDate, line) : tp2.PerHour);

                                    if (th1 != null && th2 != null)
                                        totalEst = tp2.PerHour;

                                        if (th2.Date.Hour == lastCase.EventStop.Value.Hour && th2.Date.DayOfYear == lastCase.EventStop.Value.DayOfYear && th2.Date.Year == lastCase.EventStop.Value.Year)

                                            CaseCount tmpCC1 = (from o in cList
                                                                where o.EventStop.Value <= th2.Date
                                                                orderby o.EventStop.Value descending
                                                                select o).FirstOrDefault();

                                            CaseCount tmpCC2 = (from o in cList
                                                                where o.EventStop.Value >= th2.Date
                                                                orderby o.EventStop.Value ascending
                                                                select o).FirstOrDefault();

                                            decimal min1 = (decimal)tmpCC1.EventStop.Value.Subtract(firstCase.EventStop.Value).TotalMinutes;

                                            decimal min2 = (decimal)lastCase.EventStop.Value.Subtract(tmpCC2.EventStop.Value).TotalMinutes;

                                            decimal cTp1 = (decimal)tp1.PerHour / 12m;
                                            decimal cTp2 = (decimal)tp2.PerHour / 12m;

                                            min1 = (min1 / 5) * cTp1;
                                            min2 = (min2 / 5) * cTp2;

                                            totalCases = (tmpCC1.CaseCount1 - firstCase.CaseCount1) + (lastCase.CaseCount1 - tmpCC2.CaseCount1);
                                            totalEst = (int)(min1 + min2);

                                            c.Line = totalCases + "/" + totalEst + "|" + tp1.Name + "|" + tp2.Name;

                                            c.Line = totalCases + "/" + totalEst + "|" + tp1.Name;
                                        c.Line = totalCases + "/" + totalEst;

                                    if (totalEst == 0)

                                    count = ((decimal)totalCases / (decimal)totalEst) * 100M;

                                    c.CaseCount1 = Convert.ToInt32(totalCases);

                                    //(lastEst + firstEst) / (LEST + FEST)
                                    //LEST = Case counts that should've been produced within the time frame between firstcase and lastcase

                                catch (Exception e)
                                    count = 0;

                                if (count < 0)
                                    count = count * -1;

                                //value = ((DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday && MillardDashboardTVHelper.getLightStatus() == false) ? 0 : value);

                                if (count >= 0)
                                    var sum = from r in rows
                                                where r.EventStop.Value.Hour == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Hour
                                                && r.EventStop.Value.Day == currentCase.EventStop.Value.Day
                                                group r by r.EventStop.Value.Hour into g
                                                select new { Total = g.Sum(y => y.CaseCount1) }.Total;

                                    List<int> list = sum.ToList();

                                    currentCase.CaseCount1 = list.Max();

                                    results.Add(c, count);

                            CaseCount lastCase = cList.ElementAt(cList.Count - 1);

                            if (lastCase != null)
                                decimal total = (from o in cList
                                             select o.CaseCount1).Sum();

                                decimal lastEst = (decimal)getEstimatedCount(lastCase.EventStop.Value, line);

                                total = total / (lastEst != 0 ? lastEst : 1);

                                count = total * 100M;

                                c.CaseCount1 = Convert.ToInt32(total);

                                results.Add(c, count);
                        results.Add(c, 0);

                    tmpDate = tmpDate.AddHours(1.00);


                rows = rows.OrderBy(x => x.EventStop.Value.Day).ThenBy(x => x.EventStop.Value.Hour).ThenBy(x => x.EventStop.Value.Minute).ThenBy(x => x.CaseCount1).ToList();


            return results;

            return results;