Пример #1
        public void GenerateStudyProvenanceData()
            string sql_string = "";

            sql_string = @"CREATE table nk.temp_study_provenance
                     select s.study_id, 
                     'Data retrieved from ' || string_agg(d.repo_name || ' at ' || to_char(s.datetime_of_data_fetch, 'HH24:MI, dd Mon yyyy'), ', ' ORDER BY s.datetime_of_data_fetch) as provenance
                     from nk.all_ids_studies s
                     inner join
                        (select t.id,
                            when p.uses_who_harvest = true then t.default_name || ' (via WHO ICTRP)'
                            else t.default_name
                          end as repo_name 
                         from context_ctx.data_sources t
                         inner join mon_sf.source_parameters p
                         on t.id = p.id) d
                     on s.source_id = d.id
                     group by study_id ";

            sql_string = @"update core.studies s
                    set provenance_string = tt.provenance
                    from nk.temp_study_provenance tt
                    where s.id = tt.study_id ";
            db.ExecuteProvenanceSQL(sql_string, "core.studies");

            sql_string = @"drop table nk.temp_study_provenance;";
Пример #2
        public void CreateJSONStudyData(bool also_do_files, bool create_table = true, int offset = 0)
            JSONStudyDataLayer repo = new JSONStudyDataLayer(logging_repo);

            if (create_table)
                string sql_string = @"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS core.studies_json;
                CREATE TABLE core.studies_json(
                  id                       INT             NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
                , json                     JSON            NULL
                CREATE INDEX studies_json_id ON core.studies_json(id);";

            int min_id = repo.FetchMinId();
            int max_id = repo.FetchMaxId();

            LoopThroughStudyRecords(repo, min_id, max_id, also_do_files, offset);
Пример #3
        public void CheckStudyLinks()
            using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString))
                // Does any study id correspond to a study already all_ids_studies
                // table, that is linked to it via study-study link table.
                // Such a study will match the left hand side of the study-study
                // link table (the one to be replacwed), and take on the study_id
                // used for the 'preferred' right hand side. This should already exist
                // because addition of studies is donme in the order 'more preferred first'.

                string sql_string = @"UPDATE nk.temp_study_ids t
                           SET study_id = s.study_id, is_preferred = false
                           FROM nk.study_study_links k
                                INNER JOIN nk.all_ids_studies s
                                ON k.preferred_sd_sid = s.sd_sid
                                AND k.preferred_source_id = s.source_id
                           WHERE t.sd_sid = k.sd_sid
                           AND t.source_id =  k.source_id;";
                int    res        = db.ExecuteSQL(sql_string);
                logging_repo.LogLine(res.ToString() + " existing studies found");

                // Also create a small table that has just the study_ids and sd_sids for the
                // already existing studies (used in the import of any additional data
                // from these studies

                sql_string = @"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nk.existing_studies;
                               CREATE TABLE nk.existing_studies as 
                                       SELECT sd_sid, study_id
                                       FROM nk.temp_study_ids
                                       WHERE is_preferred = false";