//A new singer is ready so set the image to the wait screen with the appropriate information private void UpdateToNextSingerImage(SongToPlay songToPlay) { //Show default wait image. Write the singer information to screen. if (DJModel.Instance.BackgroundImage != null) { cdgWindow.CDGImageSource = DJModel.Instance.BackgroundImage; mainWindow.UpdateCDGSource(DJModel.Instance.BackgroundImage); //Update the user name if (songToPlay != null) cdgWindow.NextSingerName = songToPlay.User.userName; cdgWindow.IsPlaying = false; } }
//A new singer is next and readying to sing. Show the background image in the second window and update all information. private void UpdateNowPlaying(SongToPlay songToPlay) { LabelNowSinging.Content = "Now Singing: " + songToPlay.User.userName; LabelNowSinging.Foreground = (SolidColorBrush)Application.Current.Resources["LabelBrush"]; LabelNowPlaying.Content = "Now Playing: " + songToPlay.Song.artist + " - " + songToPlay.Song.title; LabelNowPlaying.Foreground = (SolidColorBrush)Application.Current.Resources["LabelBrush"]; LabelSongRemaining.Content = "0:00"; karaokePlayer.Stop(); karaokePlayer.ReadyNextSong(songToPlay); }
//Prepare the player for the next singer by displaying the wait image and the name of the next singer public void ReadyNextSong(SongToPlay songToPlay) { string filePath = songToPlay.Song.pathOnDisk; player.URL = filePath; player.controls.stop(); cdgPlayer.OpenCDGFile(ConvertMP3PathToCDG(filePath)); UpdateToNextSingerImage(songToPlay); if (!isCDGOpen) { isCDGOpen = true; cdgWindow.Show(); } }