Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a list of Songs to a specified playlist
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="songsToAdd"></param>
        /// <param name="playlist"></param>
        public static void AddSongsToPlaylist(IEnumerable <Song> songsToAdd, SongPlaylist playlist)

            // Report the change
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Duplicate the SongPlaylist in the specified library
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playlistToDuplicate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async void DuplicateSongPlaylistAsync(SongPlaylist playlistToDuplicate, int libraryId)
            // Attempt to find matching songs for each SongPlaylistItem in the SongPlaylist
            // Need to access the songs via the Sources associated with the Library
            List <Source> sources = Sources.GetSourcesForLibrary(libraryId);

            // Keep track of the matching songs
            List <Song> songsToAdd = new();

            foreach (SongPlaylistItem item in playlistToDuplicate.PlaylistItems)
                Song matchingSong = null;
                int  sourceIndex  = 0;

                while ((matchingSong == null) && (sourceIndex < sources.Count))
                    // Get a list of all the songs with matching Titles in the source
                    List <Song> matchingTitles = Songs.GetSourceSongsWithName(sources[sourceIndex++].Id, item.Song.Title);

                    // Now for each song access the associated artist
                    int titleIndex = 0;
                    while ((matchingSong == null) && (titleIndex < matchingTitles.Count))
                        Artist nameCheck = Artists.GetArtistById(ArtistAlbums.GetArtistAlbumById(matchingTitles[titleIndex].ArtistAlbumId).ArtistId);

                        // Correct name?
                        if (nameCheck.Name == item.Artist.Name)
                            matchingSong = matchingTitles[titleIndex];

                            // Make sure that the Artist is stored with the song
                            matchingSong.Artist = nameCheck;


            // Only create the playlist if at least one of the songs was found
            if (songsToAdd.Count > 0)
                SongPlaylist duplicatedPlaylist = new() { Name = playlistToDuplicate.Name, LibraryId = libraryId };

                // Wait for the playlist to be added as we're going to use its id
                await Playlists.AddPlaylistAsync(duplicatedPlaylist);

                // Add the songs to the new SongPlaylist.
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a playlist name has been entered has been selected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedLibrary"></param>
        private async void NameEntered(string playlistName, NewPlaylistNameDialogFragment playlistNameFragment, bool isAlbum)
            string alertText = "";

            // An empty playlist name is not allowed
            if (playlistName.Length == 0)
                alertText = EmptyNameError;
                // Check for a duplicate
                if (PlaylistsViewModel.PlaylistNames.Contains(playlistName) == true)
                    alertText = DuplicatePlaylistError;
                    // Create a SongPlaylist or AlbumPlaylist as appropriate and add the Songs/Albums to it
                    if (isAlbum == false)
                        // Create the playlist and add the songs to it
                        // Need to wait for the playlist to be stored as we are going to access it's Id straight away
                        SongPlaylist newPlaylist = await PlaylistsController.AddSongPlaylistAsync(playlistName);

                        PlaylistsController.AddSongsToPlaylist(selectedObjects.Songs, newPlaylist);
                        AlbumPlaylist newPlaylist = await PlaylistsController.AddAlbumPlaylistAsync(playlistName);

                        PlaylistsController.AddAlbumsToPlaylist(selectedObjects.Albums, newPlaylist);

            // Display an error message if the playlist name is not valid.
            if (alertText.Length > 0)
                NotificationDialogFragment.ShowFragment(CommandRouter.Manager, alertText);
                // Dismiss the playlist name dialogue and finally perform the command callback (exit action mode)