Пример #1
        private async void Accept(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!Creatable) return;

            Favorite favorite = new Favorite()
                Name = location.Name,
                Address = location.Address,
                Description = location.Description,
                Collection = collection,
                Symbol = location.Symbol,
                Location = Location.Location,
                Timestamp = DateTime.Now

            // Its a new collection name, delete it from the old folder ...
            if (location is Favorite && collection != collectionBuffer) await (location as Favorite).Delete();

            // ... and create a new Favorite in the right collection folder
            await favorite.SaveToFile(collection);

            // Set this as the new location
            Location = favorite;

            // Reset the Buffer
            locationBuffer = location;

            // Recreate the CommandBar

            //VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, "Default", true);

            // Because we added a State with an OnGoBackAction for this
        private async void Accept(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!Creatable) return;

            Favorite favorite = new Favorite()
                Name = name,
                Address = address,
                Description = description,
                Symbol = symbol,
                Location = Location.Location,
                Timestamp = DateTime.Now

            await favorite.SaveToFile(collection);

            State favState = new State()
                Sheet = typeof(LocationSheet),
                MapCenter = favorite.Location,
                MapZoomLevel = 14

            NavigationManager.Current.NavigateTo(favState, favorite);