Пример #1
 public static void Main(string[] args)
     Config config = new Config();
     SearchParameters searchParams = new SearchParameters();
     SearchEngine searchEngine = new SearchEngine(config);
     searchEngine.GetBoard().SetFen("rq2r1k1/5pp1/p7/4bNP1/1p2P2P/5Q2/PP4K1/5R1R w - -");
Пример #2
 public ExperimentalEvaluator(Config config)
     this.config = config;
Пример #3
 public CompleteEvaluator(Config config)
     // Bonus by having two bishops
     // Bishops
     // Mobility units: this value is added for each destination square not occupied by one of our pieces
     // Bishops
     // Rooks
     // No pawns in rook column
     // Only opposite pawns in rook column
     // Rook connects with other rook TODO???
     // Queen
     // Protection: sums for each pawn near king (opening)
     // King Safety: not in endgame!!!
     // Pawns
     // Penalty for each pawn in a doubled rank
     //	private final static int PAWN_BACKWARD         = oe(-8,-10);
     //	private final static int PAWN_BLOCKED          = oe(0,0); //-20; // Pawn blocked by opposite pawn
     // Weak pawn
     // Depends of the rank
     // Depends of the rank
     // Sums by each square away of the other opposite king
     // Ponder kings attacks by the number of attackers (not pawns) later divided by 8
     // two or more pieces of the other side attacked by inferior pieces
     // Tempo
     // Add to moving side score
     // The pair of values are {opening, endgame}
     // Values are rotated for whites, so when white is playing is like shown in the code
     this.config = config;
Пример #4
 public SearchEngine(Config config)
     // time to think to
     // For testing suites
     // Inital Ply of search
     // For performance Benching
     // aspiration window
     // Futility pruning
     // Aggresive Futility pruning
     // Razoring
     // Singular Extension
     // Null Move
     // Transposition Table
     this.config = config;
     random = new Random();
     board = new Board();
     sortInfo = new SortInfo();
     moveIterators = new MoveIterator[MAX_DEPTH];
     for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++)
         moveIterators[i] = new MoveIterator(board, sortInfo, i);
     pvReductionMatrix = new int[][] { new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[
         64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64
         ], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64],
         new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new
         int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int
         [64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64
         ], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64],
         new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new
         int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int
         [64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64
         ], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64] };
     nonPvReductionMatrix = new int[][] { new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int
         [64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64
         ], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64],
         new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new
         int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int
         [64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64
         ], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64],
         new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new
         int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int
         [64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64
         ], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64], new int[64] };
     // Init our reduction lookup tables
     for (int depth = 1; depth < MAX_DEPTH; depth++)
         // OnePly = 1
         for (int moveNumber = 1; moveNumber < 64; moveNumber++)
             double pvRed = 0.5 + Math.Log(depth) * Math.Log(moveNumber) / 6.0;
             double nonPVRed = 0.5 + Math.Log(depth) * Math.Log(moveNumber) / 3.0;
             pvReductionMatrix[depth][moveNumber] = (int)(pvRed >= 1.0 ? Math.Floor(pvRed * PLY
                 ) : 0);
             nonPvReductionMatrix[depth][moveNumber] = (int)(nonPVRed >= 1.0 ? Math.Floor(nonPVRed
                  * PLY) : 0);
     // System.out.println(i + " " + j + " " +
     // pvReductionMatrix[i][j] + " " + nonPvReductionMatrix[i][j]);
Пример #5
 public virtual void SetConfig(Config config)
     this.config = config;
Пример #6
 public virtual void Destroy()
     config = null;
     observer = null;
     tt = null;
     evaluator = null;
     sortInfo = null;
     if (moveIterators != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++)
             moveIterators[i] = null;