private string MaterialFilePath() { BuildRSettings settings = BuildRSettings.GetSettings(); string settingsLocation = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(settings); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsLocation)) { return(""); } int dirLength = settingsLocation.Length - ( + 6);//+6 for .asset string settingsFolder = settingsLocation.Substring(0, dirLength); string tempTextureFolder = Concat(settingsFolder, MATERIAL_FOLDER_PATH); string dataPath = Application.dataPath; int dataPathLength = dataPath.Length; string projectPath = Application.dataPath.Substring(0, dataPathLength - 6);//cull assets folder reference string fullTempTextureFolder = Concat(projectPath, tempTextureFolder); if (!Directory.Exists(fullTempTextureFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(fullTempTextureFolder); } return(Concat(tempTextureFolder, "buildr_atlas_", name, ".mat")); }
public static WallSection CreateWallSection(string name = null, string directory = null) { WallSection wallSection = CreateInstance <WallSection>(); if (Application.isPlaying) { return(wallSection); } if (name != null) { = name; } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (directory == null) { UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(wallSection, AssetCreator.GeneratePath("newWallSection.asset", "WallSections")); } else { UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(wallSection, Path.Combine(directory, "newWallSection.asset")); } #endif BuildRSettings settings = BuildRSettings.GetSettings(); wallSection._openingWidthAbs = settings.defaultWindowWidth; wallSection._openingHeightAbs = settings.defaultWindowHeight; wallSection._openingDepth = settings.defaultWindowDepth; return(wallSection); }
public static BuildRSettings GetSettings() { if (building != null) { return(building.getSettings); } return(BuildRSettings.GetSettings()); }
public static void OnInspectorGUI(Building building) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("BuildR Version {0}", BuildrVersion.NUMBER)); BuildingEditor.GUIDivider(); if (settings == null) { settings = building.settings; } Undo.RecordObject(settings, "Settings Modified"); GUIContent[] guiContent = { new GUIContent("Building Settings"), new GUIContent("BuildR Settings") }; mode = GUILayout.Toolbar(mode, guiContent, GUILayout.Width(BuildingEditor.MAIN_GUI_WIDTH)); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(BuildingEditor.MAIN_GUI_WIDTH)); switch (mode) { case 0: BuildingSettings(building); break; case 1: Editor editor = Editor.CreateEditor(settings); editor.DrawDefaultInspector(); break; } if (BuildingEditor.directionalLightIssueDetected) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("box"); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Directional camera bias values may cause real-time shadows to render gaps", MessageType.Warning); if (GUILayout.Button("Fix")) { Light[] lights = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Light>(); int lightCount = lights.Length; for (int l = 0; l < lightCount; l++) { Light light = lights[l]; if (light.type != LightType.Directional) { continue; } light.shadowBias = building.settings.recommendedBias; light.shadowNormalBias = building.settings.recommendedNormalBias; } BuildingEditor.directionalLightIssueDetected = false; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
private void OnEnable() { _wallSection = (WallSection)target; _plane = Primitives.Plane(10); _settings = BuildingEditor.GetSettings(); UpdatePreview(); // InteractivePreview.Reset(); }
private static string SurfacePath(string filename) { BuildRSettings settings = BuildingEditor.GetSettings(); string pluginLocation = settings.pluginLocation; string dirPath = Path.Combine(pluginLocation, "Surfaces/"); if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath); } return(AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(Path.Combine(dirPath, filename))); }
public static GUIDIconData GenerateGUIDIconData(string guid) { GUIDIconData output = new GUIDIconData(); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (settings == null) { settings = BuildRSettings.GetSettings(); } string settingsLocation = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(settings); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsLocation)) { return(output); } // string settingsFolder = settingsLocation.Split(new[] { }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]; int dirLength = settingsLocation.Length - ( + 6);//+6 for .asset string settingsFolder = settingsLocation.Substring(0, dirLength); string tempTextureFolder = Concat(settingsFolder, IconFolderPath);//Path.Combine(settingsFolder, IconFolderPath); if (!TEMP_TEXTURE_FOLDER_EXISTS) { string dataPath = Application.dataPath; int dataPathLength = dataPath.Length; string projectPath = Application.dataPath.Substring(0, dataPathLength - 6); //cull assets folder reference string fullTempTextureFolder = Concat(projectPath, tempTextureFolder); //Path.Combine(projectPath, tempTextureFolder); if (!Directory.Exists(fullTempTextureFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(fullTempTextureFolder); } TEMP_TEXTURE_FOLDER_EXISTS = true; } // string textureFilename = Concat(guid, ".jpg"); string tempTexturePath = Concat(tempTextureFolder, guid, ".jpg");//Path.Combine(tempTextureFolder, textureFilename); bool tempTextureFileExists = File.Exists(tempTexturePath); string assetPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid) ? "" : UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid); output.assetPath = assetPath; output.tempTexturePath = tempTexturePath; output.tempTextureFolder = tempTextureFolder; output.tempTextureFileExists = tempTextureFileExists; #endif return(output); }
public static string GeneratePath(string filename, string foldername) { #if UNITY_EDITOR string basePath = BuildRSettings.GetSettings().newObjectLocation; string folderPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", basePath, foldername); string absFolderPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", Application.dataPath, folderPath); if (!Directory.Exists(absFolderPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(absFolderPath); } string adbPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", "Assets", folderPath); string output = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(Path.Combine(adbPath, filename)); return(output); #else return(""); #endif }
private void UpdatePreviewMesh() { string meshName = string.Format("{0}_Preview_Mesh", name); BuildRMesh pBMesh = new BuildRMesh(meshName); if (_previewMesh == null) { _previewMesh = new Mesh(); } = meshName; if (_settings == null) { _settings = BuildRSettings.GetSettings(); } Vector3 left = new Vector3(-_settings.previewGableWidth * 0.5f, -_settings.previewGableHeight * 0.5f, 0); Vector3 right = new Vector3(_settings.previewGableWidth * 0.5f, -_settings.previewGableHeight * 0.5f, 0); GableGenerator.Generate(ref pBMesh, this, left, right, _settings.previewGableHeight, _settings.previewGableThickness, new Vector2()); pBMesh.Build(_previewMesh); }
public static BuildRSettings GetSettings() { if (INSTANCE != null) { return(INSTANCE); } #if UNITY_EDITOR string[] guids = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:BuildR2.BuildRSettings");//t: type BuildRSettings int settingsCount = guids.Length; if (settingsCount > 1) { string errorMessage = "Multiple BuildR Settings Files Found - please Delete one"; for (int i = 0; i < settingsCount; i++) { errorMessage += "\n " + (i + 1) + ". " + UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guids[i]); } Debug.LogError(errorMessage); } if (settingsCount > 0) { string assetPath = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guids[0]); INSTANCE = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(BuildRSettings)) as BuildRSettings; } if (INSTANCE != null) { return(INSTANCE); } #endif //create new settings file INSTANCE = CreateInstance <BuildRSettings>(); #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(INSTANCE, SETTINGS_PATH); UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(); #endif return(INSTANCE); }
public static void BuildFloorplan() { LAYERS.Clear(); SceneMeshLayer layerOpengings = new SceneMeshLayer(); SceneMeshLayer layer0 = new SceneMeshLayer(); SceneMeshLayer layer1 = new SceneMeshLayer(); SceneMeshLayer layer2 = new SceneMeshLayer(); LAYERS.Add(layerOpengings); LAYERS.Add(layer0); LAYERS.Add(layer1); LAYERS.Add(layer2); Building building = BuildingEditor.building; bPosition = building.transform.position; bRotation = building.transform.rotation; BuildRSettings settings = building.settings; int numberOfVolumes = building.numberOfPlans; Quaternion rotation = building.transform.rotation; Vector3[] centerPoints = new Vector3[numberOfVolumes]; for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumes; f++) { centerPoints[f] = BuildrUtils.CalculateFloorplanCenter(building[f]); } for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++) { Volume volume = (Volume)building[v]; bool isSelectedVolume = BuildingEditor.volume == volume; int numberOfPoints = volume.numberOfPoints; Vector3 vUp = Vector3.up * volume.floorHeight; Dictionary <int, List <Vector2Int> > anchorPoints = volume.facadeWallAnchors; IFloorplan[] floorplans = volume.InteriorFloorplans(); int floorplanCount = floorplans.Length; for (int f = 0; f < floorplanCount; f++)//floors { IFloorplan floorplan = floorplans[f]; bool isSelectedFloorplan = BuildingEditor.floorplan == (Floorplan)floorplan; float intPlanBaseHeight = volume.CalculateFloorHeight(f); Vector3 baseUpV = Vector3.up * intPlanBaseHeight; //draw external outline of selected floor if (numberOfPoints > 0 && isSelectedVolume) { SceneMeshLayer useLayer = isSelectedFloorplan ? layer1 : layer0; List <Vector2Int> planVs = new List <Vector2Int>(); Color fillCol = settings.subLineColour; Color lineCol = settings.mainLineColour; for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++) { if (volume.IsWallStraight(p)) { if (!planVs.Contains(volume[p].position)) { planVs.Add(volume[p].position); } Vector3 p0 = volume[p].position.vector3XZ + baseUpV; Vector3 p1 = volume[(p + 1) % numberOfPoints].position.vector3XZ + baseUpV; Vector3 p2 = p0 + vUp; Vector3 p3 = p1 + vUp; useLayer.shapes.Add(new SceneMeshShape(fillCol, p0, p1, p3, p2)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p2, p3, lineCol)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p0, p2, lineCol)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p1, p3, lineCol)); if (isSelectedFloorplan) { useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p0, p1,; List <Vector2Int> anchors = anchorPoints[p]; int wallSections = anchors.Count; for (int w = 0; w < wallSections - 1; w++) { Vector3 a = anchors[w].vector3XZ + baseUpV; float anchorSize = 0.05f; if (w == 0) { anchorSize *= 2; } useLayer.dots.Add(new SceneMeshDot(a, anchorSize, settings.anchorColour)); } } } else { List <Vector2Int> anchors = anchorPoints[p]; int wallSections = anchors.Count; for (int w = 0; w < wallSections - 2; w++) { if (!planVs.Contains(anchors[w])) { planVs.Add(anchors[w]); } Vector3 p0 = anchors[w].vector3XZ + baseUpV; Vector3 p1 = anchors[w + 1].vector3XZ + baseUpV; Vector3 p2 = p0 + vUp; Vector3 p3 = p1 + vUp; useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p2, p3, lineCol)); if (w == 0) { useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p0, p2, lineCol)); } if (w == wallSections - 2) { useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p1, p3, lineCol)); } useLayer.shapes.Add(new SceneMeshShape(fillCol, p0, p1, p3, p2)); if (isSelectedFloorplan) { useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p0, p1,; float anchorSize = 0.05f; if (w == 0) { anchorSize *= 2; } if (w < wallSections - 1) { useLayer.dots.Add(new SceneMeshDot(p0, anchorSize, settings.anchorColour)); } } } } } if (isSelectedFloorplan) { int planVCount = planVs.Count; Vector3[] planV3 = new Vector3[planVCount]; for (int pv = 0; pv < planVCount; pv++) { planV3[pv] = planVs[pv].vector3XZ + baseUpV; } ShapeWithLines(useLayer, planV3,, new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.9f)); } } if (isSelectedFloorplan) { Room[] rooms = floorplan.AllRooms(); int roomCount = rooms.Length; List <Vector2Int> shapePoints = new List <Vector2Int>(); for (int r = 0; r < roomCount; r++) { Room room = rooms[r]; bool isRoomSelected = room == && BuildingEditor.roomPortal == null && BuildingEditor.opening == null; shapePoints.Clear(); FloorplanUtil.RoomWall[] roomWalls = FloorplanUtil.CalculatePoints(room, volume); int roomWallCount = roomWalls.Length; Color wallCol = isRoomSelected ? settings.roomWallSelectedColour : settings.roomWallColour; Color floorCol = isRoomSelected ? settings.roomWallSelectedColour : settings.roomFloorColour; Color mainLineCol = isRoomSelected ? settings.selectedPointColour : settings.mainLineColour; Color subLineCol = isRoomSelected ? settings.selectedPointColour : settings.subLineColour; for (int rwp = 0; rwp < roomWallCount; rwp++) { FloorplanUtil.RoomWall roomWall = roomWalls[rwp]; int offsetCount = roomWall.offsetPoints.Length; Vector2Int pi0 = roomWall.baseA; Vector2Int pi1 = roomWall.baseB; if (pi0 == pi1) { continue; //not a wall } for (int op = 0; op < offsetCount - 1; op++) { Vector2Int wsint0 = new Vector2Int(roomWall.offsetPoints[op]); if (!shapePoints.Contains(wsint0)) { shapePoints.Add(wsint0); } Vector3 ws0 = new Vector3(roomWall.offsetPoints[op].x, 0, roomWall.offsetPoints[op].y) + baseUpV; if (isSelectedFloorplan)//draw anchor points { float anchorSize = 0.05f; if (op == 0) { anchorSize *= 2; } layer1.dots.Add(new SceneMeshDot(ws0, anchorSize * 0.05f, settings.linkedAnchorColour)); } int nextIndex = (op + 1) % offsetCount; Vector3 ws1 = new Vector3(roomWall.offsetPoints[nextIndex].x, 0, roomWall.offsetPoints[nextIndex].y) + baseUpV; Vector3 ws2 = ws0 + vUp; Vector3 ws3 = ws1 + vUp; layer1.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(ws0, ws1, mainLineCol)); layer1.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(ws0, ws2, subLineCol)); layer1.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(ws1, ws3, subLineCol)); layer1.shapes.Add(new SceneMeshShape(wallCol, ws0, ws1, ws3, ws2)); } } int shapePointsCount = shapePoints.Count; Vector3[] planV3 = new Vector3[shapePointsCount]; for (int pv = 0; pv < shapePointsCount; pv++) { planV3[pv] = shapePoints[pv].vector3XZ + baseUpV; } ShapeWithLines(layer1, planV3, mainLineCol, floorCol, settings.highlightPerpendicularity, settings.highlightPerpendicularityColour, settings.highlightAngleColour); RoomPortal[] portals = room.GetAllPortals(); int portalCount = portals.Length; for (int pt = 0; pt < portalCount; pt++) { RoomPortal portal = portals[pt]; bool isSelected = BuildingEditor.roomPortal == portal; Color portalLineColour = isSelectedFloorplan ? settings.mainLineColour : settings.subLineColour; Color portalFillColour = isSelected ? settings.selectedPointColour : settings.mainLineColour; if (!isSelectedFloorplan) { portalFillColour = Color.clear; } DrawPortal(layer2, rotation, intPlanBaseHeight, volume.floorHeight, room, portal, portalLineColour, portalFillColour); } } for (int r = 0; r < roomCount; r++) { Room room = rooms[r]; Vector3 roomCenter = + baseUpV + Vector3.up * volume.floorHeight; layer1.labels.Add(new SceneMeshLabel(roomCenter, string.Format("Room {0}", (r + 1)))); } } //Draw vertical openings if (BuildingEditor.floorplan != null) { VerticalOpening[] openings = building.GetAllOpenings(); int openingCount = openings.Length; for (int o = 0; o < openingCount; o++) { VerticalOpening opening = openings[o]; bool isSelectedOpening = BuildingEditor.opening == opening; Vector3 openingPosition = opening.position.vector3XZ; openingPosition.y = volume.floorHeight * opening.baseFloor; Vector3 openingSize = opening.size.vector3XZ; float openingWidth = openingSize.x; float openingHeight = openingSize.z; Quaternion openingRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, opening.rotation, 0); Vector3 p0 = openingPosition + openingRotation * new Vector3(-openingWidth, 0, -openingHeight) * 0.5f; Vector3 p1 = openingPosition + openingRotation * new Vector3(openingWidth, 0, -openingHeight) * 0.5f; Vector3 p2 = openingPosition + openingRotation * new Vector3(openingWidth, 0, openingHeight) * 0.5f; Vector3 p3 = openingPosition + openingRotation * new Vector3(-openingWidth, 0, openingHeight) * 0.5f; Vector3 openingUp = Vector3.up * volume.floorHeight * (opening.floors + 1); //"Phil" Mitchels Color fillCol = settings.subLineColour; fillCol.a = 0.05f; layerOpengings.shapes.Add(new SceneMeshShape(fillCol, p0, p1, p2, p3)); layerOpengings.shapes.Add(new SceneMeshShape(fillCol, p0, p1, p1 + openingUp, p0 + openingUp)); layerOpengings.shapes.Add(new SceneMeshShape(fillCol, p1, p2, p2 + openingUp, p1 + openingUp)); layerOpengings.shapes.Add(new SceneMeshShape(fillCol, p2, p3, p3 + openingUp, p2 + openingUp)); layerOpengings.shapes.Add(new SceneMeshShape(fillCol, p3, p0, p0 + openingUp, p3 + openingUp)); //lines Color lineCol = settings.invertLineColour; layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p0, p1, lineCol)); layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p1, p2, lineCol)); layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p2, p3, lineCol)); layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p3, p0, lineCol)); layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p0 + openingUp, p1 + openingUp, lineCol)); layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p1 + openingUp, p2 + openingUp, lineCol)); layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p2 + openingUp, p3 + openingUp, lineCol)); layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p3 + openingUp, p0 + openingUp, lineCol)); layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p0, p0 + openingUp, lineCol)); layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p1, p1 + openingUp, lineCol)); layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p2, p2 + openingUp, lineCol)); layer0.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p3, p3 + openingUp, lineCol)); layer0.labels.Add(new SceneMeshLabel(openingPosition + openingUp, string.Format("Opening {0}", o + 1))); if (volume == BuildingEditor.volume && BuildingEditor.floorplan != null) { Vector3 floorUpA = Vector3.up * volume.CalculateFloorHeight(volume.Floor(BuildingEditor.floorplan)); Vector3 floorUpB = floorUpA + Vector3.up * volume.floorHeight; Color col = isSelectedOpening ? :; SceneMeshLayer useLayer = isSelectedOpening ? layer2 : layer2; useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p0 + floorUpA, p1 + floorUpA, col)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p1 + floorUpA, p2 + floorUpA, col)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p2 + floorUpA, p3 + floorUpA, col)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p3 + floorUpA, p0 + floorUpA, col)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p0 + floorUpB, p1 + floorUpB, col)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p1 + floorUpB, p2 + floorUpB, col)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p2 + floorUpB, p3 + floorUpB, col)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p3 + floorUpB, p0 + floorUpB, col)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p0 + floorUpA, p0 + floorUpB, col)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p1 + floorUpA, p1 + floorUpB, col)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p2 + floorUpA, p2 + floorUpB, col)); useLayer.lines.Add(new SceneMeshLine(p3 + floorUpA, p3 + floorUpB, col)); } } } } } }
static void ItemOnGui(string guid, Rect rect) { if (settings == null) { settings = BuildRSettings.GetSettings(); } if (!settings.iconPreviews) { return; } bool defaultFound = settings.defaultIcon != null; Rect squareRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.height, rect.height); float defaultHeight = Mathf.Min(56, rect.height); float defaultWidth = Mathf.Min(44, rect.width, defaultHeight * 0.7857f); float defaultX = rect.x; float defaultY = rect.y; if (rect.height > 56) { defaultX = rect.x + (rect.width - 44) * 0.5f; defaultY = rect.y + (rect.height - 70) * 0.5f; } Rect defaultRect = new Rect(defaultX, defaultY, defaultWidth, defaultHeight); // IconUtil.GUIDIconData iconData = settings.GetCustomIconData(guid); // if(iconData == null) // { // iconData = IconUtil.GenerateGUIDIconData(guid); // settings.AddCustomIconData(guid, iconData); // } string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid); WallSection wallSection = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(WallSection)) as WallSection; if (wallSection != null) { Texture2D wallSectionPreview = wallSection.previewTexture; if (wallSectionPreview != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(squareRect, wallSectionPreview); } else if (defaultFound) { GUI.DrawTexture(defaultRect, settings.defaultIcon); } } Facade facade = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(Facade)) as Facade; if (facade != null) { Texture2D facadePreview = facade.previewTexture; if (facadePreview != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(squareRect, facadePreview); } else if (defaultFound) { GUI.DrawTexture(defaultRect, settings.defaultIcon); } } Surface surface = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(Surface)) as Surface; if (surface != null && surface.previewTexture != null) { if (surface.previewTexture != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(squareRect, surface.previewTexture); } else if (defaultFound) { GUI.DrawTexture(defaultRect, settings.defaultIcon); } } Gable gable = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(Gable)) as Gable; if (defaultFound && gable != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(defaultRect, settings.defaultIcon); } RoomStyle roomStyle = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(RoomStyle)) as RoomStyle; if (defaultFound && roomStyle != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(defaultRect, settings.defaultIcon); } Portal portal = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(Portal)) as Portal; if (defaultFound && portal != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(defaultRect, settings.defaultIcon); } BuildRSettings settingsIcon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(BuildRSettings)) as BuildRSettings; if (defaultFound && settingsIcon != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(defaultRect, settings.defaultIcon); } }