Пример #1
        public OrderStatus DeleteOrder(Order order, string updatingUserId)
            var daoOrder = ObjectFactory.CreateInstanceAndMap <Order, DaoOrder>(_iCommonMapper, order);

            daoOrder = _iOrderRepository.DeleteOrder(daoOrder, updatingUserId);
            return(ObjectFactory.CreateInstanceAndMap <DaoOrder, OrderStatus>(_iCommonMapper, daoOrder));
Пример #2
        public void Can_Map_DomainOrder_To_DaoOrder()
            //*** Arrange ***
            #region *** building xml ***
            var order = new DomainOrder
                ExternalCompanyId = "333333", //requiared by database
                ExternalOrderId   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Priority          = 1,        //required by database
                ProvisionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedByUser     = "******",
                ModifiedByUser    = "******",
                DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                Version           = 1,
                StatusType        = ANDP.Lib.Domain.Models.StatusType.Pending,
                ActionType        = ActionType.Add,
                Account           = new Account
                    Name    = "Brent",
                    Contact = new Contact
                        Address = new Address
                            Attention = "",

            //*** Act ***
            var daoOrder = ObjectFactory.CreateInstanceAndMap <DomainOrder, DaoOrder>(_commonMapper, order);

            daoOrder.StatusTypeId = (int)StatusTypeEnum.Pending;

            var mappedDomainOrder = ObjectFactory.CreateInstanceAndMap <DaoOrder, DomainOrder>(_commonMapper, daoOrder);
Пример #3
        public OrderStatus CreateOrUpdateOrder(Order order, string updatingUserId)
            int companyId = RetrieveCompanyIdByExtCompanyId(order.ExternalCompanyId);

            //On a update or create we want to make sure a few columns do have data.
            order.Log            = "";
            order.ResultMessage  = "";
            order.ResponseSent   = false;
            order.StartDate      = null;
            order.CompletionDate = null;

            order.Validate(new CustomValidationService(_iOrderRepository, companyId));
            if (order.ValidationErrors.Any())
                string errors = order.ValidationErrors.Aggregate("", (current, error) => current + (error + Environment.NewLine));
                throw new Exception("Order Creation Failed:" + Environment.NewLine + errors);

            var daoOrder = ObjectFactory.CreateInstanceAndMap <Order, DaoOrder>(_iCommonMapper, order);

            daoOrder = _iOrderRepository.CreateOrUpdateOrder(daoOrder, updatingUserId);
            return(ObjectFactory.CreateInstanceAndMap <DaoOrder, OrderStatus>(_iCommonMapper, daoOrder));
Пример #4
        public OrderStatus UpdateOrder(Order order, string updatingUserId)
            int companyId = RetrieveCompanyIdByExtCompanyId(order.ExternalCompanyId);

            order.Validate(new CustomValidationService(_iOrderRepository, companyId));
            if (order.ValidationErrors.Any())
                string errors = order.ValidationErrors.Aggregate("", (current, error) => current + (error + Environment.NewLine));
                throw new Exception("Update Failed:" + Environment.NewLine + errors);

            //todo: quick fix to set these properties as when a order comes in end user doesn't want to have to set all this.
            //the attach should look for child objects.
            foreach (var service in order.Services)
                service.CreatedByUser  = updatingUserId;
                service.ModifiedByUser = updatingUserId;
                service.DateCreated    = DateTime.Now;
                service.DateModified   = DateTime.Now;
                //service.Version = 0;

                foreach (var location in service.Locations)
                    if (location.InternetItems != null)
                        foreach (var item in location.InternetItems)
                            item.CreatedByUser  = updatingUserId;
                            item.ModifiedByUser = updatingUserId;
                            item.DateCreated    = DateTime.Now;
                            item.DateModified   = DateTime.Now;
                            //item.Version = 0;

                    if (location.PhoneItems != null)
                        foreach (var item in location.PhoneItems)
                            item.CreatedByUser  = updatingUserId;
                            item.ModifiedByUser = updatingUserId;
                            item.DateCreated    = DateTime.Now;
                            item.DateModified   = DateTime.Now;
                            //item.Version = 0;

                    if (location.VideoItems != null)
                        foreach (var item in location.VideoItems)
                            item.CreatedByUser  = updatingUserId;
                            item.ModifiedByUser = updatingUserId;
                            item.DateCreated    = DateTime.Now;
                            item.DateModified   = DateTime.Now;
                            //item.Version = 0;

            var daoOrder = ObjectFactory.CreateInstanceAndMap <Order, DaoOrder>(_iCommonMapper, order);

            daoOrder = _iOrderRepository.UpdateOrder(daoOrder, updatingUserId);
            return(ObjectFactory.CreateInstanceAndMap <DaoOrder, OrderStatus>(_iCommonMapper, daoOrder));
Пример #5
        public void Can_Provision_Order()
            Order order = new Order
                Account = new Account
                    CompanyId         = 7,
                    ExternalAccountId = "myExternalAccountId",
                    Contact           = new Contact
                        Address     = null,
                        FirstName   = "billy",
                        LastName    = "bob",
                        PhoneNumber = "6541231234",
                        Type        = "mytype"
                    StatusType     = StatusType.Pending,
                    CreatedByUser  = "******",
                    ModifiedByUser = "******"
                ActionType        = ActionType.Add,
                CSR               = null,
                ClassOfService    = "myclass",
                CompletionDate    = DateTime.Now,
                Configuration     = "myConfiguration",
                CreatedByUser     = "******",
                DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                ExternalAccountId = "s6767d96s78d",
                ExternalCompanyId = "4",
                ExternalOrderId   = "4664984964678",
                Id               = 0,
                Log              = null,
                ModifiedByUser   = "******",
                NewNetCaseId     = null,
                NewNetProcessId  = null,
                NewNetRouteIndex = null,
                NewNetTaskId     = null,
                NewNetTriggerId  = null,
                NewNetUserId     = null,
                OrginatingIp     = null,
                Priority         = 1,
                Product          = null,
                ProvisionDate    = DateTime.Now,
                ResponseSent     = false,
                ResultMessage    = null,
                ServiceProvider  = null,
                Services         = new List <Service>
                    new Service
                        ActionType        = ActionType.Add,
                        CompletionDate    = null,
                        CreatedByUser     = "******",
                        DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                        DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                        ExternalServiceId = "ExternalServiceId",
                        Id        = 0,
                        Locations = new List <Location>
                            new Location
                                Address = new Address
                                CountyJurisdiction   = null,
                                DistrictJurisdiction = null,
                                ExternalLocationId   = null,
                                LocationInfo         = null,
                                MsaGesn          = 0,
                                MsagExchange     = null,
                                TaxArea          = null,
                                ValidationErrors = null,
                                //InternetItems = null,
                                //VideoItems = new List<VideoItem>
                                //    new VideoItem
                                //    {
                                //        StatusType = StatusType.Pending
                                //    }
                                PhoneItems = new List <PhoneItem>
                                    new PhoneItem
                                        ActionType       = ActionType.Add,
                                        CompletionDate   = null,
                                        CreatedByUser    = "******",
                                        DateCreated      = DateTime.Now,
                                        DateModified     = DateTime.Now,
                                        Directory        = null,
                                        ExternalItemId   = "ExternalItemId",
                                        Id               = 0,
                                        Log              = null,
                                        ModifiedByUser   = "******",
                                        ServiceId        = 0,
                                        ResultMessage    = null,
                                        StartDate        = DateTime.Now,
                                        ValidationErrors = null,
                                        Version          = 0,
                                        Xml              = null,
                                        Priority         = 1,
                                        ProvisionDate    = DateTime.Now,
                                        StatusType       = StatusType.Pending,
                                        //Features = null,
                                        LineInformation = new LineInformation
                                            ActionType   = ActionType.Add,
                                            PhoneNumber  = "6541231234",
                                            InterLataPic = new InterLataPic
                                                ActionType       = ActionType.Add,
                                                Cic              = "123",
                                                PicEffectiveDate = DateTime.Now
                                            IntraLataPic = new IntraLataPic
                                                ActionType       = ActionType.Add,
                                                Cic              = "123",
                                                PicEffectiveDate = DateTime.Now
                                            InterNationalPic = new InterNationalPic
                                                ActionType       = ActionType.Add,
                                                Cic              = "123",
                                                PicEffectiveDate = DateTime.Now
                                        ProvisionSequence = 1
                        Log               = null,
                        ModifiedByUser    = "******",
                        OrderId           = 0,
                        Priority          = 1,
                        ProvisionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                        ProvisionSequence = 1,
                        ResultMessage     = null,
                        StartDate         = DateTime.Now,
                        StatusType        = StatusType.Pending,
                        ValidationErrors  = null,
                        Version           = 0,
                        Xml               = null
                StartDate        = DateTime.Now,
                StatusType       = StatusType.Pending,
                ValidationErrors = null,
                Version          = 0,
                Xml = null

            order.Services[0].Locations[0].PhoneItems[0].Plant = new SerializableDictionary <string, object>();
            var accessDevice = new SerializableDictionary <string, object> {
                { "AccessLine", 484 }, { "Name", "C024" }

            order.Services[0].Locations[0].PhoneItems[0].Plant.Add("AccessDevice", accessDevice);

            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(order);

            var orderStatus = _iOrderService.CreateOrUpdateOrder(order, "hi");
            //Assert.AreEqual(orderStatus.Id, 0);
Пример #6
        public void Can_Provision_Emp_Order()
            Order order = new Order
                Account = new Account
                    CompanyId         = 7,
                    ExternalAccountId = "myExternalAccountId",
                    Contact           = new Contact
                        Address     = null,
                        FirstName   = "billy",
                        LastName    = "bob",
                        PhoneNumber = "6541231234",
                        Type        = "mytype"
                    StatusType     = StatusType.Pending,
                    CreatedByUser  = "******",
                    ModifiedByUser = "******"
                ActionType        = ActionType.Add,
                CSR               = null,
                ClassOfService    = "myclass",
                CompletionDate    = DateTime.Now,
                Configuration     = "myConfiguration",
                CreatedByUser     = "******",
                DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                ExternalAccountId = "s6767d96s78d",
                ExternalCompanyId = "4",
                ExternalOrderId   = "4664984964678",
                Id               = 0,
                Log              = null,
                ModifiedByUser   = "******",
                NewNetCaseId     = null,
                NewNetProcessId  = null,
                NewNetRouteIndex = null,
                NewNetTaskId     = null,
                NewNetTriggerId  = null,
                NewNetUserId     = null,
                OrginatingIp     = null,
                Priority         = 1,
                Product          = null,
                ProvisionDate    = DateTime.Now,
                ResponseSent     = false,
                ResultMessage    = null,
                ServiceProvider  = null,
                Services         = new List <Service>
                    new Service
                        ActionType        = ActionType.Add,
                        CompletionDate    = null,
                        CreatedByUser     = "******",
                        DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                        DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                        ExternalServiceId = "ExternalServiceId",
                        Id        = 0,
                        Locations = new List <Location>
                            new Location
                                CountyJurisdiction   = null,
                                DistrictJurisdiction = null,
                                ExternalLocationId   = null,
                                LocationInfo         = null,
                                MsaGesn          = 0,
                                MsagExchange     = null,
                                TaxArea          = null,
                                ValidationErrors = null,
                                InternetItems    = new List <InternetItem>
                                    new InternetItem
                                        Plant = new SerializableDictionary <string, object>
                                            { "CentralOffice", "CalixE7" },
                                            { "TransportType", "GPON" },
                                            { "OntNumber", 5499100 },
                                            { "Coid", "RSVL" },
                                            { "Ports", new List <object>
                                                  new SerializableDictionary <string, object>
                                                      { "Name", "" },
                                                      { "Number", 5 },
                                                      { "Status", "" },
                                                      { "DataServiceNumber", 1 },
                                                      { "Type", "Ont" }
                                              } }
                        Log               = null,
                        ModifiedByUser    = "******",
                        OrderId           = 0,
                        Priority          = 1,
                        ProvisionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                        ProvisionSequence = 1,
                        ResultMessage     = null,
                        StartDate         = DateTime.Now,
                        StatusType        = StatusType.Pending,
                        ValidationErrors  = null,
                        Version           = 0,
                        Xml               = null
                StartDate        = DateTime.Now,
                StatusType       = StatusType.Pending,
                ValidationErrors = null,
                Version          = 0,
                Xml = null

            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(order);

            //var doc = new XmlDocument();
            //string jsonText = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc);

            //var orderStatus = _iOrderService.CreateOrUpdateOrder(order, "hi");
            //Assert.AreEqual(orderStatus.Id, 0);
Пример #7
        public void Can_Delete_Order_By_Ext_Order_Id()
            var externalOrderId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            //*** Arrange ***
            #region Building domain order model
            var order = new DomainOrder
                ExternalOrderId   = externalOrderId,
                ExternalCompanyId = "3",                       //required by database
                ExternalAccountId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), //required by the database
                Priority          = 1,                         //required by database
                ProvisionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedByUser     = "******",
                ModifiedByUser    = "******",
                DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                Version           = 0,
                StatusType        = StatusType.Pending,
                ActionType        = ActionType.Add,
                Services          = new List <Service>
                    new Service
                        CreatedByUser     = "******",
                        DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                        DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                        ExternalServiceId = "3333",
                        ModifiedByUser    = "******",
                        Priority          = 1,
                        ProvisionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                        ProvisionSequence = 1,
                        Version           = 0,
                        StatusType        = StatusType.Pending,
                        ActionType        = ActionType.Add,
                        Locations         = new List <Location>
                            new Location
                                Address = new Address
                                    Attention = "hi"
                Account = new DomainAccount
                    Name           = "Brent",
                    CreatedByUser  = "******",
                    ModifiedByUser = "******",
                    Contact        = new Contact
                        Address = new Address
                            Attention = ""

            var daoOrder = ObjectFactory.CreateInstanceAndMap <ANDP.Lib.Domain.Models.Order, ANDP.Lib.Data.Repositories.Order.Order>(_commonMapper, order);

            var initialOrderStatus = _iOrderRepository.CreateOrUpdateOrder(daoOrder, "UnitTest");
            //Making sure we have a order created to delete.
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, initialOrderStatus.Id);

            //*** Act ***
            var deleteOrderResult = _iOrderRepository.DeleteOrderByExtId(externalOrderId, "");

            //*** Assert ***
Пример #8
        public void Can_Create_Order_Add_Phone_And_Video()
            //*** Arrange ***
            #region Building domain order model

            string externalAccountId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var order = new DomainOrder
                ExternalOrderId   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                ExternalCompanyId = "3", //required by database
                ExternalAccountId = externalAccountId,
                Priority          = 1,   //required by database
                ProvisionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedByUser     = "******",
                ModifiedByUser    = "******",
                DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                Version           = 0,
                ActionType        = ANDP.Lib.Domain.Models.ActionType.Add,
                StatusType        = StatusType.Pending,
                NewNetCaseId      = "30194091753e4244f75eb34087632097",
                NewNetRouteIndex  = "2",
                NewNetProcessId   = "1",
                NewNetTaskId      = "1",
                NewNetUserId      = "1",
                Services          = new List <Service>
                    new Service
                        CreatedByUser     = "******",
                        DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                        DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                        ExternalServiceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        ModifiedByUser    = "******",
                        Priority          = 1,
                        ProvisionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                        ProvisionSequence = 1,
                        Version           = 0,
                        StatusType        = StatusType.Pending,
                        ActionType        = ActionType.Add,
                        Locations         = new List <Location>
                            new Location
                                Address = new Address
                                    Attention = "hi"
                                VideoItems = new List <VideoItem>
                                    new VideoItem
                                        CreatedByUser     = "******",
                                        DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                                        DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                                        ExternalItemId    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                        ModifiedByUser    = "******",
                                        Priority          = 1,
                                        ProvisionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                                        ProvisionSequence = 1,
                                        Version           = 0,
                                        ActionType        = ActionType.Add,
                                        StatusType        = StatusType.Pending,
                                        Plant             = new SerializableDictionary <string, object>
                                            { "Settops", new List <object>
                                                  new SerializableDictionary <string, object>
                                                      { "Name", "DVR" },
                                                      { "Number", 5 },
                                                      { "Status", "" },
                                                      { "DataServiceNumber", 1 },
                                                      { "Type", "RCA" }
                                              } }
                                        Features = new List <Feature>
                                            new Feature
                                                ActionType  = ActionType.Add,
                                                Code        = "HBO",
                                                Description = "HBO"
                                            }, new Feature
                                                ActionType  = ActionType.Add,
                                                Code        = "Starz",
                                                Description = "Starz"
                                PhoneItems = new List <PhoneItem>
                                    new PhoneItem
                                        CreatedByUser     = "******",
                                        DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                                        DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                                        ExternalItemId    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                        ModifiedByUser    = "******",
                                        Priority          = 1,
                                        ProvisionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                                        ProvisionSequence = 1,
                                        Version           = 0,
                                        ActionType        = ActionType.Add,
                                        StatusType        = StatusType.Pending,
                                        LineInformation   = new LineInformation
                                            ActionType       = ActionType.Add,
                                            PhoneNumber      = "6051119999",
                                            CallerName       = "QS Solutions",
                                            DirectoryPublish = "Yes"
                                        Features = new List <Feature>
                                            new Feature
                                                ActionType  = ActionType.Add,
                                                Code        = "VoiceMail",
                                                Description = "Gold Voice mail"
                Account = new DomainAccount
                    Name                   = "Brent",
                    CreatedByUser          = "******",
                    ModifiedByUser         = "******",
                    ExternalAccountId      = externalAccountId,
                    ExternalAccountGroupId = "test",
                    Contact                = new Contact
                        Address = new Address
                            Attention = "",

                var daoOrder = ObjectFactory.CreateInstanceAndMap <ANDP.Lib.Domain.Models.Order, ANDP.Lib.Data.Repositories.Order.Order>(_commonMapper, order);

                //*** Act ***
                var newDomainOrder = _iOrderRepository.CreateOrUpdateOrder(daoOrder, "UnitTest");
                //*** Assert ***
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, newDomainOrder.Id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var t = ex.ToString();
Пример #9
        public void Can_Create_Delete_Voicemail_Order()
            //*** Arrange ***
            #region Building domain order model
            var order = new DomainOrder
                ExternalOrderId   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                ExternalCompanyId = "3",
                ExternalAccountId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Priority          = 1, //required by database
                ProvisionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                //CreatedByUser = "******",
                //ModifiedByUser = "******",
                //DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                //DateModified = DateTime.Now,
                //Version = 0,
                ActionType       = ActionType.Change,
                StatusType       = StatusType.Pending,
                NewNetCaseId     = "30194091753e4244f75eb34087632097",
                NewNetRouteIndex = "1",
                NewNetProcessId  = "1",
                NewNetTaskId     = "1",
                NewNetUserId     = "1",
                Services         = new List <Service>
                    new Service
                        CreatedByUser     = "******",
                        DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                        DateModified      = DateTime.Now,
                        ExternalServiceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        ModifiedByUser    = "******",
                        Priority          = 1,
                        ProvisionDate     = DateTime.Now,
                        ProvisionSequence = 1,
                        //Version = 0,
                        StatusType = StatusType.Pending,
                        ActionType = ActionType.Change,
                        Locations  = new List <Location>
                            new Location
                                Address = new Address
                                    Attention    = "UnitTest",
                                    Municipality = "Sioux Falls",
                                    PostalCode   = "57064",
                                    StreetLine1  = "111 S Some Street"
                                PhoneItems = new List <PhoneItem>
                                    new PhoneItem
                                        ExternalItemId  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                        ActionType      = ActionType.Change,
                                        StatusType      = StatusType.Pending,
                                        CreatedByUser   = "******",
                                        ModifiedByUser  = "******",
                                        DateCreated     = DateTime.Now,
                                        DateModified    = DateTime.Now,
                                        LineInformation = new LineInformation
                                            ActionType       = ActionType.Unchanged,
                                            PhoneNumber      = "6051119999",
                                            CallerName       = "QS Solutions",
                                            DirectoryPublish = "Yes"
                                        Features = new List <Feature>
                                            new Feature
                                                ActionType  = ActionType.Delete,
                                                Code        = "VoiceMail",
                                                Description = "Gold Voice mail"
                Account = new DomainAccount
                    Name = "Brent",
                    //CreatedByUser = "******",
                    //ModifiedByUser = "******",
                    Contact = new Contact
                        Address = new Address
                            Attention    = "UnitTest",
                            Municipality = "Sioux Falls",
                            PostalCode   = "57064",
                            StreetLine1  = "111 S Some Street"

            var daoOrder = ObjectFactory.CreateInstanceAndMap <ANDP.Lib.Domain.Models.Order, ANDP.Lib.Data.Repositories.Order.Order>(_commonMapper, order);

            //*** Act ***
            var newDomainOrder = _iOrderRepository.CreateOrUpdateOrder(daoOrder, "UnitTest");

            //*** Assert ***
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, newDomainOrder.Id);