Пример #1
        //Returns true if sphere s intersects OBB b, false otherwise.
        //The point p on the OBB closest to the sphere center is also returned
        bool TestCircleOBB(CircleObstacle obstacle, SimpleActor.OBB box, out Vector2 closestPoint)
            // Find point p on OBB closest to sphere center
            closestPoint = ClosestPtPointOBB(obstacle.Center, box);

            // Sphere and OBB intersect if the (squared) distance from sphere
            // center to point p is less than the (squared) sphere radius
            Vector2 v = closestPoint - obstacle.Center;

            return(v.sqrMagnitude <= obstacle.Radius * obstacle.Radius);
Пример #2
        void AvoidObstacle()
            int obstaclesCount  = 0;
            int obstacleToAvoid = 0;

            Vector2[]        closestPoints    = new Vector2[10];
            CircleObstacle[] closestObstacles = new CircleObstacle[10];

            foreach (CircleObstacle circleObj in circleObjs)
                Vector2 closestPoint;
                if (TestCircleOBB(circleObj, _actor.Box, out closestPoint))
                    closestPoints[obstaclesCount]    = closestPoint;
                    closestObstacles[obstaclesCount] = circleObj;


            for (int i = 0; i < obstaclesCount; i++)
                Vector2 toClosest = closestPoints[obstacleToAvoid] - _actor.Center;
                Vector2 toClose   = closestPoints[i] - _actor.Center;

                if (toClose.sqrMagnitude > toClosest.sqrMagnitude)
                    obstacleToAvoid = i;

            if (obstaclesCount != 0)
                _lateral_velocity = -Vector3.Project((closestObstacles[obstacleToAvoid].Center - _actor.Center), _actor.Box._local_axes[1]);

                _break_velocity = -Vector3.Project((closestPoints[obstacleToAvoid] - _actor.Center), _actor.Box._local_axes[0]);
                _break_velocity = (_actor.Box._extents[0] * 2 - _break_velocity.magnitude) * _break_velocity.normalized;
                _lateral_velocity = Vector2.zero;
                _break_velocity   = Vector2.zero;