Пример #1
        public DataTable GetDataTable()
            TblEmployee employee = new TblEmployee();
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            string cmdText = "";
            int MemberAge = 0;

            //string cmdAge = "select datediff(yy, dtDOB,getdate()) from tblmember where strMembershipID = @strMembershipID";
            string cmdAge = "select case when datediff(yy, dtDOB,getdate())=22 and getdate()<(case when ISDATE(Convert(varchar(4),year(GETDATE()))+'-'+Convert(varchar(5),dtDOB,110))=1 then Convert(varchar(4),year(GETDATE()))+'-'+Convert(varchar(5),dtDOB,110) else Convert(varchar(4),year(GETDATE()))+'-02-28' end) then 21 else datediff(yy, dtDOB,getdate()) end from tblmember where strMembershipID = @strMembershipID";
            DataTable AgeTable = new DataTable();
            AgeTable = employee.LoadData(cmdAge, new string[] {"@strMembershipID"},new object[] {myPOS.StrMembershipID});
            if (ACMS.Convert.ToInt32(AgeTable.Rows[0][0]) <= 21)//jackie change to 18yrs old 1507
                MemberAge =1;

            if (myCategoryID == 1 || myCategoryID == 3 ||
                myCategoryID == 4 || myCategoryID == 5 || myCategoryID == 6 ||
                myCategoryID == 14 || myCategoryID == 23)
                if (MemberAge == 0)
                    cmdText = "Select A.* from tblPackage A, tblPackageBranch B where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " +
                    " A.dtValidStart <= @today and A.dtValidEnd >= @today AND A.strPackageCode = B.strPackageCode AND " +
                    " B.strBranchCode = @strBranchCode AND A.nStatus = 1 and fSell=1 and fstudentpackage <> 1";
                    cmdText = "Select A.* from tblPackage A, tblPackageBranch B where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " +
                        " A.dtValidStart <= @today and A.dtValidEnd >= @today AND A.strPackageCode = B.strPackageCode AND " +
                        " B.strBranchCode = @strBranchCode AND A.nStatus = 1 and fSell=1";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCategoryID", "@today", "@strBranchCode","@strMembershipID","@fMemberAge"}, new object[] {myCategoryID, DateTime.Today.Date, myStrBranchCode,myPOS.StrMembershipID,MemberAge});

                return table;
            if (myCategoryID == 2)
                cmdText = "Select A.* from tblPackage A, tblPackageBranch B where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " +
                    " A.dtValidStart <= @today and A.dtValidEnd >= @today AND A.strPackageCode = B.strPackageCode AND " +
                    " B.strBranchCode = @strBranchCode AND A.nStatus = 1 AND A.fGiro = 1";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCategoryID", "@today", "@strBranchCode"}, new object[] {myCategoryID, DateTime.Today.Date, myStrBranchCode});

                return table;
            if (myCategoryID == 7)
                cmdText = "Select * from tblCreditPackage where nCategoryID = 7 AND " +
                    " dtValidStart <= @today and dtValidEnd >= @today";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@today"}, new object[] {DateTime.Today.Date});

                return table;
            //if (myCategoryID == 13)
            //    cmdText = "Select * from tblCreditPackage where nCategoryID = 13 AND " +
            //        " dtValidStart <= @today and dtValidEnd >= @today";

            //    table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] { "@today" }, new object[] { DateTime.Today.Date });

            //    return table;
            if (myCategoryID == 36)
                cmdText = "Select * from tblCreditPackage where nCategoryID = 36 AND " +
                    " dtValidStart <= @today and dtValidEnd >= @today";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] { "@today" }, new object[] { DateTime.Today.Date });

                return table;
            if (myCategoryID == 37)
                cmdText = "Select * from tblCreditPackage where nCategoryID = 37 AND " +
                    " dtValidStart <= @today and dtValidEnd >= @today";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] { "@today" }, new object[] { DateTime.Today.Date });

                return table;
            if (myCategoryID == 38)
                cmdText = "Select * from tblCashVoucher where strbranchcode=@strBranchCode and fsell=1 and nstatusid=0 ORDER BY strSN ";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] { "@strBranchCode" }, new object[] { myStrBranchCode });

                return table;
            if (myCategoryID == 8 || myCategoryID == 9)
                cmdText = "Select * from tblPackageGroup where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " +
                    " dtValidStart <= @today and dtValidEnd >= @today";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCategoryID", "@today"}, new object[] {myCategoryID, DateTime.Today.Date});

                return table;
            else if (myCategoryID == 11 || myCategoryID == 12 || myCategoryID == 21)
                cmdText = "Select A.*, C.strDescription as BrandDesc, D.strDescription as ColorDesc, " +
                    " E.strDescription as SizeDesc, F.strDescription as StyleDesc, R.nQty " +
                    " from tblProduct A inner join tblProductBranch B on A.strProductCode = B.strProductCode " +
                    " left outer join tblBrand C on A.strBrandCode = C.strBrandCode "+
                    " left outer join tblColor D on A.strColorCode = D.strColorCode "+
                    " left outer join tblSize E on A.strSizeCode = E.strSizeCode "+
                    " left outer join tblStyle F on A.strStyleCode = F.strStyleCode "+
                    " left outer join tblSCStockRecon R on (A.strProductCode = R.strProductCode AND B.strBranchCode=R.strBranchCode) "+
                    " where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " +
                    " A.dtValidStart <= @today and A.dtValidEnd >= @today AND " +
                    " B.strBranchCode = @strBranchCode AND A.nStatus = 1 ";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCategoryID", "@today", "@strBranchCode"}, new object[] {myCategoryID, DateTime.Today.Date, myStrBranchCode});

                return table;
            else if (myCategoryID == 21)
                cmdText = "Select A.* from tblProduct A, tblProductBranch B where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " +
                    " A.dtValidStart <= @today and A.dtValidEnd >= @today AND A.strProductCode = B.strProductCode AND " +
                    " B.strBranchCode = @strBranchCode AND A.nStatus = 1 AND A.strProductCode = 'MW' ";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCategoryID", "@today", "@strBranchCode"}, new object[] {myCategoryID, DateTime.Today.Date, myStrBranchCode});

                return table;
            else if (myCategoryID == 17)
                //cmdText = "select r2.* from tblreceipt r2 Where strMembershipID = @strMembershipID AND nCategoryID = 17 AND fVoid = 0 AND mTotalAmount > 0 and strReceiptNo not in (select strcode from tblReceiptEntries re join tblReceipt r on re.strReceiptNo=r.strReceiptNo where r.fVoid=0 and r.strReceiptNo=r2.strReceiptNo)";
                cmdText = "select r1.* from (select r.* from tblreceipt r Where strMembershipID = '" + myPOS.StrMembershipID  + "' AND nCategoryID = 17 AND fVoid = 0 AND mTotalAmount > 0) r1 left join (select re.strCode from tblReceiptEntries re join tblReceipt r on re.strReceiptNo=r.strReceiptNo where r.fVoid=0) r2 on r1.strReceiptNo=r2.strCode where strCode is null ";
                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] { "@strMembershipID" }, new object[] { myPOS.StrMembershipID });

                return table;

            return null;
Пример #2
        public DataTable SearchOnePackageCode(string strPackageCode)
            TblEmployee employee = new TblEmployee();
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            string cmdText = "";

            if (myCategoryID == 1 || myCategoryID == 3 ||
                myCategoryID == 4 || myCategoryID == 5 || myCategoryID == 6)
                cmdText = "Select A.* from tblPackage A, tblPackageBranch B where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " +
                    " A.dtValidStart <= @today and A.dtValidEnd >= @today AND A.strPackageCode = B.strPackageCode AND " +
                    " B.strBranchCode = @strBranchCode AND A.nStatus = 1 and A.strPackageCode = @strPackageCode";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCategoryID", "@today", "@strBranchCode", "@strPackageCode"},
                    new object[] {myCategoryID, DateTime.Today.Date, myStrBranchCode, strPackageCode});

                return table;
            if ((myCategoryID == 2) || (myCategoryID == 34))
                cmdText = "Select A.* from tblPackage A, tblPackageBranch B where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " +
                    " A.dtValidStart <= @today and A.dtValidEnd >= @today AND A.strPackageCode = B.strPackageCode AND " +
                    " B.strBranchCode = @strBranchCode AND A.nStatus = 1 AND A.fGiro = 1 and A.strPackageCode = @strPackageCode";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCategoryID", "@today", "@strBranchCode", "@strPackageCode"},
                            new object[] {myCategoryID, DateTime.Today.Date, myStrBranchCode, strPackageCode});

                return table;
            if (myCategoryID == 7)
                cmdText = "Select * from tblCreditPackage where nCategoryID = 7 AND " +
                    " dtValidStart <= @today and dtValidEnd >= @today and strCreditPackageCode = @strCreditPackageCode " ;

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@today", "@strCreditPackageCode"},
                    new object[] {DateTime.Today.Date, strPackageCode});

                return table;
            if (myCategoryID == 8 || myCategoryID == 9)
                cmdText = "Select * from tblPackageGroup where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " +
                    " dtValidStart <= @today and dtValidEnd >= @today and strPackageGroupCode = @strPackageGroupCode";

                table = employee.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCategoryID", "@today", "@strPackageGroupCode"},
                    new object[] {myCategoryID, DateTime.Today.Date, strPackageCode});

                return table;

            return null;