Пример #1
  public int getLongestPath(node[] nodes, int nodeIndex, bool[] visited)

    int max = 0;
    visited[nodeIndex] = true;
    route[] neighbours = nodes[nodeIndex].neighbours;

    for (var i = 0; i < neighbours.Length; i++)
      if (!visited[neighbours[i].dest])
        int dist = neighbours[i].cost + getLongestPath(nodes, neighbours[i].dest, visited);
        if (dist > max)
          max = dist;

    visited[nodeIndex] = false;

    return max;
Пример #2
    node insert(node _node, float x, float y, Transform t)
        if (null == _node)
            return new node(x, y, t);

        if (x >= _node.x && y >= _node.y)
            _node.ne = insert(_node.ne, x, y, t);
        else if (x >= _node.x && y <= _node.y)
            _node.se = insert(_node.se, x, y, t);
        else if (x <= _node.x && y <= _node.y)
            _node.sw = insert(_node.sw, x, y, t);
        else if (x <= _node.x && y >= _node.y)
            _node.nw = insert(_node.nw, x, y, t);

        return _node;
Пример #3
 // constructor function
 public CELL(MBR W)
     this.current = W;
     this.next = null;
     this.prev = null;
     this.child = null;
Пример #4
    public List<node> getNeighbours(node node)
        List<node> neighbours = new List<node> ();

        for (int x = -1; x<= 1; x++)
            for (int y = -1; y<= 1; y++)
                if (x == 0 && y == 0)

                int checkX = node.gridX + x;
                int checkY = node.gridY + y;

                if(checkX >= 0 && checkX < gridSizeX && checkY >= 0 && checkY < gridSizeY)
                    neighbours.Add(mainGrid[checkX, checkY]);

        return neighbours;
Пример #5
 public void allot_category(Form1 form,node[] network,int alturists,int traders,int parasites)
     int index;
     this.f = form;
     Random r = new Random();
     for (int i = 0; i < alturists;)
         index = r.Next() % f.no_of_nodes;
         if (network[index].category == 0)
             network[index].category = 1;
         else continue;
     for (int i = 0; i < traders;)
         index = r.Next()%f.no_of_nodes;
         if (network[index].category == 0)
             network[index].category = 2;
     for (int i = 0; i < f.no_of_nodes;i++ )
         if (network[i].category == 0)
             network[i].category = 3;
             network[i].upl_edges = 0;
Пример #6
 public Split_info()
     mbr = null;
     newnode = null;
     xcut = - 1;
     ycut = - 1;
Пример #7
        private static void collectAllConnected(List<node> nodes, List<edge> edges, node initialNode, out List<node> outNodes, out List<edge> outEdges)
            var theseNodes = new List<node> { initialNode };
            var theseEdges = new List<edge>();

            while (true)
                var edge = edges.FirstOrDefault(e => theseNodes.Contains(e.StartNode));
                if (edge != null)
                    if (!theseNodes.Contains(edge.EndNode))
                    edge = edges.FirstOrDefault(e => theseNodes.Contains(e.EndNode));
                    if (edge == null)
                    if (!theseNodes.Contains(edge.StartNode))
            outNodes = theseNodes;
            outEdges = theseEdges;
Пример #8
 public node[] ReadPlaces(string path)
   string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path);
   int numNodes = Int32.Parse(lines[0]);
   node[] nodes = new node[numNodes];
   List<route>[] routes = new List<route>[numNodes];
   for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
     nodes[i] = new node();
     routes[i] = new List<route>();
   for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++)
     string[] nums = lines[i].Split(' ');
     if (nums.Length < 3)
     int node = Int32.Parse(nums[0]);
     int neighbour = Int32.Parse(nums[1]);
     int cost = Int32.Parse(nums[2]);
     routes[node].Add(new route(neighbour, cost));
   for (int i = 0; i < routes.Length; i++)
     nodes[i].neighbours = routes[i].ToArray();
   return nodes;
Пример #9
 //utiltiy function
 public node<int> GetlastNode(node<int> head)
     node<int> last = head;
     while (last.next != null)
         last = last.next;
     return last;
Пример #10
 public Partition_info()
     this.R = new node();
     this.S = new LIST();
     xcut = - 1;
     ycut = - 1;
Пример #11
 public node(HexBehavior current, node previous, float hDistance, float gDistance) {
     this.current = current;
     this.previous = previous;
     this.hDistance = hDistance;
     this.gDistance = gDistance;
     distance = hDistance + gDistance;
Пример #12
 public Edge(node Node1, node Node2)
     FromNode = Node1;
     ToNode = Node2;
     distance = Driver.distance(Node1.x, Node1.y, Node2.x, Node2.y);
     xdif = Node2.x - Node1.x;
     ydif = Node2.y - Node1.y;
 public void print(node<int> head)
     while (head != null)
         Console.Write(" " + head.data);
         head = head.next;
Пример #14
 // Create an empty initialized template
 public Template()
     head = new node();
     addedHead = new node();
     addedTail = addedHead;
     firstSection = new section();
     tpl = this;
     fields = new Object[MAX_FIELDS];
     sections = new Object[MAX_FIELDS];
Пример #15
        static void heapify(node[] arr)
            int end = arr.Length - 1;
            int start = (end - 1) / 2;

            while (start >= 0)
                siftDown(arr, start, end);
Пример #16
 public int getSize(node<int> head)
     int count =0;
     node<int> cur = head;
     while (cur != null)
         cur = cur.next;
     return count;
Пример #17
 private void addToList(List<List<string>> solutions, node end_n)
     List<string> temp = new List<string>();
     while (end_n._last != null)
         end_n = end_n._last;
Пример #18
        public static void disp(node root)
            int size = 0;
            List<node> children = new List<node>();
            children = root.getAll(ref size);

            for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
Пример #19
 static void heapSort(node[] arr)
     int end = arr.Length - 1;
     while (end > 0)
         node temp = arr[0];
         arr[0] = arr[end];
         arr[end] = temp;
         siftDown(arr, 0, end);
Пример #20
        // Create using template file
        public Template(string data)
            head = new node();
            addedHead = new node();
            addedTail = addedHead;
            firstSection = new section();
            tpl = this;
            fields = new Object[MAX_FIELDS];
            sections = new Object[MAX_FIELDS];

            data = SECTIONTAG_HEAD + data + SECTIONTAG_TAIL;
            construct(data, SECTIONTAG_HEAD_LEN, data.Length-SECTIONTAG_TAIL_LEN);
Пример #21
        IEnumerable<node> IGraphService.GetShortestPath(node sourceNode, node destinationNode)
            List<node> graphNodes = new List<node>();
            using (var factory = new ChannelFactory<IDataService>("DataServiceClient"))
                var proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
                graphNodes = proxy.GetAllNodes().ToList();

            Graph graph = new Graph(graphNodes);
            var result = graph.GetShortestPath(sourceNode, destinationNode);
            return result;
Пример #22
 public bool add(int value)
     if (root ==null)
         root = new node(value);
         return true;
          return true;
Пример #23
 public void plot_cells(Vector3 start_posi, uint x_cell_height, uint y_cell_width)
     int xlen = grid.GetLength (0);
     int ylen = grid.GetLength (1);
     for (int x = 0; x < xlen; x++) {
         for (int y = 0; y< ylen; y++) {
             Vector3 posi = start_posi;
             posi.x += x_cell_height * x;
             posi.z += y_cell_width * y;
             grid [x, y] = new node (posi, true);
Пример #24
 public string add(int value)
     if (root ==null)
         root = new node(value);
         return "添加节点为第一个父节点";
         return "添加节点成功";
Пример #25
 public void compute_h_costs(node[,] grid, node desination)
     foreach (node n in grid) {
         n.extimated_cost = Vector3.Distance (n.position, desination.position);
     foreach (node n in grid) {
         if (n.walkable == false) {
             closed_nodes.Add (n);
         } else {
             open_nodes.Add (n);
Пример #26
 public List<node> A_star_find_path(node current, node goal, node[,] grid)
     List<node> path = new List<node> ();
     if (goal.walkable == false) {
         Debug.Log ("you clicked on a non rechable area");
         return path;
     compute_h_costs (grid, goal); //pre compute h costs
     //find all open neighbour nodes arround current node
     node current_n = current;
     while (current_n != goal) {
             path.Add (current_n);
         List<node> neighbours = find_neighbour_nodes (current_n, grid);
         if(neighbours.Count == 0){
             Debug.Log("dead lock");
             path.Remove(current_n); //remove it from path
             current_n = path[path.Count-2];
     //				open_nodes.Add(current_n);
     //				if (path.Count > 22 ) {
     //					Debug.Log("No route possible");
     //					break;
     //				}
     //				break;
         node next_node = chose_node (neighbours, current_n);
         if(next_node == current_n)
             //failed to choose because no open neighbour exits
             Debug.Log("No route possible");
         current_n = next_node;
             //path reversing
             node last_entry = path[path.Count-1];
             open_nodes.Remove(last_entry); //remove last node
             closed_nodes.Add(last_entry);  //add that to closed path
     if(current_n == goal){
         Debug.Log("It worked you got it");
     return path;
Пример #27
 // Create using template file
 public Template(string filename)
     head = new node();
     addedHead = new node();
     addedTail = addedHead;
     firstSection = new section();
     tpl = this;
     fields = new Object[MAX_FIELDS];
     sections = new Object[MAX_FIELDS];
     StreamReader re = new StreamReader(filename, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
     string data = SECTIONTAG_HEAD + re.ReadToEnd() + SECTIONTAG_TAIL;
     construct(data, SECTIONTAG_HEAD_LEN, data.Length - SECTIONTAG_TAIL_LEN);
Пример #28
        static void FindAdjacentIndex(int[] arr)
            node[] n = new node[arr.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
                n[i] = new node(arr[i], i);

            Console.WriteLine("After sorting elements: ");
            foreach (node ele in n)
                Console.WriteLine("val = {0} & index = {1}", ele.val, ele.index);

            Console.WriteLine("Adjacent Pairs: ");

            Dictionary<int, List<int>> dict = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();

            //node cur = n[0];
            //int prevIndex = cur.index;
            //List<int> dup = new List<int>();
            //for(int i = 1; i < n.Length; i++)
            //    if (cur.val == n[i].val)
            //    {
            //        dup.Add(n[i].val);
            //    }
            //    else if (dup.Count > 0)
            //    {
            //        foreach (int j in dup)
            //        {
            //            Console.Write("({0}, {1}) ", prevIndex, j);
            //            Console.Write("({0}, {1}) ", j, n[i].index);
            //        }
            //        dup.Clear();
            //        Console.WriteLine();

            //        Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1})", cur.index, n[i].index);
            //        prevIndex = cur.index;
            //        cur = n[i];
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1})", cur.index, n[i].index);
            //        prevIndex = cur.index;
            //        cur = n[i];
            //    }
        //Recursively delete alternate nodes
        public void RemoveAltRecursive(node<int> head)
            if (head == null) return;

            node<int> cur = head;

                node<int> deletenode = cur.next;
                cur.next = deletenode.next;
                deletenode = null;

Пример #30
            public int add(UInt32 childIst)
                node child = new node(childIst);

                    return 0;
                    return 1;
Пример #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when <see cref="ToEntity"/> operation is about to return.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity"><see cref="node"/> converted from <see cref="nodeDto"/>.</param>
 static partial void OnEntity(this nodeDto dto, node entity);
Пример #32
        protected override void SolveInstance(Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_DataAccess DA)
            if (!DA.GetData(6, ref v))

            if (!FriedChiken.isInitialized)
                GH_Point[]      pointList    = new GH_Point[8];
                List <GH_Point> tmpPointList = new List <GH_Point>();

                int[] nEdgeNodes = new int[_dim];
                DA.GetData(0, ref pointList[0]);
                DA.GetData(1, ref pointList[1]);
                DA.GetData(2, ref pointList[2]);
                DA.GetData(3, ref pointList[3]);
                DA.GetData(4, ref nEdgeNodes[0]);
                DA.GetData(5, ref nEdgeNodes[1]);
                for (int i = 0; i < _dim; i++)
                    if (nEdgeNodes[i] < 2)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Integers must be greater than or equal to 2");
                double[,] wt = mikity.MathUtil.bicubic(_dim, nEdgeNodes);
                nNewNodes    = wt.GetLength(0);
                mikity.NumericalMethodHelper.particle[] particles = new mikity.NumericalMethodHelper.particle[nNewNodes];
                for (int i = 0; i < nNewNodes; i++)
                    particles[i] = new particle(0, 0, 0);
                    for (int j = 0; j < _nNodes; j++)
                        particles[i][0] += pointList[j].Value.X * wt[i, j];
                        particles[i][1] += pointList[j].Value.Y * wt[i, j];
                        particles[i][2] += pointList[j].Value.Z * wt[i, j];
                pS = new GH_particleSystem(particles);
                node[] lNodes = new node[nNewNodes];
                for (int i = 0; i < nNewNodes; i++)
                    lNodes[i] = new node(i);
                nF = new nodalForce(v.X, v.Y, v.Z);
                for (int i = 0; i < nNewNodes; i++)
                for (int i = 0; i < nNewNodes; i++)
                    lGeometry.Add(new Rhino.Geometry.Line(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(particles[i][0], particles[i][1], particles[i][2]), v));
                this.DVPW = GetDVPW(lGeometry);
                pS.DVPW   = GetDVPW(lGeometry2);
                pS.UPGR   = GetUPGR(lGeometry2);
                nF.forceX = v.X;
                nF.forceY = v.Y;
                nF.forceZ = v.Z;
            DA.SetData(0, pS);
Пример #33
        public IActionResult Get()
            int           systemsCount   = js.All <RDSystem>().Count();
            int           releaseCount   = js.All <Release>().Count();
            int           changeSetCount = js.All <ChangeSet>().Count();
            List <Table>  tableRef       = js.All <Table>();
            int           tableCount     = tableRef.Count();
            List <string> tableList      = new List <string>();

            tableRef.ForEach(e => tableList.Add(e.ID));

            node root = new node()
                name = "RDM", size = 0, level = "0", children = new List <node>()
            node sysnode;
            node relnode;
            node csnode;

            foreach (RDSystem s in js.All <RDSystem>())
                sysnode = new node()
                    name = s.Name, size = 150, level = "1", children = new List <node>()
                foreach (Release r in js.All <Release>().Where(r => r.SystemID.Equals(s.ID)))
                    relnode = new node()
                        name = r.Name, size = 100, level = "2", children = new List <node>()
                    foreach (ChangeSet c in js.All <ChangeSet>().Where(cs => cs.ReleaseID.Equals(r.ID)))
                        csnode = new node()
                            name = c.Name, size = c.Changes.Count, level = "3",
                    relnode.size = relnode.children.Count;
                sysnode.size = sysnode.children.Count;

            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > returnobj = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >();

            var statusObject = new {
                SystemCount    = systemsCount,
                ReleaseCount   = releaseCount,
                ChangeSetCount = changeSetCount,
                TableCount     = tableCount,
                status         = root,
                TableList      = tableList

            return(StatusCode(201, statusObject));
Пример #34
        public void extractData()
            string[] row;
            node     noeud;

            using (SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand(sqlFormat(), cnn))
                using (SqlDataReader dr = sc.ExecuteReader())
                    while (dr.Read())
                        noeud               = new node();
                        noeud.Reference     = dr.GetString(0);
                        noeud.designation   = dr.GetString(1);
                        noeud.numSerie      = dr.GetString(2);
                        noeud.peremption    = dr.GetDateTime(3);
                        noeud.qteStockReel  = dr.GetDecimal(4);
                        noeud.qteStockDispo = dr.GetDecimal(5);
                        //noeud.qteVendue = dr.GetDecimal(6);
                        noeud.prixVen      = articleInfo(noeud.Reference);
                        noeud.valorisation = noeud.prixVen * noeud.qteStockReel;
                        noeud.depot        = dr.GetString(6);


                        row = new string[dataGridView1.ColumnCount];
                        for (int j = 0; j < dataGridView1.ColumnCount - 2; j++)
                            if (j <= 2)
                                row[j] = dr.GetString(j);
                            else if (j == 3)
                                row[j] = dr.GetDateTime(j).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                                row[j] = formatMoney(DecimalToString(dr.GetDecimal(j)));
                        row[dataGridView1.ColumnCount - 2] = DecimalToString(noeud.valorisation);
                        row[dataGridView1.ColumnCount - 1] = noeud.depot;
                        if (dataGridView1.InvokeRequired)
                            dataGridView1.Invoke(new Action(delegate() {

                    if (dataGridView1.InvokeRequired)
                        dataGridView1.Invoke(new Action(delegate() {
                            if (dataGridView1.Rows.Count > 0)
                        if (dataGridView1.Rows.Count > 0)
Пример #35
    public void segment_hit_test(node node_a, node node_b)
        double[] a = point_to_array(node_a.next_position);
        double[] b = point_to_array(node_b.next_position);

        bool[,] plane_crossed = new bool[3, 2];
        bool plane_was_crossed = false;

        for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
            for (int sign = 0; sign < 2; sign++)
                plane_crossed[axis, sign] = (a[axis] > hit_test_extents[axis, sign]) ^ (b[axis] > hit_test_extents[axis, sign]);
                plane_was_crossed        |= plane_crossed[axis, sign];

        if (!plane_was_crossed)

        double[] v = new double[3];

        for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
            v[n] = b[n] - a[n];                 // construct vector from a to b

        double smallest_s           = double.MaxValue;  // smallest vector length of a valid intersection
        bool   side_was_intersected = false;
        int    smallest_axis        = 0;
        int    smallest_sign        = 0;

        for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
            if (v[axis] == 0)                   // the vector is 'this axis'-invariant
                continue;                       // use epsilon here

            for (int sign = 0; sign < 2; sign++)
                if (plane_crossed[axis, sign])
                    double s = (hit_test_extents[axis, sign] - a[axis]) / v[axis];                      // vector scaler (scalar) to add to a to get i, the intersection

                    double[] i = new double[3];

                    for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                        i[n] = a[n] + (s * v[n]);                               // now i = the plane's point of intersection

                    if (((i[(axis + 1) % 3] > hit_test_extents[(axis + 1) % 3, 0]) ^
                         (i[(axis + 1) % 3] > hit_test_extents[(axis + 1) % 3, 1]))
                        ((i[(axis + 2) % 3] > hit_test_extents[(axis + 2) % 3, 0]) ^
                         (i[(axis + 2) % 3] > hit_test_extents[(axis + 2) % 3, 1])))                            // intersection on a box side

                        side_was_intersected = true;

                        if (s < smallest_s)                             // smallest s corresponds to first collision
                            smallest_s    = s;
                            smallest_axis = axis;
                            smallest_sign = sign;

        if (!side_was_intersected)

        double offset;

        if (smallest_sign == 0)
            offset = -hit_offset;
            offset = hit_offset;

        switch (smallest_axis)
        case 0:
            node_a.velocity.X      = 0;
            node_a.next_position.X = hit_test_extents[smallest_axis, smallest_sign] + offset;

        case 1:
            node_a.velocity.Y      = 0;
            node_a.next_position.Y = hit_test_extents[smallest_axis, smallest_sign] + offset;

        case 2:
            node_a.velocity.Z      = 0;
            node_a.next_position.Z = hit_test_extents[smallest_axis, smallest_sign] + offset;
Пример #36
    public List <node> NeighbourNodes(node OriginNode)
        Vector3Int  vector;
        List <node> NeighboursList = new List <node>();

        if (OriginNode.position[1] % 2 == 0 || OriginNode.position[1] == 0)
            if (OriginNode.position[1] + 1 <= sizeOfMap && OriginNode.position[0] - 1 >= 0)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0] - 1, OriginNode.position[1] + 1, OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));

                Debug.Log("even left up");
            }// even left up node
            if (OriginNode.position[1] + 1 <= sizeOfMap)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0], OriginNode.position[1] + 1, OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));
                Debug.Log("even right up");
            }//even right up node
            if (OriginNode.position[0] - 1 >= 0)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0] - 1, OriginNode.position[1], OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));
                Debug.Log("even left");
            }//even left node
            if (OriginNode.position[0] + 1 <= sizeOfMap)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0] + 1, OriginNode.position[1], OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));
                Debug.Log("even right");
            }//even right node
            if (OriginNode.position[1] - 1 >= 0 && OriginNode.position[0] - 1 >= 0)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0] - 1, OriginNode.position[1] - 1, OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));
                Debug.Log("even left down");
            }//even left down node
            if (OriginNode.position[1] - 1 >= 0)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0], OriginNode.position[1] - 1, OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));
                Debug.Log("even right down");
            } //even right down node
        }     //even
            if (OriginNode.position[1] + 1 <= sizeOfMap)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0], OriginNode.position[1] + 1, OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));
                Debug.Log("odd left up");
            }//odd left up node
            if (OriginNode.position[0] + 1 <= sizeOfMap && OriginNode.position[1] + 1 <= sizeOfMap)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0] + 1, OriginNode.position[1] + 1, OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));
                Debug.Log("odd right up");
            }//odd right up node
            if (OriginNode.position[0] - 1 >= 0)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0] - 1, OriginNode.position[1], OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));
                Debug.Log("odd left");
            }//odd left node
            if (OriginNode.position[0] + 1 <= sizeOfMap)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0] + 1, OriginNode.position[1], OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));
                Debug.Log("odd right");
            }//odd right node
            if (OriginNode.position[1] - 1 >= 0)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0], OriginNode.position[1] - 1, OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));
                Debug.Log("odd left down");
            }//odd left down node
            if (OriginNode.position[1] - 1 >= 0 && OriginNode.position[0] + 1 <= sizeOfMap)
                vector = new Vector3Int(OriginNode.position[0] + 1, OriginNode.position[1] - 1, OriginNode.position[2]);
                if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[0])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, false, "water", 9999));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[1])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "grass", 1));
                else if (tilemap.GetTile(vector) == tiles[2])
                    NeighboursList.Add(new node(vector, true, "mountain", 1.2f));
                Debug.Log("odd right down");
            } //odd right down node
        }     //odd
        TestNei = NeighboursList;
Пример #37
        public void Execute(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IArray paramvalues, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel TrackCancel, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing.IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IGPMessages message)
                IGPUtilities3 execute_Utilities = new GPUtilitiesClass();

                if (TrackCancel == null)
                    TrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass();

                IGPParameter inputFeatureDatasetParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_featureDatasetParameterNumber) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputFeatureDatasetGPValue = execute_Utilities.UnpackGPValue(inputFeatureDatasetParameter);
                IGPValue outputOSMFileGPValue = execute_Utilities.UnpackGPValue(paramvalues.get_Element(out_osmFileLocationParameterNumber));

                // get the name of the feature dataset
                int fdDemlimiterPosition = inputFeatureDatasetGPValue.GetAsText().LastIndexOf("\\");

                string nameOfFeatureDataset = inputFeatureDatasetGPValue.GetAsText().Substring(fdDemlimiterPosition + 1);

                XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
                settings.Indent = true;

                System.Xml.XmlWriter xmlWriter = null;

                    xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(outputOSMFileGPValue.GetAsText(), settings);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    message.AddError(120021, ex.Message);

                xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("osm"); // start the osm root node
                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("version", "0.6"); // add the version attribute
                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("generator", "ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap"); // add the generator attribute

                // write all the nodes
                // use a feature search cursor to loop through all the known points and write them out as osm node

                IFeatureClassContainer osmFeatureClasses = execute_Utilities.OpenDataset(inputFeatureDatasetGPValue) as IFeatureClassContainer;

                if (osmFeatureClasses == null)
                    message.AddError(120022, string.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_NullPointerParameterType"), inputFeatureDatasetParameter.Name));

                IFeatureClass osmPointFeatureClass = osmFeatureClasses.get_ClassByName(nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_pt");

                if (osmPointFeatureClass == null)
                    message.AddError(120023, string.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_no_pointfeatureclass"), nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_pt"));

                // check the extension of the point feature class to determine its version
                int internalOSMExtensionVersion = osmPointFeatureClass.OSMExtensionVersion();

                IFeatureCursor searchCursor = null;

                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlnsEmpty = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                xmlnsEmpty.Add("", "");

                int pointCounter = 0;

                string nodesExportedMessage = String.Empty;

                // collect the indices for the point feature class once
                int pointOSMIDFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OSMID");
                int pointChangesetFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmchangeset");
                int pointVersionFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmversion");
                int pointUIDFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuid");
                int pointUserFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuser");
                int pointTimeStampFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmtimestamp");
                int pointVisibleFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmvisible");
                int pointTagsFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmTags");

                using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
                    searchCursor = osmPointFeatureClass.Search(null, false);

                    System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer pointSerializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(node));

                    IFeature currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();

                    IWorkspace pointWorkspace = ((IDataset)osmPointFeatureClass).Workspace;

                    while (currentFeature != null)
                        if (TrackCancel.Continue() == true)
                            // convert the found point feature into a osm node representation to store into the OSM XML file
                            node osmNode = ConvertPointFeatureToOSMNode(currentFeature, pointWorkspace, pointTagsFieldIndex, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, pointChangesetFieldIndex, pointVersionFieldIndex, pointUIDFieldIndex, pointUserFieldIndex, pointTimeStampFieldIndex, pointVisibleFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);

                            pointSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, osmNode, xmlnsEmpty);

                            // increase the point counter to later status report

                            currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();
                            // properly close the document
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                            xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document

                            // report the number of elements loader so far
                            nodesExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_pts_exported_msg"), pointCounter);


                nodesExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_pts_exported_msg"), pointCounter);

                // next loop through the line and polygon feature classes to export those features as ways
                // in case we encounter a multi-part geometry, store it in a relation collection that will be serialized when exporting the relations table
                IFeatureClass osmLineFeatureClass = osmFeatureClasses.get_ClassByName(nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_ln");

                if (osmLineFeatureClass == null)
                    message.AddError(120023, string.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_no_linefeatureclass"), nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_ln"));


                // as we are looping through the line and polygon feature classes let's collect the multi-part features separately 
                // as they are considered relations in the OSM world
                List<relation> multiPartElements = new List<relation>();

                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer waySerializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(way));
                int lineCounter = 0;
                int relationCounter = 0;
                string waysExportedMessage = String.Empty;

                using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
                    searchCursor = osmLineFeatureClass.Search(null, false);

                    IFeature currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();

                    // collect the indices for the point feature class once
                    int lineOSMIDFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OSMID");
                    int lineChangesetFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmchangeset");
                    int lineVersionFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmversion");
                    int lineUIDFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuid");
                    int lineUserFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuser");
                    int lineTimeStampFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmtimestamp");
                    int lineVisibleFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmvisible");
                    int lineTagsFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmTags");
                    int lineMembersFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmMembers");

                    IWorkspace lineWorkspace = ((IDataset)osmLineFeatureClass).Workspace;

                    while (currentFeature != null)
                        if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false)
                            // properly close the document
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                            xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document

                            // report the number of elements loaded so far
                            waysExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_ways_exported_msg"), lineCounter);


                        //test if the feature geometry has multiple parts
                        IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = currentFeature.Shape as IGeometryCollection;

                        if (geometryCollection != null)
                            if (geometryCollection.GeometryCount == 1)
                                // convert the found polyline feature into a osm way representation to store into the OSM XML file
                                way osmWay = ConvertFeatureToOSMWay(currentFeature, lineWorkspace, osmPointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, lineTagsFieldIndex, lineOSMIDFieldIndex, lineChangesetFieldIndex, lineVersionFieldIndex, lineUIDFieldIndex, lineUserFieldIndex, lineTimeStampFieldIndex, lineVisibleFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);
                                waySerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, osmWay, xmlnsEmpty);

                                // increase the line counter for later status report
                                relation osmRelation = ConvertRowToOSMRelation((IRow)currentFeature, lineWorkspace, lineTagsFieldIndex, lineOSMIDFieldIndex, lineChangesetFieldIndex, lineVersionFieldIndex, lineUIDFieldIndex, lineUserFieldIndex, lineTimeStampFieldIndex, lineVisibleFieldIndex, lineMembersFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);

                                // increase the line counter for later status report

                        currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();

                IFeatureClass osmPolygonFeatureClass = osmFeatureClasses.get_ClassByName(nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_ply");
                IFeatureWorkspace commonWorkspace = ((IDataset)osmPolygonFeatureClass).Workspace as IFeatureWorkspace;

                if (osmPolygonFeatureClass == null)
                    message.AddError(120024, string.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_no_polygonfeatureclass"), nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_ply"));

                using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
                    searchCursor = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Search(null, false);

                    IFeature currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();

                    // collect the indices for the point feature class once
                    int polygonOSMIDFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OSMID");
                    int polygonChangesetFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmchangeset");
                    int polygonVersionFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmversion");
                    int polygonUIDFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuid");
                    int polygonUserFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuser");
                    int polygonTimeStampFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmtimestamp");
                    int polygonVisibleFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmvisible");
                    int polygonTagsFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmTags");
                    int polygonMembersFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmMembers");

                    IWorkspace polygonWorkspace = ((IDataset)osmPolygonFeatureClass).Workspace;

                    while (currentFeature != null)
                        if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false)
                            // properly close the document
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                            xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document

                            // report the number of elements loaded so far
                            waysExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_ways_exported_msg"), lineCounter);


                        //test if the feature geometry has multiple parts
                        IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = currentFeature.Shape as IGeometryCollection;

                        if (geometryCollection != null)
                            if (geometryCollection.GeometryCount == 1)
                                // convert the found polyline feature into a osm way representation to store into the OSM XML file
                                way osmWay = ConvertFeatureToOSMWay(currentFeature, polygonWorkspace, osmPointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, polygonTagsFieldIndex, polygonOSMIDFieldIndex, polygonChangesetFieldIndex, polygonVersionFieldIndex, polygonUIDFieldIndex, polygonUserFieldIndex, polygonTimeStampFieldIndex, polygonVisibleFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);
                                waySerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, osmWay, xmlnsEmpty);

                                // increase the line counter for later status report
                                relation osmRelation = ConvertRowToOSMRelation((IRow)currentFeature, polygonWorkspace, polygonTagsFieldIndex, polygonOSMIDFieldIndex, polygonChangesetFieldIndex, polygonVersionFieldIndex, polygonUIDFieldIndex, polygonUserFieldIndex, polygonTimeStampFieldIndex, polygonVisibleFieldIndex, polygonMembersFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);

                                // increase the line counter for later status report

                        currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();

                waysExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_ways_exported_msg"), lineCounter);

                // now let's go through the relation table 
                ITable relationTable = commonWorkspace.OpenTable(nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_relation");

                if (relationTable == null)
                    message.AddError(120025, String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_no_relationTable"), nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_relation"));

                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer relationSerializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(relation));
                string relationsExportedMessage = String.Empty;

                using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
                    ICursor rowCursor = relationTable.Search(null, false);

                    IRow currentRow = rowCursor.NextRow();

                    // collect the indices for the relation table once
                    int relationOSMIDFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("OSMID");
                    int relationChangesetFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmchangeset");
                    int relationVersionFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmversion");
                    int relationUIDFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmuid");
                    int relationUserFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmuser");
                    int relationTimeStampFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmtimestamp");
                    int relationVisibleFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmvisible");
                    int relationTagsFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmTags");
                    int relationMembersFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmMembers");

                    IWorkspace polygonWorkspace = ((IDataset)osmPolygonFeatureClass).Workspace;

                    while (currentRow != null)
                        if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false)
                            // properly close the document
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                            xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document

                            // report the number of elements loaded so far
                            relationsExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_relations_exported_msg"), relationCounter);


                        relation osmRelation = ConvertRowToOSMRelation(currentRow, (IWorkspace)commonWorkspace, relationTagsFieldIndex, relationOSMIDFieldIndex, relationChangesetFieldIndex, relationVersionFieldIndex, relationUIDFieldIndex, relationUserFieldIndex, relationTimeStampFieldIndex, relationVisibleFieldIndex, relationMembersFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);
                        relationSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, osmRelation, xmlnsEmpty);

                        // increase the line counter for later status report

                        currentRow = rowCursor.NextRow();

                // lastly let's serialize the collected multipart-geometries back into relation elements
                foreach (relation currentRelation in multiPartElements)
                    if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false)
                        // properly close the document
                        xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                        xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                        xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document

                        // report the number of elements loaded so far
                        relationsExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_relations_exported_msg"), relationCounter);


                    relationSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, currentRelation, xmlnsEmpty);

                relationsExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_relations_exported_msg"), relationCounter);

                xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document
            catch (Exception ex)
                message.AddError(11111, ex.StackTrace);
                message.AddError(120026, ex.Message);
Пример #38
    //Dictionary<string, Texture2D> diffuseTextures = new Dictionary<string, Texture2D>();
    //Dictionary<string, Texture2D> specularTextures = new Dictionary<string, Texture2D>();
    //Dictionary<string, geometry> geometryLibrary = new Dictionary<string, geometry>();
    //List<node> nodeList = new List<node>();

    //this is very similar to the blockmesher function.
    void CollectModel(MapDataStore.Tile tile, MeshLayer layer, DFCoord pos)
        if (layer == MeshLayer.Collision)

        #region Mesh Selection
        MeshContent meshContent = null;
        switch (layer)
        case MeshLayer.GrowthMaterial:
        case MeshLayer.GrowthMaterial1:
        case MeshLayer.GrowthMaterial2:
        case MeshLayer.GrowthMaterial3:
        case MeshLayer.GrowthCutout:
        case MeshLayer.GrowthCutout1:
        case MeshLayer.GrowthCutout2:
        case MeshLayer.GrowthCutout3:
        case MeshLayer.GrowthTransparent:
        case MeshLayer.GrowthTransparent1:
        case MeshLayer.GrowthTransparent2:
        case MeshLayer.GrowthTransparent3:
            switch (tile.tiletypeMaterial)
            case TiletypeMaterial.PLANT:
            case TiletypeMaterial.ROOT:
            case TiletypeMaterial.TREE_MATERIAL:
            case TiletypeMaterial.MUSHROOM:
                if (!ContentLoader.Instance.GrowthMeshConfiguration.GetValue(tile, layer, out meshContent))


        //case MeshLayer.BuildingMaterial:
        //case MeshLayer.NoMaterialBuilding:
        //case MeshLayer.BuildingMaterialCutout:
        //case MeshLayer.NoMaterialBuildingCutout:
        //case MeshLayer.BuildingMaterialTransparent:
        //case MeshLayer.NoMaterialBuildingTransparent:
        //    {
        //        if (tile.buildingType == default(BuildingStruct))
        //            return;
        //        if (!ContentLoader.Instance.BuildingMeshConfiguration.GetValue(tile, layer, out meshContent))
        //            return;
        //    }
        //    break;
            if (!ContentLoader.Instance.TileMeshConfiguration.GetValue(tile, layer, out meshContent))

        if (!meshContent.MeshData.ContainsKey(layer))

        node tileNode = new node();

        tileNode.id = string.Format("Tile[{0},{1},{2}]_{3}", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, layer);

        tileNode.Items = new object[]
        tileNode.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[] { ItemsChoiceType2.matrix };

        //string geometryName = "Mesh-" + meshContent.UniqueIndex;

        //if (!geometryLibrary.ContainsKey(geometryName))
        //    geometryLibrary[geometryName] = COLLADA.MeshToGeometry(meshContent.MeshData[layer], geometryName);

        //instance_geometry geometryInstance = new instance_geometry();
        //geometryInstance.url = "#" + geometryLibrary[geometryName].id;
        //tileNode.instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[] { geometryInstance };

        //Put normal map stuff here! Remember!

        //string patternName = "Tex-";

        //Texture2D tiletexture = null;
        //TextureContent textureContent;
        //if (ContentLoader.Instance.MaterialTextureConfiguration.GetValue(tile, layer, out textureContent))
        //    tiletexture = textureContent.Texture;
        //    patternName += textureContent.UniqueIndex;
        //else patternName += "#";

        //patternName += "-#";

        //Color color = Color.grey;
        //ColorContent colorContent;
        //if (ContentLoader.Instance.ColorConfiguration.GetValue(tile, layer, out colorContent))
        //    color = colorContent.color;

        //patternName += string.Format("{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}", ((Color32)color).r, ((Color32)color).g, ((Color32)color).b);

        //if (diffuseTextures.ContainsKey(patternName))
        //    return;

        //Color neutralSpec = new Color(0.04f, 0.04f, 0.04f);
        //Texture2D outputDiffuse;
        //Texture2D outputSpec;
        //if (tiletexture != null)
        //    outputDiffuse = new Texture2D(tiletexture.width, tiletexture.height);
        //    outputSpec = new Texture2D(tiletexture.width, tiletexture.height);
        //    Color[] colors = tiletexture.GetPixels();
        //    Color[] specs = new Color[colors.Length];
        //    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
        //    {
        //        var diffuseColor = OverlayBlend(colors[i], color);
        //        diffuseColor.a = 1;
        //        colors[i] = Color.Lerp(Color.black, diffuseColor, color.a);
        //        specs[i] = Color.Lerp(diffuseColor, neutralSpec, color.a);
        //    }
        //    outputDiffuse.SetPixels(colors);
        //    outputSpec.SetPixels(specs);
        //    outputDiffuse = ContentLoader.CreateFlatTexture(color);
        //    outputSpec = ContentLoader.CreateFlatTexture(neutralSpec);
        //outputDiffuse.name = patternName + "_Diffuse";
        //outputSpec.name = patternName + "_Specular";

        //diffuseTextures[patternName] = outputDiffuse;
        //specularTextures[patternName] = outputSpec;
Пример #39
 public bool BePrinted = false; //是否已輸出至MST
 public Edge(node node1, node node2, int value)
     _node1 = node1;
     _node2 = node2;
     _value = value;
 }   //constructor
Пример #40
        public void Export(string filePath)
            PalletProperties palletProperties = _palletSolution.Analysis.PalletProperties;

            COLLADA model = new COLLADA();

            // asset
            model.asset = new asset()
                created  = DateTime.Now,
                modified = DateTime.Now
            model.asset.keywords = "StackBuilder Pallet Case";
            model.asset.title    = _palletSolution.Title;
            model.asset.unit     = new assetUnit()
                name = "millimeters", meter = 0.001
            model.asset.up_axis = UpAxisType.Z_UP;

            library_images        images     = new library_images();
            library_materials     materials  = new library_materials();
            library_effects       effects    = new library_effects();
            library_geometries    geometries = new library_geometries();
            library_nodes         nodes      = new library_nodes();
            library_cameras       cameras    = new library_cameras();
            library_animations    animations = new library_animations();
            library_visual_scenes scenes     = new library_visual_scenes();

            COLLADAScene colladaScene = new COLLADAScene();

            model.Items = new Object[] { images, materials, effects, geometries, nodes, cameras, animations, scenes };
            model.scene = colladaScene;

            // colors and materials
            List <effect>   listEffects   = new List <effect>();
            List <material> listMaterials = new List <material>();
            List <image>    listImages    = new List <image>();

            // effects
            effect   effectPallet;
            material materialPallet;

            CreateMaterial(palletProperties.Color, null, null, "Pallet", out effectPallet, out materialPallet);

            Box box = new Box(0, _palletSolution.Analysis.BProperties);

            // build list of effects / materials / images
            uint faceIndex = 0;

            foreach (Face face in box.Faces)
                // build texture image if any
                string textureName = null;
                if (face.HasBitmap)
                    textureName = string.Format("textureFace_{0}", faceIndex);
                    string texturePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(
                        , textureName + ".jpg");

                    double dimX = 0.0, dimY = 0.0;

                    switch (faceIndex)
                    case 0: dimX = box.Width; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 1: dimX = box.Width; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 2: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 3: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 4: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Width; break;

                    case 5: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Width; break;

                    default: break;
                    face.ExtractFaceBitmap(dimX, dimY, _bmpWidth, texturePath);
                    // create image
                        new image()
                        id   = textureName + ".jpg",
                        name = textureName + ".jpg",
                        Item = @".\" + textureName + @".jpg"
                material materialCase;
                effect   effectCase;
                CreateMaterial(face.ColorFill, textureName, "0", string.Format("Case{0}", faceIndex), out effectCase, out materialCase);


            // add to image list
            images.image = listImages.ToArray();

            // case lines material
            effect   effectCaseLines;
            material materialCaseLines;

            CreateMaterial(Color.Black, null, null, "CaseLines", out effectCaseLines, out materialCaseLines);
            effects.effect     = listEffects.ToArray();
            materials.material = listMaterials.ToArray();

            // geometries
            geometry geomPallet = new geometry()
                id = "palletGeometry", name = "palletGeometry"
            geometry geomCase = new geometry()
                id = "caseGeometry", name = "caseGeometry"

            geometries.geometry = new geometry[] { geomPallet, geomCase };
            // pallet
            mesh meshPallet = CreatePalletMesh(palletProperties);

            geomPallet.Item = meshPallet;
            // case
            mesh meshCase = CreateCaseMesh(_palletSolution.Analysis.BProperties as BoxProperties);

            geomCase.Item = meshCase;
            // library_animations
            animation animationMain = new animation()
                id = "animationMain_ID", name = "animationMain"

            animations.animation = new animation[] { animationMain };

            List <object> listAnimationSource = new List <object>();

            // library_visual_scenes
            visual_scene mainScene = new visual_scene()
                id = "MainScene", name = "MainScene"

            scenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[] { mainScene };

            List <node> sceneNodes = new List <node>();

            sceneNodes.Add(new node()
                id   = "PalletNode",
                name = "PalletNode",
                instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[]
                    new instance_geometry()
                        url           = "#palletGeometry",
                        bind_material = new bind_material()
                            technique_common = new instance_material[]
                                new instance_material()
                                    symbol = "materialPallet",
                                    target = string.Format("#{0}", materialPallet.id)
            uint caseIndex = 0;

            foreach (ILayer layer in _palletSolution)
                Layer3DBox bLayer = layer as Layer3DBox;
                if (null == bLayer)

                foreach (BoxPosition bp in bLayer)
                    Vector3D translation = bp.Position;
                    Vector3D rotations   = bp.Transformation.Rotations;

                    node caseNode = new node()
                        id               = string.Format("CaseNode_{0}_ID", caseIndex),
                        name             = string.Format("CaseNode_{0}", caseIndex),
                        ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[]
                        Items = new object[]
                            new TargetableFloat3()
                                Values = new double[] { translation.X, translation.Y, translation.Z },
                                sid    = "t",
                            new rotate()
                                Values = new double[] { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, rotations.X },
                                sid    = "rx"
                            new rotate()
                                Values = new double[] { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, rotations.Y },
                                sid    = "ry"
                            new rotate()
                                Values = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, rotations.Z },
                                sid    = "rz"

                        instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[]
                            new instance_geometry()
                                url           = "#caseGeometry",
                                bind_material = new bind_material()
                                    technique_common = new instance_material[]
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase0", target = "#material_Case0_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase1", target = "#material_Case1_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase2", target = "#material_Case2_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase3", target = "#material_Case3_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase4", target = "#material_Case4_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase5", target = "#material_Case5_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCaseLines", target = "#material_CaseLines_ID"

                    // animations
                    CreateAnimation(caseIndex, (uint)_palletSolution.CaseCount, listAnimationSource, bp);

                    // increment case index

            // add nodes
            mainScene.node = sceneNodes.ToArray();

            animationMain.Items = listAnimationSource.ToArray();

            // library_cameras
            camera cameraCamera = new camera()
                id = "Camera-Camera", name = "Camera-Camera"
            cameraOpticsTechnique_commonPerspective cameraPerspective = new cameraOpticsTechnique_commonPerspective()
                znear = new TargetableFloat()
                    sid = "znear", Value = 1.0
                zfar = new TargetableFloat()
                    sid = "zfar", Value = 10000.0

            cameraCamera.optics = new cameraOptics()
                technique_common = new cameraOpticsTechnique_common()
                    Item = cameraPerspective
            cameras.camera = new camera[] { cameraCamera };

            // colladaScene
            colladaScene.instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra()
                url = "#MainScene"

            model.Save(System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, "xml"));
Пример #41
        public void add(string value)
            node currentNode = Root;

            add(currentNode, value, 0);
Пример #42
 public tree()   // this rootValue is ignored
     Root = new node(ROOTVALUE);
Пример #43
 public void DeselectNode()
     selectedNode = null;
Пример #44
 public void setNode(node node)
     this.node = node;
Пример #45
            public void delete(int _key)
                if (root == null)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                    Console.WriteLine("No elements in the tree");
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan;

                node current = root;
                node parent  = null;

                while (current != null)
                    if (current.key == _key)
                    parent = current;
                    if (_key < current.key)
                        current = current.left;
                    else if (_key > current.key)
                        current = current.right;

                if (current == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("element is not present in the tree");

                //case element has 2 children
                //find in order sucessor and its parents
                node temp, temp1;

                if (current.right != null && current.left != null)
                    temp1 = current;
                    temp  = current.right;
                    while (temp.left != null)
                        temp1 = temp;
                        temp  = temp.left;
                    current.key = temp.key;
                    current     = temp;
                    parent      = temp1;

                //other case 1 or no child
                node temp2;

                if (current.left != null)
                    temp2 = current.left;
                    temp2 = current.right;
                if (parent == null)
                    root = temp2;
                else if (current == parent.left)
                    parent.left = temp2;
                    parent.right = temp2;
Пример #46
    // Place a new key in the key cache and if this key displaced a existing key,
    // then return that key, else return null.
    public string Put(string key)
        Debug.Assert(key != null, "Section is null");
        Debug.Assert(cache.Count < max, "keyCache size blew up");

        node tmp;

        if (cache.TryGetValue(key, out tmp)) // If the value exists ...
            if ((tmp == head) || (cache.Count == 1))

            Debug.Assert(cache.Count > 1, "Cache unexpectedly empty");

            if (tmp == tail)      // If the last element ...
                tail = tail.prev; // The delete the last element,
            else // Else delete the element (which is in the middle somewhere)
                tmp.prev.next = tmp.next;
                tmp.next.prev = tmp.prev;

            // And finally move it to the head.
            tmp.prev  = null;
            tmp.next  = head;
            head.prev = tmp; // THIS WAS THE BUG - This line was missing!
            head      = tmp;
        else // If the element does not exists ...
            tmp = new node(key);
            cache.Add(key, tmp);

            // Add that element ...
            if (head == null) // If list is empty, initialize head & tail.
                Debug.Assert(tail == null, "Tail not null, when head is null");
                head = tail = tmp;
            else  // If list is empty, add the element in head.
                Debug.Assert(tail != null, "Tail should not be null, when head is null");
                tmp.next  = head;
                head.prev = tmp;
                head      = tmp;

            Debug.Assert(cache.Count <= max, "keyCache size blew up");

            // If Cache has exceeded the max limit, then delete the last element and
            // set it to Key Out and also return true (Othwise false).
            if (cache.Count == max)
                Debug.Assert(tail != null, "Tail should not be null");
                Debug.Assert(head != null, "Head should not be null");
                string keyOut = tail.key;
                tail = tail.prev;
Пример #47
        private node ConvertPointFeatureToOSMNode(IFeature currentFeature, IWorkspace featureWorkspace, int tagsFieldIndex, int osmIDFieldIndex, int changesetIDFieldIndex, int osmVersionFieldIndex, int userIDFieldIndex, int userNameFieldIndex, int timeStampFieldIndex, int visibleFieldIndex, int extensionVersion)

            if (currentFeature == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("currentFeature");

            node osmNode = new node();
            object featureValue = DBNull.Value;

            if (currentFeature.Shape.IsEmpty == false)
                IPoint wgs84Point = currentFeature.Shape as IPoint;

                NumberFormatInfo exportCultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).NumberFormat;
                exportCultureInfo.NumberDecimalDigits = 6;

                osmNode.lat = wgs84Point.Y.ToString("N", exportCultureInfo);
                osmNode.lon = wgs84Point.X.ToString("N", exportCultureInfo);


            if (osmIDFieldIndex != -1)
                osmNode.id = Convert.ToString(currentFeature.get_Value(osmIDFieldIndex));

            if (changesetIDFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentFeature.get_Value(changesetIDFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                    osmNode.changeset = Convert.ToString(currentFeature.get_Value(changesetIDFieldIndex));

            if (osmVersionFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentFeature.get_Value(osmVersionFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                    osmNode.version = Convert.ToString(featureValue);

            if (userIDFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentFeature.get_Value(userIDFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                    osmNode.uid = Convert.ToString(featureValue);

            if (userNameFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentFeature.get_Value(userNameFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                    osmNode.user = Convert.ToString(featureValue);

            if (timeStampFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentFeature.get_Value(timeStampFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                    osmNode.timestamp = Convert.ToDateTime(featureValue).ToUniversalTime().ToString("u");

            if (visibleFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentFeature.get_Value(visibleFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                        osmNode.visible = (nodeVisible)Enum.Parse(typeof(nodeVisible), Convert.ToString(featureValue));
                        osmNode.visible = nodeVisible.@true;

            if (tagsFieldIndex > -1)
                tag[] tags = null;
                tags = _osmUtility.retrieveOSMTags((IRow)currentFeature, tagsFieldIndex, featureWorkspace);

                if (tags.Length != 0)
                    osmNode.tag = tags;

            return osmNode;
Пример #48
        protected override void SolveInstance(Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_DataAccess DA)
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref v))
            if (!FriedChiken.isInitialized)
                Rhino.Geometry.Surface s = null;
                if (!DA.GetData(0, ref s))
                Rhino.Geometry.Interval uDomain = s.Domain(0);
                Rhino.Geometry.Interval vDomain = s.Domain(1);
                int[] nEdgeNodes = new int[_dim];
                DA.GetData(1, ref nEdgeNodes[0]);
                DA.GetData(2, ref nEdgeNodes[1]);
                for (int i = 0; i < _dim; i++)
                    if (nEdgeNodes[i] < 2)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Integers must be greater than or equal to 2");
                for (int i = 0; i < nEdgeNodes[1]; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < nEdgeNodes[0]; j++)
                        newNodes.Add(s.PointAt(uDomain.T0 + (uDomain.T1 - uDomain.T0) / (nEdgeNodes[0] - 1) * j, vDomain.T0 + (vDomain.T1 - vDomain.T0) / (nEdgeNodes[1] - 1) * i));
                int nNewNodes = newNodes.Count;

                mikity.NumericalMethodHelper.particle[] particles = new mikity.NumericalMethodHelper.particle[nNewNodes];
                for (int i = 0; i < nNewNodes; i++)
                    particles[i] = new mikity.NumericalMethodHelper.particle(newNodes[i][0], newNodes[i][1], newNodes[i][2]);
                pS = new GH_particleSystem(particles);

                node[] lNodes = new node[nNewNodes];
                for (int i = 0; i < nNewNodes; i++)
                    lNodes[i] = new node(i);
                nF = new nodalForce(v.X, v.Y, v.Z);
                for (int i = 0; i < nNewNodes; i++)
                lGeometry = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[nNewNodes];
                for (int i = 0; i < nNewNodes; i++)
                    lGeometry[i] = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(particles[i][0], particles[i][1], particles[i][2]);
                nF.forceX = v.X;
                nF.forceY = v.Y;
                nF.forceZ = v.Z;

            DA.SetData(0, pS);
Пример #49
 public node(string k)
     key  = k;
     next = null;
     prev = null;
Пример #50
        public static controller FindControllerFromNode(node daeNode, library_controllers controllers)
            string mesh_id = daeNode.instance_controller[0].url.Trim('#');

            return(Array.Find(controllers.controller, x => x.id == mesh_id));
Пример #51
    // Update is called once per frame

    public List <node> GetNeigbours(node Node)
        List <node> ret = new List <node>();

        if (Node.diagonal_move)
            for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
                for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
                    if (x == 0 && y == 0)

                    int checkX = Node.GridX + x;
                    if (checkX < 0 || checkX >= GridSizeX)
                    int checkY = Node.GridY + y;
                    if (checkY < 0 || checkY >= GridSizeY)
                    node r = Grid[checkX, checkY];
                    //if(Mathf.Abs(Node.tile.Height - r.tile.Height) > MaxLeap)
                    //  continue;
            for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
                if (x == 0)
                int checkX = Node.GridX + x;
                if (checkX < 0 || checkX >= GridSizeX)
                ret.Add(Grid[checkX, Node.GridY]);
            for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
                if (y == 0)
                int checkY = Node.GridY + y;
                if (checkY < 0 || checkY >= GridSizeY)
                ret.Add(Grid[Node.GridX, checkY]);
Пример #52
 _visits.Set <T>(node => node.Value is T casted ? visit(node, casted) : node);
Пример #53
        public void Add(Shape displayShape, node n)
            var icon = new NodeIconShape(n, displayShape, gd);

            base.Add(icon, n);
Пример #54
        //public string getProof(double din)
        //    string result = "";
        //    //ensure long double
        //    for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
        //    {
        //        for (int j = 0; j + i <= 9; j++)
        //        {
        //            Debug.Write($"width:{i} offset:{j}\r\n");
        //            //printf("width:%d offset:%d\n", i, j);
        //            if (m[j, j + i] == null) m[j, j + i] = new SortedSet<node>();
        //            SortedSet<node> tout = m[j, j + i];
        //            node n;
        //            //if(i==1){ //only single digits
        //            n = leafnode(j, j + i);
        //            insertnodup(tout, n);
        //            if (j == 0 && n.num != 0.0)
        //            {
        //                //only negate the first number
        //                //for positive initials and positive desired answers
        //                //negation sign can be transformed out of brackets
        //                n.num = -n.num;
        //                insertnodup(tout, n);
        //            }
        //            //}
        //            for (int k = 1; k <= i - 1; k++)
        //            {
        //                Debug.Write($"split:{k} len-a:{m[j, j + k].Count} len-b:{m[j + k, j + i].Count}\n");
        //                //printf("split:%d len-a:%d len-b:%d\n", k, m[j][j + k].size(), m[j + k][j + i].size());

        //                foreach (var ita in m[j, j + k])
        //                {
        //                    foreach (var itb in m[j + k, j + i])
        //                    {

        //                        node na = ita;
        //                        node nb = itb;
        //                        n.l = na;
        //                        n.r = nb;
        //                        if (nb.optype != 1)
        //                        {
        //                            n.optype = 1;
        //                            if (nb.optype != 0 || nb.num >= 0)
        //                            {
        //                                n.opneg = 0;
        //                                n.num = na.num + nb.num;
        //                                if (Math.Abs(n.num - Math.Round(n.num)) < 1e-15 ||
        //                                         Math.Abs(n.num - Math.Round(n.num)) > 1e-3)
        //                                {
        //                                    //numfix(n);
        //                                    insertnodup(tout, n);
        //                                }
        //                            }
        //                            if (nb.optype != 0 || nb.num >= 0)
        //                            {
        //                                n.opneg = 1;
        //                                n.num = na.num - nb.num;
        //                                if (Math.Abs(n.num - Math.Round(n.num)) < 1e-15 ||
        //                                    Math.Abs(n.num - Math.Round(n.num)) > 1e-3)
        //                                {
        //                                    //numfix(n);
        //                                    insertnodup(tout, n);
        //                                }
        //                            }
        //                        }
        //                        if (nb.optype != 2)
        //                        {
        //                            n.optype = 2;
        //                            n.opneg = 0;
        //                            n.num = na.num * nb.num;
        //                            if (Math.Abs(n.num) < 1e10)
        //                            { //pruning
        //                                numfix(n);
        //                                insertnodup(tout, n);
        //                            }
        //                        }
        //                        if (na.optype != 3 && // (a^b)^c=a^(b*c)
        //                            na.num >= 0 &&
        //                            true)
        //                        {
        //                            n.optype = 3;
        //                            n.opneg = 0;
        //                            n.num = Math.Pow(na.num, nb.num);
        //                            if (n.num == n.num && Math.Abs(n.num) < 1e10 && Math.Abs(n.num) > 1e-3)
        //                            {
        //                                numfix(n);
        //                                insertnodup(tout, n);
        //                            }
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    SortedSet<node> ans = m[0, 9];
        //    Debug.Write($"OK! total {ans.Count}\n");
        //    double prec = 1e-15;
        //    node ntmp = new node();

        //    bool res = false;
        //    prec = 1e-15;

        //    while (!res)
        //    {
        //        ntmp.num = din - prec;
        //        node smallest = new node();
        //        smallest.num = 0;
        //        var it = ans.GetViewBetween(smallest, ntmp).First();
        //        while(true)
        //        {
        //            printnode(it, false);
        //            Debug.Write($" = {it.num}\n");
        //            res = true;
        //        }
        //        //int index = ans.Select
        //        //for (; it != ans.end() && Math.Abs(it.num - din) <= prec; it++)
        //        //{
        //        //    printnode(it, false);
        //        //    Debug.Write($" = {it.num}\n");
        //        //    res = true;
        //        //}
        //        prec *= 2;
        //    }

        //    return result;


        public string getProof(double input)
            string result = "";

            //ensure long double
            for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j + i <= 9; j++)
                    Debug.Write($"width:{i} offset:{j}\r\n");
                    //printf("width:%d offset:%d\n", i, j);
                    if (m[j, j + i] == null)
                        m[j, j + i] = new SortedSet <node>();
                    SortedSet <node> tout = m[j, j + i];
                    node             n;
                    //if(i==1){ //only single digits
                    n = leafnode(j, j + i);
                    insertnodup(tout, n);
                    if (j == 0 && n.num != 0.0)
                        //only negate the first number
                        //for positive initials and positive desired answers
                        //negation sign can be transformed out of brackets
                        n.num = -n.num;
                        insertnodup(tout, n);
                    for (int k = 1; k <= i - 1; k++)
                        Debug.Write($"split:{k} len-a:{m[j, j + k].Count} len-b:{m[j + k, j + i].Count}\n");
                        //printf("split:%d len-a:%d len-b:%d\n", k, m[j][j + k].size(), m[j + k][j + i].size());

                        foreach (var ita in m[j, j + k])
                            foreach (var itb in m[j + k, j + i])
                                node na = ita;
                                node nb = itb;
                                n.l = na;
                                n.r = nb;
                                if (nb.optype != 1)
                                    n.optype = 1;
                                    if (nb.optype != 0 || nb.num >= 0)
                                        n.opneg = 0;
                                        n.num   = na.num + nb.num;
                                        if (Math.Abs(n.num - Math.Round(n.num)) < 1e-15 ||
                                            Math.Abs(n.num - Math.Round(n.num)) > 1e-3)
                                            insertnodup(tout, n);
                                    if (nb.optype != 0 || nb.num >= 0)
                                        n.opneg = 1;
                                        n.num   = na.num - nb.num;
                                        if (Math.Abs(n.num - Math.Round(n.num)) < 1e-15 ||
                                            Math.Abs(n.num - Math.Round(n.num)) > 1e-3)
                                            insertnodup(tout, n);
                                if (nb.optype != 2)
                                    n.optype = 2;
                                    n.opneg  = 0;
                                    n.num    = na.num * nb.num;
                                    if (Math.Abs(n.num) < 1e10)
                                    { //pruning
                                        insertnodup(tout, n);
                                //power, produces many useless nodes with division enabled
                                if (na.optype != 3 && // (a^b)^c=a^(b*c)
                                    na.num >= 0 &&
                                    //nb.num >= 0 &&
                                    //Math.Abs(Math.Round(na.num)-na.num)<1e-15l &&
                                    //Math.Abs(Math.Round(nb.num)-nb.num)<1e-15l &&
                                    n.optype = 3;
                                    n.opneg  = 0;
                                    n.num = Math.Pow(na.num, nb.num);
                                    if (n.num == n.num && Math.Abs(n.num) < 1e10 && Math.Abs(n.num) > 1e-3)
                                        insertnodup(tout, n);
            SortedSet <node> ans = m[0, 9];

            Debug.Write($"OK! total {ans.Count}\n");

            //printf("OK! total %d\n", ans.size());
            if (false)
            { //list all
              //		for(mapt::iterator it=ans.begin();it!=ans.end();it++){
              //			printf("res %.17lg = ", (double)(it->num));
              //			printnode(*it,false);
            if (true)
            { //do something meaningful
                double din  = 0.0;
                double prec = 1e-15;
                node   ntmp = new node();

                //if (true)
                //{ //enumerate integer results
                //    for (int i = 0; ; i++)
                //    {
                //        bool res = false;
                //        din = (double)i;
                //        ntmp.num = din - 1e-15;
                //        node smallnode = new node();
                //        smallnode.num = -1;
                //        var it = ans.GetViewBetween(smallnode, ntmp).First();
                //        for (; it != ans.end() && Math.Abs(it->num - din) <= prec; it++)
                //        {
                //            //printnode(*it,false);
                //            //printf(" = %.17lg\n",(double)(it->num));
                //            res = true;
                //            break; // get rid of multiple answers due to FP error
                //        }
                //        if (!res)
                //        {
                //            printf("%d no solution!\n", i);
                //            break;
                //        }
                //    }
Пример #55
        public static geometry FindGeoemertyFromNode(node daeNode, library_geometries geometries)
            string mesh_id = daeNode.instance_geometry[0].url.Trim('#');

            return(Array.Find(geometries.geometry, x => x.id == mesh_id));
Пример #56
            void runparse(string[] splittedstring)
                for (int i = 0; i < splittedstring.Length; i++)
                    if (!(splittedstring[i].Length == 0))
                        if (!blacklist.Contains(splittedstring[i].ToLower())) //if the word is not in the blacklist
                            System.Uri asdfasdf;
                            if (System.Uri.TryCreate(splittedstring[i], UriKind.Absolute, out asdfasdf))
                                continue;                                    //Don't want to add URIs to bot!
                            splittedstring[i] = splittedstring[i].ToLower(); //make all the letters of a sentence small. Possibly bad idea because of smilies.
                            if (i == 0)
                                char firstchar = splittedstring[i][0];
                                splittedstring[i] = splittedstring[i].Remove(0, 1);
                                splittedstring[i] = firstchar.ToString().ToUpper() + splittedstring[i];
                            } //make the first letter of the first word of a sentence a capital.
                            if (i == splittedstring.Length - 1 &&
                                (splittedstring[i][splittedstring[i].Length - 1] != '.') &&
                                (splittedstring[i][splittedstring[i].Length - 1] != '!') &&
                                (splittedstring[i][splittedstring[i].Length - 1] != '?')
                                splittedstring[i] += ".";
                            } //End the sentence with a period, if there's no other sentence-ending character.

                            if (!translatenodes.Keys.Contains(splittedstring[i])) //if translatenodes' keys DOESNT contain the current word of the sentence
                                node newnode = new node(splittedstring[i]);     //make a new node
                                translatenodes.Add(splittedstring[i], newnode); //add new node to translatenodes

                            if (i < splittedstring.Length - 1) //if this is not the last word of the sentence
                                //if the current wordnode's childnodelist DOESNT contain the next word in the sentence
                                if (!translatenodes[splittedstring[i]].childnodes.Keys.ToList().Exists(x => x.text == splittedstring[i + 1]))
                                    //if the translatenodes dict DOES contain the node associated with the next word in the dictionary
                                    //(But it isn't part of the current node's childnode dictionary)
                                    if (translatenodes.ContainsKey(splittedstring[i + 1]))
                                        translatenodes[splittedstring[i]].childnodes.Add(translatenodes[splittedstring[i + 1]], 5); //add the node from the translatenodes to the childnode of the current wordnode.
                                //if the current wordnode's childnodelist DOES contain the next word in the sentence
                                    translatenodes[splittedstring[i]].childnodes[translatenodes[splittedstring[i + 1]]] += 5; //Up the current wordnode's next wordnode's value by one.
Пример #57
        public static void ExportIOModelAsDAE(string FileName, IOModel m)
            COLLADA colladaFile = new COLLADA();

            List <geometry> list_geometries = new List <geometry>(m.Meshes.Count);

            if (m.HasMeshes)
                foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
                    geometry g = new geometry();
                    g.name = iomesh.Name;
                    g.id   = iomesh.Name + $"_{m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh)}";

                    List <double> list_positions = new List <double>();
                    List <double> list_normals   = new List <double>();
                    List <double> list_uvs       = new List <double>();
                    List <double> list_colors    = new List <double>();
                    foreach (IOVertex v in iomesh.Vertices)

                    // Position
                    source source_position = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)list_positions.Count;
                        floats.id     = g.id + "_pos_arr";
                        floats.Values = list_positions.ToArray();

                        source_position = CreateSource(list_positions.Count, 3, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "X", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Y", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Z", type = "float"

                    // Normal
                    source source_normal = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)list_normals.Count;
                        floats.id     = g.id + "_nrm_arr";
                        floats.Values = list_normals.ToArray();

                        source_normal = CreateSource(list_normals.Count, 3, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "X", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Y", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Z", type = "float"

                    // UV0
                    source source_uv0 = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)list_uvs.Count;
                        floats.id     = g.id + "_uv0_arr";
                        floats.Values = list_uvs.ToArray();

                        source_uv0 = CreateSource(list_uvs.Count, 2, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "S", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "T", type = "float"

                    // vertices

                    vertices vertices = new vertices();
                    vertices.id    = g.id + "_verts";
                    vertices.input = new InputLocal[]
                        new InputLocal()
                            source = "#" + source_position.id, semantic = "POSITION"
                        new InputLocal()
                            source = "#" + source_normal.id, semantic = "NORMAL"
                        new InputLocal()
                            source = "#" + source_uv0.id, semantic = "TEXCOORD"

                    // triangles
                    triangles triangles = new triangles();
                    triangles.count = (ulong)iomesh.Indices.Count;
                    triangles.input = new InputLocalOffset[] {
                        new InputLocalOffset()
                            offset = 0, semantic = "VERTEX", source = "#" + vertices.id
                    triangles.p = string.Join(" ", iomesh.Indices);

                    // creating mesh
                    mesh geomesh = new mesh();
                    geomesh.source   = new source[] { source_position, source_normal, source_uv0 };
                    geomesh.Items    = new object[] { triangles };
                    geomesh.vertices = vertices;

                    g.Item = geomesh;

            library_geometries lib_geometry = new library_geometries();

            lib_geometry.geometry = list_geometries.ToArray();

            // controllers

            List <controller> list_controller = new List <controller>();

            if (m.HasMeshes && m.HasSkeleton)
                // create lists
                List <source> skinSources  = new List <source>();
                List <string> boneNames    = new List <string>();
                List <double> InverseBinds = new List <double>();
                foreach (RBone b in m.Skeleton.Bones)
                    InverseBinds.AddRange(new double[] { b.InvWorldTransform.M11, b.InvWorldTransform.M21, b.InvWorldTransform.M31, b.InvWorldTransform.M41,
                                                         b.InvWorldTransform.M12, b.InvWorldTransform.M22, b.InvWorldTransform.M32, b.InvWorldTransform.M42,
                                                         b.InvWorldTransform.M13, b.InvWorldTransform.M23, b.InvWorldTransform.M33, b.InvWorldTransform.M43,
                                                         b.InvWorldTransform.M14, b.InvWorldTransform.M24, b.InvWorldTransform.M34, b.InvWorldTransform.M44, });

                // setup controllers
                foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
                    controller controller = new controller()
                        id = iomesh.Name + "_" + m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh) + "_controller"

                    // create source for weights
                    List <double> weights   = new List <double>();
                    List <int>    bones     = new List <int>();
                    List <int>    boneCount = new List <int>();
                    StringBuilder build_v   = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (IOVertex v in iomesh.Vertices)
                        int bcount = 0;
                        if (v.BoneWeights.X > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.X))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.X} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.X)} ");
                        if (v.BoneWeights.Y > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.Y))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.Y} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.Y)} ");
                        if (v.BoneWeights.Z > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.Z))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.Z} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.Z)} ");
                        if (v.BoneWeights.W > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.W))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.W} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.W)} ");

                    // skin

                    Name_array arr_name = new Name_array();
                    arr_name.count  = (ulong)boneNames.Count;
                    arr_name.id     = controller.id + "joints";
                    arr_name.Values = boneNames.ToArray();

                    source source_skin = CreateSource(boneNames.Count, 1, arr_name.id, arr_name, new param[] {
                        new param()
                            name = "JOINT", type = "name"

                    // bind

                    float_array arr_bind = new float_array();
                    arr_bind.count  = (ulong)InverseBinds.Count;
                    arr_bind.id     = controller.id + "binds";
                    arr_bind.Values = InverseBinds.ToArray();

                    source source_binds = CreateSource(InverseBinds.Count, 16, arr_bind.id, arr_bind, new param[] {
                        new param()
                            name = "TRANSFORM", type = "float4x4"

                    // weight

                    source source_weight = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)weights.Count;
                        floats.id     = controller.id + "_weights";
                        floats.Values = weights.ToArray();

                        source_weight = CreateSource(weights.Count, 1, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "WEIGHT", type = "float"

                    skin skin = new skin();
                    skin.source1 = "#" + iomesh.Name + $"_{m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh)}";
                    skin.source  = new source[] { source_skin, source_binds, source_weight };

                    skin.joints = new skinJoints()
                        input = new InputLocal[]
                            new InputLocal()
                                semantic = "JOINT",
                                source   = "#" + source_skin.id
                            new InputLocal()
                                semantic = "INV_BIND_MATRIX",
                                source   = "#" + source_binds.id

                    //skin weights
                    skin.vertex_weights       = new skinVertex_weights();
                    skin.vertex_weights.count = (ulong)iomesh.Vertices.Count;
                    skin.vertex_weights.input = new InputLocalOffset[]
                        new InputLocalOffset()
                            semantic = "JOINT",
                            source   = "#" + source_skin.id,
                            offset   = 0
                        new InputLocalOffset()
                            semantic = "WEIGHT",
                            source   = "#" + source_weight.id,
                            offset   = 1
                    skin.vertex_weights.vcount = string.Join(" ", boneCount);
                    skin.vertex_weights.v      = build_v.ToString();

                    controller.Item = skin;
            library_controllers lib_controllers = new library_controllers();

            lib_controllers.controller = list_controller.ToArray();

            // scene nodes

            List <node> scene_nodes  = new List <node>();
            int         visual_index = 0;

            if (m.HasSkeleton)
                Dictionary <RBone, node> boneToNode = new Dictionary <RBone, node>();
                foreach (RBone b in m.Skeleton.Bones)
                    // create bone node
                    node node = new node();
                    node.name = b.Name;
                    node.id   = "bone" + visual_index++;
                    node.sid  = b.Name;
                    node.type = NodeType.JOINT;

                    // add transform
                    matrix mat = new matrix()
                        Values = new double[] { b.Transform.M11, b.Transform.M21, b.Transform.M31, b.Transform.M41,
                                                b.Transform.M12, b.Transform.M22, b.Transform.M32, b.Transform.M42,
                                                b.Transform.M13, b.Transform.M23, b.Transform.M33, b.Transform.M43,
                                                b.Transform.M14, b.Transform.M24, b.Transform.M34, b.Transform.M44, }
                    node.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[] { ItemsChoiceType2.matrix };
                    node.Items            = new object[] { mat };

                    // deal with parenting
                    boneToNode.Add(b, node);
                    if (b.ParentID == -1)
                        if (boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 == null)
                            boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 = new node[0];
                        node[] parentnode = boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1;
                        Array.Resize <node>(ref parentnode, parentnode.Length + 1);
                        parentnode[parentnode.Length - 1] = node;
                        boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 = parentnode;
            if (m.HasMeshes)
                foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
                    node node = new node()
                        id   = "mesh" + visual_index++,
                        name = iomesh.Name,
                        type = NodeType.NODE

                    if (m.HasSkeleton)
                        instance_controller controller = new instance_controller()
                            url = iomesh.Name + "_" + m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh) + "_controller"
                        controller.skeleton      = new string[] { "#bone0" };
                        node.instance_controller = new instance_controller[] { controller };

            // visual scene root
            library_visual_scenes scenes = new library_visual_scenes();

            scenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[] {
                new visual_scene()
                    id   = "visualscene0",
                    name = "rdmscene"
            scenes.visual_scene[0].node = scene_nodes.ToArray();

            // scene
            COLLADAScene scene = new COLLADAScene();

            scene.instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra()
                url = "#visualscene0"

            // putting it all together
            colladaFile.Items = new object[] { lib_geometry, lib_controllers, scenes };
            colladaFile.scene = scene;

Пример #58
 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when <see cref="ToDTO"/> operation is about to return.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dto"><see cref="nodeDto"/> converted from <see cref="node"/>.</param>
 static partial void OnDTO(this node entity, nodeDto dto);
Пример #59
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds the path. Starts the 2D Astar algorithm and returns a path through the world array of nodes that avoids non-walkable spaces.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The path.</returns>
    /// <param name="start">Start node.</param>
    /// <param name="goal">Goal node.</param>
    public List <node> findPath(node start, node goal)     //IEnumerator
    //resetArray ();
    //makes a copy of the current world and resets nodes values
    //cloneWorldArrayIntoLocal ();

        openList   = new List <node> ();
        closedList = new List <node> ();
        start.onOpenList = true;

        start.g = 0;
        start.h = heuristic_Manhattan_distance(start, goal);
        start.f = start.g + start.h;

        node lowestF = new node();          //holds lowestFvalue node

        lowestF = null;

        while (openList.Count > 0)
            node current = new node();
            current = null;

            //didn't work out to increase performance
            //openList.Sort ((a, b) => a.f.CompareTo (b.f));
            //current = openList[0];

            //finds node on open list with lowest f value
            foreach (node check in openList)               //slecects the node in the openList with the lowest f cost
                if (current == null)
                    current = check;
                if (check.f < current.f)
                    current = check;

            //goal state
            if (current == goal)                 // or when closedList.Contains(goal)
                return(construct_path(current)); //current is the same as goal at this point

            current.onOpenList = false;
            current.onClosedList = true;

            foreach (node neighbor in neighbors(current, goal))
                //no need to do this check just slows the prgram down
                //if (neighbor.onClosedList) { //closedList.Contains (neighbor)
                //	continue;

                float tentative_gScore = current.g + directionalGCost(current, neighbor);                  // score to the new neighbor
                neighbor.onOpenList = true;

                if ((tentative_gScore >= neighbor.g))
                neighbor.parent = current;
                neighbor.g      = tentative_gScore;
                neighbor.f      = neighbor.g + heuristic_Manhattan_distance(neighbor, goal);

        return(null);        // no path exist
Пример #60
 void printnode(node n, bool brkt)
     if (n.optype == 0)
         if (n.num < 0.0)
             //printf("(%.10lg)", (double)n.num);
             //printf("%.10lg", (double)n.num);
         if (n.optype == 4)
             Debug.Write($" +");
             //printf(" +");
         if (brkt || n.optype == 4)
         printnode(n.l, n.l.optype > 0 && n.l.optype < n.optype);
         if (n.optype == 1)
             if (n.opneg == 0)
                 Debug.Write($" + ");
                 // printf(" + ");
                 Debug.Write($" - ");
                 //printf(" - ");
         else if (n.optype == 2)
             if (n.opneg == 0)
                 Debug.Write($" * ");
                 // printf(" * ");
                 Debug.Write($" / ");
                 //printf(" / ");
         else if (n.optype == 3)
             // right associativity
             Debug.Write($" ^ ");
             //printf(" ^ ");
         else if (n.optype == 4)
             Debug.Write($" +\"\"+ ");
             //printf(" +\"\"+ ");
         printnode(n.r, n.r.optype > 0 && n.r.optype < n.optype);
         if (brkt || n.optype == 4)
         //printf(" /*%.10lg*/",(double)n.num);