public static void LoadViewContextVariables(ViewContext viewContext, IContext context, Modules.IModuleCatalogService moduleCatalog, Modules.IModuleFactory moduleFactory) { viewContext.ViewData[Razor.XrcWebViewPageExtension.VIEWDATA_XRCCONTEXT] = context; viewContext.ViewData[Razor.XrcWebViewPageExtension.VIEWDATA_IMODULEFACTORY] = moduleFactory; viewContext.ViewData[Razor.XrcWebViewPageExtension.VIEWDATA_IMODULECATALOGSERVICE] = moduleCatalog; }
public RazorView(Modules.IModuleFactory moduleFactory, Modules.IModuleCatalogService moduleCatalog, Pages.Providers.IPageProviderService pageProviderService) { _moduleCatalog = moduleCatalog; _moduleFactory = moduleFactory; _pageProviderService = pageProviderService; }
public ModulesResponse Post(Modules request) { if (request.Module.Id > 0) { Bm2s.Data.Common.BLL.User.Module item = Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Modules[request.Module.Id]; item.Code = request.Module.Code; item.Description = request.Module.Description; item.EndingDate = request.Module.EndingDate; item.Id = request.Module.Id; item.Name = request.Module.Name; item.StartingDate = request.Module.StartingDate; Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Modules[request.Module.Id] = item; } else { Bm2s.Data.Common.BLL.User.Module item = new Data.Common.BLL.User.Module() { Code = request.Module.Code, Description = request.Module.Description, EndingDate = request.Module.EndingDate, Id = request.Module.Id, Name = request.Module.Name, StartingDate = request.Module.StartingDate }; Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Modules.Add(item); request.Module.Id = item.Id; } ModulesResponse response = new ModulesResponse(); response.Modules.Add(request.Module); return response; }
public void Compile(Modules.Module moduleDefinition) { foreach (var element in moduleDefinition.Elements) { Compile(element, moduleDefinition.Name); } }
/// <summary> /// 保存或更新数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="data">中奖号码记录</param> public bool SaveOrUpdate(Modules.LoanData data) { string sql_count = "select count(1) from Numbers where Cycle = @Cycle"; string sql_insert = "insert into Numbers values(@Cycle, @RunDate, @Number1, @Number2, @Number3, @Number4, @Number5, @Number6, @BlueNumber)"; System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter param_count = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter("@Cycle", data.Cycle); System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter[] param_insert = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter[] { new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter("@Cycle", data.Cycle), new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter("@RunDate", data.RunDate), new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter("@Number1", data.Number1), new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter("@Number2", data.Number2), new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter("@Number3", data.Number3), new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter("@Number4", data.Number4), new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter("@Number5", data.Number5), new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter("@Number6", data.Number6), new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter("@BlueNumber", data.BlueNumber), }; int count = DbProvider.ExecuteSalacr<int>(sql_count, param_count); if (count == 0) { int iResult = DbProvider.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_insert, param_insert); return iResult == 1 ? true : false; } else { return true; } }
public XValue Parse(string expression, Type returnType, Modules.ModuleDefinitionList modules, PageParameterList parameters) { string script; if (TryExtractScript(expression, out script)) return new XValue(returnType, new ScriptExpressionMock(script, returnType)); else return new XValue(returnType, Convert.ChangeType(expression, returnType, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); }
public IModules GetModules() { var initializer = new Mock<InitializeModules>(); initializer.Setup(foo => foo.AddModule(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(new ModuleTest()); var modules = new Modules(); modules.AddNewModule(Module_Name, Module_Type, Module_Serie, Module_IP, Module_Port, GetChanelsValid()); return modules; }
public void RegisterModule(Modules.FeatureExtractionModule module) { if (module == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("module"); } Modules.Add(module); }
public ModulesResponse Delete(Modules request) { Bm2s.Data.Common.BLL.User.Module item = Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Modules[request.Module.Id]; item.EndingDate = DateTime.Now; Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Modules[item.Id] = item; ModulesResponse response = new ModulesResponse(); response.Modules.Add(request.Module); return response; }
public XValue Parse(string expression, Type returnType, Modules.ModuleDefinitionList modules, PageParameterList parameters) { string script; if (TryExtractScript(expression, out script)) return new XValue(returnType, ParseScript(script, modules, parameters)); else { object value = ConvertEx.ChangeType(expression, returnType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return new XValue(returnType, value); } }
public Renamer(IDeobfuscatorContext deobfuscatorContext, IEnumerable<IObfuscatedFile> files, RenamerFlags flags) { RenamerFlags = flags; modules = new Modules(deobfuscatorContext); isDelegateClass = new DerivedFrom(delegateClasses); mergeStateHelper = new MergeStateHelper(memberInfos); foreach (var file in files) modules.add(new Module(file)); }
public ExplorerItem(Permission permission, Modules module = Modules.Default) : this(module) { if (permission != null) { this.CanSee = permission.CanSee; this.CanEdit = permission.CanEdit; this.CanAdd = permission.CanAdd; this.CanDelete = permission.CanDelete; } ClickedCommand = new DelegateCommand<Object>(this.ClickedCommandExecuted, this.ClickedCommandCanExecute); }
///<summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="factory">A BoxModuleFactoryPrx</param> /// <param name="propertyClassIceId">A string</param> /// <param name="propertyFunctionsIceIds">A string[]</param> /// <param name="identifier">A string</param> public PropertyBoxModuleI(BoxModuleFactoryPrx factory, string propertyClassIceId, string[] propertyFunctionsIceIds, Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter, Ice.Identity myIdentity, Modules.PropertyBoxModuleFactoryCreatorI.ValueFromPrx valueFromPrx, PropertyValue defaultValue) { this.factory = factory; this.propertyClassIceId = propertyClassIceId; this.propertyFunctionsIceIds = propertyFunctionsIceIds; this.myProxy = BoxModulePrxHelper.uncheckedCast(adapter.add(this,myIdentity)); this.adapter = adapter; this.valueFromPrx = valueFromPrx; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.setProperty("value",defaultValue); }
private void agTags_Callback(object sender, Modules.ActiveForums.Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { try { if (!(e.Parameters[4] == "")) { string sAction = e.Parameters[4].Split(':')[0]; switch (sAction.ToUpper()) { case "DELETE": { int TagId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[4].Split(':')[1]); if (SimulateIsNumeric.IsNumeric(TagId)) { DataProvider.Instance().Tags_Delete(PortalId, ModuleId, TagId); } break; } case "SAVE": { string[] sParams = e.Parameters[4].Split(':'); string TagName = sParams[1].Trim(); int TagId = 0; if (sParams.Length > 2) { TagId = Convert.ToInt32(sParams[2]); } if (!(TagName == string.Empty)) { DataProvider.Instance().Tags_Save(PortalId, ModuleId, TagId, TagName, 0, 0, 0, -1, false, -1, -1); } break; } } } agTags.DefaultParams = string.Empty; int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[0]); int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]); string SortColumn = e.Parameters[2].ToString(); string Sort = e.Parameters[3].ToString(); agTags.Datasource = DataProvider.Instance().Tags_List(PortalId, ModuleId, false, PageIndex, PageSize, Sort, SortColumn, -1, -1); agTags.Refresh(e.Output); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void Add(Modules.Publishing.Models.PublishingLog item) { _publishingLogProvider.Add(item); try { SendLog(item); } catch (Exception e) { Kooboo.HealthMonitoring.Log.LogException(e); } }
public UIControllerData.Result<Modules.Profiles.DataContracts.UpdatePasswordData> ChangePassword(string token, Modules.Profiles.DataContracts.UpdatePasswordData passwordData) { var userSession = Authenticate.UserSession(token); if (userSession.Success) return Modules.Profiles.EntityContact.ChangePassword(userSession.Object, passwordData).ToUIControllerResult(); else { WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized; // 401 return new io.Data.Return<Modules.Profiles.DataContracts.UpdatePasswordData>(io.Constants.SUCCESS, userSession.Message, "", null).ToUIControllerResult(); } }
private void agTemplates_ItemBound(object sender, Modules.ActiveForums.Controls.ItemBoundEventArgs e) { string sValue = string.Empty; try { sValue = GetSharedResource("[RESX:" + Convert.ToString(Enum.Parse(typeof(Templates.TemplateTypes), e.Item[1].ToString())) + "]"); } catch (Exception ex) { sValue = e.Item[1].ToString(); } e.Item[1] = sValue; }
public ModulesResponse Get(Modules request) { ModulesResponse response = new ModulesResponse(); List<Bm2s.Data.Common.BLL.User.Module> items = new List<Data.Common.BLL.User.Module>(); if (!request.Ids.Any()) { items.AddRange(Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Modules.Where(item => (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Code) || item.Code.ToLower().Contains(request.Code.ToLower())) && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Name) || item.Name.ToLower().Contains(request.Name.ToLower())) && (!request.Date.HasValue || (request.Date >= item.StartingDate && (!item.EndingDate.HasValue || request.Date < item.EndingDate.Value))) )); } else { items.AddRange(Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Modules.Where(item => request.Ids.Contains(item.Id))); } var collection = (from item in items select new Bm2s.Poco.Common.User.Module() { Code = item.Code, Description = item.Description, EndingDate = item.EndingDate, Id = item.Id, Name = item.Name, StartingDate = item.StartingDate }).AsQueryable().OrderBy(request.Order, !request.DescendingOrder); response.ItemsCount = collection.Count(); if (request.PageSize > 0) { response.Modules.AddRange(collection.Skip((request.CurrentPage - 1) * request.PageSize).Take(request.PageSize)); } else { response.Modules.AddRange(collection); } try { response.PagesCount = collection.Count() / response.Modules.Count + (collection.Count() % response.Modules.Count > 0 ? 1 : 0); } catch { response.PagesCount = 1; } return response; }
public Database(string typeName, string server, string name, string connectionString) { this.typeName = typeName; this.server = server; = name; this.connectionString = connectionString; connection = new OdbcConnection(this.connectionString); _tables = new Tables(this); _views = new Views(this); _sequences = new Sequences(this); _storedprocedures = new StoredProcedures(this); _functions = new Functions(this); _modules = new Modules(this); _mqts = new MQTS(this); }
private void cbAdmin_Callback(object sender, Modules.ActiveForums.Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { if (!(CurrentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.Anon) && !(CurrentUserType == CurrentUserTypes.Auth)) { UserProfileController upc = new UserProfileController(); UserController uc = new UserController(); UserProfileInfo upi = uc.GetUser(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UID).Profile; if (upi != null) { upi.RewardPoints = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]); upi.UserCaption = e.Parameters[2].ToString(); upi.SignatureDisabled = Convert.ToBoolean(e.Parameters[3]); upi.AvatarDisabled = Convert.ToBoolean(e.Parameters[4]); upi.TrustLevel = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[5]); upi.AdminWatch = Convert.ToBoolean(e.Parameters[6]); upi.AttachDisabled = Convert.ToBoolean(e.Parameters[7]); upc.Profiles_Save(upi); } } }
public Renamer(IDeobfuscatorContext deobfuscatorContext, IEnumerable<IObfuscatedFile> files) { RenameNamespaces = true; RenameTypes = true; RenameProperties = true; RenameEvents = true; RenameFields = true; RenameMethods = true; RenameMethodArgs = true; RenameGenericParams = true; RestoreProperties = true; RestorePropertiesFromNames = true; RestoreEvents = true; RestoreEventsFromNames = true; modules = new Modules(deobfuscatorContext); isDelegateClass = new DerivedFrom(delegateClasses); mergeStateHelper = new MergeStateHelper(memberInfos); foreach (var file in files) modules.add(new Module(file)); }
public static void LogException(Modules Module, string Method, Exception excp,string title) { try { if (excp != null) { string Message = excp.Message; string StackTrace = excp.StackTrace; string InnerMessage = null; if (excp.InnerException != null) { InnerMessage = excp.InnerException.Message; } bool result = false; DataAccessManager dam = new DataAccessManager(); string[,] paramArray = { {"@Module", Module.ToString()}, {"@Method", Method}, {"@Message", Message}, {"@StackTrace", StackTrace}, {"@InnerMessage", InnerMessage} }; dam.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "InsertExceptionLog", paramArray); ExceptionMessageShow exception1 = new ExceptionMessageShow(title,Message); exception1.ShowExceptionMessage(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessageShow exception1 = new ExceptionMessageShow(title,ex.Message.ToString()); exception1.ShowExceptionMessage(); } }
private void agFilters_Callback(object sender, Modules.ActiveForums.Controls.CallBackEventArgs e) { try { if (!(e.Parameters[4] == "")) { string sAction = e.Parameters[4].Split(':')[0]; int FilterId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[4].Split(':')[1]); switch (sAction.ToUpper()) { case "DELETE": if (SimulateIsNumeric.IsNumeric(FilterId)) { DataProvider.Instance().Filters_Delete(PortalId, ModuleId, FilterId); } break; case "DEFAULTS": DataProvider.Instance().Filters_DeleteByModuleId(PortalId, ModuleId); Utilities.ImportFilter(PortalId, ModuleId); break; } } int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[0]); int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]); string SortColumn = e.Parameters[2].ToString(); string Sort = e.Parameters[3].ToString(); agFilters.Datasource = DataProvider.Instance().Filters_List(PortalId, ModuleId, PageIndex, PageSize, Sort, SortColumn); agFilters.Refresh(e.Output); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public static short IsValidCode(ComboBox cbo, Modules module, bool All) { short statusCode = 0; if (All && cbo.Text == "--ALL--") { } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cbo.Text) && !Common.IsCodeExists(cbo.Text, module)) { statusCode = 1; Common.ShowInvlaidCodeMessage(cbo, module); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cbo.Text)) { if (cbo.Items.Count > 0) { cbo.SelectedIndex = 0; } } return statusCode; }
private void Dev_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Modules.ClientDLLAdress = Modules.GetModule("csgo", Modules.ClientDLLName); Modules.EngineDLLAdress = Modules.GetModule("csgo", Modules.EngineDLLName); Modules.ShaderAPIAdress = Modules.GetModule("csgo", Modules.ShaderAPIName); }
public CoverageResult GetCoverageResult() { CalculateCoverage(); Modules modules = new Modules(); foreach (var result in _results) { Documents documents = new Documents(); foreach (var doc in result.Documents) { foreach (var line in doc.Lines) { if (documents.TryGetValue(doc.Path, out Classes classes)) { if (classes.TryGetValue(line.Class, out Methods methods)) { if (methods.TryGetValue(line.Method, out Lines lines)) { documents[doc.Path][line.Class][line.Method].Add(line.Number, new LineInfo { Hits = line.Hits, IsBranchPoint = line.IsBranchTarget }); } else { documents[doc.Path][line.Class].Add(line.Method, new Lines()); documents[doc.Path][line.Class][line.Method].Add(line.Number, new LineInfo { Hits = line.Hits, IsBranchPoint = line.IsBranchTarget }); } } else { documents[doc.Path].Add(line.Class, new Methods()); documents[doc.Path][line.Class].Add(line.Method, new Lines()); documents[doc.Path][line.Class][line.Method].Add(line.Number, new LineInfo { Hits = line.Hits, IsBranchPoint = line.IsBranchTarget }); } } else { documents.Add(doc.Path, new Classes()); documents[doc.Path].Add(line.Class, new Methods()); documents[doc.Path][line.Class].Add(line.Method, new Lines()); documents[doc.Path][line.Class][line.Method].Add(line.Number, new LineInfo { Hits = line.Hits, IsBranchPoint = line.IsBranchTarget }); } } } modules.Add(result.ModulePath, documents); InstrumentationHelper.RestoreOriginalModule(result.ModulePath, _identifier); } return(new CoverageResult { Identifier = _identifier, Modules = modules }); }
private static async Task NewsModul(Modules modules, Module module) { await DataAccess.AddOrReplaceModuleData(modules, module.NewsSources.Count == 0?await GetNewsByCategory(module) : await GetNewsBySource(module)); Debug.WriteLine("News Module geladen"); }
private static async void TimeModul(Modules modules, Module module) { await DataAccess.AddOrReplaceModuleData(modules, new Sun.Sun(module)); Debug.WriteLine("Zeit Module geladen"); }
bool ICollection <IEntityModule> .Remove(IEntityModule item) { return(Modules.Remove(item)); }
/// <summary> /// this is used to set a certain module into the time table /// the reason for containing the whole entire class is so that /// people can reference each item accordingly /// /// this is also going to be used in manual mode /// </summary> /// <param name="Module"></param>the object module that is being delt with currently /// <param name="x"></param>the column /// <param name="y"></param>the row public void AddItem(Modules sModule, int GroupIndex, int SetIndex, ref Table inTable) { DateTime Start = sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].StartTime; DateTime End = sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].EndTime; int NumPer = GetNumPeriods(Start, End); int x = GetX(sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].Day); for (int i = 0; i < NumPer; i++) { int y = GetY(sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].StartTime.AddHours(i)); if (sTable[x, y].sTable != (sModule.Name + " (" + sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].type[0] + ")" + "#" + sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].venue) && (sTable[x, y].sTable != null))//check for clashes { //if (KryptonMessageBox.Show(sModule.Name + "G" + (GroupIndex + 1).ToString() + "(" + sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].type + ") Clashes on " + sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[i].Day + " " + TimeHead[y] + // " with\n" + sTable[x, y].sTable + ". \nWould you like to replace it?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) //{ // #region replace clash item // if (sTable[x, y].EventType != "personal") // { // Deselect(x, y);//need to first deselect the other flag before selecting the new flag // } // string sline = sModule.Name; // //[x, y].EventType = "tuks"; // sTable[x, y].sTable = sline + " (" + sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].type[0] + ")" + "#" + sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].venue; // sTable[x, y].sCode = sline; // sTable[x, y].sType = sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].type[0].ToString(); // sTable[x, y].BkColour = sModule.BkColour; // sTable[x, y].FgColour = sModule.FgColour; // sTable[x, y].TextFont = sModule.TextFont; // sTable[x, y].iModule = sModule; // sTable[x, y].iGroupIndex = GroupIndex; // sTable[x, y].iSetIndex = SetIndex; // sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].ItemFlag = true; // #endregion //} //else //{ // #region remove // sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].ItemFlag = false; // #endregion //} } else { #region add without clash //if there is no clash then just add the item string sline = sModule.Name; inTable.sTable[x, y].EventType = "tuks"; //*2 sTable[x, y].sTable = sline + " (" + sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].type[0] + ")" + "#" + sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].venue; sTable[x, y].sCode = sline; sTable[x, y].sType = sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].type[0].ToString(); sTable[x, y].BkColour = sModule.BkColour; sTable[x, y].FgColour = sModule.FgColour; sTable[x, y].TextFont = sModule.TextFont; sTable[x, y].iModule = sModule; sTable[x, y].iGroupIndex = GroupIndex; sTable[x, y].iSetIndex = SetIndex; sModule.Group[GroupIndex].Sets[SetIndex].ItemFlag = true; #endregion } } sModule.UpdateGroupCheck(); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(Name.GetHashCode() ^ Id.GetHashCode() ^ Priority.GetHashCode() ^ Threads.GetHashCode() ^ Modules.GetHashCode() ^ StartTime.GetHashCode()); }
/// <summary> /// When overriden in a derived class, configure the onboard display controller to fulfil the requirements of a display using the RGB sockets. /// If doing this requires rebooting, then the method must reboot and not return. /// If there is no onboard display controller, then NotSupportedException must be thrown. /// </summary> /// <param name="displayModel">Display model name.</param> /// <param name="width">Display physical width in pixels, ignoring the orientation setting.</param> /// <param name="height">Display physical height in lines, ignoring the orientation setting.</param> /// <param name="orientationDeg">Display orientation in degrees.</param> /// <param name="timing">The required timings from an LCD controller.</param> protected internal abstract void OnOnboardControllerDisplayConnected(string displayModel, int width, int height, int orientationDeg, Modules.Module.DisplayModule.TimingRequirements timing);
/// <summary> /// Adds a module. /// </summary> public void AddModule(IModule module) { Modules.Add(module); }
private void ReadDirStream() { byte[] dir = CompoundDocument.DecompressPart(Document.Storage.SubStorage["VBA"].DataStreams["dir"]); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(dir); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms); ExcelVbaReference currentRef = null; string referenceName = ""; ExcelVBAModule currentModule = null; bool terminate = false; while (br.BaseStream.Position < br.BaseStream.Length && terminate == false) { ushort id = br.ReadUInt16(); uint size = br.ReadUInt32(); switch (id) { case 0x01: SystemKind = (eSyskind)br.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x02: Lcid = (int)br.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x03: CodePage = (int)br.ReadUInt16(); break; case 0x04: Name = GetString(br, size); break; case 0x05: Description = GetUnicodeString(br, size); break; case 0x06: HelpFile1 = GetString(br, size); break; case 0x3D: HelpFile2 = GetString(br, size); break; case 0x07: HelpContextID = (int)br.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x08: LibFlags = (int)br.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x09: MajorVersion = (int)br.ReadUInt32(); MinorVersion = (int)br.ReadUInt16(); break; case 0x0C: Constants = GetUnicodeString(br, size); break; case 0x0D: uint sizeLibID = br.ReadUInt32(); var regRef = new ExcelVbaReference(); regRef.Name = referenceName; regRef.ReferenceRecordID = id; regRef.Libid = GetString(br, sizeLibID); uint reserved1 = br.ReadUInt32(); ushort reserved2 = br.ReadUInt16(); References.Add(regRef); break; case 0x0E: var projRef = new ExcelVbaReferenceProject(); projRef.ReferenceRecordID = id; projRef.Name = referenceName; sizeLibID = br.ReadUInt32(); projRef.Libid = GetString(br, sizeLibID); sizeLibID = br.ReadUInt32(); projRef.LibIdRelative = GetString(br, sizeLibID); projRef.MajorVersion = br.ReadUInt32(); projRef.MinorVersion = br.ReadUInt16(); References.Add(projRef); break; case 0x0F: ushort modualCount = br.ReadUInt16(); break; case 0x13: ushort cookie = br.ReadUInt16(); break; case 0x14: LcidInvoke = (int)br.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x16: referenceName = GetUnicodeString(br, size); break; case 0x19: currentModule = new ExcelVBAModule(); currentModule.Name = GetUnicodeString(br, size); Modules.Add(currentModule); break; case 0x1A: currentModule.streamName = GetUnicodeString(br, size); break; case 0x1C: currentModule.Description = GetUnicodeString(br, size); break; case 0x1E: currentModule.HelpContext = (int)br.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x21: case 0x22: break; case 0x2B: //Modul Terminator break; case 0x2C: currentModule.Cookie = br.ReadUInt16(); break; case 0x31: currentModule.ModuleOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x10: terminate = true; break; case 0x30: var extRef = (ExcelVbaReferenceControl)currentRef; var sizeExt = br.ReadUInt32(); extRef.LibIdExternal = GetString(br, sizeExt); uint reserved4 = br.ReadUInt32(); ushort reserved5 = br.ReadUInt16(); extRef.OriginalTypeLib = new Guid(br.ReadBytes(16)); extRef.Cookie = br.ReadUInt32(); break; case 0x33: currentRef = new ExcelVbaReferenceControl(); currentRef.ReferenceRecordID = id; currentRef.Name = referenceName; currentRef.Libid = GetString(br, size); References.Add(currentRef); break; case 0x2F: var contrRef = (ExcelVbaReferenceControl)currentRef; contrRef.ReferenceRecordID = id; var sizeTwiddled = br.ReadUInt32(); contrRef.LibIdTwiddled = GetString(br, sizeTwiddled); var r1 = br.ReadUInt32(); var r2 = br.ReadUInt16(); break; case 0x25: currentModule.ReadOnly = true; break; case 0x28: currentModule.Private = true; break; default: break; } } }
public void Merge(Modules modules) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Documents> module in modules) { if (!Modules.Keys.Contains(module.Key)) { Modules.Add(module.Key, module.Value); } else { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Classes> document in module.Value) { if (!Modules[module.Key].ContainsKey(document.Key)) { Modules[module.Key].Add(document.Key, document.Value); } else { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Methods> @class in document.Value) { if (!Modules[module.Key][document.Key].ContainsKey(@class.Key)) { Modules[module.Key][document.Key].Add(@class.Key, @class.Value); } else { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Method> method in @class.Value) { if (!Modules[module.Key][document.Key][@class.Key].ContainsKey(method.Key)) { Modules[module.Key][document.Key][@class.Key].Add(method.Key, method.Value); } else { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> line in method.Value.Lines) { if (!Modules[module.Key][document.Key][@class.Key][method.Key].Lines.ContainsKey(line.Key)) { Modules[module.Key][document.Key][@class.Key][method.Key].Lines.Add(line.Key, line.Value); } else { Modules[module.Key][document.Key][@class.Key][method.Key].Lines[line.Key] += line.Value; } } foreach (BranchInfo branch in method.Value.Branches) { Branches branches = Modules[module.Key][document.Key][@class.Key][method.Key].Branches; BranchInfo branchInfo = branches.FirstOrDefault(b => b.EndOffset == branch.EndOffset && b.Line == branch.Line && b.Offset == branch.Offset && b.Ordinal == branch.Ordinal && b.Path == branch.Path); if (branchInfo == null) { branches.Add(branch); } else { branchInfo.Hits += branch.Hits; } } } } } } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Load a mod .dll given its metadata at runtime. Doesn't load the mod content. /// If required, loads the mod after all of its dependencies have been loaded. /// </summary> /// <param name="meta">Metadata of the mod to load.</param> /// <param name="callback">Callback to be executed after the mod has been loaded. Executed immediately if meta == null.</param> public static void LoadModDelayed(EverestModuleMetadata meta, Action callback) { if (Flags.IsDisabled || !Flags.SupportRuntimeMods) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "loader", "Loader disabled!"); return; } if (meta == null) { callback?.Invoke(); return; } if (Modules.Any(module => module.Metadata.Name == meta.Name)) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "loader", $"Mod {meta.Name} already loaded!"); return; } if (PermanentBlacklist.TryGetValue(meta.Name, out Version minver) && meta.Version < minver) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "loader", $"Mod {meta} permanently blacklisted by Everest!"); return; } Tuple <string, Version, string, Version> conflictRow = PermanentConflictlist.FirstOrDefault(row => (meta.Name == row.Item1 && meta.Version < row.Item2 && (_Modules.FirstOrDefault(other => other.Metadata.Name == row.Item3)?.Metadata.Version ?? _VersionInvalid) < row.Item4) || (meta.Name == row.Item3 && meta.Version < row.Item4 && (_Modules.FirstOrDefault(other => other.Metadata.Name == row.Item1)?.Metadata.Version ?? _VersionInvalid) < row.Item2) ); if (conflictRow != null) { throw new Exception($"CONFLICTING MODS: {conflictRow.Item1} VS {conflictRow.Item3}"); } foreach (EverestModuleMetadata dep in meta.Dependencies) { if (!DependencyLoaded(dep)) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "loader", $"Dependency {dep} of mod {meta} not loaded! Delaying."); lock (Delayed) { Delayed.Add(Tuple.Create(meta, callback)); } return; } } foreach (EverestModuleMetadata dep in meta.OptionalDependencies) { if (!DependencyLoaded(dep) && (enforceOptionalDependencies || Everest.Modules.Any(module => module.Metadata?.Name == dep.Name))) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "loader", $"Optional dependency {dep} of mod {meta} not loaded! Delaying."); lock (Delayed) { Delayed.Add(Tuple.Create(meta, callback)); } return; } } callback?.Invoke(); LoadMod(meta); }
public bool IsPartialRequest() { return(!(Modules.IsNullOrEmpty() && Controllers.IsNullOrEmpty() && Actions.IsNullOrEmpty())); }
public static long NoOfCodeExists(string code, Modules Table) { string[,] paramArray = { {"@Code",code}, {"@TableName",Table.ToString()}, {"@Active","0"} }; DataAccessManager dam = new DataAccessManager(); return Convert.ToInt64(dam.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "IsCodeExists", paramArray)); }
void login_ViewModelEvent(Modules.Base.Enumerations.AlertID errorID, string message) { lbError.Text = message; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Package object by loading and parsing the data /// contained in the XmlDocument. The Package object can then be /// further edited or exported. /// </summary> /// <param name="doc">The XmlDocument that was generated by a previous call to Save.</param> public Package(XmlDocument doc) : this() { XmlNode node; // // Load the readme. // if (doc.SelectSingleNode("//Readme") != null) { Readme = doc.SelectSingleNode("//Readme").InnerText; } // // Load the modules from the document. // node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//ArenaPackage/Files"); if (node != null) { foreach (XmlNode f in node.ChildNodes) { Files.Add(new File(f)); } } // // Load the modules from the document. // node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//ArenaPackage/Modules"); if (node != null) { foreach (XmlNode m in node.ChildNodes) { Modules.Add(new Module(m)); } } // // Load the pages from the document. // node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//ArenaPackage/Pages"); if (node != null) { foreach (XmlNode p in node.ChildNodes) { Pages.Add(new PageInstance(p)); } } // // Load the Package Information. // node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//ArenaPackage/Info"); if (node != null) { _Info = new PackageInfo(node); } else { _Info = new PackageInfo(); } // // Load the migration information. // node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//ArenaPackage/Migration"); if (node != null) { if (node.Attributes["_source"] != null) { MigrationSource = node.Attributes["_source"].Value; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(node.InnerText)) { _Migration = Convert.FromBase64String(node.InnerText); } } _XmlPackage = doc; }
IEnumerator <IEntityModule> IEnumerable <IEntityModule> .GetEnumerator() { return(Modules.GetEnumerator()); }
public ISequenceTypeModuleInstance GetFactory(ISequence sequence) { return(Modules.GetRepository <ISequenceTypeModuleInstance>().GetAll().Cast <ISequenceTypeModuleInstance>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.CreateSequence().GetType() == sequence.GetType())); }
public void ButtonClick() { textNote.font = AllLanguages.listFontLangB[Modules.indexLanguage]; Modules.PlayAudioClipFree(Modules.audioButton); if (codeItem == 0)//coin (xu ly in app purchase) { //print("Buy coin"); Purchaser.Instance.BuyProductID(Modules.listProductID[0]); } else if (codeItem == 1)//key (xu ly in app purchase) { //print("Buy key"); Purchaser.Instance.BuyProductID(Modules.listProductID[1]); } else if (codeItem == 2)//neu la skis { int cost = Modules.IntParseFast(textCost.text); if (Modules.totalCoin >= cost)//neu du tien { if (Modules.totalSkis < Modules.maxHoverboard) { Modules.totalSkis++; Modules.totalCoin -= cost; Modules.SaveCoin(); textCoin.text = Modules.totalCoin.ToString(); Modules.SaveSkis(); textNote.text = AllLanguages.shopTotal[Modules.indexLanguage] + " " + Modules.totalSkis.ToString(); } else { textNote.text = AllLanguages.shopMaxNumber[Modules.indexLanguage]; textNote.color = colorNotCoin; Invoke("ReturnValueTotal", 1f); } } else//neu khong du tien { textNote.text = AllLanguages.shopNotEnough[Modules.indexLanguage]; textNote.color = colorNotCoin; Invoke("ReturnValueTotal", 1f); } } else if (codeItem == 3)//neu la mystery { int cost = Modules.IntParseFast(textCost.text); if (Modules.totalCoin >= cost)//neu du tien { Modules.totalCoin -= cost; Modules.SaveCoin(); textCoin.text = Modules.totalCoin.ToString(); Modules.nextPageOpenBox = "ShopItems"; Modules.containOpenBox.SetActive(true); Modules.containShopItem.SetActive(false); Modules.containOpenBox.transform.Find("MainCamera").GetComponent <PageOpenMysteryBox>().CallStart(); } else//neu khong du tien { textNote.text = AllLanguages.shopNotEnough[Modules.indexLanguage]; textNote.color = colorNotCoin; Invoke("ReturnValueTotal", 1f); } } else if (codeItem == 4)//neu la headStart { int cost = Modules.IntParseFast(textCost.text); if (Modules.totalCoin >= cost)//neu du tien { if (Modules.totalHeadStart < Modules.maxHeadstart) { Modules.totalHeadStart++; Modules.totalCoin -= cost; Modules.SaveCoin(); textCoin.text = Modules.totalCoin.ToString(); Modules.SaveHeadStart(); textNote.text = AllLanguages.shopTotal[Modules.indexLanguage] + " " + Modules.totalHeadStart.ToString(); } else { textNote.text = AllLanguages.shopMaxNumber[Modules.indexLanguage]; textNote.color = colorNotCoin; Invoke("ReturnValueTotal", 1f); } } else//neu khong du tien { textNote.text = AllLanguages.shopNotEnough[Modules.indexLanguage]; textNote.color = colorNotCoin; Invoke("ReturnValueTotal", 1f); } } else if (codeItem == 5)//neu la scoreBooster { int cost = Modules.IntParseFast(textCost.text); if (Modules.totalCoin >= cost)//neu du tien { if (Modules.totalScoreBooster < Modules.maxScorebooster) { Modules.totalScoreBooster++; Modules.totalCoin -= cost; Modules.SaveCoin(); textCoin.text = Modules.totalCoin.ToString(); Modules.SaveScoreBooster(); textNote.text = AllLanguages.shopTotal[Modules.indexLanguage] + " " + Modules.totalScoreBooster.ToString(); } else { textNote.text = AllLanguages.shopMaxNumber[Modules.indexLanguage]; textNote.color = colorNotCoin; Invoke("ReturnValueTotal", 1f); } } else//neu khong du tien { textNote.text = AllLanguages.shopNotEnough[Modules.indexLanguage]; textNote.color = colorNotCoin; Invoke("ReturnValueTotal", 1f); } } }
public Module GetModule(long moduleEid) { return(Modules.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Eid == moduleEid)); }
private static async Task QuoteModul(Modules modules) { await DataAccess.AddOrReplaceModuleData(modules, await GetQuoteOfDay()); Debug.WriteLine("Spruch Module geladen"); }
public Module FindModuleByCategoryFlag(CategoryFlags cf) { return(Modules.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IsCategory(cf))); }
private static async Task JokeModul(Modules modules) { await DataAccess.AddOrReplaceModuleData(modules, await JokeHelper.GetJoke()); Debug.WriteLine("Joke Module geladen"); }
public sealed override Module[] GetModules(bool getResourceModules) => Modules.ToArray();
public ModuleApiDescriptionModel GetOrAddModule(string rootPath, string remoteServiceName) { return(Modules.GetOrAdd(rootPath, () => ModuleApiDescriptionModel.Create(rootPath, remoteServiceName))); }
public ConsoleApplicationServerServerApplication(ISecurityStrategyBase securityStrategyBase) : base(securityStrategyBase) { ApplicationName = @"SecuritySystemExample"; Modules.Add(new SecuritySystemExampleModule()); }
/// <summary> /// Builds a table with all the user fields and returns the string. /// </summary> /// <returns>An HTML string.</returns> public string GetUserFields(bool isSelfInfo) { //tal vez esta función no deba ir aqui... string retval = "<div id='tabNav'><ul>"; string tabBody = ""; int currentIdDataGroup = 0; List <DataDesc> dataDescList = Data.Data.GetDataDesc(); foreach (DataDesc dataDesc in dataDescList) { foreach (UserData userData in userDataList) { if (userData.IdData == dataDesc.IdData) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userData.Value)) { dataDesc.Value = userData.Value; } } } if (dataDesc.IdDataGroup != currentIdDataGroup) { if (currentIdDataGroup != 0) { tabBody += "</table></div>"; } tabBody += "<div id='tab" + dataDesc.IdDataGroup + "'><table width='70%' align='center'>"; currentIdDataGroup = dataDesc.IdDataGroup; DataGroup dataGroup = new DataGroup(dataDesc.IdDataGroup); retval += "<li><a href='#tab" + dataDesc.IdDataGroup + "'>" + dataGroup.Name + "</a></li>"; } if (dataDesc.Kind != Data.Data.LABEL) { bool canBeShown = false; if (dataDesc.InvisibleToSelf == 1) { if (isSelfInfo) { if (Modules.Permission(SessionHandler.Modules, Modules.USER_ADMINISTRATION)) { canBeShown = true; } } } else { canBeShown = true; } if (canBeShown) { string fieldName = dataDesc.Name; if (dataDesc.Required == 1) { fieldName = "<span class='required'>" + fieldName + "</span>"; } string valueFromRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["data_" + dataDesc.IdData]; //if (dataDesc.Value == "") dataDesc.Value = valueFromRequest; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valueFromRequest)) { dataDesc.Value = valueFromRequest; } tabBody += "<tr><td width='30%'>" + fieldName + ":</td><td width='70%'>" + dataDesc.GetFieldHTML() + "</td></tr>"; } } else { tabBody += "<tr><td colspan='2'>" + dataDesc.GetFieldHTML() + "</td></tr>"; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tabBody)) { tabBody += "</table></div>"; } return(retval + "</ul>" + tabBody + "</div>"); }
public override void SetData(byte[] data) { try { if (data == null) { return; } if (data[0] != Definitions.Device.Bqms.Head) { return; } if (data[1] != Definitions.Device.Bqms.Id[0] || data[2] != Definitions.Device.Bqms.Id[1]) { return; } var canId = (Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId)BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 3); switch (canId) { case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.StringVCT: Voltage = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 7) * 0.1; Current = (double)ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 9) * 0.1; if (data[12] == 0) { var temperature = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 13); if (temperature == 0x7fff) { AmbientTemperature = null; } else { AmbientTemperature = temperature * 0.1; } } else { RippleCurrent = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 13) * 0.1; } return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.StringGain: VoltageGain = data[8]; CurrentGain = data[9]; CurrentOffset = (sbyte)data[10] * 0.1; break; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.StartMeasureResistance: IsMeasuring = true; return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.EndMeasureResistance: IsMeasuring = false; return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.Version: Version = $"{(int)data[7]}.{(int)data[8]}"; return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.CellVoltagePeriod: CellVoltagePeriod = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 8); return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.CellResistancePeriod: CellResistancePeriod = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 8); return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.Discharge: DisChargeCurrentDetect = (double)ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 8) * 0.1; DisChargeCurrentRelease = (double)ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 11) * 0.1; return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.UnitMax: UnitMax = (int)data[8]; return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.Deadband: VoltageDeadband = (double)data[8] * 0.1; CurrentDeadband = (double)data[9] * 0.1; TemperatureDeadband = (double)data[10] * 0.1; RippleCurrentDeadband = (double)data[11] * 0.1; CellVoltageDeadband = (double)data[12] * 0.01; CellResistanceDeadband = (double)data[13] * 0.01; break; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.OutContract: var dryContactBitArray = new BitArray(new byte[2] { data[7], data[8] }); for (int i = 0; i < DryContact.Count(); i++) { if (dryContactBitArray.Count <= i) { DryContact[i] = false; } else { DryContact[i] = dryContactBitArray[i]; } } var inputSignalBitArray = new BitArray(new byte[1] { data[9] }); for (int i = 0; i < InputSignal.Count(); i++) { if (inputSignalBitArray.Count <= i) { InputSignal[i] = false; } else { InputSignal[i] = inputSignalBitArray[i]; } } var ledBitArray = new BitArray(new byte[1] { data[10] }); for (int i = 0; i < Led.Count(); i++) { if (ledBitArray.Count <= i) { Led[i] = false; } else { Led[i] = ledBitArray[i]; } } break; default: break; } canId = (Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId)(BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 3) & 0xFFFFFF00); int moduleNumber = data[3]; if (moduleNumber < 1) { return; } CellModel cell = null; switch (canId) { case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.ChannelCount: var channelModule = Modules.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == moduleNumber); if (channelModule != null) { channelModule.ChannelCount = data[7]; } break; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.VoltagePhaseCompensation: var module = Modules.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == moduleNumber); var voltageOffset = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 8) * 0.001; var phaseCompensation = ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 10) * 0.001; if (module == null) { module = new ModuleModel { Id = moduleNumber, BankId = Id, VoltageOffset = voltageOffset, PhaseCompensation = phaseCompensation, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now }; AddModule(module); } else { module.VoltageOffset = voltageOffset; module.PhaseCompensation = phaseCompensation; module.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; } return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.CellVoltage: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var voltage = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, i * 2 + 7) * 0.001; cell = Cells.SingleOrDefault(r => r.ModuleNumber == moduleNumber && r.Channel == i + 1); if (cell == null) { cell = new CellModel { ModuleNumber = moduleNumber, Channel = i + 1, Voltage = voltage, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now }; AddCell(cell); } else { cell.Voltage = voltage; cell.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; } var tempModule = Modules.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == moduleNumber); if (tempModule != null) { tempModule.Voltages[i] = voltage; } } return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.CellTemperature: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { double?temperature = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, i * 2 + 7); if (temperature == 0x7FFF) { temperature = null; } else { temperature *= 0.1; } cell = Cells.SingleOrDefault(r => r.ModuleNumber == moduleNumber && r.Channel == i + 1); if (cell == null) { AddCell(new CellModel { ModuleNumber = moduleNumber, Channel = i + 1, Temperature = temperature, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now }); } else { cell.Temperature = temperature; cell.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; } } return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.CellResistance: var channel = data[7]; double?resistance = ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 8); if (resistance == 0x7FFFFF) { resistance = null; } else { resistance *= 0.001; } double resistanceOffset = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 11) * 0.01; cell = Cells.SingleOrDefault(r => r.ModuleNumber == moduleNumber && r.Channel == channel); if (cell == null) { AddCell(new CellModel { ModuleNumber = moduleNumber, Channel = channel, Resistance = resistance, ResistanceOffset = resistanceOffset, MeasureResistanceUpdateTime = DateTime.Now, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now }); } else { cell.Resistance = resistance; cell.ResistanceOffset = resistanceOffset; cell.MeasureResistanceUpdateTime = DateTime.Now; cell.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; } return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.ResistanceOffset: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var offset = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, i * 2 + 7) * 0.01; cell = Cells.SingleOrDefault(r => r.ModuleNumber == moduleNumber && r.Channel == i + 1); if (cell == null) { cell = new CellModel { ModuleNumber = moduleNumber, Channel = i + 1, ResistanceOffset = offset, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now }; AddCell(cell); } else { cell.ResistanceOffset = offset; cell.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; } } return; case Definitions.Device.Bqms.CanId.TestMeasure: var receiveChannel = (byte)((data[8] >> 4) & 0x0F); cell = Cells.SingleOrDefault(r => r.ModuleNumber == moduleNumber && r.Channel == receiveChannel); var receiveGain = (byte)(data[8] & 0x0F); if (cell == null) { cell = new CellModel { ModuleNumber = moduleNumber, Channel = receiveChannel, Gain = receiveGain, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now, TestMeasureResistanceUpdateTime = DateTime.Now }; if (data[7] == 0x01) { cell.ImpedanceVoltage = (double)ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 9) * 0.001; cell.impedanceCurrent = (double)ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 12) * 0.001; } else { cell.Phase = (double)ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 9) * 0.001; cell.Resistance = (double)ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 12) * 0.001; } AddCell(cell); } else { cell.Gain = receiveGain; if (data[7] == 0x01) { cell.ImpedanceVoltage = (double)ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 9) * 0.001; cell.impedanceCurrent = (double)ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 12) * 0.001; } else { cell.Phase = (double)ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 9) * 0.001; cell.Resistance = (double)ExBitConverter.ToInt24(data, 12) * 0.001; } cell.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; cell.TestMeasureResistanceUpdateTime = DateTime.Now; } return; default: break; } return; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; } }
public static short IsValidCode(ComboBox cbo, Modules module) { return IsValidCode(cbo, module, false); }
private static void MainThread() { if (Modules.IsModuleRunning(Modules.ClientDLLName)) { AimBotController Aim = new AimBotController(); while (true) { if (CLocalPlayer.IsPlaying) { for (int i = 0; i <= EngineClient.MaxPlayer; i++) { int EntBase = CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + Offsets.signatures.dwEntityList + i * 0x10); if (EntBase == 0) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.isDormant(EntBase)) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.isDead(EntBase)) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.NONE || CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.SPECTATOR) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.WeaponName(EntBase) == "NONE") { continue; } Aimbot.ConfigureAimbot(EntBase, Aim); GlowESP.RunGlowESPPanorama(EntBase); Chams.RunChamsPanorama(EntBase); EngineRadar.RunRadarPanorama(EntBase); } BunnyHop.RunBunnyHopPanorama(); AutoPistol.RunAutoPistolPanorama(); Triggerbot.RunTriggerBotPanorama(); NoFlash.RunNoFlashPanorama(); NoHands.RunNoHandsPanorama(); DamageIndicator.RunDamageIndicatorPanorama(); RemoveScope.RunRemoveScopePanorama(); ViewModelFOV.RunViewModelFOV(); RecoilControlSystem.RunRCSPanorama(); GrenadeTrajectory.RunGPRJPanorama(); NoSmoke.RunNoSmokePanorama(); Aimbot.RunAimbotPanorama(Aim); #region Performance Settings if (CheatPerf == PerformanceTimes.VHIGH) { } else { Thread.Sleep((int)CheatPerf); } #endregion } } } }
public static void ShowInvlaidCodeMessage(ComboBox cbo, Modules module) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Error ! Invalid {0} Code" + Environment.NewLine + "Please Select a Valid {0} Code.", module.ToString()), module.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); cbo.Focus(); if (cbo.Items.Count > 0) cbo.SelectedIndex = 0; cbo.Focus(); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return(Modules.GetEnumerator()); }
public FEModuleViewModel GetModule(string name) { return(Modules.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == name)); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves and returns the current Data Fields list. /// </summary> /// <returns>An HTML including the data fields list.</returns> public static string GetDataFieldsList() { string retval = ""; string className = ""; int total = 0; string dataGroupList = ""; retval = "<table width='60%' align='center'><tr><td><ul id='dataGroups' style='list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%'>"; string[] idDataGroupList = Common.CSVToArray(Common.GetBDList("IdDataGroup", "SELECT IdDataGroup, Name FROM DataGroup ORDER BY GroupSequence", false)); foreach (string idDataGroup in idDataGroupList) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(idDataGroup)) { DataGroup dataGroup = new DataGroup(Convert.ToInt32(idDataGroup)); dataGroupList = Common.StrAdd(dataGroupList, ",", "#idDG_" + dataGroup.IdDataGroup); retval += "<li id='idGroup_" + dataGroup.IdDataGroup + "'><span class='moveIcon'><img src='images/move.png' /></span><div class='cellTitle' align='center' style='height: 32px;'>" + dataGroup.Name + "</div>"; retval += "<ul id='idDG_" + dataGroup.IdDataGroup + "' class='dragEnabledConn' style='list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 8; width: 100%'>"; string[] idDataList = Common.CSVToArray(Common.GetBDList("IdData", "SELECT IdData, Name FROM DataDesc WHERE IdDataGroup = " + idDataGroup + " ORDER BY FieldSequence", false)); foreach (string idData in idDataList) { try { DataDesc dataDesc = new DataDesc(Convert.ToInt32(idData)); className = Common.SwitchClass(className); retval += "<li id='idDI_" + dataDesc.IdData + "' class='" + className + "' style='height: 32px'><span class='moveIcon'><img src='images/move.png' /></span><span onClick='editField(" + idData + ");' style='margin-left: 30px;'>" + dataDesc.Name + " (" + Data.FriendlyName(dataDesc.Kind) + ")" + (dataDesc.Inactive == 1 ? " <i>" + Text.Inactive + "</i>" : "") + "</span></li>"; total++; } catch (Exception ex) { } } retval += "</ul>"; retval += "<div align='right'>"; if (Modules.PermissionOr(SessionHandler.Modules, Modules.EDIT_FIELDS + "," + Modules.DATAFIELDS_ADMINISTRATION)) { retval += DrawInput.InputButton("editGrp_" + dataGroup.IdDataGroup, Text.Edit, "", "editGroup(" + dataGroup.IdDataGroup + ", '" + dataGroup.Name + "'); return false;", "background-image: url(./images/edit.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 30px; padding-left: 30px;", ""); } if (Modules.PermissionOr(SessionHandler.Modules, Modules.DELETE_FIELDS + "," + Modules.DATAFIELDS_ADMINISTRATION)) { retval += DrawInput.InputButton("deleteGrp_" + dataGroup.IdDataGroup, Text.Delete, "", "deleteGroup(" + dataGroup.IdDataGroup + "); return false;", "background-image: url(./images/delete.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 30px; padding-left: 30px;", ""); } retval += "</div></li>"; } } retval += "</ul>"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataGroupList)) { retval += "<script type='text/javascript'>"; retval += "$('" + dataGroupList + "').sortable({ connectWith: '.dragEnabledConn', placeholder: 'sort-placeholder', handle: '.moveIcon', stop: function(event, ui) { invalidateList($(this).attr('id'), $(this).sortable('toArray')); }, receive: function(event, ui) { invalidateList($(this).attr('id'), $(this).sortable('toArray')); } }).disableSelection();"; retval += "$('#dataGroups').sortable({ handle: '.moveIcon', stop: function(event, ui) { invalidateList($(this).attr('id'), $(this).sortable('toArray')); } }).disableSelection();"; retval += "</script>"; } //Footer retval += "<div align='center' class='pagination'>"; retval += "<div align='left' style='width: 100%; display: inline-block;'>" + Common.StrLang(Text.ShowingXofY, total.ToString() + "," + total.ToString()) + " " + Text.Field_s + "</div>"; retval += "</div></td></tr></table>"; return(retval); }
public static GroupPermission GetPagePermissionsByPage(Modules module) { var allPermissions = GetPermisssions(); var permission = allPermissions.FirstOrDefault(a => a.PageId == (int)module); if (permission != null) return permission; else return new GroupPermission { Edit = false, Read = false, Write = false }; }
public ITiming GetDefaultSequenceTiming() { return(Modules.GetManager <ITimingModuleInstance, TimingModuleManagement>().GetDefault()); }