Пример #1
        // POST: api/Slice
        public async Task <string> Post([FromBody] string filepath, [FromUri] int fill = 20, [FromUri] double layer = 0.3, [FromUri] bool support = false)
            var octoConnection = await WebApiApplication.GetOctoConnectionAsync();

            var octofile = OctoPrintFileServices.CreateOctoFile(octoConnection, filepath);

            if (octofile != null)
                string downloadpath = octoConnection.ApplicationFolderPath;

                octofile.DownloadAssociatedOnlineFile("local", downloadpath, octoConnection);

                // Change to be a global class instance and just set the slicing variables with every request
                // would be better not to create a new instance with each request
                PrusaSlicerBroker prusaSlicer = new PrusaSlicerBroker(prusaSlicerPath, fill, layer, support);

                //await octofile.Slice(prusaSlicer, octofile.SlicedFilePath);

                await prusaSlicer.SliceAsync(octofile.LocalFilePath);


                var uploadResponse = await octofile.UploadToOctoprintAsync(octofile.SlicedFilePath, octoConnection);

                if (uploadResponse.Contains("done\":true"))
                    var errorResponse = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Problem occured while uploading sliced file to Octoprint");
                    throw new HttpResponseException(errorResponse);

                var errorResponse = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Problem occured while downloading file from Octoprint");
                throw new HttpResponseException(errorResponse);