//        ThrottleControl THR;
        //        OscillationDetector3D OD = new OscillationDetector3D(3, 30, 100, 200, 1);
        //        Timer test_timer = new Timer(1);
        //        static readonly Vector3[] axes = {Vector3.up, Vector3.right};
        //        Vector3 needed_thrust;
        //        int direction = 1, axis = 0;
        //        float throttle = 0.1f, dThrottle = 0.1f;
        //        float curAAf = 0.1f, dAAf = 0.05f;
        //        enum TestStage {START, TESTING, KILL_ROT, NEXT_AAf, NEXT_THROTTLE, NEXT_AXIS, DONE};
        //        TestStage stage = TestStage.START;
        //        void tune_steering_test(Vector3 AAf)
        //        {
        //            VSL.Controls.GimbalLimit = 0;//VSL.OnPlanetParams.TWRf*100;
        //            //tune PID parameters
        //            var angularV = VSL.vessel.angularVelocity;
        //            var angularM = Vector3.Scale(angularV, VSL.Physics.MoI);
        //            var slow = VSL.Engines.Slow?
        //                (Vector3.one+Vector3.Scale(VSL.Torque.EnginesResponseTime,
        //                                           VSL.Torque.Engines.SpecificTorque)*ATCB.SlowTorqueF)
        //                .ClampComponentsH(ATCB.MaxSlowF) : Vector3.one;
        //            var slowi = slow.Inverse();
        //            var iErr = (Vector3.one-angle_error);
        //            var PIf = AAf.ScaleChain(iErr.ClampComponentsL(1/ATCB.MaxEf)*ATCB.MaxEf, slowi);
        ////            var AA_clamped = AA.ClampComponentsH(ATCB.MaxAA);
        //            steering_pid.P = Vector3.Scale(ATCB.PID.P, PIf);
        //            steering_pid.I = Vector3.Scale(ATCB.PID.I, PIf);
        //            steering_pid.D = ATCB.PID.D.ScaleChain((iErr
        ////                                                    + (Vector3.one-AA_clamped/ATCB.MaxAA)
        //                                                    + angularM.AbsComponents()*ATCB.AngularMf
        //                                                   ).ClampComponentsH(1),
        //                                                   AAf, slow,slow).ClampComponentsL(0);
        //            //add inertia to handle constantly changing needed direction
        //            var inertia = angularM.Sign()
        //                .ScaleChain(iErr,
        //                            angularM, angularM,
        //                            Vector3.Scale(VSL.Torque.MaxCurrent.Torque, VSL.Physics.MoI).Inverse(0))
        //                .ClampComponents(-Mathf.PI, Mathf.PI)
        //                /Mathf.Lerp(ATCB.InertiaFactor, 1, VSL.Physics.MoI.magnitude*ATCB.MoIFactor);
        //            steering += inertia;
        //            //update PID
        //            steering_pid.Update(steering, angularV);
        //            steering = Vector3.Scale(steering_pid.Action, slowi);
        //            //postprocessing by derived classes
        //            correct_steering();
        //        }
        //        protected override void OnAutopilotUpdate(FlightCtrlState s)
        //        {
        //            if(!(CFG.Enabled && stage != TestStage.DONE && VSL.refT != null && VSL.orbit != null)) return;
        //            if(VSL.AutopilotDisabled) { reset(); return; }
        //            lthrust = VSL.LocalDir(VSL.Engines.CurrentDefThrustDir).normalized;
        //            if(VSL.IsActiveVessel)
        //                TCAGui.DebugMessage = Utils.Format("stage: {}, axis: {}\ntimer: {}\ncur AAf {}, throttle {}\n",
        //                                                   stage, axis, test_timer, curAAf, throttle);
        //            switch(stage)
        //            {
        //            case TestStage.START:
        //                CheatOptions.InfinitePropellant = true;
        //                CheatOptions.InfiniteElectricity = true;
        //                CheatOptions.IgnoreMaxTemperature = true;
        //                VSL.vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.RCS, true);
        //                Debug.ClearDeveloperConsole();
        //                needed_thrust = VSL.WorldDir(Quaternion.AngleAxis(120*direction, axes[axis])*lthrust);
        //                OD.Reset();
        //                test_timer.Reset();
        //                direction = -direction;
        //                stage = TestStage.TESTING;
        //                break;
        //            case TestStage.KILL_ROT:
        //                THR.Throttle = 0;
        //                CFG.AT.Off();
        //                VSL.vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.SAS, true);
        //                if(VSL.vessel.angularVelocity.sqrMagnitude > 1e-4) break;
        //                VSL.vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.SAS, false);
        //                stage = TestStage.START;
        //                break;
        //            case TestStage.TESTING:
        //                CFG.AT.OnIfNot(Attitude.Custom);
        //                THR.Throttle = throttle;
        //                needed_lthrust = VSL.LocalDir(needed_thrust);
        //                compute_steering(lthrust, needed_lthrust);
        //                tune_steering_test(Vector3.one*curAAf);
        //                VSL.Controls.AddSteering(steering);
        //                //detect oscillations
        //                OD.Update(steering, TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime);
        //                if(VSL.IsActiveVessel)
        //                    TCAGui.DebugMessage +=
        //                        string.Format("pid: {0}\nsteering: {1}%\ngimbal limit: {2}\nOD: {3}",
        //                                      steering_pid, steering_pid.Action*100, VSL.Controls.GimbalLimit, OD.Value);
        //                if(OD.Value.x > 0.1 ||
        //                   OD.Value.y > 0.1 ||
        //                   OD.Value.z > 0.1)
        //                    stage = TestStage.NEXT_THROTTLE;
        //                else if(VSL.Controls.AttitudeError < 1)
        //                    stage = TestStage.NEXT_AAf;
        //                break;
        //            case TestStage.NEXT_AAf:
        //                curAAf += dAAf;
        //                stage = curAAf > 5+dAAf/2 ? TestStage.NEXT_THROTTLE : TestStage.KILL_ROT;
        //                break;
        //            case TestStage.NEXT_THROTTLE:
        //                CSV(axes[axis] == Vector3.up? 0 : 1, throttle, AA, OD.Value, steering_pid.D, curAAf-dAAf);
        //                curAAf = 0.1f;
        //                throttle += dThrottle;
        //                if(throttle > 1 && throttle < 1+dThrottle/2)
        //                    throttle = 1;
        //                stage = throttle > 1 ? TestStage.NEXT_AXIS : TestStage.KILL_ROT;
        //                break;
        //            case TestStage.NEXT_AXIS:
        //                throttle = 0.1f;
        //                axis += 1;
        //                stage = axis < axes.Length ? TestStage.KILL_ROT : TestStage.DONE;
        //                break;
        //            }
        //        }

        public void DrawDebugLines()
            if (!CFG.AT || VSL == null || VSL.vessel == null || VSL.refT == null)
//            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.OnPlanetParams.Heading.normalized*2500, Color.white);
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(lthrust.normalized) * 20, Color.yellow);
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(needed_lthrust.normalized) * 20, Color.red);
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(VSL.vessel.angularVelocity * 20), Color.cyan);
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(new Vector3(pid_pitch.atPID.Action * rotation_axis.x,
                                                                    pid_roll.atPID.Action * rotation_axis.y,
                                                                    pid_yaw.atPID.Action * rotation_axis.z) * 20), Color.green);
//            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(steering*20), Color.cyan);
//            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(steering_pid.Action*20), Color.magenta);

//            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.refT.right*2, Color.red);
//            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.refT.forward*2, Color.blue);
//            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.refT.up*2, Color.green);

//            if(VSL.Target != null)
//                Utils.GLDrawPoint(VSL.Target.GetTransform().position, Color.red, 5);
//            VSL.Engines.All.ForEach(e =>
//            {
//                Utils.GLVec(e.wThrustPos, e.wThrustDir*2, Color.red);
//                Utils.GLVec(e.wThrustPos, e.defThrustDir*2, Color.yellow);
//            });
Пример #2
 public void DrawDebugLines()
     if (VSL == null || VSL.vessel == null || VSL.refT == null || !CFG.HF)
     Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector, Color.yellow);
     Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(manual_thrust), Color.magenta);
     Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position + VSL.Physics.Up * VSL.Geometry.H, VSL.HorizontalSpeed.Vector, Color.red);
     Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position + VSL.Physics.Up * VSL.Geometry.H * 1.1, CourseCorrection, Color.green);
 protected override void DrawContent()
     #if DEBUG
     Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(VSL.OnPlanetParams.MaxAeroForceL) * 10, Color.magenta);
     if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("T-SAS", "Push to toggle attitude controls"),
                          CFG.AT && !VSL.AutopilotDisabled? Styles.cyan : Styles.white, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))
Пример #4
        public override void Update()
            var active_dir = Vector3.zero;

            //deactivate engines if in SmartEngines mode
            if (CFG.UseSmartEngines)
                //save active direction, if any
                if (Active != null)
                    active_dir = VSL.WorldDir(Active.Dir);
            Active = null;
            //repartition enines into clusters
            savedRefT = refT;
            VSL.Engines.All.Sort((a, b) => b.engine.maxThrust.CompareTo(a.engine.maxThrust));
            for (int i = 0, enginesCount = VSL.Engines.All.Count; i < enginesCount; i++)
                var e = VSL.Engines.All[i];
                //do not include maneuver or manual engines into clusters
                if (e.Role == TCARole.MANEUVER || e.Role == TCARole.MANUAL)
                //do not include engines with stack-attached children; these are probably blocked by decouplers
                if (e.part.children.Any(ch => ch.srfAttachNode == null || ch.srfAttachNode.attachedPart != e.part))
                float min_dist;
                var   closest = find_closest(VSL.LocalDir(e.defThrustDir), out min_dist);
                if (min_dist < EngineCluster.MaxDistance)
                    clusters.Add(new EngineCluster(VSL, e));
            //activate the cluster that is nearest to the previous active direction
            if (CFG.UseSmartEngines && !active_dir.IsZero())
        public void DrawDebugLines()
            if (VSL == null || VSL.vessel == null || VSL.refT == null)
//			Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.OnPlanetParams.Heading.normalized*2500, Color.white);
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.Engines.CurrentThrustDir * 20, Color.cyan);
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(needed_lthrust.normalized) * 20, Color.green);
//			Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(VSL.vessel.angularVelocity*20), Color.green);
//			Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(steering*20), Color.cyan);
//			Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(steering_pid.Action*20), Color.magenta);

//			Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.refT.right*2, Color.red);
//			Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.refT.forward*2, Color.blue);
//			Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.refT.up*2, Color.green);
        public override void Draw()
            if (!IsActive || CFG.CTRL.Not(ControlMode.VTOL))
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.Engines.MaxThrust.normalized * 20, Color.yellow);
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, needed_thrust.normalized * 20, Color.red);
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(VSL.vessel.angularVelocity * 20), Color.cyan);
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.refT.position, VSL.WorldDir(rotation_axis * 25), Color.green);
//            if(!steering.IsZero())
//                Utils.GLVec(VSL.Physics.wCoM, VSL.WorldDir(steering.normalized*20), Color.cyan);

//            Utils.GLVec(VSL.Physics.wCoM, VSL.refT.up*3, Color.green);
//            Utils.GLVec(VSL.Physics.wCoM, VSL.refT.forward*3, Color.blue);
//            Utils.GLVec(VSL.Physics.wCoM, VSL.refT.right*3, Color.red);
Пример #7
        public override void Draw()
            if (!IsActive || CFG.CTRL.Not(ControlMode.VTOL))
            if (!VSL.Engines.MaxThrust.IsZero())
                Utils.GLVec(VSL.Physics.wCoM, VSL.Engines.MaxThrust.normalized * 20, Color.red);
            if (!needed_thrust.IsZero())
                Utils.GLVec(VSL.Physics.wCoM, needed_thrust.normalized * 20, Color.yellow);
            if (!steering.IsZero())
                Utils.GLVec(VSL.Physics.wCoM, VSL.WorldDir(steering.normalized * 20), Color.cyan);

            Utils.GLVec(VSL.Physics.wCoM, VSL.refT.up * 3, Color.green);
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.Physics.wCoM, VSL.refT.forward * 3, Color.blue);
            Utils.GLVec(VSL.Physics.wCoM, VSL.refT.right * 3, Color.red);
Пример #8
        protected override void OnAutopilotUpdate()
            if (VSL.AutopilotDisabled)
                output_filter.Reset(); return;
            //calculate prerequisites
            var thrust = VSL.Engines.DefThrust;

            needed_thrust_dir = -VSL.Physics.Up;
            if (CFG.HF[HFlight.Level])
                thrust = VSL.Engines.CurrentDefThrustDir;
                //set forward direction
                if (CFG.HF[HFlight.NoseOnCourse] && !VSL.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector.IsZero())
                    BRC.ForwardDirection = VSL.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector;

                //calculate horizontal velocity
                CourseCorrection = Vector3d.zero;
                for (int i = 0, count = CourseCorrections.Count; i < count; i++)
                    CourseCorrection += CourseCorrections[i];
                var needed_vector        = VSL.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector + CourseCorrection;
                var error_vector         = VSL.HorizontalSpeed.Vector - needed_vector;
                var error_vector_local   = VSL.LocalDir(error_vector);
                var needed_abs           = needed_vector.magnitude;
                var error_abs            = error_vector.magnitude;
                var horizontal_speed_dir = VSL.HorizontalSpeed.normalized;
                var rotation_vector      = error_vector;  //velocity that is needed to be handled by attitude control of the total thrust
                var translaion_vector    = Vector3d.zero; //forward-backward velocity with respect to the manual thrust vector
                var rotation_abs         = error_abs;
                var translation_abs      = 0.0;

                //decide if manual thrust can and should be used
                var with_manual_thrust = VSL.Engines.Active.Manual.Count > 0 &&
                                         (needed_abs >= C.TranslationMaxDeltaV ||
                                          error_abs >= C.TranslationMaxDeltaV ||
                                          CourseCorrection.magnitude >= C.TranslationMaxDeltaV);
                manual_thrust = Vector3.zero;
                if (with_manual_thrust)
                    var forward_dir = VSL.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector.IsZero()?
                                      VSL.OnPlanetParams.Fwd : (Vector3)VSL.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector;
                    //first, see if we need to turn the nose so that the maximum manual thrust points the right way
                    var translation_factor = 1f;
                    var pure_error_vector  = VSL.HorizontalSpeed.Vector - VSL.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector;
                    var pure_needed_abs    = VSL.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector.magnitude;
                    if (pure_error_vector.magnitude >= C.ManualThrust.Turn_MinDeltaV &&
                        (pure_needed_abs < C.TranslationMinDeltaV ||
                         Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(VSL.HorizontalSpeed.NeededVector, horizontal_speed_dir)
                         .magnitude > C.ManualThrust.Turn_MinLateralDeltaV))
                        manual_thrust = VSL.Engines.ManualThrustLimits.MaxInPlane(VSL.Physics.UpL);
                        if (!manual_thrust.IsZero())
                            var fwdH  = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(VSL.OnPlanetParams.FwdL, VSL.Physics.UpL);
                            var angle = Utils.Angle2(manual_thrust, fwdH);
                            var rot   = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, VSL.Physics.Up * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(manual_thrust, Vector3.right)));
                            BRC.DirectionOverride = rot * pure_error_vector;
                            translation_factor    = Utils.ClampL((Vector3.Dot(VSL.OnPlanetParams.Fwd, BRC.DirectionOverride.normalized) - 0.5f), 0) * 2;
                            forward_dir           = BRC.DirectionOverride;
                    //simply use manual thrust currently available in the forward direction
                    else if (Vector3.Dot(forward_dir, error_vector) < 0)
                        manual_thrust      = VSL.Engines.ManualThrustLimits.Slice(VSL.LocalDir(-forward_dir));
                        translation_factor = Utils.ClampL((Vector3.Dot(VSL.WorldDir(manual_thrust.normalized), -forward_dir.normalized) - 0.5f), 0) * 2;
                    with_manual_thrust = !manual_thrust.IsZero();
                    if (with_manual_thrust)
                        thrust              = VSL.Engines.CurrentDefThrustDir;
                        rotation_vector     = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(error_vector, forward_dir);
                        translaion_vector   = error_vector - rotation_vector;
                        rotation_abs        = rotation_vector.magnitude;
                        translation_abs     = Utils.ClampL(translaion_vector.magnitude, 1e-5);
                        translation_factor *= Utils.Clamp(1 + Vector3.Dot(thrust.normalized, pure_error_vector.normalized) * C.ManualThrust.ThrustF, 0, 1);
                        translation_factor *= translation_factor * translation_factor * translation_factor;
                        translation_pid.I   = (VSL.HorizontalSpeed > C.ManualThrust.I_MinSpeed &&
                                              C.ManualThrust.PID.I * VSL.HorizontalSpeed : 0;
                        var D = VSL.Engines.ManualThrustSpeed.Project(error_vector_local.normalized).magnitude;
                        if (D > 0)
                            D = Mathf.Min(C.ManualThrust.PID.D / D, C.ManualThrust.D_Max);
                        translation_pid.D = D;
                        VSL.Controls.ManualTranslation = translation_pid.Action * error_vector_local.CubeNorm() * translation_factor;
                        EnableManualThrust(translation_pid.Action > 0);
                if (!with_manual_thrust)

                //use attitude control to point total thrust to modify horizontal velocity
                if (rotation_abs > C.RotationMinDeltaV &&
                    Utils.ClampL(rotation_abs / translation_abs, 0) > C.RotationMinDeltaV &&
                    (!with_manual_thrust ||
                     VSL.HorizontalSpeed.Absolute > C.TranslationMinDeltaV))
                    var GeeF  = Mathf.Sqrt(VSL.Physics.G / Utils.G0);
                    var MaxHv = Utils.ClampL(Vector3d.Project(VSL.vessel.acceleration, rotation_vector).magnitude *C.AccelerationFactor, C.MinHvThreshold);
                    var upF   = Utils.ClampL(Math.Pow(MaxHv / rotation_abs, Utils.ClampL(C.HVCurve * GeeF, C.MinHVCurve)), GeeF) *
                                Utils.ClampL(translation_abs / rotation_abs, 1) / VSL.OnPlanetParams.TWRf;
                    needed_thrust_dir = rotation_vector.normalized - VSL.Physics.Up * upF;

                //try to use translation controls (maneuver engines and RCS)
                if (error_abs > C.TranslationMinDeltaV && TRA != null && CFG.CorrectWithTranslation)
                    var nVn    = needed_abs > 0? needed_vector / needed_abs : Vector3d.zero;
                    var cV_lat = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(CourseCorrection, needed_vector);
                    if (needed_abs < C.TranslationMaxDeltaV ||
                        Mathf.Abs((float)Vector3d.Dot(horizontal_speed_dir, nVn)) < C.TranslationMaxCos)
                    else if (cV_lat.magnitude > C.TranslationMinDeltaV)

                //sanity check
                if (thrust.IsZero())
                    thrust = VSL.Engines.CurrentDefThrustDir;
                //no need to avoid static obstacles if we're stopped
                if (CFG.HF[HFlight.Stop])
            //tune filter
            output_filter.Tau = VSL.Torque.Slow ?
                                C.LowPassF / (1 + VSL.Torque.EnginesResponseTimeM * C.SlowTorqueF) :
            ATC.SetCustomRotationW(thrust, output_filter.Update(needed_thrust_dir).normalized);

            #if DEBUG
//            LogF("\nthrust {}\nneeded {}\nfilterred {}\nAttitudeError {}",
//                 thrust, needed_thrust_dir, filter.Value.normalized, VSL.Controls.AttitudeError);//debug
//            CSV(VSL.Physics.UT,
//                filter.Value.x, filter.Value.y, filter.Value.z,
//                thrust.x, thrust.y, thrust.z);//debug