Пример #1
        public void CouldUseIDeltaMethods()
            var first = new IntDelta {
                Value = 123
            var second = new IntDelta {
                Value = 456

            var delta = new IntDelta {
                Value = 456 - 123

            Assert.AreEqual(delta, Unsafe.GetDeltaConstrained(ref first, ref second));
            Assert.AreEqual(second, Unsafe.AddDeltaConstrained(ref first, ref delta));
Пример #2
        public unsafe int Read(IntPtr ptr, out TElement[] value, out int length, bool exactSize = false)
            var totalSize    = Marshal.ReadInt32(ptr);
            var versionFlag  = Marshal.ReadByte(ptr + 4);
            var version      = (byte)(versionFlag >> 4);
            var isDelta      = (versionFlag & 0b0000_0010) != 0;
            var isCompressed = (versionFlag & 0b0000_0001) != 0;

            if (!isCompressed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrong compressed flag. CompressedArrayBinaryConverter.Read works only with compressed data.");

            if (version != Version)
                throw new NotSupportedException($"CompressedBinaryConverter work only with version {Version}");
            if (ItemSize <= 0)
                // first decompress bytes
                var size = CompressedArrayBinaryConverter <byte> .Instance.Read(ptr, out byte[] decompressedBytes, out length);

                // NB the length is encoded in the header and is returned as a part of ArraySegment
                Debug.Assert(length == BitConverter.ToInt32(decompressedBytes, 0));

                // then deserialize
                // NB the size of the array will be exact, BinarySerializer.Read does not support non-exact buffers
                BinarySerializer.Read(decompressedBytes, out value);

                BufferPool <byte> .Return(decompressedBytes);

            else if (Buffers.BufferPool.IsPreservedBuffer <TElement>())
                throw new NotImplementedException();
                if (totalSize <= 8 + 16)
                    value  = EmptyArray <TElement> .Instance;
                    length = 0;

                var source = ptr + 8;

                // avoid additional P/Invoke call, read header directly
                // https://github.com/Blosc/c-blosc/blob/master/README_HEADER.rst
                var nbytes = *(int *)(source + 4);
                var blocksize  = *(int *)(source + 8);
                var cbytes     = *(int *)(source + 12);
                var nbytes2    = new UIntPtr();
                var cbytes2    = new UIntPtr();
                var blocksize2 = new UIntPtr();
                BloscMethods.blosc_cbuffer_sizes(source, ref nbytes2, ref cbytes2, ref blocksize2);
                Debug.Assert(nbytes == nbytes2.ToUInt32());
                Debug.Assert(cbytes == cbytes2.ToUInt32());
                Debug.Assert(blocksize == blocksize2.ToUInt32());
                var arraySize = nbytes / ItemSize;
                // when caller provides an empty AS, it could require exact size, e.g. DateTimeArrayBinaryConverter
                var array = BufferPool <TElement> .Rent(arraySize, exactSize);

                length = arraySize;
                value  = array;

                if (arraySize > 0)
                    if (typeof(TElement) == typeof(DateTime))
                        var buffer = BufferPool <byte> .Rent(arraySize * 8);

                        var dtArray = new DateTime[arraySize];

                        fixed(byte *tgtPtr = &buffer[0])
                            var destination = (IntPtr)tgtPtr;
                            var decompSize  = BloscMethods.blosc_decompress_ctx(
                                source, destination, new UIntPtr((uint)nbytes), BloscMethods.ProcessorCount);

                            if (decompSize <= 0)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid compressed input");
                            Debug.Assert(decompSize == nbytes);

                            // NB a lot of data was stored without diff for DateTime,
                            // should just check the flag
                            if (isDelta)
                                var previousLong = *(long *)destination;
                                var first        = *(DateTime *)&previousLong;
                                dtArray[0] = first;
                                for (var i = 1; i < arraySize; i++)
                                    var deltaLong   = *(long *)(destination + i * 8);
                                    var currentLong = previousLong + deltaLong;
                                    dtArray[i]   = *(DateTime *)&currentLong;
                                    previousLong = currentLong;
                                for (var i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
                                    dtArray[i] = *(DateTime *)(destination + i * 8);

                        value = (TElement[])(object)(dtArray);
                        BufferPool <byte> .Return(buffer);
                    else if (isDelta)
                        if (!IsIDelta)
                            ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException("Delta flag is set for a type that does not implement IDelta interface.");

                        var buffer = BufferPool <byte> .Rent(arraySize *ItemSize);

                        var targetArray = BufferPool <TElement> .Rent(arraySize);

                        fixed(byte *tgtPtr = &buffer[0])
                            var destination = tgtPtr;
                            var decompSize  = BloscMethods.blosc_decompress_ctx(
                                source, (IntPtr)destination, new UIntPtr((uint)nbytes), BloscMethods.ProcessorCount);

                            if (decompSize <= 0)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid compressed input");
                            Debug.Assert(decompSize == nbytes);

                            var first = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <TElement>(destination);

                            targetArray[0] = first;
                            for (var i = 1; i < arraySize; i++)
                                var currentDelta = Unsafe.Read <TElement>(destination + i * ItemSize);
                                var current      = Unsafe.AddDeltaConstrained(ref first, ref currentDelta);
                                targetArray[i] = current;

                        value = targetArray;
                        BufferPool <byte> .Return(buffer);
                        var pinnedArray = GCHandle.Alloc(value, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        var destination = pinnedArray.AddrOfPinnedObject();

                        // TODO remove this try/catch and debugger stuff, it was used to catch an eror that disappeared after adding
                        // try/catch. Probably some reordering, maybe add a memory barrier before the call
                            var decompSize = BloscMethods.blosc_decompress_ctx(
                                source, destination, new UIntPtr((uint)nbytes), BloscMethods.ProcessorCount);
                            if (decompSize <= 0)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid compressed input");
                            Debug.Assert(decompSize == nbytes);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            UIntPtr nb = UIntPtr.Zero;
                            UIntPtr cb = UIntPtr.Zero;
                            UIntPtr bl = UIntPtr.Zero;

                            BloscMethods.blosc_cbuffer_sizes(source, ref nb, ref cb, ref bl);
                            Trace.WriteLine($"Blosc error: nbytes: {nbytes}, nbytes2: {nb}, cbytes: {cb} arr size: {value.Length}, \n\r exeption: {ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex}");
                    // BufferPool returns an empty array