public static void OnUberStateChanged(int groupID, int stateID, byte type, float oldValue, float newValue) { if (uberStateLookup == null) { PopulateUberStates(); } UberId key = new UberId(groupID, stateID); if (uberStateLookup.TryGetValue(key, out UberState cachedState)) { UberState state = cachedState.Clone(); state.Value = CreateValue(state.Type, newValue); var value = CreateValue(state.Type, oldValue); ResolveUberStateChange(state, value); } else if (serializableUberState((UberStateType)type)) { var state = createUberStateEntry(key); state.Value = CreateValue(state.Type, oldValue); uberStateLookup.Add(key, state); state = state.Clone(); state.Value = CreateValue(state.Type, newValue); var value = CreateValue(state.Type, oldValue); ResolveUberStateChange(state, value); } }
private static void HandleSpecial(UberState state) { if (state.Name == "arenaBByteStateSerialized" && state.Value.Byte == 4) { // lumaPoolsStateGroup.arenaByteStateSerialized new UberId(5377, 1373).State().Write(state.Value); } else if (state.Name == "craftCutsceneState" && state.Value.Byte != 0) { state.Write(new UberValue((byte)3)); } else if (state.Name == "findToadQuestUberState" && state.Value.Int == 2) { Randomizer.InputUnlockCallback = () => { // this is really questionable!! var voiceState = new UberId(46462, 59806).State(); if (!(voiceState.Value.Bool)) { voiceState.Write(new UberValue(true)); Stats stats = Randomizer.Memory.PlayerStats; stats.MaxHealth += 10; stats.MaxEnergy++; Randomizer.Memory.PlayerStats = stats; Randomizer.Memory.FillEnergy(); Randomizer.Memory.FillHealth(); } } } ; }
public static void ReadSeed() { var seedName = File.ReadAllText(Randomizer.SeedNameFile); if (seedName.Trim() != "") { pickupMap.Clear(); foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(Randomizer.SeedFile)) { try { var frags = line.Split('|'); var uberId = new UberId(int.Parse(frags[0]), int.Parse(frags[1])); var pickupType = (PickupType)byte.Parse(frags[2]); // Randomizer.Log($"uberId {uberId} -> {pickupType} {frags[3]}"); pickupMap[uberId] = BuildPickup(pickupType, frags[3]); } catch (Exception e) { Randomizer.Log($"Error parsing line: '{line}'\nError: {e.Message} \nStacktrace: {e.StackTrace}", false); } } AHK.Print($"Seed {seedName} loaded", 300); } else { AHK.Print($"No seed loaded; Download a .wotwr file and double-click it to load one", 360); } }
public LupoHintData(string name, string desc, int cost, UberId id) { Name = name; Desc = desc; Cost = cost; Id = id; }
private static UberState createUberStateEntry(UberId id) { if (!InterOp.get_uber_state_exists(id.GroupID, id.ID)) { Randomizer.Error("cuse", $"Failed to find {id} in uber state system.", false); return(null); } byte[] buffer = new byte[256]; int len = InterOp.get_uber_state_name(id.GroupID, id.ID, buffer, buffer.Length); string name = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, len); len = InterOp.get_uber_state_group_name(id.GroupID, id.ID, buffer, buffer.Length); string groupName = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, len); var s = new UberState() { ID = id.ID, GroupID = id.GroupID, Name = name, GroupName = groupName, Type = InterOp.get_uber_state_type(id.GroupID, id.ID), }; s.Value = CreateValue(s.Type, InterOp.get_uber_state_value(id.GroupID, id.ID)); return(s); }
public UberStateModifier(UberId id, Func <UberValue, float> modifier, String modstr, int supCount = 0) { Id = id; SupCount = supCount; Modifier = modifier; ModStr = modstr; }
public UberStateCondition(int groupId, int id, int target) { Id = new UberId(groupId, id); if (target > 0) { Target = target; } }
public static UberValue?GetValue(this UberId id) { if (UberStates.TryGetValue(id, out UberState curr)) { return(curr.Value); } return(null); }
public static void Update() { if (NeedsNewGameInit) { NewGameInit(); } bool SkipListners = SkipListenersNextUpdate; SkipListenersNextUpdate = false; var memory = Randomizer.Memory; Dictionary <long, UberState> uberStates = memory.GetUberStates(); foreach (KeyValuePair <long, UberState> pair in uberStates) { try { UberState state = pair.Value; UberId key = state.GetUberId(); if (UberStates.TryGetValue(key, out UberState oldState)) { UberValue value = state.Value; UberValue oldValue = oldState.Value; if (value.Int != oldValue.Int) { var oldValFmt = oldState.FmtVal(); // get this now because we overwrite the value by reference if (ShouldRevert(state)) { Randomizer.Log($"Reverting state change of {state.Name} from {oldValFmt} to {state.FmtVal()}", false); memory.WriteUberState(oldState); continue; } HandleSpecial(state); UberStates[key].Value = state.Value; if (!SkipListners) { var pos = Randomizer.Memory.Position(); bool found = false; if (value.Int > 0) { found = SeedController.OnUberState(state); } if ((value.Int == 0 || !found) && !(state.GroupName == "statsUberStateGroup" || state.GroupName == "achievementsGroup")) { Randomizer.Log($"State change: {state.Name} {state.ID} {state.GroupName} {state.GroupID} {state.Type} {state.FmtVal()} (was {oldValFmt}, pos ({Math.Round(pos.X)},{Math.Round(pos.Y)}) )", false); } } } } else { UberStates[key] = state.Clone(); } } catch (Exception e) { Randomizer.Error($"USC.Update {pair}", e); } } }
public static Network.UberStateUpdateMessage MakeUpdateMsg(this UberId id, float value) => new Network.UberStateUpdateMessage { State = new Network.UberId { // wolf started it :D Group = id.GroupID == 0 ? -1 : id.GroupID, State = id.ID == 0 ? -1 : id.ID }, Value = value == 0f ? -1f : value };
public static void RegisterCheckable(CheckableHint ch) { if (nextCheckable == 20) { Randomizer.Error("HC.RegisterCheckable", "Max 10 checkable hints supported"); return; } CheckableHints[ch] = new UberId(6, nextCheckable++); }
public static UberState State(this UberId id) { if (!UberStates.TryGetValue(id, out UberState s)) { s = createUberStateEntry(id); UberStates.Add(id, s); } return(s); }
public static Sellable OpherWeapon(AbilityType ability) { UberId fakeId = new UberId((int)FakeUberGroups.OPHER_WEAPON, (int)ability); if (pickupMap.TryGetValue(fakeId, out Pickup p) && p is Sellable) { return(p as Sellable); } Randomizer.Log($"Couldn't find a valid Sellable for {ability}..."); return(new Resource(ResourceType.Energy)); }
public static Sellable TwillenShard(ShardType shard) { UberId fakeId = new UberId((int)FakeUberGroups.TWILLEN_SHARD, (int)shard); if (pickupMap.TryGetValue(fakeId, out Pickup p) && p is Sellable) { return(p as Sellable); } Randomizer.Log($"Couldn't find a valid Sellable for {shard}..."); return(new Resource(ResourceType.Energy)); }
public UberStateCondition(int groupId, string rawTarget) { if (rawTarget.Contains("=")) { var idAndTarget = rawTarget.Split('='); Id = new UberId(groupId, int.Parse(idAndTarget[0])); Target = int.Parse(idAndTarget[1]); } else { Id = new UberId(groupId, int.Parse(rawTarget)); Target = null; } }
public static void OnTree(AbilityType ability) { UberId fakeId = new UberId((int)FakeUberGroups.TREE, (int)ability); if (pickupMap.TryGetValue(fakeId, out Pickup p)) { AHK.Print(p.ToString()); p.Grant(); Randomizer.PleaseSave = true; } else { Randomizer.Log($"Tree {ability} not found in seed. Get a seed from seedpack 10 or later."); } }
public static void OnLupoState(UberId id) { if (SeedController.HintsDisabled) { return; } if (LupoZoneIds.ContainsKey(id)) { ProgressWithHints(LupoZoneIds[id], true); } else if (id.ID == 41666) { AHK.SendPlainText(new PlainText($"Bought Hint: {GetKeySkillHintTwo()}", 300)); } }
public static UberValue?ValueOpt(this UberId id) { if (UberStates.TryGetValue(id, out UberState curr)) { return(curr?.Value); } var state = createUberStateEntry(id); try { UberStates.Add(id, state); } catch (Exception e) { Randomizer.Warn("ValueOpt", $"{e}", false); } return(state?.Value); }
private static void HandleSpecial(UberState state) { if (state.Name == "arenaBByteStateSerialized" && state.Value.Byte == 4) { // lumaPoolsStateGroup.arenaByteStateSerialized new UberId(5377, 1373).State().Write(state.Value); } else if (state.Name == "craftCutsceneState" && 0 < state.Value.Byte && state.Value.Byte < 3) { state.Write(new UberValue((byte)3)); // Give diamond in the rough pickup. new UberId(23987, 14832).State().Write(new UberValue(true)); } // the below is a fix for a vanilla bug where you can just miss getting voice if you else if (state.Name == "findToadQuestUberState" && state.Value.Int == 2 || // (a) skip the kwolok cutscene too fast state.Name == "cleanseWellspringQuestUberState" && state.Value.Int == 4 // (b) come to kwolok after wellspring and get the cutscenes stacked awkwardly ) { Randomizer.InputUnlockCallback = () => { // this is really questionable!! var voiceState = new UberId(46462, 59806).State(); if (!voiceState.Value.Bool) { voiceState.Write(new UberValue(true)); InterOp.set_max_health(InterOp.get_max_health() + 10); InterOp.set_max_energy(InterOp.get_max_energy() + 1); InterOp.fill_health(); InterOp.fill_energy();; } // should happen in both branches if (SeedController.Flags.Contains(Flag.ALLWISPS)) { HintsController.ProgressWithHints(); } } } ; }
public static void Int(UberId id, int val = 1) => UberSet.Int(id, UberGet.value(id).Int + val);
public static void Int(UberId id, int val) => id.State().Write(new UberValue(val));
public static void Float(UberId id, float val) => id.State().Write(new UberValue(val));
public UberStateCondition(UberId id, int?target) { Id = id; Target = target; }
public static void Byte(UberId id, byte val) => id.State().Write(new UberValue(val));
public static void Toggle(UberId id) => UberSet.Bool(id, UberGet.value(id).Bool);
public static UberStateCondition toCond(this UberId id, int?target = null) => new UberStateCondition(id, target);
public static void Byte(UberId id, byte val = 1) => UberSet.Byte(id, (byte)(UberGet.value(id).Byte + val));
public Relic(ZoneType zone) : base(BonusType.Relic) { zoneId = ZoneToId[zone]; Zone = zone; }
public static void Refresh(this UberId id) => InterOp.refresh_uber_state(id.GroupID, id.ID);
public static void Float(UberId id, float val = 1) => UberSet.Float(id, UberGet.value(id).Float + val);