Пример #1
        public void RebuildMesh(float newWidth, float newHeight, float newThickness, float newTrianglePct, float newInnerCirclePct, float newOuterCirclePct)
            Color baseColor = Color.HSVToRGB(hsv.x, 1f, 1f); // pure hue color

            float      minSide    = Mathf.Min(newWidth, newHeight);
            MeshFilter meshFilter = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            Mesh       theNewMesh = UIUtils.BuildHSV(minSide, minSide, newThickness, newTrianglePct, newInnerCirclePct, newOuterCirclePct, 72, baseColor);

            theNewMesh.name       = "UIColorPickerHSV_GeneratedMesh";
            meshFilter.sharedMesh = theNewMesh;

            width          = minSide; // newWidth;
            height         = minSide; // newHeight;
            thickness      = newThickness;
            trianglePct    = newTrianglePct;
            innerCirclePct = newInnerCirclePct;
            outerCirclePct = newOuterCirclePct;

            float w2 = width / 2.0f;
            float h2 = height / 2.0f;
            float tr = trianglePct * w2;

            // 3 points (A, B, C) = (HUE, WHITE, BLACK)
            //           C
            //          / \
            //         / P \
            //        B-----A
            pt_A_HUE   = new Vector3(w2 + tr * Mathf.Cos(-Mathf.PI / 6.0f), -h2 + tr * Mathf.Sin(-Mathf.PI / 6.0f), -thickness);
            pt_B_WHITE = new Vector3(w2 - tr * Mathf.Cos(-Mathf.PI / 6.0f), -h2 + tr * Mathf.Sin(-Mathf.PI / 6.0f), -thickness);
            pt_C_BLACK = new Vector3(w2, -h2 + tr, -thickness);

Пример #2
        public static UIColorPickerHSV Create(CreateParams input)
            GameObject go = new GameObject(input.widgetName);

            go.tag = "UICollider";

            // Find the anchor of the parent if it is a UIElement
            Vector3 parentAnchor = Vector3.zero;

            if (input.parent)
                UIElement elem = input.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <UIElement>();
                if (elem)
                    parentAnchor = elem.Anchor;

            UIColorPickerHSV uiColorPickerHSV = go.AddComponent <UIColorPickerHSV>();

            uiColorPickerHSV.relativeLocation        = input.relativeLocation;
            uiColorPickerHSV.transform.parent        = input.parent;
            uiColorPickerHSV.transform.localPosition = parentAnchor + input.relativeLocation;
            uiColorPickerHSV.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            uiColorPickerHSV.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
            uiColorPickerHSV.width          = input.width;
            uiColorPickerHSV.height         = input.height;
            uiColorPickerHSV.thickness      = input.thickness;
            uiColorPickerHSV.trianglePct    = input.trianglePct;
            uiColorPickerHSV.innerCirclePct = input.innerCirclePct;
            uiColorPickerHSV.outerCirclePct = input.outerCirclePct;

            // Setup the Meshfilter
            MeshFilter meshFilter = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

            if (meshFilter != null)
                meshFilter.sharedMesh = UIUtils.BuildHSV(
                    input.width, input.height, input.thickness,
                    input.trianglePct, input.innerCirclePct, input.outerCirclePct, 72, Color.red);
                uiColorPickerHSV.Anchor = Vector3.zero;
                BoxCollider coll = go.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
                if (coll != null)
                    Vector3 initColliderCenter = meshFilter.sharedMesh.bounds.center;
                    Vector3 initColliderSize   = meshFilter.sharedMesh.bounds.size;
                    if (initColliderSize.z < UIElement.collider_min_depth_deep)
                        coll.center = new Vector3(initColliderCenter.x, initColliderCenter.y, UIElement.collider_min_depth_deep / 2.0f);
                        coll.size   = new Vector3(initColliderSize.x, initColliderSize.y, UIElement.collider_min_depth_deep);
                        coll.center = initColliderCenter;
                        coll.size   = initColliderSize;
                    coll.isTrigger = true;

            // Setup the MeshRenderer
            MeshRenderer meshRenderer = go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            if (meshRenderer != null && input.hueMaterial != null && input.svMaterial != null)
                meshRenderer.sharedMaterials    = new Material[] { Instantiate(input.hueMaterial), Instantiate(input.svMaterial) };
                meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode  = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;
                meshRenderer.renderingLayerMask = 1 << 1; // "LightLayer 1"

            // Add a cursor
            GameObject hueCursor = Instantiate <GameObject>(input.hueCursorPrefab);

            hueCursor.transform.parent        = uiColorPickerHSV.transform;
            hueCursor.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            hueCursor.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            uiColorPickerHSV.hueCursor        = hueCursor.transform;

            GameObject svCursor = Instantiate <GameObject>(input.svCursorPrefab);

            svCursor.transform.parent        = uiColorPickerHSV.transform;
            svCursor.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            svCursor.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            uiColorPickerHSV.svCursor        = svCursor.transform;

            UIUtils.SetRecursiveLayer(go, "CameraHidden");
